ANNONCES ET EVENEMENTS: Journée Scientific de l'IRSS: Nouvelle date Limite 30 Juin 2024

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Institut de Recherche en Science de la Santé

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C’est un réel plaisir pour moi de vous accueillir sur le site web de l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), une institution publique de recherche régit par le droit burkinabè. Il est l’un des quatre instituts spécialisés du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (MESRI) du Burkina Faso. Ce site se veut un cadre de présentation de l’IRSS à travers sa gouvernance, son personnel, les activités de recherche qui y sont menées, la valorisation des résultats de la recherche, les domaines d’expertises ainsi que la formation et l’encadrement pour la recherche en santé.

Basé à Ouagadougou, l’IRSS dispose de deux départements scientifiques :

  • Département de Biomédical et Santé Publique (BIOMED/SP)
  • Département de Médecine, Pharmacopée Traditionnelles et Pharmacie (MEPHATRA/Ph)

Pour sa décentralisation, l’IRSS a créé deux directions régionales :

  • Direction Régionale de l’Ouest sise à Bobo-Dioulasso
  • Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest sise à Nanoro

De plus, l’Institut a créé une Antenne Régionale au Centre Nord du pays (Kaya) et une Station de Recherche à Diébougou (au Sud Ouest du pays) en prélude à leur érection en Directions Régionales. Conscient de s’inscrire dans un contexte mondial en perpétuelle et rapide mutation, l’IRSS s’érige telle une structure dynamique, apte à proposer des solutions préventives et curatives aux problèmes prioritaires de santé en Afrique en générale, et au Burkina Faso en particulier. Pour ce faire, l’Institut s’appuie sur l’interdisciplinarité de ces Chercheurs/Agents pour atteindre les objectifs en matière de recherche en santé et de diffusion des résultats de la recherche. Ainsi, l’IRSS s’est résolument engagé à être innovant dans ses modes de fonctionnement et dans ses pratiques, afin de répondre aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Notre force est bâtie sur le “Travail, l’Écoute et la Disponibilité” des acteurs en coordination avec nos partenaires nationaux et internationaux ayant les visions stratégiques d’un développement sanitaire durable pour les populations.

En termes de personnel, l’IRSS compte en 2024 près de 150 agents, dont 80 chercheurs spécialisés et 70 agents administratifs, techniciens supérieurs de recherche, et agents de soutien. Cet effectif permanent est soutenu dans la mise en œuvre des activités de recherche aussi bien en laboratoire que sur le terrain en cas de besoin par du personnel contractuel mobilisé selon leurs compétences.

Je vous invite à parcourir ce site pour plus d’éclairage. « Tous ensemble pour l’essor de la Recherche en Santé”.



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Prix gallien IRSS en 2023

IRSS reçoit un prix d'excellence. Félicitations à IRSS/ UPHARMA/ CNRST pour ce magnifique prix GALIEN AFRIQUE reçu hier vendredi 06 Octobre 2023 a Dakar ( Sénégal).

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projet: Qualité des soins de santé maternelle et néonatale

Ce jeudi 5 Octobre 2023 s'est tenu à l'IRSS la présentation des résultats du projet: Qualité des soins de santé maternelle et néonatale au profit des femmes des zones non loties de la Ville de Ouagadougou. Le projet a été piloté par l'équipe du Professeur Séni KOUANDA, en collaboration avec APHRC et l'Université John Hopkins . L'atelier a été présidé par Mr le Directeur de l'IRSS et Directeur Régional de la Santé du Centre avec la participation des différents partenaires qui ont contribué à la réussite du projet.

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IRSS reçoit des étudiants

Aujourd'hui 1er Juin 2023 l IRSS a reçu les étudiants de la 1ère à la 7 ème année du département SDS de l Université Joseph KI ZERBO pour des échanges entre les étudiants et les chercheurs de l IRSS et visite des laboratoires de l IRSS.

Journée Scientifique IRSS (JSI 2024)

Du 08 au 10 Octobre 2024 seront organisées les Journées Scientifiques de l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (JSI) par l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé/Direction Régionale du Centre-Ouest (IRSS-DRCO) – Unité de Recherche Clinique de Nanoro (URCN). Ce sera à Koudougou avec pour thème: « Recherche en santé dans un contexte de résilience : quels apports pour le bien-être des populations ? ».

Sciences Afternoons de l’IRSS

Dans la rubrique de « Sciences Afternoons de l’IRSS », Prof. Sylvain OUEDRAOGO, Directeur de Recherche en Pharmacologie, IRSS/CNRST a donné une présentation dans la salle de Conférence de l’IRSS sur le thème : Bioprospection des phytomédicaments . La séance de présentation à été modéré par Prof. Maminata TRAORE/COULIBALY. Cette présentation a pour objectifs de :

  • 1. Démontrer l’efficacité des études pharmacologiques et cliniques
  • 2. Détecter une éventuelle toxicité, y compris la génotoxicité
  • 3. Assurer une standardisation des constituants actifs et/ou majoritaire
  • 4. Mettre au point une forme galénique adaptée.

Formation IRSS/RCDI

Atelier de formation à la prise en main et à la gestion des plateformes informatiques des trois communes d'intervention du projet "RENFORCEMENT DES CHAINES DE VALEUR DES DONNEES INFRANATIONALES EN AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE : BURKINA FASO (RCDI-BF)" du 03 au 07 juin 2024 à Ziniaré.



C’est un réel plaisir pour moi de vous accueillir sur le site web de l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS), une institution publique de recherche régit par le droit burkinabè. Il est l’un des quatre instituts spécialisés du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) sous la tutelle du Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation (MESRI) du Burkina Faso. Ce site se veut un cadre de présentation de l’IRSS à travers sa gouvernance, son personnel, les activités de recherche qui y sont menées, la valorisation des résultats de la recherche, les domaines d’expertises ainsi que la formation et l’encadrement pour la recherche en santé.

Basé à Ouagadougou, l’IRSS dispose de deux départements scientifiques :

  • Département de Biomédical et Santé Publique (BIOMED/SP)
  • Département de Médecine, Pharmacopée Traditionnelles et Pharmacie (MEPHATRA/Ph)

Pour sa décentralisation, l’IRSS a créé deux directions régionales :

  • Direction Régionale de l’Ouest sise à Bobo-Dioulasso
  • Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest sise à Nanoro

De plus, l’Institut a créé une Antenne Régionale au Centre Nord du pays (Kaya) et une Station de Recherche à Diébougou (au Sud Ouest du pays) en prélude à leur érection en Directions Régionales. Conscient de s’inscrire dans un contexte mondial en perpétuelle et rapide mutation, l’IRSS s’érige telle une structure dynamique, apte à proposer des solutions préventives et curatives aux problèmes prioritaires de santé en Afrique en générale, et au Burkina Faso en particulier. Pour ce faire, l’Institut s’appuie sur l’interdisciplinarité de ces Chercheurs/Agents pour atteindre les objectifs en matière de recherche en santé et de diffusion des résultats de la recherche. Ainsi, l’IRSS s’est résolument engagé à être innovant dans ses modes de fonctionnement et dans ses pratiques, afin de répondre aux défis d’aujourd’hui et de demain. Notre force est bâtie sur le “Travail, l’Écoute et la Disponibilité” des acteurs en coordination avec nos partenaires nationaux et internationaux ayant les visions stratégiques d’un développement sanitaire durable pour les populations.

En termes de personnel, l’IRSS compte en 2024 près de 150 agents, dont 80 chercheurs spécialisés et 70 agents administratifs, techniciens supérieurs de recherche, et agents de soutien. Cet effectif permanent est soutenu dans la mise en œuvre des activités de recherche aussi bien en laboratoire que sur le terrain en cas de besoin par du personnel contractuel mobilisé selon leurs compétences.

Je vous invite à parcourir ce site pour plus d’éclairage. « Tous ensemble pour l’essor de la Recherche en Santé”.




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Prix gallien IRSS en 2023

IRSS reçoit un prix d'excellence. Félicitations à IRSS/ UPHARMA/ CNRST pour ce magnifique prix GALIEN AFRIQUE reçu hier vendredi 06 Octobre 2023 a Dakar ( Sénégal).

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projet: Qualité des soins de santé maternelle et néonatale

Ce jeudi 5 Octobre 2023 s'est tenu à l'IRSS la présentation des résultats du projet: Qualité des soins de santé maternelle et néonatale au profit des femmes des zones non loties de la Ville de Ouagadougou. Le projet a été piloté par l'équipe du Professeur Séni KOUANDA, en collaboration avec APHRC et l'Université John Hopkins . L'atelier a été présidé par Mr le Directeur de l'IRSS et Directeur Régional de la Santé du Centre avec la participation des différents partenaires qui ont contribué à la réussite du projet.

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IRSS reçoit des étudiants

Aujourd'hui 1er Juin 2023 l IRSS a reçu les étudiants de la 1ère à la 7 ème année du département SDS de l Université Joseph KI ZERBO pour des échanges entre les étudiants et les chercheurs de l IRSS et visite des laboratoires de l IRSS.

Journée Scientifique IRSS (JSI 2024)

Du 08 au 10 Octobre 2024 seront organisées les Journées Scientifiques de l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (JSI) par l’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé/Direction Régionale du Centre-Ouest (IRSS-DRCO) – Unité de Recherche Clinique de Nanoro (URCN). Ce sera à Koudougou avec pour thème: « Recherche en santé dans un contexte de résilience : quels apports pour le bien-être des populations ? ».

Sciences Afternoons de l’IRSS

Dans la rubrique de « Sciences Afternoons de l’IRSS », Prof. Sylvain OUEDRAOGO, Directeur de Recherche en Pharmacologie, IRSS/CNRST a donné une présentation dans la salle de Conférence de l’IRSS sur le thème : Bioprospection des phytomédicaments . La séance de présentation à été modéré par Prof. Maminata TRAORE/COULIBALY. Cette présentation a pour objectifs de :

  • 1. Démontrer l’efficacité des études pharmacologiques et cliniques
  • 2. Détecter une éventuelle toxicité, y compris la génotoxicité
  • 3. Assurer une standardisation des constituants actifs et/ou majoritaire
  • 4. Mettre au point une forme galénique adaptée.

Formation IRSS/RCDI

Atelier de formation à la prise en main et à la gestion des plateformes informatiques des trois communes d'intervention du projet "RENFORCEMENT DES CHAINES DE VALEUR DES DONNEES INFRANATIONALES EN AFRIQUE SUBSAHARIENNE : BURKINA FASO (RCDI-BF)" du 03 au 07 juin 2024 à Ziniaré.


Decouverte de l'IRSS

La science au service du développement

Decouverte de l'IRSS

La science au service du développement

Decouverte de l'IRSS

La science au service du développement

Decouverte de l'IRSS

La science au service du développement









L’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS) est l’un des quatre instituts du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) qui est rattaché au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de l’Innovation (MESRSI). L’IRSS a pour objectif principal de promouvoir la recherche en santé. Il est un véritable outil de prise de décisions éclairées pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de politiques sanitaires dans la lutte contre les maladies, les endémies et les épidémies. Ses actions sont en harmonie avec les cadres référentiels du MESRSI (Plan National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique et Plan d’actions prioritaires). Il est également en adéquation avec la Stratégie Nationale de Valorisation des Technologies, des Inventions et des Innovations (SNVTII) et les priorités de recherches en santé telles que définies par le Plan national de développement de la recherche pour la santé 2011-2020.


Vision strategique

* Contribuer par la recherche à l’amélioration de la santé des populations;

* Contribuer à la formation par la recherche en santé;

* Participer à la diffusion de l'information scientifique et technique en matière de santé;

* Valoriser les résultats de la recherche ;

* Contribuer à la définition des politiques de médicaments;

* Contribuer à la définition des politiques de médicaments;

* Valoriser la pharmacopée et la médecine traditionnelles, et mettre à la porté des populations, les produits issus des résultats des recherches;

* Contribuer à l'hygiène de l'environnement;

* Contribuer à l’amélioration de l'organisation et la gestion des systèmes de santé.

Domaines d'intervention :

* Recherche - Expertise - Enseignement


* Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest à Nanoro


Des structures opérationnelles et de gouvernance régissent l’organisation et le fonctionnement de l’IRSS. Les structures de gestion et de gouvernance de l’IRSS sont:

Le conseil scientifique et de Gestion

Le conseil scientifique et de Gestion est présidé par le Délégué Général du CNRST et qui donne son avis sur les orientations de la politique scientifique et les programmes de recherche de l’IRSS.

Le comité de Direction

Il est chargé :

* de veiller à la mise en œuvre des recommandations et suggestions des organes de gestion ;

* de planifier et contrôler l’exécution des activités de l’Institut ;

* d’examiner et valider les stratégies de partenariat avec le secteur privé, les universités et les centres de recherche.

Les comités techniques régionaux ou nationaux (CTR ou CT)

Ils constituent des cadres de concertations, de présentation des résultats de recherche, de l’Institut, et d’échanges d’informations entre chercheurs, spécialistes de santé, responsables administratifs et politiques, représentants des ONGs.

L'IRSS a signé un accord de partenariat avec l'Université de Paris pour renforcer la collaboration dans le domaine de la recherche biomédicale. Ce partenariat permettra aux chercheurs des deux institutions de partager leurs ressources et leurs connaissances pour accélérer les progrès scientifiques.

La commission des programmes (CP)

Elle est l’instance de programmation. Elle a pour objectif de valider les programmes et rapports d’activités sur le plan scientifique.

Le comité de gestion des directions régionales

il a pour rôle :

de veiller à la bonne gestion administrative, matérielle et financière de la Direction régionale ;

* de veiller à la gestion des activités des unités de production ;

* d’assister le Directeur Régional dans la planification de l'animation scientifique du de la Direction régionale et la formation continue du personnel.

La Direction

L’IRSS est placée sous l’autorité d’un Directeur. Il est assisté d’un Directeur Adjoint en relation avec les chefs de département.

Photo : Direction régionale de l’Ouest à Bobo-Dioulasso

L’institut dispose d’une direction régionale de l’Ouest à Bobo-Dioulasso, d’une Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest à Nanoro et d’un site de recherche à Kaya. La direction comprend les services suivants : le secrétariat particulier ; le secrétariat administratif ; le secrétariat administratif et financier ; le service de développement des ressources humaines ; la régie d’avance et la régie de recettes ; le service d’appui technique ; le service de production.

Les services rattachés au Directeur Adjoint sont :

le Service de Liaison Recherche Développement ; le Service des Études et Suivi-Évaluation ; le Service de l’Information Scientifique, Technique et de la Communication.

Photo : Organigramme-IRSS


L’Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Santé (IRSS) est l’un des quatre instituts du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST) qui est rattaché au Ministère de l’Enseignement Supérieur, de la Recherche Scientifique et de l’Innovation (MESRSI). L’IRSS a pour objectif principal de promouvoir la recherche en santé. Il est un véritable outil de prise de décisions éclairées pour l’élaboration et la mise en œuvre de politiques sanitaires dans la lutte contre les maladies, les endémies et les épidémies. Ses actions sont en harmonie avec les cadres référentiels du MESRSI (Plan National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique et Plan d’actions prioritaires). Il est également en adéquation avec la Stratégie Nationale de Valorisation des Technologies, des Inventions et des Innovations (SNVTII) et les priorités de recherches en santé telles que définies par le Plan national de développement de la recherche pour la santé 2011-2020.


Vision strategique

* Contribuer par la recherche à l’amélioration de la santé des populations;

* Contribuer à la formation par la recherche en santé;

* Participer à la diffusion de l'information scientifique et technique en matière de santé;

* Valoriser les résultats de la recherche ;

* Contribuer à la définition des politiques de médicaments;

* Contribuer à la définition des politiques de médicaments;

* Valoriser la pharmacopée et la médecine traditionnelles, et mettre à la porté des populations, les produits issus des résultats des recherches;

* Contribuer à l'hygiène de l'environnement;

* Contribuer à l’amélioration de l'organisation et la gestion des systèmes de santé.

Domaines d'intervention :

Recherche - Expertise - Enseignement

Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest à Nanoro


Des structures opérationnelles et de gouvernance régissent l’organisation et le fonctionnement de l’IRSS. Les structures de gestion et de gouvernance de l’IRSS sont:

Le conseil scientifique et de Gestion

Le conseil scientifique et de Gestion est présidé par le Délégué Général du CNRST et qui donne son avis sur les orientations de la politique scientifique et les programmes de recherche de l’IRSS.

Le comité de Direction

Il est chargé :

* de veiller à la mise en œuvre des recommandations et suggestions des organes de gestion ;

* de planifier et contrôler l’exécution des activités de l’Institut ;

* d’examiner et valider les stratégies de partenariat avec le secteur privé, les universités et les centres de recherche.

Les comités techniques régionaux ou nationaux (CTR ou CT)

Ils constituent des cadres de concertations, de présentation des résultats de recherche, de l’Institut, et d’échanges d’informations entre chercheurs, spécialistes de santé, responsables administratifs et politiques, représentants des ONGs.

L'IRSS a signé un accord de partenariat avec l'Université de Paris pour renforcer la collaboration dans le domaine de la recherche biomédicale. Ce partenariat permettra aux chercheurs des deux institutions de partager leurs ressources et leurs connaissances pour accélérer les progrès scientifiques.

La commission des programmes (CP)

Elle est l’instance de programmation. Elle a pour objectif de valider les programmes et rapports d’activités sur le plan scientifique.

Le comité de gestion des directions régionales

il a pour rôle :

de veiller à la bonne gestion administrative, matérielle et financière de la Direction régionale ;

* de veiller à la gestion des activités des unités de production ;

* d’assister le Directeur Régional dans la planification de l'animation scientifique du de la Direction régionale et la formation continue du personnel.

La Direction

L’IRSS est placée sous l’autorité d’un Directeur. Il est assisté d’un Directeur Adjoint en relation avec les chefs de département.

Photo : Direction régionale de l’Ouest à Bobo-Dioulasso

L’institut dispose d’une direction régionale de l’Ouest à Bobo-Dioulasso, d’une Direction Régionale du Centre Ouest à Nanoro et d’un site de recherche à Kaya. La direction comprend les services suivants : le secrétariat particulier ; le secrétariat administratif ; le secrétariat administratif et financier ; le service de développement des ressources humaines ; la régie d’avance et la régie de recettes ; le service d’appui technique ; le service de production.

Les services rattachés au Directeur Adjoint sont :

le Service de Liaison Recherche Développement ; le Service des Études et Suivi-Évaluation ; le Service de l’Information Scientifique, Technique et de la Communication.

Photo : Organigramme-IRSS

BIOMED/SP: Département Biomédical et de Santé Publique

Il est chargé de développer la recherche dans le domaine de la bioclinique, de la nutrition, de l’épidémiologie, des politiques et systèmes de santé. Il est composé des unités suivantes :

* Unité paludisme et maladies tropicales négligées (UPMTN) ;

* Unité VIH et santé de la reproduction (UVSR) ;

* Unité nutrition et maladies métaboliques (UNMM) ;

* Unité Maladies à potentiel épidémique, maladies émergentes et zoonoses (UMEMEZ) ;

* Unité environnement et santé (UES) ;

* Unité systèmes de santé (USS) ;


La recherche se fait à travers la mise en œuvre de programmes qui peuvent comprendre chacun un ou plusieurs projets de recherche. Les projets sont choisis en prenant en compte les résultats obtenus au cours du plan triennal et des nouveaux besoins de recherche identifiés. Un vaste travail de réflexion est mené au sein de l’institut en vue d’atteindre les objectifs de thèmes de recherche et partant de ceux du plan dans un bon rapport de coût-efficacité

Les programmes de recherche sont axés sur les thématiques suivantes : les pathologies parasitaires ; les maladies à potentielles épidémiques ; les maladies émergentes et zoonoses ; le VIH-SIDA et la santé de la reproduction ; les systèmes de santé ; les médecines traditionnelles ; l’environnement, les changements climatiques et santé ; les pathologies métaboliques, nutritionnelles et héréditaires ; les pathologies cancéreuses ; les plantes médicinales et la pharmacopée traditionnelles, le médicament.

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Photo: Chaine HPLC


Les chercheurs de l’IRSS participent à

* l’enseignement et l’encadrement des étudiants des Universités publiques et privées du Burkina et des structures de formation en santé telle que l’Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique (ENSP) ;

* la réalisation des travaux de fin de formation d’étudiants et de stagiaires (thèses et mémoires).

Dans le cadre des missions qui lui sont dévolues, l’IRSS a mis en place un programme de formation continue en faveur des chercheurs, des médecins, pharmaciens, du personnel biomédical et des TPS. Les différents modules de formations proposés sont : méthodologie de la recherche ; analyse de données médicales : niveaux débutant et avancé.


L’IRSS, de par son potentiel scientifique assure des prestations de service au profit des structures de l’Etat, du ministère de la santé, des ONGs et des partenaires au développement.

MEPHATRA/PH: Département Médecine, Pharmacopée Traditionnelles et Pharmacie

Il est chargé du développement de la recherche en médecine et pharmacopée traditionnelles et en pharmacie. Il comprend les unités suivantes :

* Unité de Chimie Appliquée (UCA) ;

* Unité de Biologie Appliquée (UBA) ;

* Unité de Technologie Pharmaceutique (UTP).

En plus de ces trois principales unités de recherche, le département dispose de cinq (5) autres unités qui ont pour objectif d’appuyer la recherche et d’offrir des expertises diverses. Ce sont :

* Unité de production et de commercialisation de phytomédicaments (U-PHARMA) ;

* Unité d’extraction semi-industrielle de substances végétales ;

*Unité de production d’animaux de laboratoire ;

* Soufflerie de verre ;

* Parcelle expérimentale de culture de plantes médicinales.

Photo : Appareils/U-Pharma

BIOMED/SP: Département Biomédical et de Santé Publique

Il est chargé de développer la recherche dans le domaine de la bioclinique, de la nutrition, de l’épidémiologie, des politiques et systèmes de santé. Il est composé des unités suivantes :

* Unité paludisme et maladies tropicales négligées (UPMTN) ;

* Unité VIH et santé de la reproduction (UVSR) ;

* Unité nutrition et maladies métaboliques (UNMM) ;

* Unité Maladies à potentiel épidémique, maladies émergentes et zoonoses (UMEMEZ) ;

* Unité environnement et santé (UES) ;

* Unité systèmes de santé (USS) ;


La recherche se fait à travers la mise en œuvre de programmes qui peuvent comprendre chacun un ou plusieurs projets de recherche. Les projets sont choisis en prenant en compte les résultats obtenus au cours du plan triennal et des nouveaux besoins de recherche identifiés. Un vaste travail de réflexion est mené au sein de l’institut en vue d’atteindre les objectifs de thèmes de recherche et partant de ceux du plan dans un bon rapport de coût-efficacité

Les programmes de recherche sont axés sur les thématiques suivantes : les pathologies parasitaires ; les maladies à potentielles épidémiques ; les maladies émergentes et zoonoses ; le VIH-SIDA et la santé de la reproduction ; les systèmes de santé ; les médecines traditionnelles ; l’environnement, les changements climatiques et santé ; les pathologies métaboliques, nutritionnelles et héréditaires ; les pathologies cancéreuses ; les plantes médicinales et la pharmacopée traditionnelles, le médicament.

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Photo: Chaine HPLC


Les chercheurs de l’IRSS participent à

* l’enseignement et l’encadrement des étudiants des Universités publiques et privées du Burkina et des structures de formation en santé telle que l’Ecole Nationale de Santé Publique (ENSP) ;

* la réalisation des travaux de fin de formation d’étudiants et de stagiaires (thèses et mémoires).

Dans le cadre des missions qui lui sont dévolues, l’IRSS a mis en place un programme de formation continue en faveur des chercheurs, des médecins, pharmaciens, du personnel biomédical et des TPS. Les différents modules de formations proposés sont : méthodologie de la recherche ; analyse de données médicales : niveaux débutant et avancé.


L’IRSS, de par son potentiel scientifique assure des prestations de service au profit des structures de l’Etat, du ministère de la santé, des ONGs et des partenaires au développement.

MEPHATRA/PH: Département Médecine, Pharmacopée Traditionnelles et Pharmacie

Il est chargé du développement de la recherche en médecine et pharmacopée traditionnelles et en pharmacie. Il comprend les unités suivantes :

* Unité de Chimie Appliquée (UCA) ;

* Unité de Biologie Appliquée (UBA) ;

* Unité de Technologie Pharmaceutique (UTP).

En plus de ces trois principales unités de recherche, le département dispose de cinq (5) autres unités qui ont pour objectif d’appuyer la recherche et d’offrir des expertises diverses. Ce sont :

* Unité de production et de commercialisation de phytomédicaments (U-PHARMA) ;

* Unité d’extraction semi-industrielle de substances végétales ;

*Unité de production d’animaux de laboratoire ;

* Soufflerie de verre ;

* Parcelle expérimentale de culture de plantes médicinales.

Photo : Appareils/U-Pharma





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Dr.Henri Gautier Ouedraogo

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Charlotte SAWADOGO

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Fatimata SOW

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Aboudou Rasmané SAWADOGO

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Directeur du Contrôle des Marchés et des Engagements Financiers (D-CMEF)/IRSS




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Mohamadi ZEBA

Service d’Appui Technique (CSAT)




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Dr. Dramane ZONGO


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Socio-économie de la santé

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Dr. Tani SAGNA

Biologiste moléculaire / Microbiologiste

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Dr. Yugbare Danielle BELEMSAGA

Doctorat d’Etat en Odonto Stomatologie, MSc Economie de la santé, PhD Sciences de la santé

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Dr.SAVADOGO Boubacar


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Dr.Abdou Azaque ZOURE

Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Génomique

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Sociologue et Anthropologue

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Nikiema Wendlamita Frederic

Médecin de Santé Publique

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Dr. BILGO Etienne

Entomologiste Médicale, Microbiologiste et Biotechnologiste

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Dr. Ing. N’DO Sévérin

Ingénieur du développement rural, Entomologiste médical et vétérinaire

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Dr. Bonko Massa dit Achille

PhD en Sciences Biomédicales/Parasitologie et Microbiologie

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Dr. TRAORE Ousmane

Biologie Appliquée

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Dr. SOMA Aboubakar

Biologiste, Pharmacologue

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Dr. BANCE Alimata

Biologie Appliquée/Biochimie et Chimie des Substances Naturelles/Biochimie Microbiologie

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Dr. ZONGO Emmanuel

Pharmacien biologiste

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Dr. Sawadogo W. Richard

Biochimie et Chimie des Substances Naturelles

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Dr.KINI Félix dit Bondo

Chimie Organique option chimie des substances naturelles

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Directeur de l'IRSS

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Dr.Henri Gautier Ouedraogo

Directeur adjoint de l'IRSS




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Charlotte SAWADOGO

Service Secrétariat Administratif (SSA)

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Fatimata SOW

Secrétariat Particulier (SP)




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Service de Développement des ressources Humaines (SDRH)




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Service Administratif et Financier (SAF)

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Aboudou Rasmané SAWADOGO

Régisseur d’Avances (RA)

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Régisseur de Recettes (RR)

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Directeur du Contrôle des Marchés et des Engagements Financiers (D-CMEF)/IRSS




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Mohamadi ZEBA

Service d’Appui Technique (CSAT)




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Représentant / Délégué du personnel





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Dr. Dramane ZONGO


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Socio-économie de la santé

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Dr. Tani SAGNA

Biologiste moléculaire / Microbiologiste

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Dr. Yugbare Danielle BELEMSAGA

Doctorat d’Etat en Odonto Stomatologie, MSc Economie de la santé, PhD Sciences de la santé

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Dr.SAVADOGO Boubacar


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Dr.Abdou Azaque ZOURE

Génétique, Biologie Moléculaire et Génomique

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Sociologue et Anthropologue

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Nikiema Wendlamita Frederic

Médecin de Santé Publique

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Dr. BILGO Etienne

Entomologiste Médicale, Microbiologiste et Biotechnologiste

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Dr. Ing. N’DO Sévérin

Ingénieur du développement rural, Entomologiste médical et vétérinaire

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Dr. Bonko Massa dit Achille

PhD en Sciences Biomédicales/Parasitologie et Microbiologie

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Dr. TRAORE Ousmane

Biologie Appliquée

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Dr. SOMA Aboubakar

Biologiste, Pharmacologue

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Dr. BANCE Alimata

Biologie Appliquée/Biochimie et Chimie des Substances Naturelles/Biochimie Microbiologie

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Dr. ZONGO Emmanuel

Pharmacien biologiste

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Dr. Sawadogo W. Richard

Biochimie et Chimie des Substances Naturelles

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Dr.KINI Félix dit Bondo

Chimie Organique option chimie des substances naturelles

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Quelques Publications de l'IRSS

Moteur de recherche des publications de l'IRSS

Chercher dans tout le tableau:
Recherche specific selon l'année, le nom d'un auteur, le titre de l'article:
Année de personnel Auteur Titre de l'article
2015 A.M.Emmanuel Thiombiano, Noufou Ouedraogo, Martin Kiendrebeogo, Marius Lompo. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities of hydro-acetonic extract from Wissadula amplissima var. Rostrata (shum. & thonn.) R.E. Fries.
2015 Ouédraogo O, Garanet F, Sawadogo S, Mesenge C, Schmid J-BG. La vulnérabilité des détenus hommes face au VIH/sida à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). Santé Publique [Internet]. 2015 Dec 31 [cited 2016 Aug 19];27(5):749–56. Available from:
2015 Toé K.H., Sagnon N’F., Dabiré K.R., Ranson H., Jones C.M. (2015). The recent escalation in strength of pyrtehroid resistance in An. coluzzi in West Africa is linked to increased expression of multiple gene families. BMC Genomics, 16:146. DOI10.1186/s12864-015-1342-6.
2015 Diabate A and Tripet F. Targeting male mosquito mating behavior for malaria control. Parasites and vectors 8:347 DOI 10.1186/s13071-015-0961-8
2015 4)      Sondo P, Biebo B, Kazienga A, Valea I, Sorgho H, Ouedraogo J-B, Guiguemde TR, Tinto H. La part du paludisme dans les maladies fébriles en saison sèche dans la région de Nanoro, West African Journal of Research for Health 2015 (004):
2015 Koama B, Namountougou M, Sanou R, Ndo S, Ouattara A, Dabiré RK, Malone D, Diabaté A) Theerilizing effect of pyriproxyfen on the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae: physiological impact on ovaries development. Malar J. 14:101. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0609-3.
2015 Mosqueira B, Soma DD, Namountougou M, Poda S, Diabaté A, Ouari A, Fournet F, Baldet T, Carnevale P, Dabiré KR, Mas-Coma S. Pilot study on the combination of an organophosphate-based insecticide paint and pyrethroid-treated long lasting nets against pyrethroid resistant malaria vectors in Burkina Faso. Acta trop DOI: 10.1016/j.actatropica.2015.04.010
2015 Niang A., Epopa P.S., Sawadogo S.P., Maïga H., Konaté L., Faye O., Dabiré K.R, Tripet F., Diabaté A. (2015). Does extreme asymmetric dominance promote hybridization between Anopheles coluzzii and Anopheles gambiae s.s. in seasonal malaria mosquito communities of West Africa? Parasites & Vectors (2015) 8:586 DOI 10.1186/s13071-015-1190-x
2015 1)      Ekechukwu NE, Baeshen R, Traorè SF, Coulibaly M, Diabate A, Catteruccia F, Tripet F. Heterosis Increases Fertility, Fecundity, and Survival of Laboratory-Produced F1 Hybrid Males of the Malaria Mosquito Anopheles coluzzii. G3 (Bethesda), 5:2693-709. doi: 10.1534/g3.115.021436, .
2015 Roux O., Vantaux A., Roche B., Yameogo B.K., Dabiré K.R., Diabaté A., Simard F., Lefevre T. Evidence for carry-over effects of predator exposure on pathogen transmission potential. Proc. R. Soc. B. 282: 20152430.
2015 Sangaré I, Bamba S., Cissé M., Zida A., Bamogo R., Sirima C., Yaméogo B.K., Sanou R., Drabo D., Dabiré K.R., Guiguemdé TR. (2015). Prevalence of intestinal opportunistic parasites infections in the University hospital of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Infectious Diseases of Poverty 4:32 DOI 10.1186/s40249-015-0065-x
2015 Seaman J.A., Alout H., Meyers J.I., Stenglein M.D., Dabiré K.R, Lozano-Fuentes S., Burton T.A., Kuklinski W.S., Black W.C. IV., Foy B.F. Age and prior blood feeding of Anopheles gambiae influences their susceptibility and gene expression patterns to ivermectin-containing blood meals. BMC Genomics 201516:797DOI: 10.1186/s12864-015-2029-8
2015 K. M. Drabo, H. Tinto, H. Hien, S. Konfé, F. Nana, A. Ly, T. L. Ouédraogo. Perceptions des femmes enceintes fréquentant la consultation prénatale dans les centres de santé de premier échelon du District sanitaire de Do et Dafra au Burkina Faso. Science et technique, Sciences de la santé. 2015, , :
2015 H. Hien, A. Berthé, M.K. Drabo, B. Konaté, N. Toé, F. Tou, M. Adiara, F. Badini-Kinda, M. Ouédraogo, N. Meda, J. Macq. Regard des personnes âgées sur la prescription des médicaments potentiellement inappropriés dans le premier niveau de soins a` Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Rev Epidemiol Santé Publique (2015).,
2015 Platt N, Kwiatkowska RM, Irving H, Diabaté A, Dabire R, Wondji CS (2015). Target-site resistance mutations (kdr and RDL), but not metabolic resistance, negatively impact male mating competiveness in the malaria vector Anopheles gambiae.. Heredity 115:243-52. doi: 10.1038
2015 Pooda H.S., Rayaisse JB., Hien DFS., Lefèvre T., Yerbanga S.R., Benganly Z., Dabiré K.R., Belem M.G.A., Sidibé I., Solano P., Mouline K., (2015). Administration of ivermectin to peridomestic cattle: a promising approach to target the residual transmission of human malaria. Malaria Journal 2015, 14:496 doi:10.1186/s12936-015-1001-z
2015 W.F. Nana, M.K. Drabo, J. Capo Chichi, V. Agueh. Evaluation de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie « 5S-Kaizen-management total de la qualité » à l’hôpital de zone de Ouidah au Bénin. Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique. 2015, 63 : 29–34.
2015 Mamai M., Mouline W., Parvy J.P., Le Lannic J., Dabiré K.R., Ouedraogo G.A., Renault D., Simard F. (2015). Monitoring dry season persistence of Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations in a contained semi-field system in South western Burkina Faso, West Africa. J Med Ent
2015 Gibson G., Sawadogo S.P., Costantini C., Pennetier C., Diabaté A., Dabiré K.R. The significance of circadian rhythms in Anopheles gambiae s.s. mating behaviour and reproductive isolation of molecular forms. Insect Physiology 12/2013; 107(8):449-449
2015 Andrea L. Wirtz, Sheree Schwartz, Sosthenes Ketende, Simplice Anato, Felicity D. Nadedjo, Henri G. Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Vincent Pitche, Ashley Grosso, Erin Papworth, and Stefan Baral: Sexual Violence, Condom Negotiation, and Condom Use in the Context of Sex Work: Results From Two West African Countries. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015;
2015 Justin Tiendrebéogo, Maxime Koiné Drabo, Jacques Saizonou, Crespin Théodore Soglohoun, Noël Moussiliou Paraiso, Ali Sié, Laurent Tinoaga Ouédraogo, Michel Makoutodé. Facteurs associés à la faible couverture du Traitement Préventif Intermittent chez les femmes enceintes: cas de la zone sanitaire béninoise de Pobè-Adja-Ouèrè-Kétou. Santé Publique. 2015 ; 27/ N°1:99-106. ISSN : 0995-3914
2015 Koiné Maxime Drabo, Félicité Nana, Kouassi Lazare Kouassi, Salifou Konfé, Hervé Hien, Jacques Saizonou, Tinoaga Laurent Ouédraogo. Gestion de l’information au cours de la surveillance des paralysies flasques aiguës au Burkina Faso. Santé publique. 2015, 28/ N°6 : 
2015 Koiné Maxime Drabo, Halidou Tinto, Maminata Traore, Innocent Valea, Herve Hien, Salifou Konfe, Felicite Nana, Umberto D’Alessandro, Henk Schallig, Gethaime Sondjo Prise en charge communautaire du paludisme chez la femme enceinte au Bénin, au Burkina Faso et en Gambie : une revue systématique de littérature . Science et technique, Sciences de la santé. 2015,
2015 Koiné Maxime Drabo, Hervé Hien, Salifou Konfé, Félicité Nana, Tinoaga Laurent Ouedraogo. Satisfaction des malades du sida pris en charge à l’hôpital du district sanitaire de Dafra. État des lieux. Santé publique. 2015 ; 27 / N° 5 : 739 – 747. ISSN 0995-3914
2015 Ashley L. Grosso, Sosthenes Ketende, Kim Dam, Erin Papworth, Henri G. Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, and Stefan Baral: Structural Determinants of Health Among Women Who Started Selling Sex as Minors in Burkina Faso. J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015;:
2015 Yvonne Walz1,2*, Martin Wegmann1, Stefan Dech1,3, Penelope Vounatsou4,5, Jean-Noël Poda6, Eliézer K. N'Goran7,8, Jürg Utzinger4,5, Giovanna Raso4,5 Modeling and Validation of Environmental Suitability for Schistosomiasis Transmission Using Remote Sensing; PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases | DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004217 November 20, 2015 22 / 22
2015 Aboagye-Antwi F, Alhafez N, Weedall GD, Brothwood J, Kandola S, Paton D, Fofana A, Olohan L, Betancourth MP, Ekechukwu NE, Baeshen R, Traorè SF, Diabate A, Tripet F (2015). Experimental swap of Anopheles gambiae's assortative mating preferences demonstrates key role of X chromosome divergence island in incipient sympatric speciation PLOS Genetics DOI:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005141
2016 Abou Coulibaly, Adama Baguiya, Tieba Millogo, Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Fla Koueta, Seni Kouanda; Predictors of mortality of low birth weight newborns during the neonatal period: A cohort study in two health districts of Burkina Faso; Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November;
2016 Adama Baguiya, Bertrand I. Méda, Mamadou Kourouma, Halima Mouniri and Séni Kouanda: Availability and utilization of obstetric and newborn care in Guinea: a national needs assessment. Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November 2016; Pages:
2016 Adja M. Ouédraogo, Henri G. Ouédraogo, Adama Baguiya, Tieba Millogo, Anthony Somé, Seni Kouanda; A case–control study of risk factors for maternal mortality in Burkina Faso in 2014; Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November 2016;
2016 Adja Mariam Ouédraogo, Laeticia Ouédraogo/Nikiema, Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Kassouta N'Tapi, Seni Kouanda; Indicators of availability, use, and quality of emergency obstetric and neonatal care in Togo in 2012; Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November 2016;,
2016 Adjei A, Narh-Bana S, Amu A, Kukula V, Nagai RA, Owusu-Agyei S, Oduro A, Macete E, Abdulla S, Halidou Tinto, Sie A, Osei I, Sevene E, Asante KP, Mulokozi A, Compaore G, Valea I, Adjuik M, Baiden R, Ogutu B, Binka F, Gyapong M. (2016) Treatment outcomes in a safety observational study of dihydroartemisinin/piperaquine (Eurartesim(®)) in the treatment of uncomplicated malaria at public health facilities in four African countries. Malar J15(1):43. doi: 10.1186/s12936-016-1099-7.
2016 Agier, I. ,Zongo, S., Kadio, K., Ly, A., Kouanda, S., Ridde, V. Apport potentiel de l’Assurance Maladie Universelle face à l’exposition aux risques de santé au Burkina Faso : une étude en méthode mixte. Cahiers Scientifiques REALISME, Numéro 7, Mai 2016
2016 Agier, I., Ly, A., Kadio, K., Kouanda, S., & Ridde, V. (). Endorsement of universal health coverage financial principles in Burkina Faso. Soc Sci Med, doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2016.01.017
2016 Amato R, Miotto O, Woodrow CJ, Almagro-Garcia J, Sinha I, Campino S, Mead D, Drury E, Kekre M, Sanders M, Amambua-Ngwa A, Amaratunga C, Amenga-Etego L, Andrianaranjaka V, Apinjoh T, Ashley E, Auburn S, Awandare GA, Baraka V, Barry A, Boni MF, Borrmann S, Bousema T, Branch O, Bull PC, Chotivanich K, Conway DJ, Craig A, Day NP, Djimdé A, Dolecek C, Dondorp AM, Drakeley C, Duffy P, Echeverry DF, Egwang TG, Fairhurst RM, Faiz MA, Fanello CI, Hien TT, Hodgson A, Imwong M, Ishengoma D, Lim P, Lon C, Marfurt J, Marsh K, Mayxay M, Michon P, Mobegi V, Mokuolu OA, Montgomery J, Mueller I, Kyaw MP, Newton PN, Nosten F, Noviyanti R, Nzila A, Ocholla H, Oduro A, Onyamboko M, Ouedraogo JB, Phyo AP, Plowe C, Price RN, Pukrittayakamee S, Randrianarivelojosia M, Ringwald P, Ruiz L, Saunders D, Shayo A, Siba P, Takala-Harrison S, Thanh TN, Thathy V, Verra F, Wendler J, White NJ, Ye H, Cornelius VJ, Giacomantonio R, Muddyman D, Henrichs C, Malangone C, Jyothi D, Pearson RD, Rayner JC, McVean G, Rockett KA, Miles A, Vauterin P, Jeffery B, Manske M, Stalker J, MacInnis B, Kwiatkowski DP. MalariaGEN Plasmodium falciparum Community Project. Genomic epidemiology of artemisinin resistant malaria. Elife. 2016 Mar 4;5. pii: e08714. doi: 10.7554/eLife.08714.
2016 Andonaba J.B., Konaté I., Diallo B., Sanagré I., Meda N., Zoungrana J., Kafando C., Sawadogo G., Bationo J.F., Sawadogo Y., Dabiré K.R., Taoré A. (2016). La leishmaniose cutanée, un deuxième foyer épidémique à Leishmania major au Burkina Faso. Annales de Dermatologie et Vénérologie,
2016 Bado, Aristide R., A.Sathiya Susuman, and Eric I. Nebie. “Trends and Risk Factors for Childhood Diarrhea in Sub-Saharan Countries (1990–2013): Assessing the Neighborhood Inequalities.” Global Health Action 9(1990 2013):
2016 Bado, Aristide Romaric and A. Sathiya Susuman.. “Women’s Education and Health Inequalities in Under-Five Mortality in Selected Sub-Saharan African Countries, 1990–2015.” Plos One 11(7):e0159186.
2016 Bado, Aristide Romaric, Séni Kouanda, and Slim Haddad.. “Lieu Du Décès Au Burkina : Influence Des Caractéristiques Sociodémographiques et Environnementales.” African Population Studies 30(May):12.
2016 Becquey E, Ouédraogo CT, Hess SY, Rouamba N, Prince L, Ouédraogo JB, Vosti SA, Brown KH. Comparison of Preventive and Therapeutic Zinc Supplementation in Young Children in Burkina Faso: A Cluster-Randomized, Community-Based Trial. J Nutr. 2016 Aug 3. pii: jn230128. [Epub ahead of print]
2016 Boly R, Lamkami T, Lompo M, Dubois J, Guissou IP: DPPH free radical scavenging activity of two extracts from Agelanthus dodoneifolius (Loranthaceae) leaves: International Journal of Toxicological and Pharmacological Research
2016 Brabin BJ, Gies S, Owens S, Claeys Y, D'Alessandro U, Tinto H, Brabin L. Perspectives on the design and methodology of periconceptional nutrient supplementation trials. Trials; 17(1):58. doi: 10.1186/s13063-015-1124-0.
2016 Buck M., Nilsson L.K.J., Brunius C., Dabiré K.R., Hopkins R., Terenius O. Bacterial associations reveal spatial population dynamics in Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes., 6:22806 | DOI: 10.1038/srep22806
2016 Charles Kaboré, Valéry Ridde, Seni Kouanda, Isabelle Agier, Ludovic Queuille, Alexandre Dumont , Determinants of non‐medically indicated cesarean deliveries in Burkina Faso; , Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November 2016, ,
2016 Decuypere S, Maltha J, Deborggraeve S, Rattray NJ, Issa G, Bérenger K, Lompo P, Tahita MC, Ruspasinghe T, McConville M, Goodacre R, Tinto H, Jacobs J, Carapetis Towards Improving Point-of-Care Diagnosis of Non-malaria Febrile Illness: A Metabolomics Approach. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 10(3): e0004480. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004480.JR.
2016 Decuypere S, Meehan CJ, Van Puyvelde S, De Block T, Maltha J, Palpouguini L, Tahita M, Tinto H, Jacobs J, Deborggraeve S. Diagnosis of Bacterial Bloodstream Infections: A 16S Metagenomics Approach. PLoS Negl Trop Dis.; 10(2):e0004470. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004470.
2016 Derek S. Sarovich, Benoit Garin, Birgit De Smet, Mirjam Kaestli, Mark Mayo, Peter Vandamme, Jan Jacobs, Palpouguini Lompo, Marc C. Tahita, Halidou Tinto, Innocente Djaomalaza, Bart J. Currie, Erin P. Price Phylogenomic Analysis Reveals an Asian Origin for African Burkholderia pseudomallei and Further Supports Melioidosis Endemicity in Africa. M Sphere Vol (1) 2. DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00089-15.
2016 2)      Fauver J., Grubaugh N., Krajacich B.J., Weger-Lucarelli J., Lakin S.M., Fakoli L.S., Bolay F.K., Diclaro J.W., Dabiré K.R., Foy B., et al. (2016). West African Anopheles gambiae mosquitoes harbor a taxonomically diverse virome including new insect-specific flaviviruses, mononegaviruses, and totiviruses. Virology
2016 3)      Garanet F, Bogono E, Ouédraogo O, Mesenge C. Usage de substances psychoactives chez les adolescents des rues à Ouagadougou. Santé Publique [Internet]. Aug 12 [cited 2016 Aug 19]; Available from:,
2016 Geoffroy G. Ouedraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo , Noufou Ouedraogo, Sylvin Ouedraogo1, Drissa Diallo and Pierre I. Guissou Phytochemical study and cardiovascular toxic effects investigation of root barks powder and extracts from Calotropis procera (ait.) World journal of pharmaceuticat reasearch,.
2016 Geoffroy G. Ouedraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo , Noufou Ouedraogo, Sylvin Ouedraogo1, Drissa Diallo and Pierre I. Guissou Phytochemical study and cardiovascular toxic effects investigation of root barks powder and extracts from Calotropis procera (ait.) World journal of pharmaceuticat reasearch,.
2016 Goodman Sara H.; Grosso Ashley L.; Ketende Sosthenes C.; Ouedraogo Gautier H.; Kouanda, Seni; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Samadoulougou, Césaire; Baral, Stefan:, Examining the Correlates of Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing Among Men Who Have Sex With Men in Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Sex Transm Dis. 2016 May;,
2016 Haoues A., Dabiré K.R., Djogbenou L.S., Abate L., Cohuet A.. Interactive cost of Plasmodium infection and insecticide resistance in the malaria vector An. gambiae. Scientific Report 6.29755 doi: 10.1038/sep 29755, ,
2016 Hemingway J., Ranson H., Magill A., Kolaczinski J., Fornadel C., Gimnig J., Coetzee M., Simard F., Dabiré K.R., Kerah Hinzoumbe C., Pickett J., Schellenberg D., Gething P., Hoppé M., Hamon N. (2016). Averting a malaria disaster: will insecticide resistance derail malaria control? Published online February 12, 2016,
2016 Hien D F. d. S., Dabiré K.R., Roche B., Diabaté A., Yerbanga R.S., Cohuet A., Yameogo B.K., et al. Plant-Mediated Effects on Mosquiotes capacity to transmit human malaria. Plos Pathogens 4. 2016.
. 2016 Hien DF, Dabiré KR, Roche B, Diabaté A, Yerbanga RS, Cohuet A, Yameogo BK, Gouagna LC, Hopkins RJ, Ouedraogo GA, Simard F, Ouedraogo JB, Ignell R, Lefevre T. Plant-Mediated Effects on Mosquito Capacity to Transmit Human Malaria. PLoS Pathog. 2016 Aug 4;12(8):e1005773. doi: 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005773. eCollection 2016 Aug.
2016 Dramane Pare, Adama Hilou, Noufou Ouedraogo and Samson Guenne. Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used as Anti-Obesity Remedies in the Nomad and Hunter Communities of Burkina Faso. Medicines 2016, 3, 9; doi:10.3390/medicines3020009,
2016 Hien, H. A. Berthe, M.K. Drabo , B. Konate, N. Toe, F. Tou , M. Adiara ,F. Badini-Kinda, M. Oue´draogo, N. Meda, J. Macq. Regard des personnes âgées sur la prescription des médicaments potentiellement inappropriés dans le premier niveau de soins à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique. 2016 Feb;64(1):15-21
2016 Joachim Aimé Cacko, Kadari Cissé, Madeleine Wayack Pambè, Rachidatou Compaoré, Seni Kouanda; Evaluation of the implementation and effects of an obstetric kit used in the Adamawa region of Cameroon; Int J Gynecol Obstet ; 8 November 2016; Vol: 135, Pages: S103–S106
2016 Kaboré, R., Meda, IB., Koulidiati, JL., Millogo, T., Kouanda, S. Factors associated with very early neonatal mortality in Burkina Faso: A matched case–control study, Int J Gynecol Obstet; 8 November 2016;
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2017 Sondo P, Derra K, Nakanabo SD, Tarnagda Z, Kazienga A, Valea I, Sorgho H, Ouédraogo JB, Guiguemdé TR, Tinto H Comparison of effectiveness of two different artemisinin-based combination therapies in an area with high seasonal transmission of malaria in Burkina Faso Ann Parasitol. 63(2):127-131. doi: 10.17420/ap6302.96
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2017 Thomas Druetz, Seni Kouanda, Tieba Millogo, Antarou Ly, Federica Fregonese Slim Haddad. Impact evaluation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention under routine program implementation: A quasi-experimental study in Burkina Faso. The American journal of tropical medicine and hygiene. 2018 Feb;98(2):524-533. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.17-0599. Epub 2017
2017 Toalé Sibri Sory, Adama Baguiya, Abou Coulibaly, Séni Kouanda, Blaise Sondo Evaluation de la performance du système d’information hospitalier du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé. Vol 40, No 1 (2017). Lien
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2017 Zeba AN, Yaméogo MT, Tougouma SJ, Kassié D, Fournet F. Can Urbanization, Social and Spatial Disparities Help to Understand the Rise of Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Bobo-Dioulasso? A Study in a Secondary City of Burkina Faso, West Africa. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2017 Apr 4;14(4). pii: E378. doi: 10.3390/ijerph14040378.
2017 EsméeRuizendaal, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Susana Scott, Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, John Bradley, PalpouguiniLompo, Hamtandi M. Natama, Ousmane Traore, Innocent Valea, Susan Dierickx, Koiné M. Drabo, Franco Pagnoni, Umberto d’ Alessandro, Halidou Tinto, Petra F. Mens, Evaluation of Malaria Screening duringPregnancywith Rapid Diagnostic Tests Performed by Community HealthWorkers in Burkina Faso. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Volume 97, Issue 4, Oct 2017, p. 1190 – 1197. DOI:
2017 Eric N. Somé, Ingunn M. S. Engebretsen, Nicolas Nagot, Nicolas Meda, Roselyne Vallo, Marianne Peries, Chipepo Kankasa, James K. Tumwine, G. Justus Hofmeyr, Mandisa Singata, Kim Harper, Philippe Van De Perre, Thorkild Tylleskar for the ANRS 12174 Trial Group. Changes in body mass index and hemoglobin concentration in breastfeeding women living with HIV with a CD4 count over 350: Results from 4 African countries (The ANRS 12174 trial). "·PLoS One . 2017 May 9;12(5):e0177259. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.017725"
2017 Eric N. Somé, Ingunn M. S. Engebretsen, Nicolas Nagot, Nicolas Meda, Carl Lombard, Roselyne Vallo, Marianne Peries, Chipepo Kankasa, James K. Tumwine, G. Justus Hofmeyr, Mandisa Singata, Kim Harper, Philippe Van De Perre, Thorkild Tylleskar for the ANRS 12174 Trial Group. Breastfeeding patterns among mothers living with HIV in Sub Saharan Africa: the ANRS 12174 trial. International Breastfeeding Journal 2017 May 2:12:22. doi: 10.1186/s13006-017-0112-2. eCollection 2016
2017 Eric N. Somé, Cyriac D Da, Justine Boncoungou, Jean Lankoandé and Jean Noël Poda. Who is responsible for couple infertility: A clinic-based survey in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). " International Journal of Nursing and Midwifery , February 2017 9(2):10-16 DOI: 10.5897/IJNM2016.0238"
2017 Emily R Smith, Anuraj H Shankar, Lee S-F Wu, Said Aboud, Seth Adu-Afarwuah, Hasmot Ali, Rina Agustina, Shams Arifeen, Per Ashorn, Zulfiqar A Bhutta, Parul Christian, Delanjathan Devakumar, Kathryn G Dewey, Henrik Friis, Exnevia Gomo, Piyush Gupta, Pernille Kæstel, Patrick Kolsteren, Hermann Lanou, Kenneth Maleta, Aissa Mamadoultaibou, Gernard Msamanga, David Osrin, Lars-Åke Persson, Usha Ramakrishnan, Juan A Rivera, Arjumand Rizvi, H P S Sachdev, Willy Urassa, Keith P West Jr, Noel Zagre, Lingxia Zeng, Zhonghai Zhu, Wafaie W Fawzi, Christopher R Sudfeld. Modifiers of the effect of maternal multiple micronutrient, supplementation on stillbirth, birth outcomes, and infant mortality: a meta-analysis of individual patient data from 17 randomised trials in low-income and middle-income countries. Lancet Global Health. 2017 Nov;5(11):e1090-e1100. doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(17)30371-6.
2017 Egrot M., Bila B., « Genre, maladie et médicament en Afrique de l’Ouest », in Adjamagbo Agnès, Gastineau Bénédicte, Le genre dans les recherches africanistes, Les Impromptus du LPED n°2, Laboratoire Population-Environnement-Développement, UMR 151 (AMU – IRD), Marseille : 42-53. 111 p.
2017 Esmée Ruizendaal, Marc C. Tahita, Ronald B. Geskus, Inge Versteeg, Susana Scott, Umberto d’Alessandro, PalpouguiniLompo, Karim Derra, Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Menno D. de Jong, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Halidou Tinto, and Petra F. Mens Increase in the prevalence of mutations associated with sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine resistance in Plasmodium falciparum collected to late pregnancy in Nanoro, Burkina Faso [Malaria Journal ] doi:10.1186/s12936-017-1831-y
2017 Fadima Yaya Bocoum, Tarnagda G, Bationo F, Savadogo J R, Nacro S, Kouanda S, Zarowsky C, Introducing onsite antenatal syphilis screening in Burkina Faso: implementation and evaluation of a feasibility intervention tailored to a local context [BMC Health Services Research],
2017 Gomez-Diaz E, Yerbanga RS, Lefevre T, Cohuet A, Ouedraogo J-B, & Corces V. Epigenetic regulationof Plasmodium falciparum clonally variant gene expression during development in An. gambiae [Scientific Reports],
2017 Gómez-Olivé FX, Ali SA, Made F, Kyobutungi C, Nonterah E, Micklesfield L, Alberts M, Boua R, Hazelhurst S, Debpuur C, Mashinya F, Dikotope S, Sorgho H, Cook I, Muthuri S, Soo C, Mukomana F, Agongo G, Wandabwa C, Afolabi S, Oduro A, Tinto H, Wagner RG, Haregu T, Wade A, Kahn K, Norris SA, Crowther NJ, Tollman S, Sankoh O, Ramsay M; as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium (2017) Stark Regional and Sex Differences in the Prevalence and Awareness of Hypertension: An H3Africa AWI-Gen Study Across 6 Sites in Sub-Saharan Africa [Glob Heart],
2017 Greenwood B, Dicko A, Sagara I, Zongo I, Tinto H, Cairns M, Kuepfer I, Milligan P, Ouedraogo JB, Doumbo O, Chandramohan D. Seasonal vaccination against malaria: a potential use for an imperfect malaria vaccine [Malar J.], doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-1841-9
2017 Guiraud I, Post A, Diallo SN, Lompo P, Maltha J, Thriemer K, Tahita CM, Ley B, Derra K, Bottieau E, Kazienga A, Schurmans C, Ravinetto R, Rouamba E, Van Griensven J, Bertrand S, Tinto H, Jacobs J. Population-based incidence, seasonality and serotype distribution of invasive salmonellosis among children in Nanoro, rural Burkina Faso [PLoS One],
2017 Held J, Supan C, Salazar CLO, Tinto H, Bonkian LN, Nahum A, Sié A, Abdulla S, Cantalloube C, Djeriou E, Bouyou-Akotet M, Ogutu B, Mordmüller B, Kreidenweiss A, Siribie M, Sirima SB, Kremsner PG Safety and efficacy of the choline analogue SAR97276 for malaria treatment: results of two phase 2, open-label, multicenter trials in African patients [Malar J.], doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-1832-x
2017 Henk DFH Schallig, Halidou Tinto, Patrick Sawa, Harparkash Kaur, Stephan Duparc, Deus S Ishengoma, Pascal Magnussen, Michael Alifrangis, Colin J Sutherland Randomized controlled trial of two sequential artemisinin-based combination therapy regimens to treat uncomplicated falciparum malaria in African children: a protocol to investigate safety, efficacy and adherence [BMJ Glob Health],
2017 Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Adama Baguiya, Ashley Grosso, Sara Goodman, Benoît Cesaire Samadoulougou, Marcel Lougue, Nongoba Sawadogo, Yves Traore, Nicolas Barro, Stefan Baral, Seni Kouanda HIV among Female Sex Workers in Five Cities in Burkina Faso: A Cross-Sectional Baseline Survey to Inform HIV/AIDS Programs [AIDS Research and Treatment],
2017 Hermann Sorgho, Ollo Da, Toussaint Rouamba, Boubacar Savadogo, Halidou Tinto, Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo Schistosoma mansoni infection and hematological profile in an endemic foci in western Burkina Faso [African Journal of Parasitology Research]
2017 Hien AS, Sangaré I., Coulibaly S., Namountougou M, Paré-Toé L., Ouedraogo A.G., Brian F., Diabaté A., Dabiré K.R Parasitological Indices of Malaria Transmission in Children under Fifteen Years in Two Ecoepidemiological Zones in Southwestern Burkina Faso [Journal of Tropical Medicine],
2017 Hien AS, Soma DD, Hema O, Bayili B, Namountougou M, Gnankiné O, Baldet T., Diabaté A., Dabiré K.R Evidence that agricultural use of pesticides selects pyrethroid resistance within Anopheles gambiae s.l. populations from cotton growing areas in Burkina Faso, West Africa [PLoS ONE],
2017 Hien H, Ouédraogo M, Berthé A, Konaté B, Toé N, Drabo KM, Millogo A, Badini-Kinda F, Meda N, Macq J. Plaintes des patients: une opportunité pour améliorer la qualité des soins des personnes âgées avec des multimorbidités au Burkina Faso [The Pan African Medical Journal], doi:10.11604/pamj.2017.28.140.7297
2017 Hoglund RM, Workman L, Edstein MD, Thanh NX, Quang NN, Zongo I, Ouedraogo JB, Borrmann S, Mwai L, Nsanzabana C, Price RN, Dahal P, Sambol NC, Parikh S, Nosten F, Ashley EA, Phyo AP, Lwin KM, McGready R, Day NP, Guerin PJ, White NJ, Barnes KI, Tarning J Population Pharmacokinetic Properties of Piperaquine in Falciparum Malaria: An Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis [PLoS Med.],
2017 Judith F. Ahounou Aïkpe, André Hamadou, Géoffroy Ouedraogo, Sylvin Ouedraogo, Joachim D. Gbenou, Pierre H. Dansou Spasmolytic Effects of Aqueous Extract of Sterculia, setigera Delile on Isolated Rat Trachea [American Scientific Research Journal for Engineering, Technology, and Sciences (ASRJETS)]
2017 Kiemde F, Bonko MDA, Tahita MC, Lompo P, Rouamba T, Tinto H, van Hensbroek MB, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH. Accuracy of a Plasmodium falciparum specific histidine-rich protein 2 rapid diagnostic test in the context of the presence of non-malaria fevers, prior anti-malarial use and seasonal malaria transmission [Malar J], doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-1941-6
2017 Komboigo-Savadogo BE, Sondo-Ouédraogo A, Bado A, Ouédraogo A, Baguiya A, Kouanda S. Effets de la campagne MILDA 2010 sur la possession, l’utilisation des moustiquaires et la morbidité palustre dans les ménages de Kaya [Science Technique, Science de la santé],
2017 Krajacich BJ, Meyers I.J., Alout H., Dabiré K.R., Dowell E.F., Foy B.D. Analysis of Near Infrared Spectra for Age-grading of Wild Populations of Anopheles gambiae [Parasites & Vectors],
2017 Léa Nadège Bonkian, Rakiswendé Serge Yerbanga, Maminata Traoré/ Coulibaly, Lefevre, Ibrahim Sangaré, Théophile Ouédraogo, Ousmane Traoré, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo, Tinga Robert Guiguemdé and Kounbobr Roch Dabiré Plants against Malaria and Mosquitoes in Sahel region of Burkina Faso: An Ethno-botanical survey [International Journal of Herba Médicine],
2017 Lefèvre T., Ohm J., Dabiré K.R., Cohuet A., Choisy M., Thomas M., Cator L. Transmission traits of malaria parasites within the mosquito: genetic variation, phenotypic plasticity, and consequences for control [Evolutionary Applcations],
2017 Macintyre F, Adoke Y, Tiono AB, Duong TT, Mombo-Ngoma G, Bouyou-Akotet M, Tinto H, Bassat Q, Issifou S, Adamy M, Demarest H, Duparc S, Leroy D, Laurijssens BE, Biguenet S, Kibuuka A, Tshefu AK, Smith M, Foster C, Leipoldt I, Kremsner PG, Phuc BQ, Ouedraogo A, Ramharter M,, OZ-Piperaquine Study Group A randomised, double-blind clinical phase II trial of the efficacy, safety, tolerability and pharmacokinetics of a single dose combination treatment with artefenomel and piperaquine in adults and children with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria [BMC Med.], doi: 10.1186/s12916-017-0940-3
2017 Mahamadi Nikiema, Narcis Barsan, Marius K. Somda, Désiré Traoré, Dayéri Dianou, Valentin Nedeff, Alfred S. Traoré Optimization of biogas production from organic fraction of municipal solid waste: experimental test using waste juice [Scientific Study & Research Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry]
2017 Mali Koura, Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Zanga Damien Ouattara, Couna Christiane Béré Somé, Kounpilelimé Sosthène Somda, Aboubacar Coulibaly, Smaila Ouédraogo, Appolinaire Sawadogo Prevalence and factors associated with alcohol consumption in urban school in Burkina Faso [Open Journal of Gastroenterology],
2017 Mamoudou Cissé, Gordon A. Awandare, Alamissa Soulama, Halidou Tinto, Marie-Pierre Hayette and Robert T. Guiguemdé Recent uptake of intermittent preventive treatment during pregnancy with sulfadoxine–pyrimethamine is associated with increased prevalence of Pfdhfr mutations [Malar J.], doi: 10.1186/s12936-017-1695-1.
2018 Franck Garanet, Tieba Millogo, Adama Baguiya, Soumaila Coulibaly, Mohamed Tassembedo, H. Lanou, Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda., Laetitia. Ouedraogo, Cliffer. Ilana, Beatrice Rogers, Patrick Webb, Séni Kouanda [Facteurs prédictifs du décès des enfants de moins de deux ans en milieu rural dans un contexte de supplémentation alimentaire au Burkina Faso : Etude cas témoins appariée nichée dans une cohorte] Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé
2018 [F Garanet, Nongoba Sawadogo, A Bayo , J Sawadogo] [Devenir des enfants malnutris une année après l’éducation nutritionnelle dans le centre d’éducation nutritionnelle de Kaya au Burkina Faso] Médecine d’Afrique Noire.
2018 [Siri Baperman Abdel Aziz, Bengaly Marcel, Garanet Franck, Kouanda Zeynab, Coulibaly Soumaila, Catraye Dossou Joseph and al] [Knowledge, Opinions and Attitudes of Mothers About Breastfeeding and Child Feeding in Rural Areas of Burkina Faso: A Study in Ouargaye’s District Health Facilities] Journal of Family Medicine and Health Care.
2018 [Franck Garanet, Adama Baguiya, Nongoba Sawadogo, Stéphane Besancon, Assa Sidibé Traoré,Joseph Drabo, Christian Mésenge, Line Kleinebreil, Hélène Delisle] [Pratiques éducatives et diabétiques de type 2 : étude exploratoire auprès des professionnels de santé au Burkina Faso et au Mali] Santé Publique.,
2018 Sawadogo N, Garanet F,Traoré D,Somé/Bere Christiane,Mare Z,Dabiré G. [Morbidité des adolescents au centre hospitalier régional de Kaya(Burkina Faso) ] Mali Médical.
2018 [Adama BAGUIYA , Ismael COULIBALY, Abou COULIBALY, Franck GARANET, Laetitia NIKIÈMA et Séni KOUANDA] [prévalence et facteurs associés à la consommation de cigarette et d’alcool par les élèves dans 24 villes du Burkina Faso : une étude transversale] Annales de l’université
2018 [Jean Fidèle Bationo, Augustin N. Zeba, Souheila Abbeddou, Nadine D. Coulibaly , Olivier O. Sombier, Jesse Sheftel , Imael Henri Nestor Bassole, Nicolas Barro , Jean Bosco Ouedraogo and Sherry A. Tanumihardjo ] [Serum Carotenoids Reveal Poor Fruit and Vegetable Intake among Schoolchildren in Burkina Faso] Nutrients,
2018. Belemnaba, L., Ouedraogo, S., Nitiema, M., Chataigneau, T., Guissou, I.P., Schini-Kerth, V.B., Bucher, B., Auger, C., An aqueous extract of the Anogeissus leiocarpus bark (AEAL) induces the endothelium-dependent relaxation of porcine coronary artery rings involving predominantly nitric oxide. Journal of basic and clinical physiology and pharmacology.
2018 Nitiéma Mathieu, Belemnaba Lazare, Ouédraogo Salfo, Ouédraogo Noufou, Ouédraogo Sylvin and Guissou Innocent Pierre Diuretic activity of aqueous decoction extract and ethyl acetate fraction of Lannea microcarpa Engl. and K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) trunk barks in wistar rats World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
2018 Salfo Ouédraogo, Bavouma C. Sombié, Jean Claude W. Ouédraogo, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Sidiki Traoré, Mathieu Nitiéma, Lazare Belemnaba, Sylvin Ouédraogo, Rasmané Semdé, Innocent Pierre Guissou. Standardization of Extracts from Trunks's Barks of Lannea microcarpa Engl. and K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) and Anogeissus leiocarpus (DC) Guill. and Perr. (Combretaceae) for the Formulation of Antihypertensive Herbal Medicines. Int. J. Pharm. Sci. Rev. Res.
2018 AGL Boly, MB Belemlilga, A Traoré, S Ouédraogo et IP Guissou Phytochemical Study and In vitro Anthelminthic Properties Studies of the Trunk Barks Aqueous Extract from Acacia nilotica Var. Adansonii (Guill & Perr). O Ktze (Mimosaceae). International Journal of Pharmacognosy and hytochemical Research;
2018 Minh Quan Tran, Thanh Binh Nguyen, Wamtinga Richard Sawadogo, Ludmila Ermolenko, Sungmi Song, Pascal Retailleau, Marc Diederich and Ali Al-Mourabit Unaromatized Tetrahydrobenzimidazole Synthesis from pBenzoquinone and N-Arylamidines and their Cytotoxic Potential European journal of organic chemistry,
2018 Ousmane Traoré, Hermann Sorgho, W. Isidore Yerbanga, Toussaint Rouamba, Guillaume S. Sanou, Innocent Valea, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly, Susana Scott, Petra F. Mens, Henk Schallig, Yves Traoré, Adrien M.G. Belem, Umberto D’Alessandro and Halidou Tinto, Naturally acquired antibody to DBL5 and ID1-ID2a dynamics in primigravid women during postpartum in a rural setting of Burkina Faso. African Journal of Immunology Research
2018. Hamtandi Magloire Natama, Gemma Moncunill, Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Héctor Sanz, Hermann Sorgho, Ruth Aguilar, Maminata Coulibaly-Traoré, M. Athanase Somé, Susana Scott, Innocent Valéa, Petra F. Mens, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Luc Kestens, Halidou Tinto, Carlota Dobaño, and Anna Rosanas-Urgell, Modulation of innate immune responses at birth by prenatal malaria exposure and association with malaria risk during the first year of life. BMC Med.; doi: 10.1186/s12916-018-1187-3
2018 Année Natama HM, Rovira-Vallbona E, Sorgho H, Somé MA, Traoré-Coulibaly M, Scott S, Zango SH, Sawadogo O, Zongo SC, Valéa I, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH, Kestens L, Tinto H, Rosanas-Urgell A. Additional screening and treatment of malaria during pregnancy provides further protection against malaria and nonmalarial fevers during the first year of life Journal of Infectious Diseases.,
2018 Natama HM, Rovira-Vallbona E, Somé MA, Zango SH, Sorgho H, Guetens P, Coulibaly-Traoré M, Valea I, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH, Kestens L, Tinto H, Rosanas-Urgell A Malaria incidence and prevalence during the first year of life in Nanoro, Burkina Faso: a birth-cohort study. Malar J.,
[2018] [Traoré Tata Kadiatou; Tibiri André; Ouédraogo Noufou; Sombie, Nogma Ernest; N’do Jotham Yhi-pênê; Ouedraogo Salfo; Guissou, Innocent Pierre] [Ethnopharmacological plants used to treat hepatitis and their anti-oxidant activity of district of Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)] [International Journal of Pharmacological Research;]
[2018] [Emmanuel A M Thiombiano, Noufou Ouedraogo, Martin Kiendrebeogo, Marius Lompo.] [Anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant activities of hydro-acetonic extract from Wissadula amplissima var. Rostrata (shum. & thonn.) R.e. fries] [. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci. DOI:, ]
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[2018] [Aboubakar Soma, François D. Hien, Seydou Sourabie, Serge R. Yerbanga, Léa N. Bonkian, Benjamin K. Koama, Noufou Ouédraogo, Moussa Ouedraogo, Etienne Bilgo, Mamoudou Cissé, Gordon A. Awandare7 and Jean-Baptiste Nikiema. …] [Larvicidal Activity of Crude Extracts of Vernonia cinerea Less (Asteraceae) against the Larvae of Anopheles gambiae in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso.] European Journal of Medicinal Plants
2018 Ouédraogo Salfo, Traoré Sidiki, Yoda Jules, Traoré Aristide, Traoré Tata Kadiatou, Lompo Marius, Kini Felix and Ouédraogo Sylvin Formulation and Evaluation of a Syrup Based on Balanites aegyptiaca L. Delile Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International.
2018 Seydou SOURABIE Aboubakar SOMA , Serges R. YERBANGA, Léa N. BONKIAN, Benjamin K. KOAMA, Mamoudou CISSE, Gordon A. AWANDARE, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Jean-Baptiste NIKIEMA In vivo antiplasmodial activity of crude extracts of Vernonia cinerea Less (Asteraceae) against Plasmodium berghei infection in mice in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso IOSR Journal Of Pharmacy
2018 Carabin H, Millogo A, Ngowi HA, Bauer C, Dermauw V, Koné AC, Sahlu I, Salvator AL, Preux PM, Somé T, Tarnagda Z, Gabriël S, Cissé R, Ouédraogo JB, Cowan LD, Boncoeur-Martel MP, Dorny P, Ganaba R. Effectiveness of a community-based educational programme in reducing the cumulative incidence and prevalence of human Taenia solium cysticercosis in Burkina Faso in 2011-14 (EFECAB): a cluster-randomised controlled trial. Lancet Glob Health
2018 Sagara I, Beavogui AH, Zongo I, Soulama I, Borghini-Fuhrer I, Fofana B, Traore A, Diallo N, Diakite H, Togo AH, Koumare S, Keita M, Camara D, Somé AF, Coulibaly AS, Traore OB, Dama S, Goita S, Djimde M, Bamadio A, Dara N, Maiga H, Sidibe B, Dao F, Coulibaly M, Alhousseini ML, Niangaly H, Sangare B, Diarra M, Coumare S, Kabore MJT, Ouattara SM, Barry A, Kargougou D, Diarra A, Henry N, Soré H, Bougouma EC, Thera I, Compaore YD, Sutherland CJ, Sylla MM, Nikiema F, Diallo MS, Dicko A, Picot S, Borrmann S, Duparc S, Miller RM, Doumbo OK, Shin J, Gil JP, Björkman A, Ouedraogo JB, Sirima SB, Djimde AA. Pyronaridine-artesunate or dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine versus current first-line therapies for repeated treatment of uncomplicated malaria: a randomised, multicentre, open-label, longitudinal, controlled, phase 3b/4 trial. Lancet.
2018 Somé AF, Bazié T, Zongo I, Yerbanga RS, Nikiéma F, Neya C, Taho LK, Ouédraogo JB. Plasmodium falciparum msp1 and msp2 genetic diversity and allele frequencies in parasites isolated from symptomatic malaria patients in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Parasit Vectors
2018 Bonkian LN, Yerbanga RS, Koama B, Soma A, Cisse M, Valea I, Tinto H, Ouedraogo JB, Guigemde TR, Traore/Coulibaly M. In Vivo Antiplasmodial Activity of Two Sahelian Plant Extracts on Plasmodium berghei ANKA Infected NMRI Mice. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med.;
2018 Moïsi JC, Yaro S, Kroman SS, Gouem C, Bayane D, Ganama S, Meda B, Nacro B, Njanpop-Lafourcade BM, Ouangraoua S, Ouedraogo I, Sakande S, Sawadogo F, Zida S, Ouedraogo JB, Gessner BD. Immunogenicity and Reactogenicity of 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine Among Infants, Toddlers, and Children in Western Burkina Faso: Results From a Clinical Trial of Alternative Immunization Schedules. J Pediatric Infect Dis Soc.,
2018 Ousmane Traoré, Kaboré W. O. Benjamin, Esmée Ruizendaal, Hermann Sorgho, Innocent Valéa, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly, Susana Scott, Petra F. Mens, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Yves Traoré, Adrien M. G. Belem, Umberto D’Alessandro and Halidou Tinto High titres of immunoglobulin g class 1 antibodies to duffy binding-like (DBL) 5 during the third trimester of pregnancy are associated with past placental malaria at delivery in an area of high seasonal transmission in Burkina Faso. Res Rep Immunol
2018 Kiemde F, Bonko MDA, Tahita MC, Lompo P, Tinto H, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH, van Hensbroek MB Can clinical signs or symptoms combined with basic hematology data be used to predict the presence of bacterial infections in febrile children under - 5 years?. BMC Pediatr. 18(1):370
2018 Compaoré A, Dierickx S, Jaiteh F, Nahum A, Bohissou TFE, Tinto H, Scott S, D'Alessandro U, Schallig H, Grietens KP Fear and rumours regarding placental biopsies in a malaria-in-pregnancy trial in Benin Malar J.
2018 Boua RP, Sorgho H, Rouamba T, Nakanabo Diallo S, Bognini JD, Konkobo SZ, Valia D, Lingani M, Ouoba S, Tougma AS, Bihoun B, Crowther NJ, Norris SA, Ramsay M, Tinto H; as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium Gender differences in sociodemographic and behavioural factors associated with BMI in an adult population in rural Burkina Faso - an AWI-Gen sub-study. Glob Health Action:
2018 Stuart A. Ali, Cassandra Soo, Godfred Agongo, Marianne Alberts, Lucas Amenga-Etego, Romuald P. Boua, Ananyo Choudhury, Nigel J. Crowther, Cornelius Depuur, F. Xavier Gómez-Olivé, Issa Guiraud, Tilahun N. Haregu, Scott Hazelhurst, Kathleen Kahn, Christopher Khayeka-Wandabwa, Catherine Kyobutungi, Zané Lombard, Felistas Mashinya, Lisa Micklesfield, Shukri F. Mohamed, Freedom Mukomana, Seydou Nakanabo-Diallo, Hamtandi M. Natama, Nicholas Ngomi, Engelbert A. Nonterah, Shane A. Norris, Abraham R. Oduro, Athanase M. Somé, Hermann Sorgho, Paulina Tindana, Halidou Tinto, Stephen Tollman, Rhian Twine, Alisha Wade, Osman Sankoh & Michèle Ramsay Genomic and environmental risk factors for cardiometabolic diseases in Africa: methods used for Phase 1 of the AWI-Gen population cross sectional study Global Health Action
2018 COSMIC Consortium Community-based Malaria Screening and Treatment for Pregnant Women Receiving Standard Intermittent Preventive Treatment with Sulfadoxine-Pyrimethamine: A Multicenter (The Gambia, Burkina Faso, and Benin) Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial. Clin Infect Dis. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy522
2018 Francois Kiemde, Marc Christian Tahita, Massa dit Achille Bonko, Petra F. Mens, Halidou Tinto, Michael Boele van Hensbroek and Henk D. F. H. Schallig Implementation of a malaria rapid diagnostic test in a rural setting of Nanoro, Burkina Faso: from expectation to reality Malar J
2018 Toussaint Rouamba, Innocent Valea, Joel D. Bognini, Herve Kpoda, Petra F. Mens, Melba F. Gomes, Halidou Tinto & Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Safety Profile of Drug Use during Pregnancy at Peripheral Health Centres in Burkina Faso: A Prospective Observational Cohort Study. Drugs - Real World Outcomes
2018 Francois Kiemde, Marc Christian Tahita, Palpouguini Lompo, Toussaint Rouamba, Athanase M. Some, Halidou Tinto, Petra F. Mens, Henk D. F. H. Schallig and Michael Boele van Hensbroek Treatable causes of fever among children under five years in a seasonal malaria transmission area in Burkina Faso Infectious Diseases of Poverty.
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2018 Innocent Valéa, Samuel Adjei, Effua Usuf, Ousmane Traore, Daniel Ansong, Halidou Tinto, Harry Owusu Boateng, Amanda Leach, Athanase Mwinessobaonfou Some, Patrick Buabeng, Johan Vekemans, Louis Arnaud Nana, Amos Kotey, Pascale Vandoolaeghe, Florence Ouedraogo, David Sambian, Marc Lievens, Marc Christian Tahita, Theresa Rettig, Erik Jongert, Palpouguini Lompo, Ali Idriss, Dorota Borys, Sayouba Ouedraogo, Frank Prempeh, Md Ahsan Habib, Lode Schuerman, Hermann Sorgho & Tsiri Agbenyega Immune response to the hepatitis B antigen in the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine, and co-administration with pneumococcal conjugate and rotavirus vaccines in African children: A randomized controlled trial Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics,
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2018 Somé JW and Jones AD The influence of crop production and socioeconomic factors on seasonal household dietary diversity in Burkina Faso. [PLoS One],
2019 Lamine Cissé, Jules Yoda, Léopold Kaboré and Fabrice Duvernay Synthesis and fluorescence study of a series of 4-hydroxycoumarin O-acylation derivatives World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
2018 Jules Yoda, Lamine Cissé, Abdoulaye Djandé, Léopold Kaboré, Adama Saba Etude de l’effet de solvant sur la fluorescence des carboxylates de 3-coumarinyle Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie
2018 Jules Yoda and Djandé Abdoulaye Synthesis of new 7-hydroxycoumarin derivatives: Crystal structures and fragmentations processes in ESI-MS International Journal of Chemical Studies
2018 Sosso Siaka, Jules Yoda, Abdoulaye Djandé, Bruno Coulomb (Coumarin-3-yl)-benzoates as a Series of New Fluorescent Compounds: Synthesis, Characterization and Fluorescence Properties in the Solid State American Journal of Organic Chemistry
2018 Akoun Abou, Jules Yoda, Abdoulaye Djand´e, St´ephane Coussan and T. Jeremie Zoueu Crystal structure of 2-oxo-2H-chromen-7-yl 4-fluorobenzoate Acta Crystallography.section : acta cryst.
2018 Jules Yoda, Lamine Cissé, Adama Saba Synthesis and fluorescence properties of 3-Coumarinyl Carboxylates Research Journal of Chemical sciences
2018 Traoré Sidiki, Ouédraogo Salfo, Yoda Jules, Traoré Tata Kadiatou,Traoré Aristide, Lompo Marius, Kini Felix, Ouédraogo Sylvin and Semdé Rasmané Evaluation of Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) trunk's bark extracts syrup formulation The Pharma Innovation Journal
2019 Brabin B, Tinto H, Roberts SA Testing an infection model to explain excess risk of preterm birth with long-term iron supplementation in a malaria endemic area Malar J. doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-3013-6
2019 Otieno L, Guerra Mendoza Y, Adjei S, Agbenyega T, Agnandji ST, Aide P, Akoo P, Ansong D, Asante KP, Berkley JA, Gesase S, Hamel MJ, Hoffman I, Kaali S, Kamthunzi P, Kariuki S, Kremsner P, Lanaspa M, Lell B, Lievens M, Lusingu J, Malabeja A, Masoud NS, Mtoro AT, Njuguna P, Ofori-Anyinam O, Otieno GA, Otieno W, Owusu-Agyei S, Schuerman L, Sorgho H, Tanner M, Tinto H, Valea I, Vandoolaeghe P, Sacarlal J, Oneko M. Safety and immunogenicity of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in infants and children identified as HIV-infected during a randomized trial in sub-Saharan Africa Vaccine. pii:
2019 Hema-Ouangraoua S, Aziz Maiga A, Cairns M, Zongo I, Frédéric N, Serge Yerbanga R, Tamboura B, Badji H, Gore-Langton G, Kuepfer I, Tinto H, Sagara I, Dicko A, Sow SO, Chandrahoman D, Greenwood B, Bosco Ouedraogo J. Impact of the addition of azithromycin to antimalarials used for seasonal malaria chemoprevention on antimicrobial resistance of Streptococcus pneumoniae Trop Med Int Health. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13321.
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2019 Nonterah EA, Boua PR, Klipstein-Grobusch K, Asiki G, Micklesfield LK, Agongo G, Ali SA, Mashinya F, Sorgho H, Nakanabo-Diallo S, Debpuur C, Kyobutungi C, Alberts M, Norris S, Tollman S, Tinto H, Soo CC, Mukomana F, Hazelhurst S, Wade AN, Kahn K, Oduro AR, Grobbee DE, Sankoh O, Ramsay M, Bots ML, Crowther NJ Classical Cardiovascular Risk Factors and HIV are Associated With Carotid Intima-Media Thickness in Adults From Sub-Saharan Africa: Findings From H3Africa AWI-Gen Study. J Am Heart Assoc
2019 Halidou Tinto, Walter Otieno, Samwel Gesase, Hermann Sorgho, Lucas Otieno, Edwin Liheluka, Innocent Valéa, Valentine Sing’oei, Anangisye Malabeja, Daniel Valia, Anne Wangwe, Emilia Gvozdenovic, Yolanda Guerra Mendoza, Erik Jongert, Marc Lievens, François Roman, Lode Schuerman, John Lusingu Long-term incidence of severe malaria following RTS,S/AS01 vaccination in children and infants in Africa: an open-label 3-year extension study of a phase 3 randomized controlled trial Lancet Infect Dis.
2019 Bonkian LN, Yerbanga RS, Sangare I, Koama B, Soma A, Cisse M, Bamba S, Valea I, Tinto H, Ouedraogo JB and Traore M ( In vivo Antiplasmodial and Insecticidal Activities of Citrus Limon (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), Leaves Extracts SAJ Pharmacy and Pharmacology.
2019 Post A, Kaboré B, Reuling IJ, Bognini J, van der Heijden W, Diallo S, Lompo P, Kam B, Herssens N, Lanke K, Bousema T, Sauerwein RW, Tinto H, Jacobs J, de Mast Q, van der Ven AJ The XN-30 hematology analyzer for rapid sensitive detection of malaria: a diagnostic accuracy study. BMC Med., doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1334-5
2019 S. A. Roberts, L. Brabin, S. Diallo, S. Gies, A. Nelson, C. Stewart, D. W. Swinkels, A. J. Geurts-Moespot, A. Kazienga, S. Ouedraogo, U. D’Alessandro, H. Tinto, B. J. Brabin Mucosal lactoferrin response to genital tract infections is associated with iron and nutritional biomarkers in young Burkinabé women European Journal of Clinical Nutrition ,
2019 Massa dit Achille Bonko, Francois Kiemde, Marc Christian Tahita, Palpouguini Lompo, Athanase M. Some, Halidou Tinto, Michael Boele van Hensbroek, Petra F. Mens and Henk D. F. H. Schallig The effect of malaria rapid diagnostic tests results on antimicrobial prescription practices of health care workers in Burkina Faso Ann Clin Microbiol Antimicrob.,
2019 Dobaño C, Sanz H, Sorgho H, Dosoo D, Mpina M, Ubillos I, Aguilar R, Ford T, Díez-Padrisa N, Williams NA, Ayestaran A, Traore O, Nhabomba AJ, Jairoce C, Waitumbi J, Agnandji ST, Kariuki S, Abdulla S, Aponte JJ, Mordmüller B, Asante KP, Owusu-Agyei S, Tinto H, Campo JJ, Moncunill G, Gyan B, Valim C, Daubenberger C Concentration and avidity of antibodies to different circumsporozoite epitopes correlate with RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine efficacy Nat Commun, doi: 10.1038/s41467-019-10195-z
2019 Brabin B, Gies S, Roberts SA, Diallo S, Lompo OM, Kazienga A, Brabin L, Ouedraogo S, Tinto H. Excess risk of preterm birth with periconceptional iron supplementation in a malaria endemic area: analysis of secondary data on birth outcomes in a double blind randomized controlled safety trial in Burkina Faso Malar J., doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2797-8
2019 Guerra Mendoza Y, Garric E, Leach A, Lievens M, Ofori-Anyinam O, Pirçon JY, Stegmann JU, Vandoolaeghe P, Otieno L, Otieno W, Owusu-Agyei S, Sacarlal J, Masoud NS, Sorgho H, Tanner M, Tinto H, Valea I, Mtoro AT, Njuguna P, Oneko M, Otieno GA, Otieno K, Gesase S, Hamel MJ, Hoffman I, Kaali S, Kamthunzi P, Kremsner P, Lanaspa M, Lell B, Lusingu J, Malabeja A, Aide P, Akoo P, Ansong D, Asante KP, Berkley JA, Adjei S, Agbenyega T, Agnandji ST, Schuerman L Safety profile of the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine in infants and children: additional data from a phase III randomized controlled trial in sub-Saharan Africa Hum Vaccin Immunother. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2019.1586040
2019 Nambozi M, Tinto H, Mwapasa V, Tagbor H, Kabuya JB, Hachizovu S, Traoré M, Valea I, Tahita MC, Ampofo G, Buyze J, Ravinetto R, Arango D, Thriemer K, Mulenga M, van Geertruyden JP, D'Alessandro U Artemisinin-based combination therapy during pregnancy: outcome of pregnancy and infant mortality: a cohort study. Malar J: 18(1):105. doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2737-7
2019 Toussaint Rouamba, Seydou Nakanabo-Diallo, Karim Derra, Eli Rouamba, Adama Kazienga, Yasuko Inoue, Ernest K. Ouédraogo, Moussa Waongo, Sokhna Dieng, Abdoulaye Guindo, Boukary Ouédraogo, Kankoé Lévi Sallah, Seydou Barro, Pascal Yaka, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou, Halidou Tinto and Jean Gaudart Socioeconomic and environmental factors associated with malaria hotspots in the Nanoro demographic surveillance area, Burkina Faso BMC Public Health,
2019 Toussaint Rouamba, Paul Sondo, Isidore W Yerbanga, Adelaide Compaore, Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Franck S Hien, Nassirou A Diande, Daniel Valia, Innocent Valea, Patricia Akweongo, Rita Baiden, Fred Binka, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou, Halidou Tinto High adherence level to artemisinin-based combination therapies in rural settlement 11 years after their introduction in the health system, Nanoro, Burkina Faso Patient Preference and Adherence
2019 Francois Kiemde, Massa dit Achille Bonko, Marc Christian Tahita, Petra F. Mens, Halidou Tinto, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Michael Boele van Hensbroek Algorithms for sequential interpretation of a malaria rapid diagnostic test detecting two different targets of Plasmodium species to improve diagnostic accuracy in a rural setting (Nanoro, Burkina Faso) PLOS ONE,
2019 Salou Diallo, Stephen A. Roberts, Sabine Gies, Toussaint Rouamba, Dorine W. Swinkels, Anneke J. Geurts-Moespot, Sayouba Ouedraogo , Georges Anicet Ouedraogo , Halidou Tinto, Bernard J. Brabin Malaria early in the first pregnancy: Potential impact of iron status Clinical Nutrition. Pii,,
2019 D. Chandramohan, A. Dicko, I. Zongo, I. Sagara, M. Cairns, I. Kuepfer, M. Diarra, A. Barry, A. Tapily, F. Nikiema, S. Yerbanga, S. Coumare, I. Thera, A. Traore, P. Milligan, H. Tinto, O. Doumbo,* J.-B. Ouedraogo, and B. Greenwood Effect of Adding Azithromycin to Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention N Engl J Med,,
2019 Sondo P, Derra K, Lefevre T, Diallo-Nakanabo S, Tarnagda Z, Zampa O, Kazienga A, Valea I, Sorgho H, Ouedraogo JB, Guiguemde TR, Tinto H Genetically diverse Plasmodium falciparum infections, within-host competition and symptomatic malaria in humans Sci Rep. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-36493-y
2019 Unger H, Thriemer K, Ley B, Tinto H, Traoré M, Valea I, Tagbor H, Antwi G, Gbekor P, Nambozi M, Kabuya JB, Mulenga M, Mwapasa V, Chapotera G, Madanitsa M, Rulisa S, de Crop M, Claeys Y, Ravinetto R, D'Alessandro U The assessment of gestational age: a comparison of different methods from a malaria pregnancy cohort in sub-Saharan Africa [BMC Pregnancy Childbirth].
2019 George JA, Brandenburg JT, Fabian J, Crowther NJ, Agongo G, Alberts M, Ali S, Asiki G, Boua PR, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Mukomana F, Norris SA, Oduro AR, Soo C, Sorgho H, Wade A, Naicker S, Ramsay M Kidney damage and associated risk factors in rural and urban sub-Saharan Africa (AWI-Gen): a cross-sectional population study [Lancet Global Health],,
2019 [Bernard Brabin, Sabine Gies, Stephen A. Roberts, Salou Diallo, Olga M. Lompo, Adama Kazienga, Loretta Brabin, Sayouba Ouedraogo and Halidou Tinto] [Excess risk of preterm birth with periconceptional iron supplementation in a malaria endemic area: analysis of secondary data on birth outcomes in a double blind randomized controlled safety trial in Burkina Faso] [Malaria Journal], doi: 10.1186/s12936-019-2797-8
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2019 Toussaint Rouamba, Paul Sondo, Karim Derra, Adelaide Compaore, Maminata Traore/Coulibaly, IsidoreYerbanga, Eli Rouamba, Franck S. Hien, Nassirou A. Diande, Ouoba Serge, Innocent Valea, Patricia Akweongo, Rita Baiden, Fred Binka, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou and Halidou Tinto [High adherence level to artemisinin-based combination therapies in rural settlement eleven years after their introduction in the health system, Nanoro, Burkina Faso] [Patient Prefer Adherence]. 
2019 Koama Benjamin. Kouliga, Yerbanga Rakiswendé Serge, Da Ollo, Yougbaré Sibidou, Natama Hamtandi Magloire, Ouedraogo Georges Anicet, Ouedraogo Jean Bosco, Traore/Coulibaly Maminata In Vivo Antimalarial Activity, Safety and Phytochemical Screening of Canthium Multiflorum (Schumach. &Thonn.) Hiern (Rubiaceae) [Complement Medicine Alternative Healthcare Journal], JCMAH.MS.ID.555798, DOI: 10.19080/JCMAH.2020.10.555798
2019 Sibidou Yougbaré, Ting-Kuang Chang, Shih-Hua Tan, Jui-Chi Kuo, Po-Hsuan Hsu, Cheng-Yen Su, Tsung-Rong Kuo. Antimicrobial Gold Nanoclusters: Recent Developments and Future Perspectives [Intenational Journal of Molecular Sciences], doi:10.3390/ijms20122924
2019 Laura Bragagna, Maminata Traore Coulibaly, Klaus Stolze, Jean Claude Ouedraogo, Sibidou Yougbaré, Zephirin Pando Dakuyo, Johannes Novak. Spectrophotometric Determination of Antiplasmodial Cochloxanthins from Roots of Cochlospermum planchonii Hook.f. (Bixaceae), [Scientific African], S2468-2276( 18) 30182-0
2019 Bonkian LN, Yerbanga RS, Sangaré I, Koama B, Soma A, Cissé M, Bamba S, Valea I, Tinto H, Ouedraogo JB and Traoré M. In vivo Antiplasmodial and Insecticidal Activities of Citrus Limon (L.) Osbeck (Rutaceae), Leaves Extracts [SAJ Pharmacy and Pharmacology], 6, 103
2019 Sofia Birgersson , Innocent Valea , Halidou Tinto , Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Laeticia C. Toe , Richard M. Hoglund , Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden , Stephen A. Ward , Umberto D’Alessandro , Angela Abelö , Joel Tarning Population pharmacokinetics of artesunate and dihydroartemisinin in pregnant and non-pregnant women with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria in Burkina Faso: an open label trial Wellcome Open Research 4:45.
2019 Holger Unger, Kamala Thriemer, Benedikt Ley, Halidou Tinto, Maminata Traoré, Innocent Valea, Harry Tagbor, Gifty Antwi,Prosper Gbekor, Michael Nambozi, Jean-Bertin Bukasa Kabuya, Modest Mulenga, Victor Mwapasa, Gertrude Chapotera, Mwayiwawo Madanitsa, Stephen Rulisa, Maaike de Crop, Yves Claeys, Raffaella Ravinetto, and Umberto D’Alessandro The assessment of gestational age: a comparison of different methods from a malaria pregnancy cohort in sub-Saharan Africa. [BMC Pregnancy Childbirth], doi: 10.1186/s12884-018-2128-z
2019 Chotsiri P, Zongo I, Milligan P, Compaore YD, Somé AF, Chandramohan D, Hanpithakpong W, Nosten F, Greenwood B, Rosenthal PJ, White NJ, Ouédraogo JB, Tarning J. Optimal dosing of dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine for seasonal malaria chemoprevention in young children. [Nat Commun]
2019 [Abdoulaye NiangCharles NignanB. Serge PodaSimon P. SawadogoK. Roch DabiréOlivier GnankinéFrédéric TripetOlivier RouxAbdoulaye Diabaté] [Semi-field and indoor setups to study malaria mosquito swarming behavior] [Parasites & Vectors]
2019 [Sévérin N’DO, Koama BAYILI, Bazoma BAYILI, Moussa NAMOUNTOUGOU, Roger SANOU, Abdoulaye OUATTARA, Roch K. DABIRE, David MALONE, Anicet G. OUEDRAOGO, Joseph BOROVSKY, Dov BOROVSKY et Abdoulaye DIABATÉ ] [Effect of Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis sugar patches on insecticide resistant Anopheles gambiae s.l. adults] [Journal of Medical Entomology, Oxford University Press]
2019 [Koama BAYILI, Sévérin N’DO, Rajpal S. YADAV, Moussa NAMOUNTOUGOU, Abdoulaye OUATTARA, Roch K. DABIRE, Georges A. OUEDRAOGO et Abdoulaye DIABATE] [Experimental hut evaluation of DawaPlus 3.0 LN and DawaPlus 4.0 LN treated with deltamethrin and PBO against free-flying populations of Anopheles gambiae s.l. in Vallée du Kou, Burkina Faso] [PLoS ONE]
2019 Ruiz JL, Yerbanga RS, Lefèvre T, Ouedraogo JB, Corces VG, Gómez-Díaz E. Chromatin changes in Anopheles gambiae induced by Plasmodium falciparum infection. Epigenetics Chromatin. doi:10.1186/s13072-018-0250-9.
2019 Yaro S, Njanpop Lafourcade BM, Ouangraoua S, Ouoba A, Kpoda H, Findlow H, Tall H, Seanehia J, Martin C, Ouedraogo JB, Gessner B, Meda N, Borrow R, Trotter C, Mueller JE Antibody Persistence at the Population Level 5 Years After Mass Vaccination With Meningococcal Serogroup A Conjugate Vaccine (PsA-TT) in Burkina Faso: Need for a Booster Campaign? [Clin Infect Dis.], doi: 10.1093/cid/ciy488.
2019 Bationo JF, Zeba AN, Coulibaly ND, Sheftel J, Davis CR, Bassole IH, Barro N, Ouedraogo JB, Tanumihardjo SA. Liver retinol estimated by 13C-retinol isotope dilution at 7 versus 14 days in Burkinabe schoolchildren. [Exp Biol Med (Maywood)].,
2019 Prado EL, Yakes Jimenez E, Vosti S, Stewart R, Stewart CP, Somé J, Pulakka A, Ouédraogo JB, Okronipa H, Ocansey E, Oaks B, Maleta K, Lartey A, Kortekangas E, Hess SY, Brown K, Bendabenda J, Ashorn U, Ashorn P, Arimond M, Adu-Afarwuah S, Abbeddou S, Dewey K. Path analyses of risk factors for linear growth faltering in four prospective cohorts of young children in Ghana, Malawi and Burkina Faso. [BMJ Glob Health]. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-001155. eCollection 2019.
2019 Funck-Brentano C, Ouologuem N, Duparc S, Felices M, Sirima SB, Sagara I, Soulama I, Ouedraogo JB, Beavogui AH, Borghini-Fuhrer I, Khan Y, Djimdé AA, Voiriot P. Evaluation of the effects on the QT-interval of 4 artemisinin-based combination therapies with a correction-free and heart rate-free method. [Sci Rep.] 2019, doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-37113-5.
2019 [J.C.R.P. Ouédraogo, S. Ouoba, M. Savadogo, M. Sawadogo, E. Nikiema, H. Ouédraogo et al. [Morbi-mortalité de la varicelle en milieu hospitalier: à propos de 19 cas colligés au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouedraogo, Burkina Faso] [The Pan African Medical Journal]
2019 Estelle N.H. Youl, Cyrille A.P. Ouédraogo, Moustapha Gambo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Martin Kiendrebéogo, Aristide Traoré, Innocent Pierre Guissou Antioxidant activity of crude ethanolic extract, and fractions of Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhamnaceae) leaves from Burkina Faso Journal of Basic and Clinical Physiology and Pharmacology. 20170176
2019 Alphonsine Ramde-Tiendrebeogo, Sabine Hien, Hassanata Millogo-Kone, Felix B. Kini, Aristide Traore, Joseph Issaka Boussim3 and Innocent Pierre Guissou Menopause disorders and their treatment in traditional medicine in Burkina Faso [Journal of Medicinal Plants Research],
2019 Ousmane Ouedraogo;MSc, Ella WR Compaore, Sabiba KE Amouzou; Augustin N Zeba; & Mamoudou H Dicko; Determination and Characterization of Women, Infants, and Young Children's Dietary Diversity in Agricultural Mitigation Period of Burkina Faso [Journal of Nutrition and Food Security]
2019 [Jeoffray Diendéré, Jean Kaboré, Jérôme Winbetourefa Somé, Gauthier Tougri, Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba, Halidou Tinto] [Prevalence and factors associated with overweight and obesity among rural and urban women in Burkina Faso] [Pan Afr Med J]. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2019.34.199.20250
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2019 [Hermann Biénou Lanou, Saskia J.M. Osendarp, Alemayehu Argaw, Kirrily De Polnay, Catherine Ouédraogo, Seni Kouanda, Patrick Kolsteren] Micronutrient powder supplements combined with nutrition education marginally improve growth amongst children aged 6–23 months in rural Burkina Faso: A cluster randomized controlled trial] Maternal and Child Nutrition 2019;e12820,,,
2019 Mette F. Olsen, Ann‐Sophie Iuel‐Brockdorff, Charles W. Yaméogo, Bernardette Cichon, Christian Fabiansen, Suzanne Filteau, Kevin Phelan, Albertine Ouédraogo, Jonathan C. Wells, André Briend, Kim F. Michaelsen, Lotte Lauritzen, Christian Ritz, Per Ashorn, Vibeke B. Christensen, Melissa Gladstone, Henrik Friis] [Early development in children with moderate acutemalnutrition: A cross‐sectional study in Burkina Faso] Maternal and Child Nutrition, DOI: 10.1111/mcn.12928
2019 Nadine Danielle Coulibaly, Serge MA Somda, Césaire Tania Ouédraogo, et al. Validation of data provided by the deuterium oxide dose-to-mother technique for better evaluation of breastfeeding practice Open Journal of Food and Nutrition Research .
2019 Tialla Dieudonné, Sausy Aurélie, Cissé Assana, Sagna Tani, Ilboudo Abdoul Kader, Ouédraogo Georges Anicet, Hübschen Judith M., Tarnagda Zékiba, Snoeck Chantal J., Serological evidence of swine exposure to pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza A virus in Burkina Faso. Veterinary Microbiology,,
2019 Kaboré JW, Camara O, Ilboudo H, Capewell P, Clucas C, Cooper A, Kaboré J, Camara M, Jamonneau V, Hertz-Fowler C, Bélem AMG, Matovu E, Macleod A, Sidibé I, Noyes H, Bucheton B; TrypanoGEN Research Group, as member of the H3Africa Consortium. Macrophage migrating inhibitory factor expression is associated with Trypanosoma brucei gambiense infection and is controlled by trans-acting expression quantitative trait loci in the Guinean population. [Infect Genet Evol.], DOI: 10.1016/j.meegid.2019.03.021
2019 Waiswa, Peter, Akuze, Joseph, Moyer, Cheryl et al. (47 more authors) Status of birth and pregnancy outcome capture in Health Demographic Surveillance Sites in 13 countries [International Journal of Public Health],,
2019 Georgina S. Humphreys, Halidou Tinto, and Karen I. Barnes Strength in Numbers: The WWARN Case Study of Purpose-Driven Data Sharing [Am J Trop Med Hyg], doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.18-0649
2019 Mathieu Nitiéma, Raffaella Soleti, Camille Koffi, Lazare Belemnaba, Patricia Mallegol, Noufou Ouédraogo, Bondo Félix Kini, Sylvin Ouédraogo, Innocent Pierre Guissou and Ramaroson Andriantsitohaina. Ethyl acetate fraction of Lannea microcarpa Engl. K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) trunk barks corrects Angiotensin II-induced hypertension and endothelial dysfunction in mice. [Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity],,
2019 Mathieu Nitiéma, Moumouni Koala, Lazare Belemnaba, Jean Claude W. Ouédraogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Félix Bondo Kini, Sylvin Ouédraogo and Innocent Pierre Guissou. Endothelium-Independent Vasorelaxant Effects of Anthocyanins-Enriched Extract from Odontonema strictum (Nees) Kuntze (Acanthaceae) Flowers: Ca2+ Channels Involvement. [European Journal of Medicinal Plants], .
2019 Belemnaba Lazare, Nitiéma Mathieu, Ouédraogo Sylvin, Auger Cyril, Schini-Kerth, Valérie B. and Bernard Bucher Endothelium-independent vasorelaxation by ichloromethanolic fraction from Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC) Guill. Et Perr. (Combretaceae) bark of trunk on porcine coronary artery rings: Involvement of [Ca2+ ] decreased and phosphodiesterases inhibition [African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology]
2019 Camille Koffi, Raffaella Soleti, Mathieu Nitiema, Patricia Mallegol, Gregory Hilairet, Julien Chaigneau, Jerome Boursier, Mamadou Kamagate, Soazig Le Lay, Henri Maxime Die-Kakou and Ramaroson Andriantsitohaina. Ethanol Extract of Leaves of Cassia siamea Lam Protects against Diabetes-Induced Insulin Resistance, Hepatic, and Endothelial Dysfunctions in ob/ob Mice. [Oxidative Medicine and Cellular Longevity]
2019 Belemnaba Lazare, Soubeiga Madi, Ouédraogo Geoffroy G., Traoré Tata Kadiatou, Nitiéma Mathieu, Ilboudo Sylvain, Belemlilga B. Mohamed, Compaoré Souleymane, Sondé/Boly Raïnatou, Ouédraogo Jean Claude R. P., Ouédraogo Salfo, Ramdé T. Alphonsine, Ouédraogo Noufou, Ouédraogo Moussa and Ouédraogo Sylvin Antioxidant properties and subchronic toxicity of the standardized extract of LAMIC, a phytomedicine prototype based on aqueous extracts from trunk bark of Lannea microcarpa Engl. and K. Krause. Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics.
2019 Stanislas Sawadogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Sagazaga Drissa Sanou, Andouormwine Abel Somé, Anankpétinan Prosper Dabiré, Mathieu Nitiéma, Gourounga Raymond Belemtougri, Sylvin Ouédraogo, François Boucher, Joël De Leiris. Hypotensive and Vasorelaxant Effects of Aqueous Extract of Dichrostachys cinerea (L) Wight and Arv (Mimosaceae). Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences.
2019 Kamidini Venceslas COULIDIATI, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Lazare BELEMNABA, Mathieu NITIEMA, Moustapha ABDOULAYE GAMBO, Geoffroy G. OUEDRAOGO, Kadiatou Tata TRAORE, Wendkouni L.M.E. KABRÉ, Raïnatou SONDE/BOLY, Sylvain ILBOUDO, Marius LOMPO, Sylvin OUEDRAOGO et Innocent Pierre GUISSOU Effet gastroprotecteur et potentiel mécanisme d’action antiulcéreuse d’extraits de fruits de Acacia nilotica var adansonii (Guill. et Perr.) O. Ktze (Mimosaceae) [Revue Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé],
2019 Yun Luo, Chong-Zhi Wang, Richard Sawadogo, Ting Tan and Chun-Su Yuan Effect of Herbal Medicine on Pain Management [The American Journal of Chinese Medicine],
2019 [Kadiatou Tata Traoré, Noufou Ouédraogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Gilchrist Abdoul Laurent Boly, Leïla Marie Esther W. Kabré, Constantin B. Atchadé, Mohamed B. Belemlilga, Sylvain Ilboudo, Marius Lompo, Sylvin Ouédraogo, André Tibiri and Innocent Pierre Guissou] [Anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of extracts from Balanites aegyptiaca L. Delile (Balanitaceae) root bark: Plant used against liver diseases in Bukina Faso] Afr. J. Pharm. Pharmacol.,
2019 Seydou S., Ag Arya M., Ouédraogo N., Aristide T., Gréma M., Ouédraogo S.…] [Etude des propriétés anti-inflammatoire et analgésique des macérés aqueux et hydroéthanolique des feuilles de Salvadora persica L. chez la souris] [Ethnopharmacologia]
2019 [Samson Guenné, Nabèrè Ouattara, Noufou Ouédraogo, Alin Ciobica, Adama Hilou,Martin Kiendrebéogo] [Phytochemistry and neuroprotective effects of Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk] [Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine],
2019 [Mohamed Bonewendé BELEMLILGA, Tata Kady TRAORÉ, Gilchrist A.L BOLY, Noufou OUÉDRAOGO, Aristide TRAORÉ, Marius LOMPO, Sylvin OUÉDRAOGO and Innocent Pierre GUISSOU] [Evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and analgesic activities of leaves of Saba senegalensis (A. DC) Pichon (Apocynaceae)] [European Journal of Medicinal Plants],
2019 [Mohamed Bonewendé BELEMLILGA, Aristide Traoré, Lazare Belemnaba, Félix Bondo Kini, Sylvin Ouédraogo and Innocent Pierre Guissou] [Ovicidal and Larvicidal Activities of Saba senegalensis (A. DC) Pichon (Apocynaceae) Extracts and Fractions on Heligmosomoides bakeri (Nematoda, Heligmosomatidae)] [Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International], DOI: 10.9734/jpri/2019/v31i630327
2019 [BOLY Abdoul Gilchrist L., TRAORE Aristide, OUEDRAOGO Moussa, BELEMLILGA Mohamed, TRAORE Tata K., BELEMNABA Lazare, OUEDRAOGO Noufou, LUPU Andre, OUEDRAOGO Sylvin, MIRON Liviu et GUISSOU Innocent P.] [Pharmacological study of trunk bark of Acacia nilotica var adansonii (Guill et Perr).o Ktze (Mimosaceae) : Assays, antioxidant and antispasmodic activities] [Journal of Drug Delivery & Therapeutics],
2019 Sylvain Ilboudo, Sountong-Noma Faizatou Sorgho, Paul Windinpsidi Savadogo, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouedraogo, Félix dit Bondo Kini, Sylvin Ouedraogo Farmer Practices and Risk of Water Contamination by Pesticides Used in Vegetable Cropping in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [International Journal of Environmental Monitoring and Analysis], doi: 10.11648/j.ijema.20190706.13
2019 Alphonsine RAMDE-TIENDREBEOGO , Moumouni KOALA, Geoffroy OUEDRAOGO, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Félix B. KINI, Pierre CHALARD et Innocent Pierre GUISSOU Utilisation des feuilles de Ficus sycomorus L. (Moraceae) dans la prévention de l’hypercoagulation chez les drépanocytaires: identification de composés phénoliques potentiellement anticoagulant et antiagrégant plaquettaire [International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences (IJBCS)], DOI: 10.4314/ijbcs.v13i2.20
2019 Geoffroy G. Ouedraogo, Gaétan D. Somda, Sylvain Ilboudo, Noufou Ouedraogo, Jean Koudou and Pierre I. Guissou Phytochemical Screening and Toxicological Study of Neptunia oleracea Lour. (Mimosaceae) Extracts, Plant Used in Traditional Medicine Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International DOI:10.9734/JPRI/2019/v31i630362
2019 Sylvain ILBOUDO, Hortense SOME, Geoffroy G. OUEDRAOGO, Félix B. KINI, Sylvin OUEDRAOGO and Innocent P. GUISSOU Phytochemical, acute and subacute toxicity studies of Annona senegalensis Pers. (Annonaceae) root wood extracts African Journal of Biochemistry Research, DOI:10.5897/AJBR2019.1030
2019 Sylvain Ilboudo, Geoffroy G. Ouédraogo, Ignace Sawadogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Sylvin Ouédraogo and Roger Ch. H. Nébié Safety assessment of Cymbopogon shoenanthus (L.) Spreng. (Poaceae) essential oils: Oral toxicity, dermal and eye irritancy investigations [Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences],
2019 Gaetan D. SOMDA, Geoffroy G. OUEDRAOGO, Sylvain ILBOUDO, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Jean KOUDOU, Pierre I. GUISSOU Phytochemical Screening, Acute Toxicity and Anti Diarrhoeal Effect of Extracts from Prosopis africana (Guill. & Perr.) Taub (Mimosaceae) International Journal of Science and Research
2019 Bazoma BAYILI, Richard OUEDRAOGO, Sylvain ILBOUDO, Lamine POODA, Macaire Bonkoungou, Jean Fidèle BATIONO, Jean Bosco OUEDRAOGO, Georges Anicet OUEDRAOGO Characterization of pesticides and practices of cotton producers and pesticides seller in the cotton zone of Bala’s Hippopotamus Pond Biosphere of Burkina Faso [Journal of Experimental Biology and Agricultural Sciences],
2019 H. COMPAORE, S. ILBOUDO, A.D. BAMA NATI and M.M. BALIMA DAMA Les risques sanitaires liés à l’utilisation des pesticides dans les bas-fonds rizicoles de la commune de Dano, province du Ioba Burkina Faso [African Crop Science Journal], DOI:
2019 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Ashley Grosso, Sara Goodman, Benoît Cesaire Samadoulougou, Grissoum Tarnagda, Adama Baguiya, Simon Tiendrebeogo, MarcelLougue, Nongoba Sawadogo, Yves Traore, Nicolas Barro, Stefan Baral and Seni Kouanda [Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among men who have sex with men: results of the first integrated biological and behavioral survey in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [BMC Public Health], DOI:
2019 [Adama Baguiya, Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Abou Coulibaly, Mahamadou Fayama, Djénéba Sanon Ouédraogo, Souleymane Zan, Seydou Bélemviré, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo, Séni Kouanda [Assessment Of Maternity Staff Training And Knowledge Of Obstetric Care In Burkina Faso: A Repeated Cross-Sectional Study] [International Journal of Women’s Health],
2019 [Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Adama Baguiya, Valéry Ridde, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo, Alexandre Dumont et Seni Kouanda [Out-of-pocket payments in the context of a free maternal health care policy in Burkina Faso: a national cross-sectional survey] [Health Economics Review],
2019 S. Sawadogo, A. Baguiya, F. Yougbare, B.W. Bicaba, K. Nebie, T.Millogo, I. Kamba, L. Kaba, L. Sangare,E. Kafando &V. Deneys Seroprevalence and factors associated with IgG anti-DENV positivity in blood donors in Burkina Faso during the 2016 dengue outbreak and implications for blood supply [Transfusion Medicine],
2019 Aziz SBA, Marcel B, Zenab K, Soumaila C, Franck G, Joseph CD Associated Factors to Nutritional Status and Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) Practices in Rural Area of Burkina Faso: A Study in Ouargaye Health District. [American Journal of Pediatrics],
2019 Bougma S, Garanet F, Sawadogo N, Savadogo A. Facteurs associés au retard de croissance dans un contexte de supplémentation alimentaire au Burkina Faso. [Cahiers de Nutrition et de Diététique], Doi : 10.1016/j.cnd.2018.11.006
2019 Langlois BK, Cliffer IR, Nikiema L, Suri DJ, Garanet F, Shen Y, et al. Factors that may influence effectiveness of four specialized nutritious foods in the prevention of stunting and wasting in children 6–23 months in Burkina Faso [Curr Dev Nutr],
2019 Ouédraogo O, Garanet F, Compaoré E, Hermann L, Zoma LR, Kaboré S, et al. Prévalence et facteurs associés au retard de croissance chez des écoliers à Dori, Burkina Faso. (Sante Publique],
2019 Zogo B, Soma DD, Tchiekoi BN, Somé A, Ahoua Alou LP, Koffi AA, Fournet F, Dahounto A, Coulibaly B, Kandé S, Dabiré RK, Baba-Moussa L, Moiroux N Pennetier C Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance mechanisms, and malaria transmission in the Korhogo area, northern Côte d’Ivoire: a pre-intervention study. [Parasite],
2019 Nguyen Toan TRAN, Armando SEUC, Abou COULIBALY, Sihem LANDOULSI, Tieba MILLOGO, Fatou SISSOKO, Wambi Maurice E. YAMAEGO, Souleymane ZAN, Asa CUZIN-KIHL, James KIARIE, Mary Eluned GAFFIELD, Blandine THIEBA, Seni KOUANDA Post-partum family planning in Burkina Faso (Yam Daabo): a two group, multi-intervention, single-blinded, cluster-randomised controlled trial [The Lancet Global Health],
2019 [Tani Sagna, Elena Bonora; Marie Ouedraogo; Daniela Fusco; Abdou A Zoure; Cyrille Bisseye; Florencia Djigma; Jacques G Kafando; Nayi Zongo; Zoenabo Douamba; Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah; Daniela Turchetti; Virginio Pietra; Olga M Lompo; Charlemagne Ouedraogo; Marco Seri; Jacques Simpore ] [Identification of BRCA1/2 p.Ser1613Gly, p.Pro871Leu, p.Lys1183Arg, p.Glu1038Gly, p.Ser1140Gly, p.Val2466Ala, p.His2440Arg mutations in women under 45 years old with breast nodules suspected of having breast cancer in Burkina] [BioMol Concepts],,
2019 [Isabelle Touwendpoulimdé Kiendrebeogo, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Albert Théophane Yonli, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Herman Karim Sombie, Sessi Frida Tovo, Edwige T. Yelemkoure, Aboubacar Hierrhum Bambara, Alexis Yobi Sawadogo, Youssef Bakri, Jacques Simpore ] [Glutathione S-transferase M1 (GSTM1) and T1 (GSTT1) variants and breast cancer risk in Burkina Faso] [BioMol Concepts],
2019 Bruno Bonnechère1,2,3,4*†, Kadari Cissé1,5†, Tiéba Millogo6, Gautier H. Ouédraogo5, Franck Garanet5, Mariam A. Ouedraogo5, Gabriela Boyle7, Sékou Samadoulougou8, Seni Kouanda5,6andFati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Tobacco use and associated risk factors in Burkina Faso: results from a population-based cross-sectional survey] [BMC Public Health],,
2019 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Ashley Grosso, Sara Goodman, Benoît Cesaire Samadoulougou, Grissoum Tarnagda, Adama Baguiya, Simon Tiendrebeogo, Marcel Lougue, Nongoba Sawadogo, Yves Traore, Nicolas Barro, Stefan Baral and Seni Kouanda, [Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among men who have sex with men: Results of the first integrated biological and behavioral survey in Burkina Faso, West Africa] BMC Public Health],
2019 [Ouedraogo HG, Zida S, Compaore TR, Lanou BH, Rao A, Sagna T, Kadari C, Tarnagda G, Ky-Zerbo O, Traore Y, Baral S, Kouanda S, Barro N.] [Seroepidemiology of syphilis among men who have sex with men in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [European Journal of Clinical Microbiology] ,
2019 [Yugbaré Belemsaga D.; Goujon A.; Degomme O.; Nassa T.; Duysburgh E.; Kouanda S. and Temmerman M] [Assessing changes in costs of maternal postpartum services between 2013 and 2014 in Burkina Faso] [International Journal for Equity in Health, 18:154 https://doi:10.1186/s12939-019-1064-5,
2019 [Kiemtoré S, Zoungrana Z, Zamané H, Kaboré CWPD, Ouédraogo A, Bonané B] [Interventions to improve the use of long-acting reversible contraceptive methods at primary health centers in Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics],
2019 [Simon Tiendrébéogo, Somé Blaise, Séni Kouanda, Simplice Dossou-Gbété] [Survival analysis of data of HIV infected persons receiving antiretroviral therapy using a model-based binary tree approach] [Journal of Mathematics and Statistics],
2019 Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, AR Nikiema, K Cissé, O Ky-Zerbo, BC Samadoulougou, AM Ouedraogo, Y Traore, R Ouedraogo/Traore, N Barro, S Kouanda [Portage du virus de l’hépatite B chez les travailleuses du sexe dans trois villes secondaires du Burkina Faso: Koudougou, Ouahigouya et Tenkodogo] [Maladies Infectieuses Infectiologie Microbiologie],,
2019 [Kiemtore S, Yameogo SA, Toure B, Ouedraogo I, Kabore WC, Ouedraogo A, Bonane -Thieba B] [Facteurs limitant l’utilisation des méthodes modernes de contraception chez les mères d’enfant de 12 à 23 mois au centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [Med Sante Trop], doi : 10.1684/mst.2019.0899
2019 [Abdou Azaque Zoure, Abdoul Razack Sare, Félix Yameogo, Zéphirin Somda, Sébastien Massart, Athanase Badolo and Frédéric Francis] [Bacterial communities associated with the midgut microbiota of wild Anopheles gambiae in Burkina Faso] [Mol Biol Rep],
2019 [Simon Tiendrébéogo, Séni Kouanda, Somé Blaise, Simplice Dossou-Gbété] [A recursive binary tree model for the analysis of the response to antiretroviral therapy of infected adults in Burkina Faso ] [Open Journal of Statistics, volume 9]
2019 TOUGRI Halima, YAYA BOCOUM Fadima, COMPAORE Rachida, OUEDRAOGO Adja Mariam, CONGO Boukaré, PIETRA Virginio, KOUANDA Séni,] Evaluation de la mise en œuvre du dépistage de la malnutrition aiguë sévère chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans par les mères dans la région du Centre-Ouest au Burkina Faso [Sciences et technique série sciences],
2019 [Heidi M. Soeters, Dinanibè Kambiré, Guetawendé Sawadogo, Rasmata Ouédraogo-Traoré, Brice Bicaba, Isaïe Medah, Lassana Sangaré, Abdoul-Salam Ouédraogo, Soumeya Ouangraoua, Issaka Yaméogo, Malika Congo-Ouédraogo, Absatou Ky Ba, Flavien Aké, Velusamy Srinivasan, Ryan T. Novak, Lesley McGee, Cynthia G. Whitney, and Chris Van Beneden] [Impact of 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine on Pneumococcal Meningitis, Burkina Faso, 2016–2017] [The Journal of Infectious Diseases]
2019 Alice Kiba Koumaré,Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Fabienne Soudré, Raoul Karfo, Gnabôrou Rachid Konfé, Elie Kabré, Ignatius Baldeh, Jacques Simporé, Jean Sakandé Role of microRNA-33a/b in Cholesterol Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic Patients in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [Advances in Biochemistry]
2019 [Ouedraogo H. Gautier, Ouandaogo H. Siaka, Zida Sylvie, Compaoré T. Rebeca, Sagna Tani, Sawadogo Salam, Kouanda Seni, Traoré Yves and Barro Nicolas Evaluation of three commercialized rapid point-of-care tests for detection of anti-hepatitis C virus antibodies in Burkina Faso African Journal of Microbiology Research
2019 Fortune Djimabi Salah, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Adodo Yao Sadji, Amana Metuor-Dabire, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Abiba Banla-Kere, Simplice Karou, and Jacques Simpore Distribution of quinolone resistance gene (qnr) in ESBL-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. in Lomé, Togo [Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control],,
2019 Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Jeremy James Martinson, Albert Théophane Yonli, Bolni Marius Nagalo, Tégwindé Rebeca Compaore, Birama Diarra, Herman Karim Sombie, Abibou Simpore, Arsène Wendpagnangdé Zongo, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Serge Théophile R. Soubeiga, Lassina Traore, Edwige T Yelemkoure, Isabelle Touwendpoulimdé Kiendrebeogo, Lewis R. Roberts, Jacques Simpore Role of Killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) genes in stages of HIV-1 infection among patients from Burkina Faso Biomolecular Concepts,
2019 Herman Karim Sombié, Jonas Koudougou Kologo, Daméhan Tchelougou, Serge Yannick Ouédraogo, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Tegwindé Rebecca Compaoré, Bolni Marius Nagalo, Abel Pegdwendé Sorgho, Issoufou Nagabila, Serge Théophile Soubeïga, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Albert Théophane Yonli, Patrice Zabsonré, Hassanata Millogo, and Jacques Simporé Positive association between ATP2B1 rs17249754 and essential hypertension: a case-control study in Burkina Faso, West Africa [BMC Cardiovascular Disorders],
2019 [Kaboré C, Ridde V, Chaillet N, Yaya Bocoum F, Betrán AP, Dumont A] [DECIDE: a cluster-randomized controlled trial to reduce unnecessary caesarean deliveries in Burkina Faso] [BMC Med.], doi: 10.1186/s12916-019-1320-y
2019 Dahourou DL, Masson D, Aka-Dago-Akribi H, Gauthier-Lafaye C, Cacou C, Raynaud J-P, Moh C, Bouah B, Sturm G, Oga M, Msellati P, Leroy V, Le Groupe Atelier Annonce Adolescents Afrique [HIV Disclosure to the Child/Adolescent in Central and West Francophone Africa] [Bull Soc Pathol Exot],,
2019 Benjamin Fröhlich, Julia Jäger, Christine Lansche, Cecilia P. Sanchez, Marek Cyrklaff, Bernd Buchholz, Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Jacque Simpore, Hiroaki Ito, Ulrich S. Schwarz, Michael Lanzer, Motomu Tanaka Hemoglobin S and C affect biomechanical membrane properties of P. falciparum-infected erythrocytes [COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY],
2019 Laure Stella Ghoma Linguissi,Tani Sagna, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Luc Christian Gwom, Céline Nguefeu Nkenfou, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Virginio Pietra, Jacques Simpore Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) of HIV: a review of the achievements and challenges in Burkina-Faso [HIV/AIDS - Research and Palliative Care],
2019 Zakaria Gamsonré, Cyrille Bisseye, Léon W. Nitiema*, Birama Diarra, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Issoufou Tao, Tegwindé Rebeca Compaoré,Florencia W. Djigma, Djénéba Ouermi, Johan Nordgren, Virginio Pietra and Jacques Simporé Astrovirus Gastroenteritis in Children Younger than 5 Years in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso): Prevalence and Risks Factors Influencing Severity International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health;
2019 Desmonde S, Frank SC, Coovadia A, Dahourou DL, Hou T, Abrams EJ, Amorissani-Folquet M, Walensky RP, Strehlau R, Penazzato M, Freedberg KA, Kuhn L, Leroy V, Ciaranello AL Cost-Effectiveness of Preemptive Switching to Efavirenz-Based Antiretroviral Therapy for Children With Human Immunodeficiency Virus [Open Forum Infect Dis],
2019 Paré BC, Dahourou DL, Kabore A, Sana A, Kinda R, Ouaro B, Dahany M-M, Hien H, Méda N Prevalence of wasting and associated factors among 6 to 23 months old children in the Sahel Region of Burkina Faso [Pan Afr Med J.],,
2019 Barro M, Valea D, Ouermi SA, Sessouma S, Sanogo B, Ouattara IAB, Ouedraogo AS, Nacro B, Moyen G. Serological profile of hepatitis B in children after the introduction of its vaccination in Burkina Faso (Pediatr Rep.]
2019 Lim JK, Seydou Y, Carabali M, Barro A, Dahourou DL, Lee KS, Nikiema T, Namkung S, Lee J-S, Shin MY, Bonnet E, Kagone T, Kaba L, Edwards T, Somé P-A, Yang JS, Alexander N, Yoon I-K, Ridde V Clinical and epidemiologic characteristics associated with dengue during and outside the 2016 outbreak identified in health facility-based surveillance in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [PLoS Negl Trop Dis]
2019 Abdoul Rahamani NIKIEMA, Serge Théophille SOUBEIGA, Florencia Wendkuuni DJIGMA, Rébeca Tégwindé COMPAORE, Théodora Mahoukèdè ZOHONCON, Djeneba OUERMI, Eliane BELEMSEOGO, Albert Téophane YONLI, Virginio PIETRA, Jacques SIMPORE Prévalence sous-estimée de Pneumocystis jirovecii chez les personnes séropositives au VIH-1 au Burkina Faso [Science et technique, Sciences de la santé],
2019 Fiffou YOUGBARE, Serge Théophile SOUBEIGA, Florencia Wendkuuni DJIGMA, Abdoul Karim OUATTARA, Tegwindé Rebeca COMPAORE, Myriam NIKIEMA, Nadine GHILAT-BELEM, Albert Théophane YONLI, Jacques SIMPORE Diagnostic biologique différentiel entre le paludisme et la dengue chez des patients fébriles à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso dans un contexte d’endémie des deux maladies. Science et technique, Sciences de la santé
2019 Eric Nagaonlé SOME, Ollo Roland SOME, Sosthène SOMDA, Boubacar SAWADOGO, Franck IDO, Labodi LOMPO, Hermann OUEDRAOGO, Dimitri DARANKOUM, Armel Flavien KABORE, Roger SOMBIE, Séni KOUANDA Le cancer primitif du foie à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso : le virus de l’hépatite B est-il toujours le joueur principal ? [Sciences et techniques : sciences de la santé],
2019 Lompo Djingri Labodi, Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Cissé Kadari, Diallo Ousséini, Kouanda Boukari, Napon Christian, Kaboré B Jean Mortalité à 3 mois des infarctus cérébraux au Burkina Faso : une étude de cohorte prospective [Sciences et techniques : sciences de la santé],
2019 Arsène W Zongo, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Albert Théophane Yonli, Abel P Sorgho, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Hassanata Millogo and Jacques Simporé Gastrointestinal parasitic infections in children aged less than 5 years in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Trends in Medicine
2019 Dimeglio C, Kania D, Mantono JM, Kagoné T, Zida S, Tassembedo S, Dicko A, Tinto B, Yaro S, Hien H, Rouamba J, Bicaba B, Medah I, Meda N, Traoré O, Tuaillon E, Abravanel F, Izopet J.] [Hepatitis E Virus Infections among Patients with Acute Febrile Jaundice in Burkina Faso.] Viruses.
2019 Astrid M. Knoblauch, Andrea Farnham, Joel Ouoba, Jessica Zanetti, Stefanie Müller , Vreni Jean-Richard f, Jürg Utzinger, Bernhard Wehrli Fritz Brugger, Serge Diagbouga, Mirko S. Winkler. Potential health effects of cyanide use in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in Burkina Faso [Journal of Cleaner Production], 0.1016/j.jclepro.2019.119689,
2019 Mirko S. Winkler, Philip B. Adongo, Fred Binka, Fritz Brugger, Serge Diagbouga, Eusebio Macete, Khátia Munguambe and Fredros Okumui Health impact assessment for promoting sustainable development: the HIA4SD project. [Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal],
2019 Pepijn Schreinemachers , Mamounata Sandaogo Ouedraogo , Serge DiagbougaAmadou Thiombiano, Serge Rodrigue Kouamé, Caroline Makamto Sobgui , Impact of school vegetable gardens and complementary education in Burkina Faso [Journal of Development Effectiveness],
2019 Virginie Marie Dakéné, Abdoulaye Sérémé, Moumouni Koala, Marius K. Somda, Hagrétou Sawadogo-Lingani, Alfred S. Traoré Influences of Storage Conditions, Cultivation and Culinary Practices On the Antioxidant Capacity of Red Bulbs of Some Onion Varieties Grown in Burkina Faso Agriculture and Food Sciences Research, Vol. 6, No. 1
2019 Abdoulaye Djandé, Lamine Cissé, Jules Yoda, Léopold Kaboré and Fabrice Duvernay Synthesis and fluorescence study of a series of 4-hydroxycoumarin O-acylation derivatives World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical sciences
2019 Benjamin Ouédraogo, Jules Yoda, Félix B. Kini, Moumouni Koala, Boubacar Yaro and Yvonne Bonzi-Coulibaly phytochemical screening and in vitro antioxidant study of six plants used for the treatment of hypertension in traditional medicine. world journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical sciences
2019 Abdoulaye Djandé, Akoun Abou, Jules Yoda, Stéphane Coussan, Adama Saba Synthesis, Spectrometric Characterization, X-Ray Study and Quantum Chemical Calculations of 2-oxo-2H-chromen-7-yl 4-chlorobenzoate American Journal of Chemistry,
2019 Foy BD, Alout H, Seaman JA, Rao S, Magalhaes T, Wade M, Parikh S, Soma DD, Sagna AB, Fournet F, Slater HC, Bougma R, Drabo F, Diabaté A, Coulidiaty AGV, Rouamba N, Dabiré KR Efficacy and risk of harms of repeat ivermectin mass drug administrations for control of malaria (RIMDAMAL): a cluster-randomised trial. [Lancet],
2019 Ouattara L.E.P., Ibrahim Sangaré I., Namountougou M., Hien A., OuariA., Soma D.D., Kassié D., Diabaté A., Gnankiné O., Bonnet E., Ridde V., Akré-Adja M.? Fournet F., Dabiré K.R. Surveys of Arboviruses Vectors in Four Cities Stretching Along a Railway Transect of Burkina Faso: Risk Transmission and Insecticide Susceptibility Status of Potential Vectors. [Front. Vet. Sci.],
2019 Lovett B., Bilgo E., Millogo S.A., Ouattarra A.K., Sare I., Gnambani E.J., Dabire K.R, Diabate A., St. Leger R.J. Transgenic Metarhizium rapidly kills mosquitoes in a malaria-endemic region of Burkina Faso. [Science], doi: 10.1126/science.aaw8737
2019 Perez-Saez Javier; Mande Théophile; Zongo Dramane; Rinaldo Andrea [Comparative analysis of time-based and quadrat sampling in seasonal population dynamics of intermediate hosts of schistosomiasis [PLoS Negl Trop Dis],
2020 Jules Yoda Overview of Recent Advances in 3-Hydroxycoumarin Chemistry as a Bioactive Heterocyclic Compound. American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry; 6(1)
2020 Bance Alimata, Magnini René Dofini, Compaore Souleymane, Compaore Eli , Ouedraogo Noufou , Sourabie D. Seydou Millogo/Kone Hassanata2 and Kiendrebeogo Martin The Ethnobotanical Survey, Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Screening of Extracts of Prosopis africana (Guill. & Perr.) Taub
2020 Jules Yoda, Siaka Sosso, Abdoulaye Djandé, Adama Saba 3-(2-Phenyl-oxo-ethoxy)-2H-chromen-2-one as New 3-Hydroxycoumarin Derivative: Synthesis, Characterization and Fragmentation Study in ESI-MS. [World Journal of Organic Chemistry]
2020 Jules Yoda, Benjamin Ouédraogo, Sosso Siaka, Félix B Kini, Abdoulaye Djandé and Adama Saba Phytochemical investigation of five herbal teas useful in mental disorders treatment. [International Journal of Chemical Studies]
2020 Anass COULIBALY, Rémy K. BATIONO, Moumouni KOALA, Valérie B. BAZIE, Abel S. BIGUEZOTON, Alassane TOURE, Sébastien ZOUNGRANA, Jean Claude W. OUEDRAOGO, Martine KONE and Roger C.H.R. NEBIE Acaricidal activity of three plants extracts from the central region of Burkina Faso on adult Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus cattle ticks Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 14(5)
2020 Léon W. Nitiema, Pierre A. E. D. Sombié, Moumouni Koala and Antonella Del Fiore Phytochemical Composition and Antioxidant Activity of Balanites aegyptiaca, Securidaca longepedunculata and Acacia gourmaensis Used against Seed-borne Fungi in Burkina Faso Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology 39(1)
2020 Dominique Saga Kaboré, Adama Hema, Moumouni Koala, Koussao Somé, Eloi Palé, Issa T. Somé, Pierre Duez, Mouhoussine Nacro Evaluation des teneurs en antioxydants et micronutriments des feuilles de onze variétés de Ipomoea batatas à chairs orange et pourpre produites au Burkina Faso [Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie J. Soc. Ouest-Afr. Chim.]
2020 Benjamin Bazié, Adama Hema, Moumouni Koala, Eloi Palé, Pierre Duez, Mouhoussine Nacro Caractérisation d’extraits totaux de colorants à usage textile de dix plantes tinctoriales du Burkina Faso [Journal de la Société Ouest-Africaine de Chimie J. Soc. Ouest-Afr. Chim.]
2020 Arrounan Noba, Moumouni Koala, Adama Hema, Remy K. Bationo, Constantin M. Dabiré, Eloi Palé and Mouhoussine Nacro Carotenoids identification by HPTLC-MS and vitamin C content of fruits of Saba senegalensis (A. DC) Pichon [African Journal of Pure and Applied Chemistry]
2020 Wamtinga Richard Sawadogo, Yun Luo, Bethany Elkington5, Tong-Chuan He, Chong-Zhi Wang, Chun-Su Yuan Cytotoxicity and Preliminary Analysis of the Pro-apoptotic and Cell Cycle Arrest Effects of Lantana ukambensis Against Colorectal Cancer Cells [Int J Appl Biol Pharm]
2020 Almamy Konate, Franck Dubruc, Richard W. Sawadogo, Lotfi Ferhat, Norah Boumedine, Valérie Mahiou, Evelyne Ollivier, Pierre I. Guissou et Olivier Caillard Therapeutic potential of Annona senegalensis Pers (Annonaceae), a plant used in traditional medicine for the treatment of epilepsy in Burkina Faso [African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology ], Article Number: D923FD665879, DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2020.5203
2020 [Joseph William Jatta, Dorcas Serwaa, Faith Ayepola, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo] [Characterization of patients with chronic kidney disease admitted at Edward Francis Small Teaching Hospital in the Gambia: a descriptive cross-sectional study] [PAMJ - One Health], 10.11604/pamj-oh.2020.2.15.24352
2020 [ Seydou SOURABIE Jules YODA ZOUNGRANA angèle …] [Phytochemical investigationof five plants extracts used as antibacterial drugs in Bukina Faso ] [World Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences],
2020 [Jules Yoda, Seydou Sourabié Angèle Zoungrana Antioxidant Activity of Five Medicinal Plants Extrats Used for Management of Bacterial Diseases in Burkina Faso [Advances in Analytical Chemistry ], DOI: 10.5923/j.aac.20201002.02
2020 Wamtinga Richard Sawadogo, Yun Luo, Bethany Elkington, Tong-Chuan He, Chong-Zhi Wang et Chun-Su Yuan Assessment of the Anti-proliferative Effect and Preliminary Analysis of Cell Cycle Arrest and Proapoptotic Effects of Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile on Colorectal Cancer Cells HCT-116 and HT-29 [Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International], Article no.JPRI.60196
2020 Adjaratou C. Coulibaly, W. L. M. Esther B. Kabré, Mariam N. Traoré,Tata K. Traoré, Nouhoun Nignan, Noufou Ouédraogo, Martin Kiendrebeogo et Richard W. Sawadogo Phenolic Content, Antioxidant Activity, 15-Lipoxygenase and Lipid Peroxidase Inhibitory Effects of two Medicinal Plants from Burkina Faso: Acacia macrostachya Reich. Ex Benth (Mimosaceae) and Lepidagathis anobrya NEES (Acanthaceae) [International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review], ISSN: 2231-086X, NLM ID: 101654445
2020 Adjaratou C. Coulibaly, W. L. M. Esther B. Kabre, Tata K. Traore, Constantin Achatde, Gilchrist L. Boly, Mariam T. Nebie, Noufou Ouedraogo, Martin Kiendrebeogo et Richard W. Sawadogo Phytochemical Screening, Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of Root Barks from Acacia macrostachya Reichenb. Ex DC. (Fabaceae) [Annual Research & Review in Biology ], NLM ID: 101632869
2020 Hamidou Têeda Ganamé, Yssouf Karanga, Ousmane Ilboudo, Wende-Konté Hazael Conania Nikiema, Richard Wamtinga Sawadogo, Issa Tapsoba [α-Glucosidase Inhibitory and Antiradical Properties of Acacia macrostachya Titre article] [European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences]
2020 [Salfo Ouédraogo, Jules Yoda, Lazare Belemnaba, Geoffroy G. Ouédraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo, Noufou Ouédraogo, Felix Kini, Marius Lompo, and Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Etude des propriétés physicochimiques et de la qualité microbienne de matières premières à base d’écorces de tronc de khaya senegalensis A. Juss (Meliaceae) utilisées dans la production de crème et gel anti inflammatoires] [International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies],
2020 [OUEDRAOGO Geoffroy Gueswindé, ILBOUDO Sylvain, OUEDRAOGO Salfo, OUEDRAOGO Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwendé, SOMDA Gaëtan Donzéo, TRAORE Sidiki, BELEMNABA Lazare, OUEDRAOGO Noufou, KINI Félix Bondo, LOMPO Marius, GUISSOU Innocent Pierre, OUEDRAOGO Sylvin] [Acute and Subacute Oral Toxicity Studies and Anti-Sickling Activity Assessment of FACA® Syrup] [Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics], DOI:
2020 [Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Ignace Sawadogo, Jean Noël Dado Koussé, Sylvain Ilboudo, Boubacar Tounkara, Moussa Ouédraogo, Roger Ch. H. Nébié and Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Assessment of oral toxicity, skin and eye irritation of Cymbopogon nardus (l.) Rendle (Poaceae) essential oil from Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Advanced Research], DOI URL:
2020 H. COMPAORE, S. ILBOUDO, D. BAMBARA, A. D. BAMA NATI Pratiques paysannes d’utilisation des pesticides et pollution environnementale dans la commune de Dano, province du Ioba, Burkina Faso. [Asian Journal of Science and Technology],
2020 Jules Yoda, Jean Claude Ouedraogo, Salfo Ouedraogo, Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Felix Kini, Marius Lompo, Sylvin Ouedraogo Standardisation Process of Saye, a Traditional Polyherbal Formulation Remedy for Malaria: Physico-chemical Analysis and Phytochemical Investigation Science Journal of Analytical Chemistry. Volume 8, Issue 1, January 2020, Pages: 33-40, DOI: 10.11648/j.sjac.20200801.16
2020 [Koala M, Yougoubo A, Boly R et al, …] [Anthocyanins characterization and antioxidant activities of Odontonema strictum (Nees) Kuntze flowers] [Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science],
2020 [Souleymane Compaore, Lazare Belemnaba, Achille Hounkpevi, Rodrigue Idohou, Issouf Zerbo, Sylvin Ouedraogo & Adjima Thiombiano] [Diversity of plants used in the management of hypertension by three associations of traditional healers along a climate gradient in Burkina Faso] [Advances in Traditional Medicine],
2020 [Souleymane Compaore, Lazare Belemnaba, Moumouni Koala, René D. Magnini, Noufou Ouedraogo, Adjima Thiombiano and Sylvin Ouedraogo [Consensus level in the traditional management of diabetes and chemical potentiality of plants from north Sudanese, Burkina Faso] [Journal of Medicinal Plants Research], DOI: 10.5897/JMPR2020.6967
2020 [Souleymane Compaoré, Koffi Koudouvo, Alimata Bancé, Raïnatou Boly, Lazare Belemnaba, Noufou Ouédraogo and Sylvin Ouédraogo [Investigation through new approach ethnobotany on plants with antihypertensive properties used by the herbalists in the maritime region of Togo] [Annual Research & Review in Biology],
2020 Estelle N. H. Youl, Sonia Nassouri, Sonia Ilboudo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Charles B. Sombié, Sylvain Ilboudo, Zéphirin P. Dakuyo and Innocent P. Guissou Hypoglycemic and antihyperglycemic activities of the aqueous ethanolic extracts of Gymnema sylvestre (RETZ) R. Br. Ex SCHULT and Sclerocarya birrea (A RICH) HOCHST [African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology], DOI: 10.5897/AJPP2020.5187
2020 Jeoffray DIENDÉRÉ, Augustin Nawidimbasba ZEBA, Macaire NANA, Cédric NANÉMA Profil de maladies chroniques chez des travailleurs migrants burkinabè de retour de république de Côte d’Ivoire, au centre médical de Nanoro au Burkina Faso. [Science et technique, Sciences de la santé],
2020 [Boubacar SAVADOGO, Augustin Nawidimbasba ZEBA , Aminata KABORE, Fabrice BATIONO, Herman LANOU, Charles PARKOUDA] [Évaluation du statut nutritionnel en fonction du niveau socioéconomique parmi des adultes de la ville de Ouagadougou] [Science et technique, Sciences de la santé],
2020 [Breanne K Langlois, Ilana R Cliffer, Laetitia Nikiema, Devika J Suri, Franck Garanet, Ye Shen, Augustin N Zeba, Shelley M Walton, Hermann B Lanou, Patrick Webb et al [Factors that May Influence the Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of Stunting and Wasting in Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso] [Curr Dev Nutr.],
2020 Ilana R Cliffer, Laetitia Nikiema, Breanne K Langlois, Augustin N Zeba, Ye Shen, Hermann B Lanou, Devika J Suri, Franck Garanet, Kenneth Chui, Stephen Vosti, Shelley Walton, Irwin Rosenberg, Patrick Webb, Beatrice L Rogers Cost-Effectiveness of 4 Specialized Nutritious Foods in the Prevention of Stunting and Wasting in Children Aged 6–23 Months in Burkina Faso: A Geographically Randomized Trial Curr Dev Nutr.
2020 Bazoma Bayili, Ollo Da, Jean Fidèle Bationo, Véronique Panne Coulibaly, Sylvain Ilboudo, Richard Ouedraogo, Jean Bosco Ouedraogo and Georges Anicet Ouedraog] [Evaluation of thyroid disorders in cotton growers exposed to pesticides in Satiri department] [GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences]
2020 Bazoma BAYILI, Ollo DA, Catherine TRAORE, Isabelle Peg wendé ZOUNGRANA, Richard OUEDRAOGO et Georges Anicet OUEDRAOGO [Évolution des paramètres de l’hémogramme chez les producteurs de coton exposés aux pesticides dans la zone cotonnière de Satiri au Burkina Faso] [Afrique SCIENCE]
2020 Bazoma Bayili, Ollo Da, Sylvain Ilboudo, Richard Ouedraogo, Véronique Panne Coulibaly, Jean Fidèle Bationo, Jean Bosco Ouedraogo and Georges Anicet Ouedraogo [Study of biochemical parameters in farmers exposed to pesticides used in cotton growing around the Bala hippopotamus pond] [GSC Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences]
2020 [Somda KS, Coulibaly A, Somé NE, Yaméogo T, Héma/Soudré SMOB, Ouattara ZD, Koura M, Napon/Zongo D, Zoungrana SL, Serme AK and Bougouma A ] [Contribution of the Narrow Band Imaging to the Diagnosis of Esophageal Diseases] [EC Gastroenterology and Digestive System],
2020 [HABKREO Mayanna, GUINGANE N. Alice Nanelin, SOME Eric Nagaonlé, SOUROKOU G. Fadel, ZONGO Assétou SOLI Jamila, MOUSSA Ali Mahamat, SOMBIE Roger] [Hépatites auto-immunes au centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo à Ouagadougou : aspects diagnostiques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs] [Annale de l’Université Joseph KI-ZERBO]
2020 [Seydou Kaboré, Tieba Millogo, Joseph Kouesyandé, Soubeiga, Hermann Lanou, Brice Bicaba, Seni Kouanda [Prevalence and risk factors for overweight and obesity: a cross-sectional countrywide study in Burkina Faso] [BMJ Open 2020;. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2019-032953]
2020 Ivlabèhiré Bertrand Meda, Valéry Ridde, Alexandre Dumont, Seni Kouanda Effect of a prospective fee-for-service payment method of health facilities on direct health expenditures in a low-resource setting: a paired pre-post study Health Policy and Planning,
2020 [Ousmane Ouedraogo, Maimouna Halidou Doudou, Koiné Maxime Drabo et al …] [Policy overview of the multisectoral nutrition planning process: The progress, challenges, and lessons learned from Burkina Faso] [The INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT],
2020 [Serge Alain Tougma, W. Noélie Zoungrana/Yaméogo, Maxime K. Drabo, Nicolas Meda. [Dengue virus infection and pregnancy outcomes during the 2017 outbreak in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A retrospective cohort study ] [Plos One],
2020 [S Souleymane, G Isabelle, I Bernard, DK Maxime. [The Perception of Health Workers and Stakeholders Involved in the Process of Selecting Indigent in Burkina Faso] [Health],
2020 Souleymane Kaboré, Bérenger Y. L. Kaboré, Saïde Yacine Y.A. Ouédraogo, Jean Emmanuel Nignan, Issa Ouédraogo, Maxime Drabo, Léonie Claudine Lougue Sorgho. Équité d’accès aux services de vaccination dans la région sanitaire du Centre-Est, 2018, Burkina Faso. [Santé Publique], doi: 10.3917/spub.202.0263.
2020 Tarnagda Bakary, Guira Flibert, Sourabié Pane Bernadette, Zongo Oumarou, Tapsoba François, Zongo Cheikna, Drabo Koine Maxime, Traoré Yves, Savadogo Aly Evaluation of heavy metals and pesticides contents in market-gardening products sold in some principal markets of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) [JOURNAL OF MICROBIOLOGY, BIOTECHNOLOGY AND FOOD SCIENCES], Doi10.15414/jmbfs.2020.8.4.1026-1034,
2020 Isidore Juste Ouindgueta Bonkoungou, Namwin Siourimè Somda, Oumar Traoré, Barthelemy Sibiri Zoma, Zakaria Garba, Koine Maxime Drabo, Nicolas Barro DETECTION OF DIARRHEAGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI IN HUMAN DIARRHEIC STOOL AND DRINKING WATER SAMPLES IN OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO. [Afr., J. Infect. Dis (], v15i1.7
2020 [Abou COULIBALY, Angèle KALMOGHO ZAN, Soutongnoma Carine KINDA, Adama BAGUIYA, Franck GARANET, Séni KOUANDA] [Etude des délais d’attente et d’administration des médicaments dans les services d’urgence du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [Science et technique, Sciences de la santé]
2020 [The WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Study (GLOSS) Research Group [Frequency and management of maternal infection in health acilities in 52 countries (GLOSS): a 1-week inception cohort f study] [The Lancet Global Health], doi: 10.1016/S2214-109X(20)30109-1.
2020 [Vanessa Brizuela ,Mercedes Bonet ,Carla Lionela Trigo Romero ,Edgardo Abalos ,Adama Baguiya , Bukola Fawole, Marian Knight Pisake Lumbiganon ,Meilė Minkauskienė ,Ashraf Nabhan, Nafissa Bique Osman ,10 Zahida P Qureshi, João Paulo Souza [Early evaluation of the ‘STOP SEPSIS!’ WHO Global Maternal Sepsis Awareness Campaign implemented for healthcare providers in 46 low, middle and high-income countries] [BMJ Open], doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-036338.
2020 Abou Coulibaly, Tieba Millogo, Adama Baguiya, Nguyen Toan Tran, Rachel Yodi, Armando Seuc, Asa Cuzin-Kihl, Blandine Thieba, Sihem Landoulsi, James Kiarie, Désiré Mashinda Kulimba, Séni Kouanda Discontinuation and switching of postpartum contraceptive methods over twelve months in Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a secondary analysis of the Yam Daabo trial [Contraception and Reproductive Medicine],
2020 Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Barnabas Mahugnon Zogo, Anthony Somé, Bertin N’Cho Tchiekoi, Domonbabele François de Sales Hien et al. Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance and malaria transmission in southwest Burkina Faso: A pre-intervention study [PLoS ONE], doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0236920
2020 Anthony Somé, Adama Baguiya, Abou Coulibaly, Vincent Bagnoa, Seni Kouanda Prevalence and Factors Associated with Late First Antenatal Care Visit in Kaya Health District, Burkina Faso [African Journal of Reproductive Health], doi: 10.29063/ajrh2020/v24i2.2.
2020 [Sarah Mbaeyi, Emmanuel Sampo, Kambiré Dinanibè, Issaka Yaméogo, Malika Congo Ouédraogo, Mamadou Tamboura, Guetawendé Sawadogo, Kalifa Ouattara, Mahamadou Sanou, Tanga Kiemtoré, Gerard Dioma, Barnabé Sanon, Hermann Somlaré, Augustin Kyetega, Absatou Ky Ba, Flavien Aké, Félix Tarbangdo, Frederic Acho Aboua, Yvette Donnou, Idrissa Kamaté, Jaymin C Patel, Susanna Schmink, Michael W Spiller, Nadav Topaz, Ryan Novak, Xin Wang, Brice Bicaba, Lassana Sangaré, Rasmata Ouédraogo-Traoré, Paul A Kristiansen] [Meningococcal carriage 7 years after introduction of a serogroup A meningococcal conjugate vaccine in Burkina Faso: results from four cross sectional carriage surveys] [The Lancet Infectious Disease,
2020 [Mahamoudou Ouattara, Mamadou Tamboura, Dinanibe Kambire, Mahamoudou Sanou, Kalifa Ouattara, Malika Congo, Adama Kaboré, Soufiane Sanou, Elie Kabré, Sable Sharpley, Theresa Tran, Stephanie Schwartz, Soumeya Ouangraoua, Abdoul-salam Ouedraogo, Lassana Sangaré, Rasmata Ouedraogo-Traore, Cynthia G. Whitney, Bernard Beall] [Identification of Streptococcus suis Meningitis by Direct Triplex Real-Time PCR, Burkina Faso] [Emerg Infect Dis.],
2020 Kadio K., Louart S., Dabiré S., Kafando Y., Ridde, V. L’accès aux services de santé au Burkina Faso : une revue de l’interaction entre les capacités des individus et les caractéristiques du système de santé. RamReS Série Sciences Humaines (Revue CAMES)
2020 Fillol A. ; Kadio K., Gautier L L’utilisation des connaissances pour informer des politiques publiques : d’une prescription technocratique internationale à la réalité [Revue française des affaires sociales],
2020 Akpa OM, Made F, Ojo A, Ovbiagele B, Adu D, Motala AA, Mayosi BM, Adebamowo SN, Engel ME, Tayo B, Rotimi C, Salako B, Akinyemi R, Gebregziabher M, Sarfo F, Wahab K, Agongo G, Alberts M, Ali SA, Asiki G, Boua RP, Gómez-Olivé FX, Mashinya F, Micklesfield L, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Tollman S, Parekh RS, Chishala C, Ekuro K, Waddy SP, Peprah E, Mensah GA, Wiley K, Troyer J, Ramsay M, Owolabi MO Regional patterns and association between obesity and hypertension in Africa: evidence from the H3Africa CHAIR study Hypertension, doi: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.14147
2020 [Dumont A, Betrán AP, Kaboré C, de Loenzien M, Lumbiganon P, Bohren MA, Mac QNH, Opiyo N, Carroli G, Annerstedt KS, Ridde V, Escuriet R, Robson M, Hanson C; QUALI-DEC research group] [Implementation and evaluation of nonclinical interventions for appropriate use of cesarean section in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a multisite hybrid effectiveness-implementation type III trial] [Implementation Science. doi: 10.1186/s13012-020-01029-4.]
2020 Cissé KADARI, Henri Gautier OUEDRAOGO, Adja Mariam OUEDRAOGO, Simon TIENDREBEOGO, Rebeca T. COMPAORE, Grissoum TARNAGDA, Sylvie ZIDA, Tani SAGNA, Tieba MILLOGO, Adjima COMBARY, Serge DIAGBOUGA, Seni KOUANDA Connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des populations face à la tuberculose au Burkina Faso [Revue Science et technique, Sciences de la Santé],
2020 Compaoré, R., Ouédraogo, A. M., Tougri, H., Badolo, O., & Kouanda, S. Évaluation de la phase pilote de l’utilisation des tests de diagnostic rapide du paludisme au niveau communautaire, au Burkina Faso [African Evaluation Journal],
2020 Adja Mariam OUEDRAOGO, Rachidatou COMPAORE, Anthony SOME, Désiré Lucien DAHOUROU, Kadari CISSE, Halima TOUGRI, Seni KOUANDA Acceptabilité et satisfaction de l’utilisation du système Pregnancy And Newborn Diagnostic Assessment (PANDA) pour les soins prénatals au Burkina Faso Acceptability and satisfaction with the use of the Pregnancy And Newborn Diagnostic Assessment (PANDA) system for antenatal care in Burkina Faso [Pan African Medical Journal],
2020 OUEDRAOGO Adja Mariam, COMPAORE Rachidatou, TOUGRI Halima, SOME Anthony, DAHOUROU Désiré Lucien, BAGUIYA Adama, BADOLO Ousmane, CISSE Kadari, KOUANDA Seni Acceptabilité des tests de diagnostic rapide du paludisme administrés par les agents de santé communautaire et satisfaction des bénéficiaires au Burkina Faso [Revue Science et technique , Sciences de la Santé],
2020 TOUGRI Halima, COMPAORE Rachidatou, SOME Anthony, OUEDRAOGO Adja Mariam, KOUANDA Séni Evaluation de la chaine d’approvisionnement des intrants dans le cadre d’un programme vertical : cas des tests de diagnostic rapide du paludisme en milieu communautaire au Burkina Faso [Revue Sciences et techniques, Sciences de la Santé],
2020 Rachidatou COMPAORE, Adja Mariam OUEDRAOGO, Adama BAGUIYA, Desiré Lucien DAHOUROU, Anthony SOME, Kadari CISSE, Halima TOUGRI, Seni KOUANDA Utilisation de la technologie mobile pour l’amélioration des soins prénataux : Faisabilité du système PANDA dans le district sanitaire de Koupela au Burkina Faso Burkina Médical
2020 Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Alberto Matteelli, Giorgia Sulis, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Serge Diagbouga, Simon Tiendrebeogo, Alberto Roggi, Kadari Cisse, Pier Francesco Giorgetti, Paola Villani, Lassana Sangare, Jacques Simporé, Mario Regazzi, Kouanda Seni Pharmacokinetics of plasma lopinavir and ritonavir in tuberculosis-HIV co-infected African adult patients also receiving rifabutin 150 or 300 mg three times per week. [Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials]
2020 [Ouédraogo O. Jean-Etienne, Edoh Katchekpele and Tiendrebeogo Simon] [Alienor’s approach for the Pearson type 3 parameters estimation] [Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics],
2020 [ADAMOU Mohamadou; SANOGO Moussa; OUEDRAGO Adja Mariam; Aissata SACKO; SAMAKE Fassé; CISSE Oumar; MAIGA Mohamed Sidda ] [Air Pollution by Microbial Bioaerosols around Some Landfills in Bamako] [International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)],
2020 [ADAMOU Mohamadou , SANOGO Moussa , SAMAKE Fassé , OUEDRAGO Mariam Adja , OUATTARA Yaya , KANTE Adama] [Bacteriological Quality of Meat Sold in Markets and Kiosks before and after Cooking in Bamako] [Journal of Food Security], DOI:10.12691/jfs-8-2-1
2020 André Lin Ouédraogo, Julie Zhang, Halidou Tinto, Innocent Valéa, Edward A. Wenger A microplanning model to improve door-to-door health service delivery: the case of Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention in Sub-Saharan African villages. [BMC Health Serv Res. ]
2020 Olawale Salami, Philip Horgan, Catrin E. Moore, Abhishek Giri, Asadu Sserwanga, Ashish Pathak, Buddha Basnyat, Francois Kiemde, Frank Smithuis, Freddy Kitutu, Gajanan Phutke, Halidou Tinto, Heidi Hopkins, James Kapisi, Myo Maung Maung Swe, Neelam Taneja, Rita Baiden, Shanta Dutta, Adelaide Compaore, David Kaawa-Mafigiri, Rashida Hussein, Summita Udas Shakya, Vida Kukula, Stefano Ongarello, Anjana Tomar, Sarabjit S. Chadha, Kamini Walia, Cassandra Kelly-Cirino, Piero Olliaro Impact of a package of diagnostic tools, clinical algorithm, and training and communication on outpatient acute fever case management in low- and middle-income countries: protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials.
2020 Chetan E. Chitnis, David Schellenberg, Johan Vekemans, Edwin J. Asturias, Philip Bejon, Katharine A. Collins, Brendan S. Crabb, Socrates Herrera, Miriam Laufer, N. Regina Rabinovich, Meta Roestenberg, Adelaide Shearley, Halidou Tinto, Marian Wentworth, Kate O’Brien and Pedro Alonso Building momentum for malaria vaccine research and development: key considerations. [Malaria Journal],
2020 Serge Henri Zango, Moussa Lingani, Innocent Valea, Ouindpanga Sékou Samadoulougou, Biebo Bihoun, Toussaint Rouamba, Karim Derra, Eli Rouamba, Phillipe Donnen, Michele Dramaix, Halidou Tinto, Annie Robert Malaria and curable sexually transmitted infections in pregnant women: A two-year observational study in rural Burkina Faso. [PLoS One]: .
2020 Hamtandi Magloire Natama, Rouamba Toussaint, Djamina Line Cerine Bazié, Sékou Samadoulougou, Maminata Coulibaly-Traoré, Halidou Tinto and Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Prevalence and factors associated with carriage of Pfmdr1 polymorphisms among pregnant women receiving intermittent preventive treatment with sulfadoxine‑pyrimethamine (IPTp‑SP) and artemether‑lumefantrine for malaria treatment in Burkina Faso [Malaria Journal],
2020 Adelaïde Compaoré, Kadija Ouedraogo, Palwende R Boua, Daniella Watson, Sarah H Kehoe, Marie-Louise Newell, Halidou Tinto, Mary Barker, Hermann Sorgho for the INPreP group Men are not playing their roles’, maternal and child nutrition in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. [Public Health Nutrition],,
2020 Daniel Chandramohan, Alassane Dicko, Issaka Zongo, Issaka Sagara, Matthew Cairns, Irene Kuepfer, Modibo Diarra, Amadou Tapily, Djibrilla Issiaka, Koualy Sanogo, Almahamoudou Mahamar, Frederic Sompougdou, Serge Yerbanga, Ismaila Thera, Paul Milligan, Halidou Tinto, Opokua Ofori-Anyinam, Jean-Bosco, Ouedraogo, B Greenwood Seasonal malaria vaccination: protocol of a phase 3 trial of seasonal vaccination with the RTS,S/AS01E vaccine, seasonal malaria chemoprevention and the combination of vaccination and chemoprevention. [BMJ Open],
2020 Biébo Bihoun, Serge Henri Zango, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly, Innocent Valea, Raffaella Ravinetto, Jean-Pierre Van Geertruyden, Umberto D’Alessandro, Halidou Tinto and Annie Robert Fetal biometry assessment with Intergrowth 21st’s and Salomon’s equations in rural Burkina Faso. [BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth],
2020 Matthew E. Cairns, Issaka Sagara, Issaka Zongo, Irene Kuepfer, Ismaila Thera, Frederic Nikiema, Modibo Diarra, Serge R. Yerbanga, Amadou Barry, Amadou Tapily, Samba Coumare, Paul Milligan, Halidou Tinto, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo, Daniel Chandramohan, Brian Greenwood, Abdoulaye Djimde, Alassane Dicko Evaluation of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in two areas of intense seasonal malaria transmission: Secondary analysis of a household randomised, placebo-controlled trial in Hounde´ District, Burkina Faso and Bougouni District, Mali. [PLOS Medicine],
2020 Paul Sondo, Karim Derra, Toussaint Rouamba, Seydou Nakanabo Diallo, Paul Taconet, Adama Kazienga, Hamidou Ilboudo, Marc Christian Tahita, Innocent Valéa, Hermann Sorgho, Thierry Lefèvre, Halidou Tinto Determinants of Plasmodium falciparum multiplicity of infection and genetic diversity in Burkina Faso. [Parasit Vectors]. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-04302-z
2020 Makoto Saito, Rashid Mansoor, Kalynn Kennon, Anupkumar R Anvikar, Elizabeth A Ashley, Daniel Chandramohan, Lauren M Cohee, Umberto D'Alessandro, Blaise Genton, Mary Ellen Gilder, Elizabeth Juma, Linda Kalilani-Phiri, Irene Kuepfer, Miriam K Laufer, Khin Maung Lwin, Steven R Meshnick, Dominic Mosha, Victor Mwapasa, Norah Mwebaza, Michael Nambozi, Jean-Louis A Ndiaye, François Nosten, Myaing Nyunt, Bernhards Ogutu, Sunil Parikh, Moo Kho Paw, Aung Pyae Phyo, Mupawjay Pimanpanarak, Patrice Piola, Marcus J Rijken, Kanlaya Sriprawat, Harry K Tagbor, Joel Tarning, Halidou Tinto, Innocent Valéa, Neena Valecha, Nicholas J White, Jacher Wiladphaingern, Kasia Stepniewska, Rose McGready, Philippe J Guérin Efficacy and tolerability of artemisinin-based and quinine-based treatments for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in pregnancy: a systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis. [Lancet Infect Dis.], doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(20)30064-5
2020 Toussaint Rouamba, Sekou Samadoulougou, Cheick Saïd Compaoré, Halidou Tinto, Jean Gaudart, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou How to Estimate Optimal Malaria Readiness Indicators at Health-District Level: Findings from the Burkina Faso Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) Data. [Int J Environ Res Public Health], doi: 10.3390/ijerph17113923
2020 Toussaint Rouamba, Paul Sondo, Karim Derra, Seydou Nakanabo-Diallo, Biebo Bihoun, Eli Rouamba, Zekiba Tarnagda, Adama Kazienga, Innocent Valea, Hermann Sorgho, Franco Pagnoni, Fati Samadoulougou-Kirakoya, Halidou Tinto Optimal Approach and Strategies to Strengthen Pharmacovigilance in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Cohort Study of Patients Treated with First-Line Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies in the Nanoro Health and Demographic Surveillance System, Burkina Faso. [Drug Des Devel Ther.],
2020 Augusto O, Stergachis A, Dellicour S, Tinto H, Valá A, Ruperez M, Macete E, Nakanabo-Diallo S, Kazienga A, Valéa I, d'Alessandro U, Ter Kuile FO, Calip GS, Ouma P, Desai M, Sevene E First trimester use of artemisinin-based combination therapy and the risk of low birth weight and small for gestational age. Malar J. 19(1):144. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03210-y. [Malaria Journal],
2020 Wattanakul T, Ogutu B, Kabanywanyi AM, Asante KP, Oduro A, Adjei A, Sie A, Sevene E, Macete E, Compaore G, Valea I, Osei I, Winterberg M, Gyapong M, Adjuik M, Abdulla S, Owusu-Agyei S, White NJ, Day NPJ, Tinto H, Baiden R, Binka F, Tarning J. Pooled Multicenter Analysis of Cardiovascular safety and population pharmacokinetic properties of piperaquine in African patients with uncomplicated falciparum malaria - a pooled multicentre analysis. [Antimicrob Agents Chemother].
2020 Diendéré J, Zeba AN, Nikièma L, Kaboré A, Savadogo PW, Tougma SJ, Tinto H, Ouédraogo A. Smokeless tobacco use: its prevalence and relationships with dental symptoms, nutritional status and blood pressure among rural women in Burkina Faso. [BMC Public Health],
2020 Gore-Langton GR, Cairns M, Compaoré YD, Sagara I, Kuepfer I, Zongo I, de Wit MM, Barry A, Diarra M, Tapily A, Coumare S, Thera I, Nikiema F, Yerbanga RS, Guissou RM, Tinto H, Dicko A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Ouedraogo JB. Effect of Adding Azithromycin to the Antimalarials used for Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention on the Nutritional Status of African Children. [Trop Med Int Health],
2020 Boua PR, Brandenburg JT, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Sengupta D, Agongo G, Nonterah EA, Oduro AR, Tinto H, Mathew CG, Sorgho H, Ramsay M. Novel and Known Gene-Smoking Interactions With cIMT Identified as Potential Drivers for Atherosclerosis Risk in West-African Populations of the AWI-Gen Study. [Front Genet. ],
2020 Bretscher MT, Dahal P, Griffin J, Stepniewska K, Bassat Q, Baudin E, D'Alessandro U, Djimde AA, Dorsey G, Espié E, Fofana B, González R, Juma E, Karema C, Lasry E, Lell B, Lima N, Menéndez C, Mombo-Ngoma G, Moreira C, Nikiema F, Ouédraogo JB, Staedke SG, Tinto H, Valea I, Yeka A, Ghani AC, Guerin PJ, Okell LC The duration of chemoprophylaxis against malaria after treatment with artesunate-amodiaquine and artemether-lumefantrine and the effects of pfmdr1 86Y and pfcrt 76T: a meta-analysis of individual patient data. [BMC Med.],
2020 Rouamba T, Samadoulougou S, Tinto H, Alegana VA, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F. Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling of Routinely Collected Data to Assess the Effect of Health Programs in Malaria Incidence During Pregnancy in Burkina Faso. [Sci Rep.],
2020 Fonta CL, Yameogo TB, Tinto H, van Huysen T, Natama HM, Compaore A, Fonta WM Decomposing multidimensional child poverty and its drivers in the Mouhoun region of Burkina Faso, West Africa. [BMC Public Health], doi: 10.1186/s12889-020-8254-3
2020 Valéa I, Adjei S, Usuf E, Traore O, Ansong D, Tinto H, Owusu Boateng H, Some AM, Buabeng P, Vekemans J, Kotey A, Vandoolaeghe P, Cullinane M, Traskine M, Ouedraogo F, Sambian D, Lievens M, Tahita MC, Jongert E, Lompo P, Idriss A, Borys D, Ouedraogo S, Prempeh F, Schuerman L, Sorgho H, Agbenyega T Long-term immunogenicity and immune memory response to the hepatitis B antigen in the RTS,S/AS01E malaria vaccine in African children: a randomized trial. [Hum Vaccin Immunother.],
2020 Lingani M, Akita T, Ouoba S, Nagashima S, Boua PR, Takahashi K, Kam B, Sugiyama A, Nikiema T, Yamamoto C, Somé A, Derra K, Ko K, Sorgho H, Tarnagda Z, Tinto H, Tanaka J. The changing epidemiology of hepatitis B and C infections in Nanoro, rural Burkina Faso: a random sampling survey. [BMC Infect Dis.], doi: 10.1186/s12879-019-4731-7
2020 Lingani M, Bonkian LN, Yerbanga I, Kazienga A, Valéa I, Sorgho H, Ouédraogo JB, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH, Ravinetto R, d'Alessandro U, Tinto H In vivo/ex vivo efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine as first-line treatment for uncomplicated falciparum malaria in children: an open label randomized controlled trial in Burkina Faso [Malaria Journal],
2020 Rossier C, Schoumaker B, Delaunay V, Beguy D, Jain A, Bangha M, Aregay A, Beck B, Derra K, Millogo M, Dube AN, Siaka K, Wamukoya M, Zabre P Adolescent Fertility Is Lower than Expected in Rural Areas: Results from 10 African HDSS [Studies Family Planning],
2020 [Compaoré ACF, Ilboudo H, Kaboré J, Kaboré JW, Camara O, Bamba M, Sakande H, Koné M, Camara M, Kaba D, Gaston GAM, Deborggraeve S, Büscher P, Bucheton B, Lejon V, Jamonneau V] [Analytical sensitivity of loopamp and quantitative real-time PCR on dried blood spots and their potential role in monitoring human African trypanosomiasis elimination.] [Exp Parasitol.],
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2020 [Mulindwa J, Noyes H, Ilboudo H, Pagani L, Nyangiri O, Kimuda MP, Ahouty B, Asina OF, Ofon E, Kamoto K, Kabore JW, Koffi M, Ngoyi DM, Simo G, Chisi J, Sidibe I, Enyaru J, Simuunza M, Alibu P, Jamonneau V, Camara M, Tait A, Hall N, Bucheton B, MacLeod A, Hertz-Fowler C, Matovu] [High Levels of Genetic Diversity within Nilo-Saharan Populations: Implications for Human Adaptation] [Am J Hum Genet.],
2020 [Nyangiri OA, Noyes H, Mulindwa J, Ilboudo H, Kabore JW, Ahouty B, Koffi M, Asina OF, Mumba D, Ofon E, Simo G, Kimuda MP, Enyaru J, Alibu VP, Kamoto K, Chisi J, Simuunza M, Camara M, Sidibe I, MacLeod A, Bucheton B, Hall N, Hertz-Fowler C, Matovu E] [Copy number variation in human genomes from three major ethno-linguistic groups in Africa] [BMC Genomics],
2020 Sibidou Yougbaré, Hung-Lung Chou, Chao-Hsuan Yang, Dyah Ika Krisnawati , Achmad Jazidie, Mohammad Nuh, Tsung-Rong Kuo [Facet-dependent gold nanocrystals for effective photothermal killing of bacteria] [Journal of Hazardous Materials],
2020 [Po-Hsuan Hsu , Sibidou Yougbaré , Jui-Chi Kuo, Dyah Ika Krisnawati, Achmad Jazidie, Mohammad Nuh, Po-Ting Chou, Yu-Cheng Hsiao and Tsung-Rong Kuo [One-Pot Synthesis of Thiol-Modified Liquid Crystals Conjugated Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters] [Nanomaterials], doi:10.3390/nano10091755
2020 [Shih-Hua Tan, Sibidou Yougbaré, Hsueh-Liang Chu, Tsung-Rong Kuo and Tsai-Mu Cheng [Hemoglobin-Conjugated Gold Nanoclusters for Qualitative Analysis of Haptoglobin Phenotypes] [Polymers],
2020 [Junko TAKATA, Paul SONDO, Georgina S. HUMPHREYS, Rebekah BURROW, Brittany MAGUIRE, Mohammad S. HOSSAIN, Debashish DAS, Robert J. COMMONS, Ric N. PRICE, Philippe J. GUERIN] [The WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network Clinical Trials personnel Library: A Live, Open-Access Database of Plasmodium Treatment Efficacy Trials] [The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene],
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2020 Rouamba T, Samadoulougou S, Bonnechère B, Chiêm B and Kirakoya F. Adequacy of Phenomenological Models in Forecasting Trajectory of the Early Phase of COVID-19 Outbreak: Application to Burkina Faso Data [International Journal of Statistical Analysis]
2020 Ouédraogo M, Kangoye DT, Samadoulougou S, Rouamba T, Donnen P, Kirakoya- Samadoulougou F. Malaria Case Fatality Rate among Children under Five in Burkina Faso: An Assessment of the Spatiotemporal Trends Following the Implementation of Control Programs. [Int J Environ Res Public Health],,
2020 Rouamba T, Samadoulougou S, Tinto H, Alegana VA, Kirakoya- Samadoulougou F. Bayesian Spatiotemporal Modeling of Routinely Collected Data to Assess the Effect of Health Programs in Malaria Incidence During Pregnancy in Burkina Faso. [Sci Rep],,
2020 Ouédraogo M, Rouamba T, Samadoulougou S, Kirakoya- Samadoulougou F. Effect of Free Healthcare Policy for Children under Five Years Old on the Incidence of Reported Malaria Cases in Burkina Faso by Bayesian Modelling: "Not only the Ears but also the Head of the Hippopotamus". [Int J Environ Res Public Health],
2020 Koama Benjamin. Kouliga, Yerbanga Rakiswendé Serge, Da Ollo, Yougbare Sibidou, Natama Hamtandi Magloire, Ouedraogo Georges Anicet, Ouedraogo Jean Bosco, Traore/Coulibaly Maminata In Vivo Antimalarial Activity, Safety and Phytochemical Screening of Canthium Multiflorum (Schumach. &Thonn.) Hiern (Rubiaceae) [J Complement Med Alt Healthcare J], DOI:10.19080/JCMAH.2020.10. 555798
2020 [TIALLA D., SAUSY A., CISSE A., SAGNA T., ILBOUDO A.K., OUEDRAOGO G.A., HÜBSCHEN J.M., TARNAGDA Z., SNOECK C.J.,] [Serological evidence of swine exposure to pandemic H1N1/2009 influenza A virus in Burkina Faso] [Veterinary Microbiology],
2020 [Madi Savadogo, Philippe Koné, Laibané Dieudonné Dahourou, Rosine Manishimwe, Adama Sow, Lalé Nébié, Nicolas Antoine-Moussiaux, Bernard Doulkom, Rianatou Bada-Alambedji] [Epidémiologie de la rage et connaissance, attitudes et pratiques des communautés au Burkina Faso] [Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux],
2020 Soma DD, Zogo MB, Somé A, N’Cho B, Hien DFS, Pooda SH, Coulibaly S, Gnambani EJ, Ouari A, Mouline K, Dahounto A, Ouédraogo GA, Fournet F, Koffi AA, Pennetier C, Moiroux N, Dabiré KR. (2020).. “Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance and malaria transmission in Southwest Burkina Faso: a pre-intervention study”. [PloS One],
2020 Hien A.S., Soma D.D., Sawadogo S.P., Poda S.B., Namountougou M., Ouédraogo G.A., Diabaté A., Dabiré K.R. Effect of Bendiocarb (Ficam® 80% WP) on Entomological Indices of Malaria Transmission by Indoor Residual Spraying in Burkina Faso, West Africa. [Advances in Entomology],
2020 Hien A.S., Soma D.D., Some F.A., Namountougou M., Poda S.B., Ouedraogo G.A., Diabaté A., Dabire K.R. Short Persistence and Vector Susceptibility to Ficam 80WP (bendiocarb active ingredient) During Pilot Application of Indoor Residual Spraying in Burkina Faso, West Africa. [J. Med Entomol. ],
2020 Straub T.J., Shaw R.W., Marcenac P., Sawadogo S.P., Dabiré K.R, Diabaté A., Catteruccia F., Neafsey D.E. (2020).. The Anopheles coluzzii microbiome and its interaction with the intracellular parasite Wolbachia. Scientific Report 10, 13847.
2020 Niang A., Sawadogo S.P., Dabiré K.R, Tripet F., Diabaté A. (2020).. Assessment of the ecologically dependent post-zygotic isolation between An. coluzzii and An. gambiae. [PLoS ONE],
2020 Epopa P.S., Millogo A.Z., Collins C.M., North A.R., Benedict M.Q., Tripet F., OʼLoughlin S., Dabiré K.R., Ouédraogo G.A., Diabaté A. (2020). Anopheles gambiae s.l. is found where few are looking: assessing mosquito diversity and density outside inhabited areas using diverse sampling methods. [Parasites & Vectors],
2020 Nignan C., Niang A., Maïga H., Sawadogo S.P., Poda S.B., Gnankine O., Dabiré K.R., Tripet F., Diabaté A. (2020) Comparison of swarming, mating performance and longevity of males Anopheles coluzzii between individuals fed with different natural fruit juices in laboratory and semi‑field conditions. [Malaria journal],
2020 Pigeault R., Isaïa J., Yerbanga R.S., Dabiré K.R., Ouédraogo J-B, Cohuet A., Lefèvre T., Christe P. (2020). Different distribution of malaria parasite in left and right extremities of vertebrate hosts translates into differences in parasite transmission. [Scientific Report],,
2020 Barry N., Toé P., Pare-Toe L., Lezaun J., Drabo M., Dabiré K.R., Diabate A. (2020). Motivations and expectations driving community participation in entomological research projects: Target Malaria as a case study in Bana, Western Burkina Faso.. [Malaria Journal],
2020 Bonnet E., Fournet F., Benmarhnia T., Ouedraogo S., Dabiré K.R., Ridde V. (2020).. Impact of a community-based intervention on Aedes aegypti and its spatial distribution in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. [Infectious Diseases of Poverty],,
2020 Konate I., Sangare I., Zoungrana J., Meda Z.C., Kafando C., Sawadogo Y., Dabiré K.R., Meda N., Diallo B., Andonaba J.B., Barro-Traoré F., Niamba P., Traoré A. (2020) Description d’un nouveau foyer épidémique de leishmaniose cutanée à Leishmania major à l’Ouest du Burkina Faso. [Pan African Medical Journal],
2020 Namountougou M., Soma D.D, Balboné M., Kaboré D.A, Kientega M., Hien A.S., Coulibaly A., Ouattara P.E., Meda B.G., Samuel Drabo, Koala L., Nignan N., Kagoné T., Diabaté A., Fournet F., Olivier Gnankiné O., Dabiré K.R (2020). Monitoring Insecticide Susceptibility in Aedes Aegypti Populations from the Two Biggest Cities, Ouagadougou and Bobo-Dioulasso, in Burkina Faso: Implication of Metabolic Resistance. [Tropical Medicine and Infectious Disease],
2020 Bomparda A., Dari F., Yerbanga R.S., Morlais I., Awono-Ambéné P.H., Dabiré K.R, Ouédraogo J-B, Lefèvre T., Churcher T.S., Cohuet A. (2020).. High Plasmodium infection intensity in naturally infected malaria vectors in Africa. [International Journal for Parasitology],
2020 Soma D.D., Zogo B.M., Somé A., N’Cho Tchiekoi B., Hien D. FdS., Pooda K.S., Coulibaly S., Gnambani J.E., Ouari, A. Mouline K., Dahounto A., Ouédraogo G.A., Fournet F., Koffi A.A., Pennetier C., Moiroux N., Dabiré K.R. (2020).. Anopheles bionomics, insecticide resistance and malaria transmission in southwest Burkina Faso: A pre-intervention study. [PLoS ONE],
2020 Guissou E., Poda S.B., Hien D.F, Yerbanga S.R., Da D.F., Cohuet A., Fournet F., Roux O., Maiga H., Diabaté A., Gilles J., Bouyer J., Ouédraogo G.A., Rayaissé J.B., Lefèvre T., Dabiré K.R. (2020). Effect of irradiation on the survival and susceptibility of female Anopheles arabiensis to natural isolates of Plasmodium falciparum. [Parasites & Vectors],
2020 Gnambani E.J., Bilgo E., Sanou A., Dabiré K.R., Diabaté A. (2020). Infection of highly insecticide-resistant malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii with entomopathogenic bacteria Chromobacterium violaceum reduces its survival, blood feeding propensity and fecundity. [Malaria Journal].
2020 Love R.R., Pombi M., Guelbeogo M.W., Campbell N.R., Stephens M.T., Dabire KR., Costantini C., della Torre A., Besansky N.J. (2020). Inversion Genotyping in the Anopheles gambiae Complex Using High-Throughput Array and Sequencing Platforms.. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 10(9):
2020 Hema-Ouangraoua S, Zongo I, Kabore NF, Frédéric N, Yerbanga S, Tinto H, Compaore YD, Kuepfer I, Chandrahoman D, Greenwood B, Ouedraogo JB.  Serotype Profile of Nasopharyngeal Isolates of Streptococcus pneumoniae Obtained From Children in Burkina Faso Before and After Mass Administration of Azithromycin.  [Am J Trop Med Hyg.]
2020 Issaka Zongo, Yves Daniel Compaoré, Frédéric Nikiéma, Moussa Zongo, Nouhoun Barry, Fabrice Anyirékun Somé, Naomie Kaboré, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo. Efficacy of artemether-lumefantrine and artesunate-amodiaquine as first line therapy of uncomplicated malaria in Burkina Faso, 11 years after policy change. [Pan African Medical Journal],
2020 Toe LC, Kerckhof FM, De Bodt J, Morel FB, Ouedraogo JB, Kolsteren P, Van de Wiele T.  . A prebiotic-enhanced lipid-based nutrient supplement (LNSp) increases Bifido bacterium relative abundance and enhances short-chain fatty acid production in simulated colonic microbiota from undernourished infants. [FEMS Microbiol Ecol.]
2020 Somé FA, Bazié T, Ehrlich HY, Goodwin J, Lehane A, Neya C, Zachari K, Wade M, Ouattara JM, Foy BD, Dabiré RK, Parikh S, Ouédraogo JB. Investigating selected host and parasite factors potentially impacting upon seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Bama, Burkina Faso. [Malar J.],
2020 ACCESS-SMC Partnership.  Effectiveness of seasonal malaria chemoprevention at scale in west and central Africa: an observational study. [Lancet],,
2020 Phiri MD, Cairns M, Zongo I, Nikiema F, Diarra M, Yerbanga RS, Barry A, Tapily A, Coumare S, Thera I, Kuepfer I, Milligan P, Tinto H, Dicko A, Ouédraogo JB, Greenwood B, Chandramohan D, Sagara I. The duration of protection from azithromycin against malaria, acute respiratory, gastro-intestinal and skin infections when given alongside seasonal malaria chemoprevention: secondary analyses of data from a clinical trial in Houndé, Burkina Faso and Bougouni, Mali. [Clin Infect Dis],
2021 Salfo Ouédraogo, Mathieu Nitiéma, Lazare Belemnaba, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Bavouma C Sombié, Hermine Zime Diawara, Sylvin Ouédraogo, Rasmané Semdé. An overview on Ethnopharmacologicals studies carried out on Lannea microcarpa Engl. & K. Krause (Anacardiaceae): a medicinal plant used in Burkina Faso for the treatment of hypertension International Journal of Research in Pharmaceutical Sciences
2021 Anata Bara, Halima Tougri Zakaria Belrhiti, Adama Baguiya, Adja Mariam Ouedraogo, Rachidatou Compaore, Séni Kouanda Analyse de la performance d’un hôpital public à mode de gestion privée au Burkina Faso Santé Publique Volume 32 N° 5-6 septembre-décembre 2020
2021 Kaboré A, Takpara C, Kaboré J, Diendéré J, Sié M A, W, Meda N. Analyse des facteurs associés à la consommation de tabac à fumer en milieu scolaire dans la ville de Ouagadougou en 2018. Burkina Med. 2021;25(01):29–36.
2021 Fofana A, Gendrin M, Romoli O, Yarbanga GAB, Ouédraogo GA, Yerbanga RS, Ouédraogo JB Analyzing gut microbiota composition in individual Anopheles mosquitoes after experimental treatment. iScience. 2021 Nov 9;24(12):103416. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.103416
2021 Bandyopadhyay A, Haile B, Azzarri C, Somé J Analyzing the Drivers of Household Dietary Diversity: Evidence from Burkina Faso Food and Nutrition Bulletin
2021 Moumouni Koala, Abdoulaye Yougoubo, Rainatou Boly, Boukaré Kaboré, Constantin M. Dabiré, Adama Hema, Félix B. Kini, Eloi Palé and Sylvin Ouedraogo. Anthocyanins Characterization and Antioxidant Activities of Odontonema strictum (Nees) Kuntze Flowers. Indian Journal of Advances in Chemical Science; 8(4), DOI:10.22607/IJACS.2020.804004
2021 Noufou Ouedraogo, Constantin Atchade, Tata Kadiatou Traore, Benjamin Ouedraogo, Boly A.G. Laurent, W.L.M. Esther Kabre, Jules Yoda, Felix B. Kini, Marius Lompo, Moussa Ouedraogo and Sylvin Ouedraogo Ouedraogo Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Extracts from Parkia biglobosa (Jacq.) R.Br. Ex G.Don. (Fabaceae-Mimosoideae) Trunk Bark Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology
2021 Traore Mariam, Coulibaly Adjaratou C., Traore Kadiatou T., Boly Abdoul G. L., Kabre Esther W. L. M. B., Ouedraogo Noufou, Kiendrebeogo Martin and Sawadogo Richard W Anti-inflammatory and Analgesic Activities of the Methanolic Extract and the Residual Fraction of the Stem Bark of Daniellia oliveri (Fabaceae) Annual Research & Review in Biology
2021 Adama Gansané, Leah F. Moriarty, Didier Ménard, Isidore Yerbanga, Esperance Ouedraogo, Paul Sondo, Rene Kinda, Casimir Tarama, Edwige Soulama, Madou Tapsoba, David Kangoye, Cheick Said Compaore, Ousmane Badolo, Blami Dao, Samuel Tchwenko, Halidou Tinto, Innocent Valea Anti-malarial efficacy and resistance monitoring of artemether-lumefantrine and dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine shows inadequate efficacy in children in Burkina Faso, 2017–2018. Malar J. 20: 48.doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03585-6
2021 Massa dit Achille Bonko, Palpouguini Lompo, Marc Christian Tahita, Francois Kiemde, Ibrahima Karama, Athanase M. Somé, Petra F. Mens, Sandra Menting, Halidou Tinto, Henk D. F. H. Schallig Antibiotic Susceptibility of Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pneumoniae Isolates from the Nasopharynx of Febrile Children under 5 Years in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Antibiotics 10(4): 444. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10040444.
2021 Massa dit Achille Bonko, Marc Christian Tahita, Francois Kiemde, Palpouguini Lompo, Sibidou Yougbaré, Athanase M. Some, Halidou Tinto, Petra F. Mens, Sandra Menting, Henk D. F. H. Schallig Antibiotic susceptibility profile of bacterial isolates from febrile children under 5 years of age in Nanoro, Burkina Faso.. Trop Med Int Health. 26(10): 1220–1230. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13644
2021 Paul Sondo, Marc Christian Tahita, Toussaint Rouamba, Karim Derra, Bérenger Kaboré, Cheick Saïd Compaoré, Florence Ouédraogo, Eli Rouamba, Hamidou Ilboudo, Estelle Aïssa Bambara, Macaire Nana, Edmond Yabré Sawadogo, Hermann Sorgho, Athanase Mwinessobaonfou Somé, Innocent Valéa, Prabin Dahal, Maminata Traoré/Coulibaly, Halidou Tinto Assessment of a combined strategy of seasonal malaria chemoprevention and supplementation with vitamin A, zinc and Plumpy’Doz™ to prevent malaria and malnutrition in children under 5 years old in Burkina Faso: a randomized open-label trial (SMC-NUT). Trials. ; 22: 360. Published online 2021 May 24. doi: 10.1186/s13063-021-05320-7.
2021 Sanou R, Maïga H, Bilgo EM, Sawadogo SP, Sow BBD, Ouema A, Bayili K, Belem AMG, Toé LP, Dabiré RK, Diabaté A Assessment of novel Lehmann's funnel entry trap prototypes performance to control malaria mosquito populations Malar J. 2021 Jan 1;20(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03532-x.PMID: 33386073
2021 Ouédraogo O, Cherif KM, Diarra A, Sanou GS, Kambiré D, Ouédraogo HG, Ouédraogo A, Tiono BA, Traoré Y, Kouanda S, Sirima BS, Nebie I Association entre l’infection palustre et la réponse en anticorps chez les enfants vivant en zone endémique du paluisme au Burkina Faso Revue malienne de microbiologie infectieuse
2021 Jeoffray Diendéré, Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba, Sibraogo Kiemtoré, Olivier Ouahamin Sombié, Philippe Fayemendy, Pierre Jésus, Athanase Millogo, Aly Savadogo, Halidou Tinto and Jean-Claude Desport Associations between dental problems and underweight status among rural women in Burkina Faso: results from the first WHO Stepwise Approach to Surveillance (STEPS) survey. Public Health Nutrition: pp. 1 - 11. doi: 10.1017/S1368980021004080
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2021 Kadari Cisse, Seni Kouanda, Yves Coppieters’t Wallant, and Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Awareness, Treatment, and Control of Hypertension among the Adult Population in Burkina Faso: Evidence from a Nationwide Population-Based Survey International Journal of Hypertension Volume 2021, Article ID 5547661, 9 page,
2021 Lea Pare Toe & Helle Samuelsen Balancing professional autonomy and authority at the margins of a fragile state: Front-line health workers’ experiences in Burkina Faso Global Public Health, 16:7, 1099-1110,
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2021 Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA, Nayi ZONGO, Isabelle Touwendpoulimdé KIENDREBEOGO, Pegdwendé Abel SORGHO, Fabienne Ingrid ZONGO, Albert Théophane YONLI, Herman Karim SOMBIE, Aboubacar Hierrhum BAMBARA, Alexis Yobi SAWADOGO, Marie NL. OUEDRAOGO, Lassina TRAORE, Sidnooma Véronique ZONGO, Doriane Tatiana LALLOGO, Bapio Valery Jean Télesphore Elvira BAZIE, Théodora M. ZOHONCON, Florencia W. DIJGMA, Jacques SIMPORE. Carrying the HLA DRB 1*11 and 1*12 alleles and risk factors for breast cancer in Burkina Faso. Open Life Sciences 2021; 16: 1101–1110,
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2021 Hyacinthe R. Zabré, Andrea Farnhama, Serge P. Diagbouga, Günther Fink, Mark J. Divall, Mirko S. Winkler, Astrid M. Knoblauch., Changes in household wealth in communities living in proximity to a large-scale copper mine in Zambia (chapter 6 of this thesis). Resources Policy 2021; 74: 102395.
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2021 Somé EN., Nana FW., Méda BI., Son M., Drabo M., Kouanda S., Sombié R. Chronic Carriage of Hepatitis B Virus at the University Teaching Hospital Yalgado Ouedraogo: Therapeutic Aspects and Outcome in a cohort of HBeAg+ Outpatients Open Journal of Epidemiology, 11, 245-255.
2021 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Alice Nanelin Guingané, Jean Kaboré, Moussa Son, Félicité Nana, Maxime Drabo and Roger Sombié Chronic carriage of hepatitis B virus with HBeAg+ at the university teaching hospital YalgadoOuedraogo: epidemiological and clinical features International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology ISSN 2326-7291 Vol. 10 (7)
2021 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Alice Nanelin Guingané, Issaka Zongo, Daouda Sané, Koiné Maxime Drabo, Roger Sombié Chronic viral HBeAg-negative hepatitis B: Epidemiological, clinical and biochemical characteristics in an outpatient descriptive cohort in Burkina Faso Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Vol 11
2021 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Félicité W. Nana, Isabelle Télarpoa Lompo, Drabo Maxime, Roger Sombié Cirrhosis: Therapeutic Aspects and Outcome for Hospitalized Patients in Burkina Faso Open Journal of Epidemiology Vol 11
2021 Marie Jasparda, Mamadou Saliou Sowc, Sylvain Jucheta, Eric Dienderé, Beatrice Serraa, Richard Kojan, Billy Sivahera, Caroline Martin, Moumouni Kinda, Hans-Joerg Lang, Fodé Bangaly Sako, Fodé Amara Traoré, Eudoxie Koumbem, Halidou Tinto, Adama Sanou, Apoline Sondo, Flavien Kaboré, Joseph Donamou, Jean-Paul-Yassa Guilavogui, Fanny Velardo, Brice Bicaba, Olivier Marcy, Augustin Augier, Sani Sayadi, Armel Poda, Sakoba Keita, Xavier Anglareta, Denis Malvy, for the COVISTA study group Clinical presentation, outcomes and factors associated with mortality: A prospective study from three COVID-19 referral care centres in West Africa. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 108: 45–52.
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2021 Chemonges Wanyama E, Dicko B, Pare Toe L, Coulibaly MB, Barry N, Bayala Traore K, Diabate A, Drabo M, Kayondo JK, Kekele S, Kodio S, Ky AD, Linga RR, Magala E, Meda WI, Mukwaya S, Namukwaya A, Robinson B, Samoura H, Sanogo K, Thizy D, Traoré F Co-developing a common glossary with stakeholders for engagement on new genetic approaches for malaria control in a local African setting. Malar J. 2021 Jan 21;20(1):53. doi: 10.1186/s12936-020-03577-y.PMID: 33478519
2021 Boly, R., Souleymane, C., Salfo, et al. Collaboration between practitioners of traditional and conventional medicine: A report of an intervention carried out with traditional women healers in the province of Sanmatenga (Burkina Faso) to improve the obtaining of the license to practice traditional medicine International NGO Journal
2021 Greenwood B, Cairns M, Chaponda M, Chico RM, Dicko A, Ouedraogo JB, Phiri KS, Ter Kuile FO, Chandramohan D Combining malaria vaccination with chemoprevention: a promising new approach to malaria control Malar J. 2021 Sep 6;20(1):361. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03888-8.PMID: 34488784
2021 Sawadogo SP, Nikièma SA, Coulibaly S, Koala L, Niang A, Bougouma C, Bougma WR, Gnankine O, Hawkes FM, Boakye D, Dabire KR.,. ) Community implementation of human landing and non-human landing collection methods for Wuchereria bancrofti vectors. Journal of Parasitology and Vector Biology.13(1
2021 Watson D, Kehoe SH, Erzse A, Compaoré A, Debpuur C, Nonterah EA, Sorgho H, Norris SA, Hofman KJ, Lawrence W, Newell ML, Godfrey KM, Ward KA, Barker M; INPreP group. Community perspectives on maternal and child health during nutrition and economic transition in sub-Saharan Africa. Public Health Nutrition, 2021 Aug; 24(12):3710-3718. doi: 10.1017/S1368980020003018
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2021 Isidore Tiandiogo Traoré, Samiratou Ouedraogo, Dramane Kania, Firmin Nongodo Kaboré, Blahima Konaté, Rachel Médah, Hermann Badolo, Nathalie de Rekeneire, Ariane Mamguem Kamga, Armel Poda, Arnaud Eric Diendere, Boukary Ouédraogo, Esperance Ouédraogo, Oumar Billa, Halidou Tinto & Tienhan Sandrine Dabakuyo-Yonli COVID-19 epidemiological, sociological and anthropological investigation: study protocol for a multidisciplinary mixed methods research in Burkina Faso BMC Infectious Diseases. 21: 896. doi: 10.1186/s12879-021-06543-4
2021 Zekiba Tarnagda, Assana Cissé, Abdoul Kader Ilboudo, Moussa Lingani, Jean Charlemagne Kondombo, CedricStéphane Bationo, Anselme Eric Kyere, Madi Savadogo, Risgou Ouedraogo, Armel Poda5 and Ndongo Dia COVID-19 Outbreak in Burkina Faso: Epidemiological Surveillance among High Risk Population EC Microbiol 17.8. 29-40.
2021 Samuelsen, H., & Toé, L. Covid-19 Temporalities: Ruptures of Everyday Life in Urban Burkina Faso.  Medicine Anthropology Theory, 8(1), 1-21.
2021 Antarou Ly, Sylvie Pelletier, Clermont E Dionne Cross-cultural adaptation of Delphi definitions of low back pain prevalence in French (Delphi DOLBaPP-F) Exploration of medicine
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2021 Paul Taconet, Angélique Porciani, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Karine Mouline, Frédéric Simard, Alphonsine Amanan Koffi, Cedric Pennetier, Roch Kounbobr Dabiré, Morgan Mangeas & Nicolas Moiroux Data-driven and interpretable machine-learning modeling to explore the fine-scale environmental determinants of malaria vectors biting rates in rural Burkina Faso Parasites Vectors 14, 345 (2021).
2021 Isidore Juste Ouindgueta Bonkoungou, Namwin Siourimè Somda, Oumar Traoré, Barthelemy Sibiri Zoma, Zakaria Garba, Koine Maxime Drabo, and  Nicolas Barro DETECTION OF DIARRHEAGENIC ESCHERICHIA COLI IN HUMAN DIARRHEIC STOOL AND DRINKING WATER SAMPLES IN OUAGADOUGOU, BURKINA FASO Afr J Infect Dis. 2021. 15(1): 53–58
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2021 Salfo Ouédraogo, Josias BG Yaméogo, Bavouma C. Sombié, Hermine Zime Diawara, Mathieu Nitiéma, Lazare Belemnaba, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Sylvin Ouédraogo and Rasmané Semdé.. Development of Tablets Based on Lannea Microcarpa Engl. Et K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) Extracts for Arterial Hypertension Therapy. Glob J Pharmaceu Sci
2021 Missa Millogo, Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Bapio Valerie Jean Telesphore Bazie, Theodora Mahoukede Zohoncon, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Albert Theophane Yonli and Jacques Simpore Disputed paternity presumption in Burkina Faso: determination of the biological fathers of children using ABO-rhesus/hemoglobin electrophoresis and STR assays Journal of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, DOI :10.1186/s43141-021-00221-3
2021 Yaméogo KB, Yerbanga RS, Ouattara SB, Yao FA, Lefèvre T, Zongo I, Nikièma F, Compaoré YD, Tinto H, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Belem AMG, Cohuet A, Ouédraogo JB Effect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention plus azithromycin on Plasmodium falciparum transmission: gametocyte infectivity and mosquito fitness. Malar J. 2021 Jul 27;20(1):326. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03855-3.PMID: 34315475 
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2021 Millogo T, Kourouma KR, Diallo A, Agbre-Yace ML, Baldé MD, Kouanda S. Effectiveness of the World Health Organization Safe Childbirth Checklist (WHO-SCC) in preventing poor childbirth outcomes: a study protocol for a matched-pair cluster randomized control trial. BMC Public Health. 2021 Sep 10;21(1):1652. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11673-0. PMID: 34507557; PMCID: PMC8430293.
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2021 Niang A, Sawadogo SP, Millogo AA, Akpodiete NO, Dabiré RK, Tripet F, Diabaté A. Entomological baseline data collection and power analyses in preparation of a mosquito swarm-killing intervention in south-western Burkina Faso. Malar J. 2021 Aug 23;20(1):346. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03877-x.PMID: 34425839 
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2021 Sougrenoma Désiré NANA, Laibané Dieudonné DAHOUROU, Wendmisida Victor Yacinthe GUIGMA, Joseph SAWADOGO, Potiandi Serge DIAGBOUGA, Pascal Evaluation de la surveillance épidémiologique du charbon bactéridien au Burkina Faso. HENDRIKX Epidemiol et santé anim, 2021, 77
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2021 Kouamé Apolinaire N'Guettia, Pauline Kiswendsida Yanogo , Jean Kaboré and Nicolas Meda Factors associated with malnutrition among children under 5 years of age in the Health Care District of Danané, Ivory Coast, January 1 to March 31, 2017: A case control study J. Public Health Epidemiol., Vol.13(3), pp. 218-223, July 2021,  ISSN: 2141-2316
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2021 Marc Rondy, Mamadou Tamboura, Fati Sidikou, Issaka Yameogo, Kambire Dinanibe, Guetwende Sawadogo, Chantal Kambire , Halima Mainassara , Ali Elhaj Mahamane , Baruani Bienvenu , Haladou Moussa , Rasmata Ouedraogo , Katya Fernandez , Muhamed-Kheir Taha and Olivier Ronveaux Field Evaluation of the Performance of Two Rapid Diagnostic Tests for Meningitis in Niger and Burkina Faso Microorganisms
2021 Tougouma JB, Yaméogo AA, Yaméogo VN, Hema A, Hien H, Kambiré Y, Poda A, Zoungrana J, Zabsonré P. Fréquence élevée de l´ischémie myocardique asymptomatique dans une population de patients infectés par le VIH à Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso Pan Afr Med J. 2021 ; 38 : 173
2021 Lardia Ali Bougma , Mahamadi Hamed Ouédraogo, Adjima Ouoba , Abdou Azaque Zouré´ , Nerbéwendé Sawadogo , Mahamadou Sawadogo Genetic Differentiation for Gene Diversity among Pearl Millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) Landraces As Revealed by SSR Markers International Journal of Agronomy, Volume 2021, Article ID 6160903,
2021 Hamatandi Magloire Natama, Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Meryam Krit, Pieter Guetens, Hermann Sorgho, M. Athanase Somé, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly, Innocent Valéa, Petra F. Mens, Henk D. F. H. Schallig, Dirk Berkvens, Luc Kestens, Halidou Tinto and Anna Rosanas‑Urgell Genetic variation in the immune system and malaria susceptibility in infants: a nested case–control study in Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Malar J 20:94
2021 Kadari Cisse, Sekou Samadoulougou, Mady Ouedraogo, Bruno Bonnechère, Jean-Marie Degryse, Seni Kouanda, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Geographic and Sociodemographic Disparities in Cardiovascular Risk in Burkina Faso: Findings from a Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey Risk Manag Healthc Policy 2021; 14: 2863–2876.
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2021 Natalie I. Mazur, Yvette N. Löwensteyn, Joukje E. Willemsen et al., Global Respiratory Syncytial Virus–Related Infant Community Deaths. Clin Infect Dis, 2021;73(S3):S229–37
2021 Compaoré YD, Zongo I, Somé AF, Barry N, Nikiéma F, Kaboré TN, Ouattara A, Kabré Z, Wermi K, Zongo M, Yerbanga RS, Sagara I, Djimdé A, Ouédraogo JB. Hepatic safety of repeated treatment with pyronaridine-artesunate versus artemether-lumefantrine in patients with uncomplicated malaria: a secondary analysis of the WANECAM 1 data from Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Malar J. 2021 Jan 29;20(1):64. doi: 10.1186/s12936-021-03593-6.PMID: 33514368
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2021 Barry A, Bradley J, Stone W, Guelbeogo MW, Lanke K, Ouedraogo A, Soulama I, Nébié I, Serme SS, Grignard L, Patterson C, Wu L, Briggs JJ, Janson O, Awandu SS, Ouedraogo M, Tarama CW, Kargougou D, Zongo S, Sirima SB, Marti M, Drakeley C, Tiono AB, Bousema T. Higher gametocyte production and mosquito infectivity in chronic compared to incident Plasmodium falciparum infections. Nat Commun. 2021 Apr 26;12(1):2443. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-22573-7. PMID: 33903595; PMCID: PMC8076179.
2021 Marc Christian Tahita, Paul Sondo, Berenger Kaboré, Biebo Bihoun, Hamidou Ilboudo, Adama Kazienga, Palpouguini Lompo, Florence Ouédraogo, Karim Derra, Macaire Nana, Yabré Edmond Sawadogo, Hermann Sorgho, Maminata Traoré/Coulibaly and Halidou Tinto Histidine-rich protein-2 based malaria rapid diagnostic tests performance among febrile pregnant women in high malaria transmission area. J. Parasitol. Vector Biol.13(2), pp. 87-92, DOI: 10.5897/JPVB2020.0404
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2021 Liz Comrie-Thomsona, Prerna Gopala, Katherine Eddy, Adama Baguiya, Nina Gerlach, Caroline Sauvé, Anayda Portela How do women, men, and health providers perceive interventions to influence men’s engagement in maternal and newborn health? A qualitative evidence synthesis Social Science & Medicine
2021 Adama Baguiya How neonates are treated in west Africa: adding to the evidence Lancet Global Health
2021 BOLY A. GILCHRIST, OUEDRAOGO NOUFOU TRAORE ARISTIDE Hplc Analysis And Anti-Inflammatory Properties Studies Of Trunk Barks Of Acacia Nilotica Var Adansonii (Guill And Perr) O Ktze (Mimosaceae). Int J Pharm Pharm Sci,
Moumouni KOALA , Alphonsine RAMDE-TIENDREBEOGO, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Sylvain ILBOUDO, Boukaré KABORÉ, Félix B. KINI, Sylvin OUEDRAOGO HPTLC phytochemical screening and hydrophilic antioxidant activities of Apium graveolens L., Cleome gynandra L., and Hibiscus sabdariffa L. used for diabetes management American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 12
2021 Tall H, Adam P, Tiendrebeogo ASE, Vincent JP, Schaeffer L, von Platen C, Fernandes-Pellerin S, Sawadogo F, Bokoum A, Bouda G, Ouattara S, Ouédraogo I, Herrant M, Boucheron P, Sawadogo A, Betsem E, Essoh A, Kabore L, Ouattara A, Méda N, Hien H, Gosset A, Giles-Vernick T, Boyer S, Kania D, Vray M, Shimakawa Y. Impact of Introducing Hepatitis B Birth Dose Vaccines into the Infant Immunization Program in Burkina Faso: Study Protocol for a Stepped Wedge Cluster Randomized Trial (NéoVac Study). Vaccines. Juin 2021 ;9(6): 583.
2021 Hema-Ouangraoua S, Tranchot-Diallo J, Zongo I, Kabore NF, Nikièma F, Yerbanga RS, Tinto H, Chandramohan D, Ouedraogo GA, Greenwood B, Ouedraogo JB Impact of mass administration of azithromycin as a preventive treatment on the prevalence and resistance of nasopharyngeal carriage of Staphylococcus aureus. PLoS One. 2021 Oct 13;16(10):e0257190. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0257190. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34644317 
2021 Guindo A, Epopa PS, Doumbia S, Millogo AA, Diallo B, Yao FA, Yagoure B, Tripet F, Diabate A, Coulibaly MB Improved BioGents® Sentinel trap with heat (BGSH) for outdoor collections of Anopheline species in Burkina Faso and Mali, West Africa. Parasit Vectors. 2021 Jan 28;14(1):82. doi: 10.1186/s13071-020-04527-y.PMID: 33509273
2021 Koama KB, Yerbanga RS, Meda NTR, Ouedraogo N, Da O, OuedraogoJB, Traore-Coulibaly M, Ouedraogo GA. In vivo antimalarial, antioxidant activities and safety of Carapa procera DC. (meliaceae). Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences, 24(5), 571-578. doi: 10.3923/pjbs.2021.571.578
2021 Post A, Kaboré B, Bognini J, Diallo S, Lompo P, Kam B, Herssens N, van Opzeeland F, van der Gaast-de Jongh CE, Langereis JD, de Jonge MI, Rahamat-Langendoen J, Bousema T, Wertheim H, Sauerwein RW, Tinto H, Jacobs J, de Mast Q, van der Ven AJ. Infection Manager System (IMS) as a new hemocytometry-based bacteremia detection tool: A diagnostic accuracy study in a malaria-endemic area of Burkina Faso. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 2021 Mar 1; 15(3):e0009187. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0009187
2021 Cheick Omar Diallo, Karin Linda Schioler, Helle Samuelsen and Maxime Koine Drabo. Information System as Part of Epidemic Management in Burkina Faso: From Plan to Reality (Field Findings) BMC Public Health. DOI: 10.21203/
2021 N'Do S, Bandibabone JB, Soma DD, Musaka BZ, Prudhomme J, Habamungu CC, Namountougou M, Sangaré I, Kientega M, Kaboré DAP, Bayili K, Yerbanga RS, Diabate A, Dabire RK, Ouedraogo JB, Belem AMG, Boëte C, Guardiola-Claramonte M, Chimanuka B. Insecticide resistance profiles in malaria vector populations from Sud-Kivu in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg. 2021 Nov 1;115(11):1339-1344. doi: 10.1093/trstmh/trab116.PMID: 34324683
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2021 Michael Grimm, Renate Hartwig, Ann-Kristin Reitmann, Fadima Yaya Bocoum Inter-household transfers: An empirical investigation of the income-transfer relationship with novel data from Burkina Faso World Development, 144:105486
2021 D.L. Lompo, A.M. Ouédraogo, A. Somé, O. Diallo, C. Napon, B.J. Kaboré La douleur centrale post accident vasculaire cérébral au CHU Tingandogo de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) : fréquence, profil clinique, qualité de vie des patients et facteurs associés MÉDECINE TROPICALE ET SANTÉ INTERNATIONALE DOI: 10.48327/1160-X245 -
2021 Lea PARE/TOE, Nourou BARRY, Jean W. BIRBA et Huguette TIENOU La filariose lymphatique : Etat de lieux des connaissances populaires dans les régions de l’Est, du Centre-Est et du Sud-Ouest du Burkina Faso Revue Science et Technique, Lettres, sciences sociales et humaines, CNRST 2021, Vol. 37, n° 2 pp 7-19
2021 Sagna Tani, Ouedraogo H. Gautier, Zouré A. Azaque, Zida Sylvie, Compaore Rebeca T, Kambire Dinanibe, Soubeiga Serge T, Ouedraogo Oumarou, Djigma Florencia, Zongo Dramane, Tarnagda Grissoum, Valea Diane, Dabiré Charlemagne, Nikiema A. Rahamani, Camara Modibo, Kagambega Alidou, Ilboudo A Kader, Yonli Albert Théophane, Kouanda Seni, Simpore Jacques Le Laboratoire à l’épreuve de la pandémie de la COVID-19 au Burkina Faso : Quels défis pour la régularité de l’offre de diagnostic Revue malienne d'infectiologie et de microbiologie. , Tome 16, Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021) mim/article/view/1758/123, Indexation: DOAJ, Hinari, CAMES
2021 Zahida Qureshi, Alanna Jamner, Veronique Filippi, George Gwako, Alfred Osoti, Hedieh Mehrtash, Adama Baguiya, Folasade Adenike Bello, Rachidatou Compaore, Luis Gadama, Caron R. Kim, Ausbert Thoko Msusa, Ӧzge Tunçalp, Clara Calvert Level and determinants of contraceptive uptake among women attending facilities with abortion-related complications in East and Southern Africa Int J Gynecol Obstet
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2021 Moussa Lingani, Serge H. Zango, Innocent Valéa, Daniel Valia, Maïmouna Sanou, Sékou O. Samandoulougou, Annie Robert, Halidou Tinto, Michèle Dramaix, Philippe Donnen Magnitude of low birthweight in malaria endemic settings of Nanoro, rural Burkina Faso: a secondary data analysis. Sci Rep. 11: 21332. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-00881-8
2021 Coulibaly S, Sawadogo SP , Hien SA, Nikièma SA, … Malaria and Lymphatic Filariasis Co-Transmission in Endemic Health Districts in Burkina Faso Advances in Entomology
2021 Soma D.D., Poda B.S., Hien S.A., Namountougou M., Sangaré I., Sawadogo J.M.E., Fournet F., Ouédraogo A.G., Diabaté A., Moiroux N., Dabiré K.R. Malaria vectors diversity, insecticide resistance and transmission during the rainy season in peri-urban villages of south-western Burkina Faso. Malaria Journal, 20:63.
2021 Wael Abdrabou , Mame Massar Dieng, Aïssatou Diawara, Samuel Sindié Sermé, Dareen Almojil , Salif Sombié, Noelie Bere Henry, Désiré Kargougou, Vinu Manikandan, Issiaka Soulama  and Youssef Idaghdour  Metabolome modulation of the host adaptive immunity in human malaria Nat Metab. 2021 Jun 10. doi: 10.1038/s42255-021-00404-9
2021 René Dembélé, Issiaka Soulama, Wendpoulomdé Aimé Désiré Kaboré, Ali Konaté, Assèta Kagambèga, David Coulibaly N'Golo, Oumar Traoré, Abdoulaye Seck, Alfred Sababenedyo Traoré, Nathalie Guessennd, Amy Gassama-Sow and Nicolas Barro Molecular Characterization of Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacterales in Children with Diarrhea in Rural Burkina Faso Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
2021 Hyacinthe R. Zabré, Astrid M. Knoblaucha, Serge P. Diagbouga, Günther Fink, Milka Owuord, Kennedy Nduna, Marcus Chisanga, Gertrude Musunka, Mark J. Divall, Mirko S. Winkler, Andrea Farnhama Monitoring of selected socioeconomic indicators in households living in a copper mine development area in northwestern Zambia (chapter 5 of this thesis). The Extractive Industries and Society 2021;8: 100985
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2021 Ilana R Cliffer, William A Masters, Nandita Perumal, Elena N Naumova,1Augustin N Zeba,Franck Garanet, and Beatrice L Rogers Monthly measurement of child lengths between 6 and 27 months of age in Burkina Faso reveals both chronic and episodic growth faltering The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
2021 Zoungrana-Yameogo WN, Dahourou DL, Diallo AH, Sangho O, Nikiema E, Tougouma S, Guiguimdé A, Dembélé E, Traoré O, Sawadogo B, Otshudiandjeka J, So A, Hien C, Drabo MK, Ouedraogo A. Mortalité néonatale au centre hospitalier universitaire de Tengandogo, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: une étude de cohorte rétrospective. Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health Journal of Interventional Epidemiology and Public Health
2021 Tiemtoré-Kambou BMA, Baguiya A, Lamien PD, Koama A, Napon AM, Bamouni YA, et al. Myome, découverte fortuite ou métrorragie : qui dit mieux ? Pan Afr Med J. 2021 Apr 20;38:388. French. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.38.388.20314. PMID: 34381532; PMCID: PMC8325446.
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2021 Rafael Dal-Ré, Linda-Gail Bekker, Christian Gluud, Søren Holm, Vivekanand Jha, Gregory A Poland, Frits R Rosendaal, Brigitte Schwarzer-Daum, Esperança Sevene, Halidou Tinto, Teck Chuan Voo, Nadarajah Sreeharan Ongoing and future COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials: challenges and opportunities. Lancet Infect Dis. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(21)00263-2
2021 Lompo P, Tahita MC, Sorgho H, Kaboré W, Kazienga A, Nana ACB, Natama HM, Bonkoungou IJO, Barro N, Tinto H. Pathogens associated with acute diarrhea, and comorbidity with malaria among children under five years old in rural Burkina Faso. Pan African Medical Journal, 2021 Mar 12; 38:259. doi: 10.11604/pamj.2021.38.259.15864
2021 Navideh Noori, Karim Derra, Innocent Valea, Assaf P. Oron, Aminata Welgo, Toussaint Rouamba, Palwende Romuald Boua, Athanase M. Somé, Eli Rouamba, Edward Wenger, Hermann Sorgho, Halidou Tinto and Andre Lin Ouédraogo Patterns of child mortality in rural area of Burkina Faso: evidence from the Nanoro health and demographic surveillance system (HDSS). BMC Public Health: 21:1425.
2021 Traoré S, Paré BC, Dabourou DL, Guira O, Sagna Y, Kamouni JP, Zoungrana L, Bognounou R, Tiéno H, Drabo YJ Performance of the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) in the Identification of Dysglycemia in an Urban Population in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) Open Journal of Internal Medicine , 11, 39-54
2021 Adama Baguiya, Mercedes Bonet, José Guilherme Cecatti Vanessa Brizuela, Ala Curteanu, Meile Minkauskiene, Kapila Jayaratne, Carolina Carvalho Ribeiro-do-Valle, Mihaela-Alexandra Budianu, João Paulo Souza, Séni Kouanda, WHO GLOSS Research Group Perinatal outcomes among births to women with infection during pregnancy Arch Dis Child 2021;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/archdischild-2021-321865
2021 Beshir KB, Diallo N, Somé FA, Sombie S, Zongo I, Fofana B, Traore A, Dama S, Bamadio A, Traore OB, Coulibaly SA, Maurice OS, Diarra A, Kaboré JM, Kodio A, Togo AH, Dara N, Coulibaly M, Dao F, Nikiema F, Compaore YD, Kabore NT, Barry N, Soulama I, Sagara I, Sirima SB, Ouédraogo JB, Djimde A, Sutherland CJ Persistent Submicroscopic Plasmodium falciparum Parasitemia 72 Hours after Treatment with Artemether-Lumefantrine Predicts 42-Day Treatment Failure in Mali and Burkina Faso. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2021 Jul 16;65(8):e0087321. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00873-21. Epub 2021 Jul 16.PMID: 34060901
2021 Rainatou Boly , Zakaline Yabre, Mathieu Nitiema, Boubacar Yaro, Jules Yoda,Lazare Belemnaba ,Sylvain Ilboudo,Noe¨la Hoho Estelle Youl,Innocent Pierre Guissou,and Sylvin Ouedraogo Pharmacological Evaluation of the Bronchorelaxant Effect of Waltheria indica L. (Malvaceae) Extracts on Rat Trachea Hindawi Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2021, Article ID 5535727
2021 Traore Mariam, Adjaratou C. Coulibaly, Aboubacar Yaro, Esther W. L. M. Kabre, Noufou Ouedraogo, Martin Kiendrebeogo and Richard W. Sawadogo Phenolic Content, Antioxidant and 15-Lypoxygenase Inhibitory Effects of Daniellia oliveri (Rolfe) Hutch. & Dalziel (Fabaceae) International Journal of Biochemistry Research & Review, 30(6)
2021 Paul Sondo, Biebo Bihoun, Marc Christian Tahita, Karim Derra, Toussaint Rouamba, Seydou Nakanabo Diallo, Adama Kazienga, Hamidou Ilboudo, Innocent Valea, Zekiba Tarnagda, Hermann Sorgho, Thierry Lefèvre and Halidou Tinto Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte carriage in symptomatic patients shows significant association with genetically diverse infections, anaemia, and asexual stage density. Malar J: 20:31
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2021 Paul Sondo, Biebo Bihoun, Bérenger Kabore, Marc Christian Tahita, Karim Derra, Toussaint Rouamba, Seydou Nakanabo Diallo, Adama Kazienga, Hamidou Ilboudo, Innocent Valea, Zekiba Tarnagda, Hermann Sorgho, Thierry Lefevre, Halidou Tinto Polymorphisme de Plasmodium falciparum et mutations des gènes de résistance Pfcrt et Pfmdr1 dans la zone de Nanoro, Burkina Faso. Pan Afr Med J. 39: 118. French. DOI : 10.11604/pamj.2021.39.118.26959.
2021 Nonterah EA, Crowther NJ, Oduro A, Agongo G, Micklesfield LK, Boua PR, Choma SSR, Mohamed SF, Sorgho H, Tollman SM, Norris SA, Raal FJ, Grobbee DE, Ramsay M, Bots ML, Klipstein-Grobusch K; as part of the H3Africa AWI-Gen study. Poor cardiovascular health is associated with subclinical atherosclerosis in apparently healthy sub-Saharan African populations: an H3Africa AWI-Gen study. BMC Medicine, 2021 Feb 10; 19(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s12916-021-01909-6
2021 Hien A, Somé JW, Sombié OO, Ilboudo B, Sourabié O, Zoubga WA, Zeba NA, Somé DA. Pratiques alimentatires des femmes enceintes vues en consultation prénatale au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Souro-Sanou de Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso). Médecine d'Afrique Noire. 2021; Vol. 68, N°4. pp 199-208
2021 Roger Zerbo, Alphonsine, Tiendrébéogo-Ramdé, Halimatou Sermé-Touré, Rasmata Samandoulogou, Fabrice Zoéwendsaongo, Ouedraogo Pratiques de régénération des terres dégradées et promotion de la santé par les plantes usuelles dans le tracé de la Grande Muraille Verte au Burkina Faso Cahiers de l’observatoire Homme-Milieux international Téssékéré n09
2021 Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiéma, Sylvain Ilboudo, Gueswindé Geoffroy Ouédraogo, Noufou Ouédraogo, Mohamed Bonewendé Belemlilga, Souleymane Compaoré, Salfo Ouédraogo, Sylvin Ouédraogo. Preclinical Evaluation of the Antihypertensive Effect of an Aqueous Extract of Anogeissus leiocarpa (DC) Guill et Perr. Bark of Trunk in L-NAME-Induced Hypertensive Rat Journal of Experimental Pharmacology
2021 Joseph D. Challenger, Daniela Olivera, Dari F. Da … and Thomas S. Churcher Predicting the public health impact of a malaria transmission-blocking vaccine; Nature Communication; DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-21775-3
2021 Adja Mariam Ouédraogo, Adama Baguiya, Rachidatou Compaoré, Kadari Cissé, Désiré Lucien Dahourou , Anthony Somé , Halima Tougri , Seni Kouanda Predictors of contraceptive method discontinuation among adolescent and young women in three West African countries (Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger) BMC Womens Health. 2021 Jun 29;21(1):261. doi: 10.1186/s12905-021-01326-0.
2021 Diendéré EA, Sondo KA, Ouédraogo AR, Dahourou DL, Cissé K, Sawadogo A, Maiga S, Kuiré M, Zida S, Kaboré PR, Minoungou CJW, Habou U, Badalo H, Zoungrana N, Ouédraogo AG, Belem AR, Zoungrana J, Poda A, Diallo I, Kaboré F, Sanou A, Kouanda S Predictors of severe hypoxemia among COVID-19 patients in Burkina Faso (West Africa): Findings from hospital based cross-sectional study Int J Infect Dis. juill 2021;108:289‑95
2021 Ollo Youl, Sibidou Yougbaré, Palpouguini Lompo, Boubacar Yaro, Christian Marc Tahita, Halidou Tinto, Adama Hilou and Maminata Traoré/Coulibaly Preliminary screening of the antimicrobial activity of nine medicinal plant species from Burkina Faso. J. Med. Plants Res. 15(11), pp. 522-530 , DOI: 10.5897/JMPR2021.7106
2021 Jatta W. Joseph, Ouédraogo Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwinde, Yusupha Sanyang, et al Preparedness of Healthcare Workers towards Handling COVID-19 Outbreak in the Gambia SciMedJ
2021 Cisse M, Sangare I, Djibougou AD, Tahita MC, Gnissi S, Bassinga JKW, Konda S, Diallo AH. Prevalence and risk factors of Schistosoma mansoni infection among preschool-aged children from Panamasso village, Burkina Faso. Parasite and Vectors, 2021 Apr 1; 14(1):185. doi: 10.1186/s13071-021-04692-8
2021 Boua PR, Soo CC, Debpuur C, Maposa I, Nkoana S, Mohamed SF, Choma S, Oduro A, Asiki G, Micklesfield LK, Gómez-Olivé FX, Sorgho H, Mall S, Ramsay M; as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium. Prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of tobacco and alcohol use in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-sectional study of middle-aged adults. BMC Public Health. 2021 Jun 12; 21(1):1126. doi: 10.1186/s12889-021-11084-1
2021 Mohamed BAGAYAN, Dramane ZONGO, Magloire BOUNGOU, Adama OUEDA, Hermann SORGHO, Gustave Boureima KABRE Prévalence et intensité de la schistosomiase et des helminthiases intestinales chez des écoliers dans les régions du Sahel, des Hauts-Bassins et du Centre-Est du Burkina Faso Science et technique, Sciences de la santé, Vol. 44, n° 1 
2021 Kadari Cisse , Sékou Samadoulougou, Mady Ouedraogo, Seni Kouanda, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Prevalence of abdominal obesity and its association with cardiovascular risk among the adult population in Burkina Faso: findings from a nationwide cross-sectional study BMJ Open 2021; 11: e049496
2021 Nina Gouba, Issaka Zongo, Hermann Sorgho, Alassane Haro, Coulibaly Sié Bienvenu Prevalence of intestinal schistosomiasis and associated risk factors among patients living in Vallée Journal of Parasitology and
2021 Sawadogo Haffsatou, Zida Adama, Zongo Cheikna, Soulama Issiaka, Sawadogo Patindoilba Marcel, Guiguemde Kiswendsida Thierry, Sermé Sindie Samuel, Sangare Ibrahim, Sangare Lassana, Traore Yves, Ouedraogo-Traore Rasmata, Guiguememde T. Robert, and Savadogo Aly PREVALENCE OF PLACENTAL INFECTION WITH PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM DETECTED BY POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION AND ASSOCIATED RISK FACTORS IN WOMEN AFTER DELIVERED OUAGADOUGOU (BURKINA FASO) International Journal of Advanced Research Int. J. Adv. Res. 9(09), 132 -141
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2021 Ouedraogo, S., Yoda, J., Traore, T. K., Nitiema, M., Sombie, B. C., Diawara, H. Z., Yameogo, J. B., Djande, A., Belemnaba, L. & Kini, F. B. Production de matières premières et fabrication des médicaments à base de plantes médicinales. International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences
2021 LOMPO DL, SOME N Éric, OUEDRAOGO AM, YONLI RP, DIALLO O, NAPON C, MILLOGO A, KABORE J. Profil clinique et paraclinique de la myasthénie auto-immune à Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso MÉDECINE TROPICALE ET SANTÉ INTERNATIONALE,, 11nov.2021 ;1(4). Disponible sur:
2021 Dinanibè KAMBIRE, Issa TONDE, Mahamoudou SANOU , Henri Gautier OUEDRAOGO , Mamadou TAMBOURA , Malika CONGO/OUEDRAOGO , Soumeya OUANGRAOUA, Absatou KY/BA , Abdou Azaque ZOURÉ, Guetawendé SAWADOGO , Kadari CISSÉ, Abdoul-Salam OUÉDRAOGO , Oumarou OUEDRAOGO , Arzouma Paul YOODA , Lassana SANGARE, Issaka YAMEOGO , Lesley MCGEE, Velusamy SRINIVASAN8, Heidi M. SOETERS, Flavien AKÉ, Sylvie ZIDA, Chris Van BENEDEN, Isaïe MEDA, Séni KOUANDA , Rasmata OUEDRAOGO/TRAORE Profil de sensibilité des souches de pneumocoques aux antibiotiques avant l’introduction du vaccin anti pneumococcique conjugué à treize valences (PCV-13) au Burkina Faso Science et technique, Sciences de la santé
2021 Kambiré Dinanibè, Tondé Issa, Sanou Mahamoudou, Ouédraogo Henri Gautier, Tamboura Mamadou, Soumeya Ouangraoua, Ky/Ba Absatou, Zouré Abdou Azaque, Cissé Kadari, Ouédraogo Abdoul-Salam, Lassana Sangaré, Lesley McGee, Velusamy Srinivasan, Heidi M. Soeters, Flavien Aké, Zida Sylvie, Chris Van Beneden, Kouanda Séni, Ouédraogo/Traoré Rasmata Profil de sensibilité des souches de Streptococcus pneumoniae aux antibiotiques avant l’introduction du vaccin anti pneumococcique conjugué à treize valences (PCV13) au Burkina Faso Science et technique, Sciences de la santé Vol. 44, n° 1, ISSN: 1011-6028,, African Journals Online, Indexation : African Index Medicus Database
2021 I. Djibo, PK. Yanogo, J. Kaboré, …, N. Meda Profil Epidémiologique des accidents de la route survenus à Niamey, Niger du 1er février au 31 mars 2017 Sciences de la santé, Vol. 44, n° 1, Janvier - Juin 2021- ISSN 1011- 6028
2021 Siribie M, Tchouatieu AM, Soulama I, Kaboré JMT, Nombré Y, Hien D, Kiba Koumaré A, Barry N, Baguiya A, Héma A, Dianda F, Savadogo Y, Kouanda S, Tiono AB, Sirima SB Protocol for a quasi-experimental study to assess the feasibility, acceptability and costs of multiple first-lines artemisinin-based combination therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the Kaya health district, Burkina Faso. BMJ Open. 2021 Feb 15;11(2):e040220. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-040220. PMID: 33589447; PMCID: PMC7887347.
2021 D. D. Soma, B. Zogo, P. Taconet, A. Somé, S. Coulibaly, L. Baba-Moussa, G. A. Ouédraogo, A. Koffi, C. Pennetier, K. R. Dabiré, N. Moiroux Quantifying and characterizing hourly human exposure to malaria vectors bites to address residual malaria transmission during dry and rainy seasons in rural Southwest Burkina Faso BMC Public Health. 2021; 21 :251
2021 Ouedraogo S, Ouedraogo B, Kabore B, Traore TK, Yaro A, Koala M, Yoda J, Ouedraogo S and Semde R.. Research of Phytochemical Marker in Trunk Bark Extracts of Lannea microcarpa, a Traditional Herbal used to Treat High Blood Pressure Med & Analy Chem Int J
2021 Some NE., Lompo DL., Meda B., Kabore RMP., Kouanda M., Napon C., Drabo M., Kabore, J. Risk factors and treatment for migraine in adults in Ouagadougou: a cross-sectional survey Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology, 13(4), 282-287.
2021 Sabine Gies, Stephen A. Roberts, Salou Diallo, Olga M. Lompo, Halidou Tinto, Bernard J. Brabin Risk of malaria in young children after periconceptional iron supplementation Matern Child Nutr; 17 e13106.
2021 Toussaint Rouamba, Houreratou Barry, Esperance Ouédraogo, Marc Christian Tahita, Nobila Valentin Yaméogo, Armel Poda, Arnaud Eric Diendéré, Abdoul-Salam Ouedraogo, Innocent Valea, Amariane M Koné, Cherileila Thiombiano, Isidore Traoré, Zekiba Tarnagda, Serge A Sawadogo, Zakaria Gansané, Yibar Kambiré, Idrissa Sanou, Fatou Barro-Traoré, Maxime K Drabo, Halidou Tinto Safety of Chloroquine or Hydroxychloroquine Plus Azithromycin for the Treatment of COVID-19 Patients in Burkina Faso: An Observational Prospective Cohort Study Ther Clin Risk Manag. 2021; 17: 1187–1198. Published online 2021 Nov15. doi: 10.2147/TCRM.S330813
2021 Hyacinthe R. Zabré, Dominik Dietler, Serge P. Diagbouga, Mirko S. Winkler. Scoping review of the inclusion of economic analysis in impact studies of natural resource extraction projects (chapter 4 of this thesis). Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal.
2021 D. Chandramohan, I. Zongo, I. Sagara, M. Cairns, R.-S. Yerbanga, M. Diarra, F. Nikièma, A. Tapily, F. Sompougdou, D. Issiaka, C. Zoungrana, K. Sanogo, A. Haro, M. Kaya, A.-A. Sienou, S. Traore, A. Mahamar, I. Thera, K. Diarra, A. Dolo, I. Kuepfer, P. Snell, P. Milligan, C. Ockenhouse, O. Ofori‑Anyinam, H. Tinto, A. Djimde, J.-B. Ouédraogo, A. Dicko, and B. Greenwood Seasonal Malaria Vaccination with or without Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention. N Engl J Med 385:1005-1017. DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2026330
2021 Stephen A. Roberts, Loretta Brabin, Halidou Tinto, Sabine Gies, Salou Diallo and Bernard Brabin Seasonal patterns of malaria, genital infection, nutritional and iron status in non-pregnant and pregnant adolescents in Burkina Faso: a secondary analysis of trial data. BMC Public Health 21:1764;
2021 Edwige T. Yelemkoure, Albert T. Yonli, Hermann Sombie, Issouf Tao, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Abel Sorgho, Arsène Zongo, Moctar Zeba, Isabelle T. Kiendrebeogo, Prosper Bado, Madeleine Kabré, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Florencia W. Djigma, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Jacques Simpore. Seroprevalence, genotyping and monitoring of hepatitis C viral loads in patients on antivirals in Burkina Faso Intervirology Vol. 64, No. 4, 2021,
2021 Sondo AK, Diendéré EA, Meda BI, Diallo I, Zoungrana J, Poda A, Manga NM, Bicaba B, Gnamou A, Kagoné CJ, Sawadogo G, Yaméogo I, Benzekri NA, Tarnagda Z, Kouanda S, Ouédraogo-Traoré R, Ouédraogo MS, Seydi M Severe dengue in adults and children, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), West Africa, October 2015-January 2017 IJID Reg. 2021 Oct 4;1:53-59. doi: 10.1016/j.ijregi.2021.09.010. PMID: 35757818; PMCID: PMC9216438.
2021 Hien AS, Soma DD, Somé FA, Namountougou M, Poda SB, Ouédraogo GA, Diabaté A, Dabiré RK Short Persistence and Vector Susceptibility to Ficam 80WP (bendiocarb active ingredient) During Pilot Application of Indoor Residual Spraying in Burkina Faso West Africa. J Med Entomol. 2021 Mar 12;58(2):781-786. doi: 10.1093/jme/tjaa240.PMID: 33164064
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2021 Joel D. Bognini, Sekou Samadoulougou, Mady Ouedraogo, Tiga David Kangoye, Carine Van Malderen, Halidou Tinto, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Socioeconomic inequalities in curative healthcare-seeking for children under five before and after the free healthcare initiative in Sierra Leone: analysis of population-based survey data Int J Equity Health: 20: 124.. doi: 10.1186/s12939-021-01474-7.
2021 Youssoufou Bakouan1, Bintou Sessouma , Têeda Hamidou Ganamé, Lassané Tarpaga, Jules Yoda, Karifa Bayo Some Aspects of the Reactivity of 3-acyl-4-hydroxycoumarins American Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry
2021 Cédric S. Bationo, Jean Gaudart, Sokhna Dieng, Mady Cissoko, Paul Taconet, Boukary Ouedraogo, Anthony Somé, Issaka Zongo, Dieudonné D. Soma, Gauthier Tougri, Roch K. Dabiré, Alphonsine Koffi, Cédric Pennetier, Nicolas Moiroux Spatio-temporal analysis and prediction of malaria cases using remote sensing meteorological data in Diébougou health district, Burkina Faso, 2016–2017. Scientific Reports11, 20027 (2021)
2021 Yaméogo CW, Bengaly MD, Savadogo A, Nikéma PA, Traoré As. Study of the growth and production of the biomass of Moringa oleifera. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition. 2021;6(5):95-97.
2021 Bonnet, E., Bodson, O., Le Marcis, F., Faye, A., Sambieni, E., Fournet, F., Boyer, F., Coulibaly, A., Kadio, K., Diongue, F., Ridde, V. The COVID-19 Pandemic in Francophone West Africa: From the First Cases to Responses in Seven Countries BMC Public Health 21, 1490 (2021).
2021 Mphatso Dennis Phiri, Matthew Cairns, Issaka Zongo, Frederic Nikiema, Modibo Diarra, Rakiswendé Serge Yerbanga, Amadou Barry, Amadou Tapily, Samba Coumare, Ismaila Thera, Irene Kuepfer, Paul Milligan, Halidou Tinto, Alassane Dicko, Jean Bosco Ouédraogo, Brian Greenwood, Daniel Chandramohan, Issaka Sagara The Duration of Protection from Azithromycin Against Malaria, Acute Respiratory, Gastrointestinal, and Skin Infections When Given Alongside Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention: Secondary Analyses of Data from a Clinical Trial in Houndé, Burkina Faso, and Bougouni, Mali. Clin Infect Dis. 73(7): e2379–e2386. Published online 2021 Jan 8. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciaa1905
2021 Tim Starck, Caroline A. Bulstra, Halidou Tinto, Toussaint Rouamba, Ali Sie, Thomas Jaenisch and Till Bärnighausen The effect of malaria on haemoglobin concentrations: a nationally representative household fixed effects study of 17,599 children under 5 years of age in Burkina Faso. Malar J. 20: 416
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2021 Bance Alimata , Sourabié Seydou, Compaoré Souleymane, Compaoré Eli, Belem-Kabre W. Leila Marie Esther, Ouedraogo Vincent, Rouamba Ablassé, Ouedraogo Noufou and Kiendrebeogo Martin Therapeutic properties of aqueous extracts of leaves and stems bark of Prosopis africana (Guill. & Perr.) Taub. (Fabaceae) used in the management of dental caries Journal of Drugs Delivery therapeutics
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2021 Abou Coulibaly, Tieba Millogo, Adama Baguiya, Nguyen Toan Tran, Blandine Thieba, Armando Seuc, Asa Cuzin-Kihl, Sihem Landoulsi, James Kiarie, Rachel Yodi, Désiré Mashinda, and Séni Kouanda Time to Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptive Uptake Over Twelve Months Postpartum: Findings of the Yam Daabo Cluster Randomized-Controlled Trial in Burkina Faso and the Democratic Republic of the Congo Open Access Journal of Contraception. 2021; 12
2021 de Haan F, Bolarinwa OA, Guissou R, Tou F, Tindana P, Boon WPC, Moors EHM, Cheah PY, Dhorda M, Dondorp AM, Ouedraogo JB, Mokuolu OA, Amaratunga C To what extent are the antimalarial markets in African countries ready for a transition to triple artemisinin-based combination therapies? PLoS One. 2021 Aug 31;16(8):e0256567. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256567. eCollection 2021.PMID: 34464398 
2021 Magnini, R. D., Nitiéma, M., Ouédraogo, G. G., Ilboudo, S., Bancé, A., Millogo-Koné, H., Giorgio, C. D., Pagès, J.-M., Hilou, A., & Davin-Regli, A Toxicity and bacterial anti-motility activities of the hydroethanolic extract of Acacia senegal (L.) Willd (Fabaceae) leaves BMC Complementary Medicine and Therapies
2021 Mahamoudou Ouattara, Mamadou Tamboura, Dinanibè Kambiré, Kim Anh Lê, Thanh Van Phan, Srinivasan Velusamy, Hien Anh Nguyen, Dai Vo Thi Trang, Fernanda C. Lessa, Makiko Iijima, Dac Trung Nguyen, Stephanie B. Schwartz, Lesley McGee, Rasmata Ouédraogo Traoré, and Bernard Beall Triplex Direct Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction for the Identification of Streptococcus pneumoniae Serotypes The Journal of Infectious Diseases
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2021 Kadari Cissé, Délwendé René Séverin Samadoulougou, Joel Dofinissery Bognini, Tiga David Kangoye, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou Using the first nationwide survey on non-communicable disease risk factors and different definitions to evaluate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Burkina Faso. Plos One. 2021 Aug 5, 16(8): e0255575.
2021 Augustin Nawidimbasba ZEBA, Jean Fidèle Bationo; Olivier Ouahamin Sombié; & Jeoffray Diendéré Vitamin A Deficiency among Rural Primary School Children, A still Neglected Group for Vitamin A Supplementation Strategies. JNFS 6(3):
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2021 Abou Coulibaly, Adama Baguiya, Franck Garanet, Nguyen Toan Tran, Tieba Millogo, Wambi Maurice Evariste Yaméogo, Ivlabèhirè Bertrand Meda, Blandine Thieba7 and Séni Kouanda Yam Daabo interventions’ effects on postpartum family planning use in Burkina Faso at 24 months after childbirth BMC Public Health
2022 Rouamba T, Ouédraogo E, Barry H, Yaméogo NV, Sondo A, Boly R, Zoungrana J, Ouédraogo AR, Tahita MC, Poda A, Diendéré AE, Ouedraogo AS, Valea I, Traoré I, Tarnagda Z, Drabo MK, Tinto H; CHLORAZ study group Assessment of recovery time, worsening and death, among COVID-19 inpatients and outpatients, under treatment with hydroxychloroquine or chloroquine plus azithromycin combination in Burkina Faso. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 2022 May; 118:224-229. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2022.02.034
2022 Carlo Fischer, Tongai Gibson Maponga, Anges Yadouleton, Nuro Abílio, Emmanuel Aboce, Praise Adewumi, Pedro Afonso6, Jewelna Akorli , Soa Fy Andriamandimby, Latifa Anga, Yvonne Ashong , Mohamed Amine Beloufa, Aicha Bensalem, Richard Birtle, Anicet Luc Magloire Boumba Freddie Bwanga, Mike Chaponda, Paradzai Chibukira R. Matthew Chico, Justin Chileshe, Gershom Chongwe, Assana Cissé, Umberto D’Alessandro, Xavier Nicolas de Lamballerie, Joana F. M. de Morais, Fawzi Derrar, Ndongo Dia, Youssouf Diarra, Lassina Doumbia…… Gradual emergence followed by exponential spread of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant in Africa SCIENCE 1 Dec 2022 Vol 378, Issue 6623, DOI: 10.1126/science.add8737
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2022 Baguiya A, Mehrtash H, Bonet M, Adu‐Bonsaffoh K, Compaoré R, Bello FA, et al Abortion‐related infections across 11 countries in Sub‐aharan Africa: Prevalence, severity, and management. Intl J Gynecology & Obste Internet. 2022;156(S1):7–19.Available from:
2022 Ousmane Ouédraogo, Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba, Saidou Kaboré, Abdramane Berthé, Koiné Maxime Drabo, Dowrot Bertine Ouaro Dabiré et al Acceptance and challenges of the introduction of the routine community-based vitamin A supplementation strategy: the case of Burkina Faso Public Health Nutrition , Volume 25 , Issue 5 , May 2022 , pp. 1355 - 1364, DOI: in a new window
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2022 Benoit Cesaire Samadoulougou, Seni Kouanda, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Kadari Cissé, Clement Bagnoa, Hanatou Seybou Soumana, Kambire Sanzanc, Sandrine Busière & Blaise Sondo (2022), DOI: Accessibility and use of HIV prevention services among people with disabilities in Burkina Faso and Niger AIDS Care, DOI:,
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2022 Gaétan Donzèo SOMDA ;Noufou OUEDRAOGO, Gueswindé Geoffroy OUEDRAOGO, Sylvain ILBOUDO,Moussa OUÉDRAOGO ,Salfo OUÉDRAOGO, Lamien-Sanou Assita, Bondo Félix KINI, Pierre Innocent GUISSOU and Sylvin OUÉDRAOGO Acute and sub-chronic toxicity study of the mixture of Calotropis procera (Ait). R. Br. (Apocynaceae) and Zanthozylum zanthozyloïdes Lam. (Rutaceae) roots bark powder International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, IJBCS
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2022 Mahamoudou Balboné, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Samuel Fogné Drabo, Moussa Namountougou, Hamadou Konaté, Georges Benson Meda, Ignace Sawadogo, Rahim Romba, Etienne Bilgo, Roger C H Nebié, Imaël H N Bassolé, Roch K Dabire, Olivier Gnankine Alternatives to Pyrethroid Resistance: Combinations of Cymbopogon nardus and Ocimum americanum Essential Oils Improve the Bioefficiency Control Against the Adults’ Populations of Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) Journal of Medical Entomology, Volume 59, Issue 6, November 2022, Pages 2102–2109,
2022 Mahamadi Kientega, Nace Kranjc, Nouhoun Traoré, Honorine Kaboré, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Ioanna Morianou, Moussa Namountougou, Adrien Marie Gaston Belem and Abdoulaye Diabaté Analysis of the Genetic Variation of the Fruitless Gene within the Anopheles gambiae (Diptera: Culicidae) Complex Populations in Africa Insects 2022, 13(11), 1048;
2022 Kouanda S, Ouedraogo OMA, Tchonfiene PP, Lhagadang F, Ouedraogo L, Conombo Kafando GS. Analysis of the implementation of maternal death surveillance and response in Chad. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:67-73. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14150. Epub 2022 Mar 23. PMID: 35322874.
2022 Oumarou OUEDRAOGO, Mariama Kba CHERIF, Edith Christiane BOUGOUMA, Yérie Esther HIEN, Luisa NUNZIANGELI, Amidou DIARRA, Youssouf KABORE, Dinanibè KAMBIRE, Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Henri Gautier OUEDRAOGO, Alfred Béwendtaoré TIONO, Giampietro CORRADIN, Valentina MANGANO, David MODIANO, Yves TRAORE, Seni KOUANDA, Sodiomon Bienvenu SIRIMA, Roberta SPACCAPELO, Issa NEBIE. Anticorps IgG et facteurs associés au paludisme clinique chez les enfants de moins de cinq ans en zone endémique du paludisme au Burkina Faso. Science et technique, Sciences de la santé, Vol. 45, n° 1 – Janvier-Juin 2022. pp117-136,
2022 Nintie San Ga Yasmina Valerie Ida Traore, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiema, Christian Windingoudi Rimwagna Ouedraogo, Tata Kadiatou Traore, Souleymane Compaore, Salfo Ouedraogo, Noufou Ouedraogo and Sylvin Ouedraogo Antihypertensive Effect of the lyophilized Aqueous Extract of Lannea microcarpa in L-NAME-Induced Hypertensive Wistar Rats International Journal of Pharmacology
2022 Brandenburg J-T; Govender M. A.; Winkler Cheryl A.; Boua P. R.; et al. Apolipoprotein L1 High-Risk Genotypes and Albuminuria in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology. CJASN June 2022, 17 (6) 798-808; DOI:
2022 Pingdéwendé Victor, Ouédraogo, Relwendé Louis Arnaud Ouédraogo, Jeoffray Diendere, Wend Pagnangde Abraham Hermann Bagbila, Yempabou Sagna, and Athanase Millogo Aspects épidémiologiques, cliniques et évolutifs des accidents vasculaires cérébraux hémorragiques chez le sujet âgé à Bobo-Dioulasso ; Burkina Faso. Annales Africaines de Médecine, 15.2 (2022), 4589–95 ; ISSN : 2708-1974
2022 Kpebo D, Ly A, Yameogo WME, Sujata B, Meda IB, Halima T, Ndour M, Tetchi O, Sablé SP, Kouanda S. Assessment of Staffing Needs for Frontline Health Workers in Selected Maternal and Child Health Services in 3 Countries of Sub-Saharan West Africa: Cote d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso, and Niger Health Serv Insights. 2022 Dec 21;15: 11786329221139417. doi: 10.1177/11786329221139417. PMID: 36568443; PMCID: PMC9780760
2022 Yameogo WME, Nadine Ghilat Paré/Belem W, Millogo T, Kouanda S, Ouédraogo CMR Assessment of the maternal death surveillance and response implementation process in Burkina Faso Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:15-20. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14227. Epub 2022 May 23. PMID: 35603808.
2022 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Isidore Tiandogo Traoré, Salif Tamdamba, Béatrice Nabaloum, Maxime Koinè Drabo Association between pesticide exposure and infertility of couple in the Boucle du Mouhoun region: A case-control study Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health Volume 17, September–October 2022, 101156
2022 Jean Moise Tanga Kaboré, Mohamadou Siribié, Denise Hien, Issiaka Soulama, Nouhoun Barry, Yacouba Nombré5, Frederic Dianda, Adama Baguiya, Alfred Bewendtaoré Tiono, Christian Burri, André‑Marie Tchouatieu and Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima Attitudes, practices, and determinants of community care-seeking behaviours for fever/malaria episodes in the context of the implementation of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso Malaria Journal
2022 Choudhury A, Brandenburg JT, Chikowore T, Sengupta D, Boua PR, Crowther NJ, Agongo G, Asiki G, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kisiangani I, Maimela E, Masemola-Maphutha M, Micklesfield LK, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Tinto H, Tollman S, Graham SE, Willer CJ; AWI-Gen study; H3Africa Consortium; Hazelhurst S, Ramsay M. Author Correction: Meta-analysis of sub-Saharan African studies provides insights into genetic architecture of lipid traits. Nat Commun.
2022 Compaore R, Ouedraogo AM, Baguiya A, Kpebo DO, Sidibe S, Kouanda S. Availability and Utilization of Postabortion Care Services in Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire, and Guinea: A Secondary Analysis of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Needs Assessments (EmONC) Health ServInsights. 2022; 15:11786329221092624. Available from:
2022 Compaore R, Ouedraogo AM, Baguiya A, Kpebo DO, Sidibe S, Kouanda S. Availability and Utilization of Postabortion Care Services in Burkina Faso, Côté d’Ivoire, and Guinea: A secondary Analysis of Emergency Obstetric and Neonatal Care Needs Assessments (EmONC) Health Serv Insights. 2022 Apr 19;15:11786329221092625. doi: 10.1177/11786329221092625. PMID: 35464819; PMCID: PMC9021517.
2022 Soutongnoma Safiata Kaboré, Patrice Ngangue, Dieudonné Soubeiga, Abibata Barro, Arzouma Hermann Pilabré, Nestor Bationo, Yacouba Pafadnam, Koiné Maxime Drabo,  Hervé Hien and Gueswendé Blaise Léon Savadogo Barriers and facilitators for the sustainability of digital health interventions in low and middle-income countries: A systematic review Front. Digit. Health, 28 November 2022, Sec. Health Technology Implementation Volume 4 - 2022 |
2022 Congo B, Yaméogo WME, Millogo T, Compaoré R, Tougri H, Ouédraogo CMR, Kouanda S. Barriers to the implementation of quality maternal death reviews in health districts in Burkina Faso Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:29-36. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14232. Epub 2022 May 26. PMID: 35616151.
2022 René Dembélé, Wendpoulomdé A.D. Kaboré, Issiaka Soulama, Oumar Traoré, Nafissatou Ouédraogo, Ali Konaté,Nathalie K. Guessennd, David Coulibaly N’Golo,Antoine Sanou, Samuel Serme, Soumanaba Zongo, Emmanuel Sampo, Alfred S. Traoré, Amy Gassama-Sow and Nicolas Barro Beta-Lactamase-Producing Genes and Integrons in Escherichia coli from Diarrheal Children in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso InstechOpen DOI:
2022 Sondo P, Tahita MC, Ilboudo H, Rouamba T, Derra K, Tougri G, Ouédraogo F, Konseibo BMA, Roamba E, Otienoburu SD, Kaboré B, Kennon K, Ouédraogo K, Zongo WAR, Bocoum FY, Stepniewska K, Dhorda M, Guérin PJ, Tinto H. Boosting the impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention (SMC) through simultaneous screening and treatment of household members of children receiving SMC in Burkina Faso: a protocol for a randomized open label trial Arch Public Health
2022 Serge Yannick OUEDRAOGO; Abdou Azaque ZOURE; Moutanou Modeste Judes ZEYE; Xi ZHOU; Alexis Yobi SAWADOGO; Jacques SIMPORE, Hanchun CHEN, BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, PIK3CA, PTEN and AKT1 genes mutations in Burkina Faso breast cancer patients: prevalence, spectrum and novel variant. Mol Genet Genomics (2022).
2022 Somé EN, Kaboré J, Kaboré C, Somda S, Somé R, Somda P, Sombié R Burkina Faso and the global goal of eliminating hepatitis B virus by 2030 Advances in Public Health, Community and Tropical Medicine (Adv Pub Health Com Trop Med.)
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2022 Alexandre Dumont, Myriam de Loenzien, Hung Mac Quo Nhu, Marylène Dugas, Charles Kaboré, Pisake Lumbiganon, Maria Regina Torloni, Guillermo Carolli, Claudia Hanson, Ana Pilar Betrán … Caesarean section or vaginal birth for low-risk pregnancy? Helping women make an informed choice in low- and middle-income countries Plos Global Public Health
2022 Nonterah E. A.; Boateng D.; Crowther N. J.; Klipstein-Grobusch K.; Oduro A. R.; Agongo G.; Mohamed S. F.; Boua P. R.; et al. Carotid Atherosclerosis, Microalbuminuria, and Estimated 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Sub-Saharan Africa JAMA Network Open. 2022;5(4):e227559. https://doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.7559 .
2022 Essonan Kadanga, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Lassina Traoré, Bienvenu Désiré Ky, Albert Théophane Yonli, Aida Traoré, Bapio Valery Jean Télesphore Elvira Bazié, Hermann Sombié, Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Tovo Frida, Kalifou Traoré, Clarisse Ouédraogo, Florencia W. Djigma, Jacques Simpore, Carriage of mutations R462Q (rs 486907) and D541E (rs 627928) of the RNASEL gene and risk factors in patients with prostate cancer in Burkina Faso. BMC Medical Genomics (2022) 15:123
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2022 Twesigomwe, D., Drögemöller, B.I., Wright, G.E., Adebamowo, C., Agongo, G., Boua, P.R., et al. Characterization of CYP2D6 Pharmacogenetic Variation in Sub-Saharan African Populations. Clin Pharmacol Ther.
2022 Hien, A.S., Sangaré, I., Ouattara, E.L.P., Sawadogo, S.P., Soma, D.D., Maiga, H., Diabaté, A., Bonnet, E., Ridde, V., Fournet, F., Hawkes, F.M., Kaupra, C., Bouyer, J., Abd-Alla, A.M.M., Dabiré, K.R Chikungunya (Togaviridae) and dengue 2 (Flaviviridae) viruses detected from Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in Burkina Faso by qRT-PCR technique: Preliminary results and perspective for molecular characterization of arbovirus circulation in vector populations Front. Trop. Dis. 3, 920224.
2022 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Issaka Zongo, Félicité Nana, Daouda Sané, Maxime Drabo, Roger Sombié Chronic viral HBeAg-negative hepatitis B: therapeutic characteristics in an outpatient descriptive cohort   International Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 11(9)
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2022 Moussa Lingani | Assana Cissé | Dieudonné Tialla | Abdoul Kader Ilboudo| Madi Savadogo | Catherine Sawadogo | Sandrine Gampini| Grissoum Tarnagda | Maria Tao | Serge Diagbouga | Sanata Bamba| Zekiba Tarnagda Coinfections with SARS‐CoV‐2 variants and influenza virus during the 2019 Coronavirus disease pandemic in Burkina Faso: A surveillance study Health Sci. Rep. 2023;e1041. 1
2022 Sawadogo Haffsatou, Zida Adama, Soulama Issiaka, Zongo Cheikna, Sawadogo Patindoilba Marcel, Guiguemde Thierry, Nikiema Seni, Sombié Salif, Tchekounou Chanolle, Sermé Sindié Samuel, Anin-Atchibri Anin Louise, Ouedraogo-Traore Rasmata, Guiguemde Tinga Robert and Savadogo Aly Comparative Study of the Rapid Diagnostic Test and Microscopy with PCR as a Reference in Placental Malaria Diagnosis in Burkina Faso International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health, DOI: 10.9734/IJTDH/2022/v43i1630648 IJTDH, 43(16): 1-11, 2022; Article no. IJTDH.90298
2022 Simon P. Sawadogo, Abdoulaye Niang, Sean L. Wu, Azize A. Millogo, Jane Bonds, Mark Latham, Roch K. Dabiré, Allison Tatarsky, Frederic Tripet & Abdoulaye Diabaté Comparison of entomological impacts of two methods of intervention designed to control Anopheles gambiae s.l. via swarm killing in Western Burkina Faso Scientific Reports (2022) 12:12397,
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2022 Rosenthal PJ, Björkman A, Dhorda M, Djimde A, Dondorp AM, Gaye O, Guerin PJ, Juma E, Kwiatkowski DP, Merson L, Ntoumi F, Price RN, Raman J, Roos DS, Ter Kuile F, Tinto H, Tomko SS, White NJ, Barnes KI. Cooperation in countering artemisinin resistance in Africa: Learning from COVID-19. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2022. Jun 15;106(6):1568-70. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.22-0148
2022 Massa dit Achille Bonko, Ibrahima Karama, Francois Kiemde, Palpouguini Lompo, Zakaria Garba, Sibidou Yougbaré, Petra F. Mens, Halidou Tinto, Marc Christian Tahita, and Henk. D. F. H. Schallig Could combined rapid diagnostic testing for malaria and c-reactive protein be helpful for the diagnosis and management of febrile illnesses in children under-5 years of age in rural Burkina Faso ? BMC Infectious Diseases (2022); https:// DOI: 10.1186/s12879-022-07638-2
2022 PARE TOE Mélanie Léa Désirée ; TYENOU Huguette; BARRY Nourou ;TOE Patrice COVID-19 , maladie nouvelle révélatrice de pratiques anciennes de protection et de recours aux soins in COVID-19 et nouveaux défis pour la résilience des sociétés africaines. Kamba André-Marie SOUBEIGA (sous la Direction de) COVID-19 et nouveaux défis pour la résilience des sociétés africaines. Journal Ed. Créprodif, 2022 pp 217-234 ISNB : 978-2-84775- 318-9
2022 Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Wendeyidé Esther SAYAOGO, Théodora Mahoukèdè ZOHONCON, Henri Gautier OUEDRAOGO, Pegdwendé Abel SORGHO, Tani SAGNA, Albert Théophane YONLI, Serge Théophile SOUBEIGA, Herman Karim SOMBIE, T. Rebeca COMPAORE, Charlemagne DABIRE, Abdoul R. NIKIEMA, Modibo CAMARA, Boubacar SAVADOGO, Alidou KAGAMBEGA, Dinanibé KAMBIRE, Oumarou OUEDRAOGO, Sylvie ZIDA, Mahamoudou Sanou, Seni Kouanda, Jacques SIMPORE. COVID-19 : profil virologique et clinique des patients diagnostiqués dans deux laboratoires à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso / COVID-19 :virological and clinical profi le of patients diagnosed in twolaboratories in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Rev int sc méd Abj - ISSN 1817 - 5503 RISM 2022;24,1:85-92. © EDUCI 2022.
2022 Diallo A, Combary A, Veronese V, Dahourou DL, Ouédraogo S, Traoré IT, Merle CS Delays in TB Diagnosis and Treatment Initiation in Burkina Faso during the COVID-19 Pandemic Trop Med Infect Dis
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2022 Francois Kiemde, Adelaide Compaore, Fla Koueta, Athanase M. Some, Berenger Kabore, Daniel Valia, Toussaint Rouamba, Fadima Yaya Bocoum, Seydou Sawadogo, Macaire Nana, Diane Y. Some, Nadine A. Kone, Valentin Pagbeleguem, Inoussa Sangare, Antonia W. Bere, Massa dit Achille Bonko, Gautier Tougri, Sylvie Yeri Youl, Henk Schallig, and Halidou Tinto Development and evaluation of an electronic algorithm using a combination of a two-step malaria RDT and other rapid diagnostic tools for the management of febrile illness in children under 5 attending outpatient facilities in Burkina Faso Trials (2022) 23 :779 ; https : DOI: 10.1186/s13063-022-06717-8
2022 Bonko MDA, Tahita MC, Kiemde F, Lompo P, Mens PF, Tinto H, Schallig HDFH. Diagnostic Performance of Plasmodium falciparum Histidine-Rich Protein-2 Antigen-Specific Rapid Diagnostic Test in Children at the Peripheral Health Care Level in Nanoro (Burkina Faso) Tropical Med Infect Dis
2022 Ouédraogo OMAA, Ouédraogo CMR, Kouanda S. Discontinuation of the maternal, death surveillance and response system in the post-conflict context of the Central African Republic Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:74-75. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14240. Epub 2022 May 20. PMID: 35593417.
2022 Keenan Stephens, Edounou Jacques Gnambani, Etienne Bilgo, Abdoulaye Diabate, Scott Soby Draft Genome of a Member of the Family Chromobacteriaceae Isolated from Anopheles Mosquitoes in West Africa. Microbiol Resour Announc. 2022 Oct 20;11(10):e0052422. doi: 10.1128/mra.00524-22. Epub 2022 Sep 19. PMID: 36121217; PMCID: PMC9584306.
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2022 Meda IB, Kouanda S, Ridde V. Effect of cost-reduction interventions on facility-based deliveries in Burkina Faso: a controlled interrupted time-series study with multiple non-equivalent dependent variables J Epidemiol Community Health. 2023 Mar;77(3):133-139. doi: 10.1136/jech-2022-218794. Epub 2022 Dec 20. PMID: 36539278; PMCID: PMC9933164.
2022 Denise Kpebo, Abou Coulibaly, Wambi Maurice Evariste Yameogo, Sujata Bijou, Ramatoulaye Hamidou Lazoumar, Halima Tougri, Marguerite N'dour, Seni Kouanda Effect of integrating maternal and child health services, nutrition and family planning services on postpartum family planning uptake at 6 months post-partum in Burkina Faso, Cote d’Ivoire and Niger: a quasi-experimental study protocol Reproductive Health
2022 Séni Nikiema Issiaka Soulama, Salif Sombié, André-Marie Tchouatieu, Samuel Sindie Sermé, Noëlie Béré Henry, Nicolas Ouedraogo, Nathalie Ouaré, Raissa Ily, Oumarou Ouédraogo, Dramane Zongo, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Alfred B Tiono, Sodiomon B Sirima, Jacques Simporé Effect on Malaria Incidence and Immunity in a Context of Expansion of P. falciparum Resistant Genotypes with Potential Reduction of the Effectivenessin Sub-Saharan Africa Infection and Drug Resistance :15
2022 Chanolle TCHEKOUNOU, Adama ZIDA, Issiaka SOULAMA, Patindoilba Marcel SAWADOGO, Kiswendsida Thierry GUIGUEMDE, Haffsatou SAWADOGO/NACANABO et Cheikna ZONGO.  Efficacité de l’Artéméther-Luméfantrine dans le traitement du paludisme simple à Plasmodium falciparum dans la région du Centre du Burkina Faso. Sciences de la santé. Vol. 45, n° 1 − Janvier – Juin 2022 — ISSN 1011- 6028 Publié le 30 Juin 2022
2022 Datoo MS, Natama HM, Somé A, Bellamy D, Traoré O, Rouamba T, Tahita MC, Ido NFA, Yameogo P, Valia D, Millogo A, Ouedraogo F, Soma R, Sawadogo S, Sorgho F, Derra K, Rouamba E, Ramos-Lopez F, Cairns M, Provstgaard-Morys S, Aboagye J, Lawrie A, Roberts R, Valéa I, Sorgho H, Williams N, Glenn G, Fries L, Reimer J, Ewer KJ, Shaligram U, Hill AVS, Tinto H. Efficacy and immunogenicity of R21/Matrix-M vaccine against clinical malaria after 2 years' follow-up in children in Burkina Faso: a phase 1/2b randomised controlled trial Lancet Infect Dis.
2022 Aida Traoré, Bienvenu Désiré Ky, Lassina Traoré, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Albert Théophane Yonli, Hermann Karim Sombié, Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Essona Kadanga, Siméon Bakyono, Bapio Valery Jean Télesphore Elvira Bazie, Tovo Frida, Kalifou Traore, Clarisse Ouédraogo, Florencia W. Djigma, Jacques Simpore, ELAC2 gene mutation (Ser217Leu variant) and prostate cancer risk in Burkina Faso. Prostate Cancer 2022(4):1-9
2022 Sagna T, Ouedraogo P, Traore L, Obiri-Yeboah D, Yonli A, Tapsoba A, Tovo F, Sorgho A, Zongo L, Nikiema O, Ilboudo D, Belemgnegre M, Nadembega CW, Ouermi D, Djigma FW, Zohoncon TM, Poaty H, Colizzi V, Simpore J. Enigma of the high prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in HIV-positive people with no symptoms of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso J Public Health Afr. 13(1):1778. DOI: 10.4081/jphia.2022.1778
2022 Tack B, Phoba MF, Thong P, Lompo P, Hupko C, Desmet S, Martiny D, Mattheus W, De La Gandara MP, Mbuyi-Kalonji L, Kuijpers L, Prevost B, Barbé B, Vandenberg O, Lunguya O, Ruiz J, Jacobs J, Hardy L. Epidemiological cut-off value and antibiotic susceptibility test methods for azithromycin in a collection of multi-country invasive non-typhoidal Salmonella. Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 2022 Dec;28(12):1615-1623. doi: 10.1016/j.cmi.2022.06.009
2022 Shoukrat Ohuwa Toyin BELLO, Abel HOUKPEVI, Soudeïssi ZACKARI, Aristide Azeez Sidi TAPSOBA, Abdou Azaque ZOURE, P. Denise ILBOUDO, Abdoul Karim OUATTARA, Lassina TRAORE, Marius BELEMGNEGRE, Théodora Mahoukèdè ZOHONCON, Abdoulaye DIABATE, Jacques SIMPORE. Epidemiology of dengue in patients with febrile syndrome at Saint Camille Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso from 2020 to 2021. Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2022; 23 (1): 1-13 https://doi.org10.4314/ajcem.v23i4.8
2022 Jerome SANOU, Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Simeon Belele BAKYONO, Gertrude Augustine HIEN-MEDA, Michael DJIMTA, Abdoul Karim OUATTARA, Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA, Dje Djeneba Aida TRAORE, Ahgbatouhabeba AHNOUX-ZABSONRE, Jacques SIMPORE, Epidemiology of glaucoma in Burkina Faso: determination of the prevalence and circulating glaucomatous phenotypes in Ouagadougou, Journal français d’ophtalmologie 45 (2022) 1063—1068
2022 Post AS, Guiraud I, Peeters M, Lompo P, Ombelet S, Karama I, Yougbaré S, Garba Z, Rouamba E, Tinto H, Jacobs J. Escherichia coli from urine samples of pregnant women as an indicator for antimicrobial resistance in the community : a field study from rural Burkina Faso. Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control. 2022 Sep 5;11(1):112. doi: 10.1186/s13756-022-01142-7
2022 Mduma E, Halidou T, Kaboré B, Walongo T, Lompo P, Museveni J, Gidabayda J, Gratz J, Guga G, Kimathi C, Liu J, Mdoe P, Moshiro R, Petzold M, Singlovic J, Guillerm M, Gomes MF, Houpt ER, Halleux CM Etiology of severe invasive infections in young infants in rural settings in sub-Saharan Africa. PLoS One, 2022 Feb 25;17(2):e0264322. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0264322
2022 SOURABIE Seydou, NACOULMA Aminata, NIKIEMA Jean Baptiste, SOMA Aboubacar M. KIENDREBEOGO. Etude du pouvoir hépatoprotecteur d’Argemone mexicana L. (Papaveraceae), une plante médicinale du Burkina Faso. Science et technique, Sciences de la Santé.
2022 A. Hien, JW. Some, A. Zeba, T. Belem, IT. Traore M. Ouedraogo, B. Picbougoum, NTR. Meda, JA. Ouedraogo. Evaluation des pratiques d’allaitement chez les mères d’enfants de moins de 24 mois dans la région des Cascades au Burkina Faso Médecine d’Afrique Noire
2022 Somda, M.B., N'Djetchi, M.K., Kaboré, J., Ilboudo, H., Dama, E., Boma, S., Courtin, F., Poinsignon, A., Bengaly, Z., Remoué, F., Belem, A.M.G., Bucheton, B., Jamonneau, V., Koffi, M Evaluation of antibody responses to tsetse fly saliva in domestic animals in the sleeping sickness endemic foci of Bonon and Sinfra, Côte d'Ivoire Vet Parasitol Reg Stud Reports 34, 100773
2022 Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Tani Sagna, Serge Théophile Soubeiga Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Dezemon Zingue, Sylvie Zida, Charlemagne Dabiré, Alidou Kagambega, Charles Sawadogo, Zakaria Yabre, Lassana Sangare. Evaluation of the PanbioTM Covid-19 Ag Rapid Test in a health care setting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso African Journal of Microbiology Research, Vol. 16(11), pp. 334-342, November 2022,, Article Number: BDA096469960
2022 Congo B, Méda CZ, Millogo T, Sanon/Ouédraogo D, Ouédraogo CMR, Kouanda S. Evaluation of the quality of maternal death review cycles in Burkina Faso. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:21-28. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14071. Epub 2022 Jan 30. PMID: 35099071.
2022 Somda, M.B., Kaboré, J., Karambiri, S.M., Dama, E., Dabiré, D., Compaoré, C.F.A., Salou, E.W., Ilboudo, H., Houaga, I., Courtin, F., Belem, A.M.G., Jamonneau, V., Bengaly, Z Evaluation of the Re-emergence Risk of Human African Trypanosomiasis in the Southwestern Burkina Faso, A Gold-Bearing Mutation Area Acta parasitologica 67
2022 Hedible GB, Louart S, Neboua D, Catala L, Anago G, Sawadogo AG, Kargougou GD, Meda B, Kolié JS, Hema A, Keita S, Niome M, Savadogo AS, Peters-Bokol L, Agbeci H, Zair Z, Lenaud S, Vignon M, Ouedraogo Yugbare S, Abarry H, Diakite AA, Diallo IS, Lamontagne F, Briand V, Dahourou DL, Cousien A, Ridde V, Leroy V, AIRE Research Study Group Evaluation of the routine implementation of pulse oximeters into integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI) guidelines at primary health care level in West Africa: the AIRE mixed-methods research protocol BMC Health Serv Res
2022 Mohamed Bagayan, Alvine Christelle Kengne-Fokam, Hugues Clotaire Nana-Djeunga, Hermann Sorgho, Dramane Zongo, Flobert Njiokou Experimental Compatibility of Bulinus truncatus Populations with Schistosoma haematobium in Cameroon. J Environ Sci Public Health ;6 (2)
2022 Pigeon-Gagné, É., Vigu, T., Kadio, K., Bonnet, E. and Ridde, V., (2022) Explanatory models of psychotic-like experiences in rural Burkina Faso: A qualitative study among indigents and their community SSM - Mental Health 2 100166.
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2022 Dramane ZONGO, Zilungile MKHIZE-KWITSHANA, Hermann SORGHO, Musa MABASO and Takafira MDULUZA Helminth-HIV co-infection and malnutrition impact on immunity in Africa: dearth of empirical evidence Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(4)
2022 Alice Nanelin Guingané, Nogogna Zouré , Eric Nagaonlé, Somé , Ousseni Fanta , Roger Sombié Hepatitis B-delta: diagnostic and therapeutic aspects at the Yalgado Ouédraogo University Hospital of Ouagadougou (Burkina-Faso) South African Gastroenterology Review 20(3)
2022 Ouédraogo, H.G., Kambiré, D., Sagna, T., Compaore, T.R., Ouédraogo, O., Zouré, A.A., Soubeiga, S.T., Zida, S., Belemsaga/Yugbaré, D., Cesaire, S.B., Ky-Zerbo, O., Traoré, Y., Barro, N. and Kouanda, S. Herpes Simplex Virus Type 2 (HSV-2) and HTLV-1 & 2 among Female sex Workers in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Open Journal of Medical Microbiology
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2022 Franck Garanet, Abou Coulibaly, Adama Baguiya, Fati Kirakoya-Samadoulougou, Seni Kouanda High prevalence of cardiovascular lifestyle risk factors among pregnant women in Burkina Faso: evidence from a cross-sectional study International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
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2022 Boukaré Kaboré, Moumouni Koala, Christian Windingoudi Rimwagna, Ouedraogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiema, Souleymane Compaoré, Salfo Ouedraogo, Noufou Ouedraogo, Constantin M. Dabiré , Félix B. Kini, Eloi Palé, Sylvin Ouedraogo High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant Activities, and Acute Toxicity of Leaves Extracts of Lannea velutina A. Rich Journal of Medicinal and Chemical Sciences
2022 Marilou Boddé, Alex Makunin, Diego Ayala, Lemonde Bouafou, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Uwem Friday Ekpo, Mahamadi Kientega, Gilbert Le Goff, Boris K Makanga, Marc F Ngangue, Olaitan Olamide Omitola, Nil Rahola, Frederic Tripet, Richard Durbin, Mara KN Lawniczak High-resolution species assignment of Anopheles mosquitoes using k-mer distances on targeted sequences Elife. 2022 Oct 12;11:e78775. doi: 10.7554/eLife.78775
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2022 Souleymane Compaoré, Achille Hounkpevi, Issouf Zerbo, Lazare Belemnaba, Valère K. Salako, Charlemagne Gbemavo, Sylvin Ouedraogo and Adjima Thiombiano Impact of vegetation types on the floristic diversity, the availability and the ecological characteristics of five woody species stands used in the management of hypertension and diabetes in southern Burkina Faso Environment, Development and Sustainability, ISSN : 1573-2975
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2022 Alphonsine Ramdé-Tiendrebeogo, Roger Zerbo, Adama Doulkom, Felix Kini, Sylvin Ouedraogo Implantation des jardins communautaires pour contribuer à la sécurité alimentaire et sanitaire durable dans la commune de Zitenga au Burkina Faso Cahiers de l’observatoire Homme-Milieux international Téssékéré n011
2022 Ouedraogo CMR, Ouedraogo OMAA, Conombo Kafando SG, Roungou JB, Moluh S, Emah IY, Kouanda S Implementation of maternal and neonatal death surveillance and response in Cameroon. Int J Gynecol Obstet. 2022 Aug;158 Suppl 2:61-66. doi: 10.1002/ijgo.14299. Epub 2022 Jul 7. PMID: 35795984.
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2022 SOMDA, Donzčo Gaétan, OUEDRAOGO, Geoffroy Gueswindé, ILBOUDO, Sylvain, OUEDRAOGO Moussa, GUISSOU Innocent Pierre, OUEDRAOGO Noufou In vivo mutagenicity and reproductive toxicity studies of the mixture of root bark powders from calotropis procera and zanthoxylum zanthoxyloīdes World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research
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2022 Marc Donald Wilfried ADICO, Abdou Azaque ZOURÉ, Herman Karim SOMBIÉ, Touwendpoulimdé Isabelle KIENDREBEOGO, Soayebo DABRE, Lanyo Jospin AMEGNONA, Bélélé Siméon BAKYONO, Lassina TRAORÉ, Teega-Wendé Clarisse OUEDRAOGO, Rogomenoma Alice OUEDRAOGO, Théodora M. ZOHONCON, Albert Théophane YONLI, Bagora BAYALA, Hierrhum Aboubacar BAMBARA, Florencia W. DJIGMA, Jacques SIMPORE. Involvement of ERCC1(rs3212986) and ERCC2(rs1799793, rs13181) polymorphisms of DNA repair genes in breast cancer occurrence in Burkina Faso. e Molecular Genetics & Genomic Medicine, 00, e2134.
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2022 Pengdewendé Maurice Sawadogo, Larba Lankoandé, Désiré Lucien Dahourou, Koiné Maxime Drabo L’hépatite virale B en milieu de soins: facteurs associés à la vaccination chez les élèves professionnels de santé de l’Ecole nationale de santé publique de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Pan African Medical Journal. 2022;42(227). 10.11604/pamj.2022.42.227.30672
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2022 Diakourga Arthur Djibougou, Gloria Ivy Mensah, Tani Sagna, Leon Tinoaga Sawadogo, Arsène Kiswensida Ouedraogo, Antoinette Kabore, Hervé Mwinone Hervé, Clément Ziemlé Meda, Adjima Combary, Adrien Marie-Gaston Belem, Kennedy Kwasi Addo, Roch Konbobr Dabiré, Matthieu Perreau, Jakob Zinsstag, Serge Potiandi Diagbouga Magnitude and associated factors of latent tuberculosis infection due to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex among tuberculosis high-risk groups in Urban Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso International Journal of Infectious Diseases IJID Regions, 4 (2022) 1–9, ISSN 2772-7076. DOI:
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2022 Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Henri Gautier OUEDRAOGO, Tani SAGNA, T. Rebeca COMPAORE, Serge Théophile SOUBEIGA, Kadari CISSE, Dinanibé KAMBIRE, Oumarou OUEDRAOGO1, Sylvie ZIDA, Charlemagne DABIRE, Dramane ZONGO, Boubacar SAVADOGO, Albert Théophane YONLI, Seni KOUANDA and Jacques SIMPORE Molecular diagnosis of COVID-19 in Burkina Faso: successful challenge Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(1)
2022 Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedraogo, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Lassina Traore, Teega-Wendé Clarisse Ouedraogo, Maimouna Ilboudo, Regine Ilboudo, Catherine Salambanga, Sindimalgdé Patricia Guigma, Sessi Frida Tovo, Mah Alima Esther Traore, Prosper Bado, Ali Kande, Cyrille Bisseye, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Ina Marie Angèle Traore, Djeneba Ouermi, Tani Sagna, Albert Théophane Yonli, Wendyam Marie Christelle Nadembega, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Yvette Marie Chantal Gyebre, Olga Mélanie Lompo, Charlemagne Marie Ragnag- Newende Ouedraogo and Jacques Simpore. Molecular Epidemiology of High-Risk Human Papillomavirus Infection in Burkina Faso. In: Rajkumar, R. , editor. Papillomaviridae Infections and Related Cancers - The Neo Challenges and Next Gen Solutions [Working Title] [Internet]. London: IntechOpen; 2022 [cited 2022 Mar 10]. Available from:, .
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2022 René Dembélé, Mathias Kambou, Oumar Traoré, Wendpoulomdé Aimé Désiré Kaboré, Marcelline Ouédraogo-Kangambega, Issiaka Soulama, Mauricio Arcos Holzinger, Iván Landires, Elie Kabré, Alfred Sababenedyo Traoré 1and Nicolas Barro1, Physicochemical Characteristics and Vitamin A Fortification Levels of Refined Edible Oils Available in the Markets of Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Food Sci Nutr Res, 2022
2022 Boly Rainatou, Magnini D. René, Bancé Alimata, Compaoré Souleymane, Compaoré S. Clarisse, Yoda Jules, Ilboudo Sylvain, Ouédraogo Geoffroy and Kini B. Félix Phytochemical screening and antimicrobial activity of medicinal recipes from indigenous women healers of burkina faso EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACEUTICAL AND MEDICAL RESEARCH
2022 Boukaré Kaboré, Moumouni Koala, Mathieu Nitiema, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouedraogo, Souleymane Compaoré, Lazare Belemnaba, Salfo Ouedraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo, Noufou Ouedraogo, Constantin M. Dabiré, Félix B. Kini, Sylvin Ouedraogo, Eloi Palé Phytochemical Screening by High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography, Antioxidant Activities and Acute Toxicity of Trunk Barks Extracts of Lannea velutina A. Rich American Journal of Analytical Chemistry
2022 Portugaliza HP, Natama HM, Guetens P, Rovira-Vallbona E, Somé AM, Millogo A, Ouédraogo DF, Valéa I, Sorgho H, Tinto H, van Hong N, Sitoe A, Varo R, Bassat Q, Cortés A, Rosanas-Urgell A. Plasmodium falciparum sexual conversion rates can be affected by artemisinin-based treatment in naturally infected malaria patients EBioMedicine
2022 Eniyou C. Oriero, Martha A. Demba, Mouhamadou F. Diop, Deus S. Ishengoma, Lucas N. Amenga‑Etego, Anita Ghansah, Tobias Apinjoh, Soulama Issiaka, Abdoulaye Djimde, Umberto D’Alessandro, Martin Meremikwu & Alfred Amambua‑Ngwa Plasmodium malariae structure and genetic diversity in sub‑Saharan Africa determined from microsatellite variantsand linked SNPs in orthologues of antimalarial resistance genes Scientific Reports
2022 Cisse K, Ouedraogo HG, Lougué S Zoungrana C, Clément B, Kouanda S. Predicting factors of sexual behaviours at risk of HIV infection among people living with disabilities : a generalized structural equation model. AIDS Care. 2022;34(sup1):35-45. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2022.2051422. Epub 2022 Apr 4. PMID: 35373673.
2022 Nestor Bationo, Patrice Alain Ngangue, Dieudonne Soubeiga, Yacouba Pafadnam, Abibata Fleur Barro, Hermann Pilabre, Ahmed Kabore, Sulpice Adognibo, Maxime K. Drabo Preferences and Motivations of Women Who Use Traditional Contraceptive Methods to Avoid Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review Advances in Sexual Medicine  Vol.12 No.2, April 2022, DOI: 10.4236/asm.2022.122005,
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2022 Garanet F, Coulibaly A, Baguiya A, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F, Kouanda S. Prevalence and Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Lifestyle Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in Burkina Faso: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2022 Dec 21;20(1):102. Doi: 10.3390/ijerph20010102. PMID: 36612424; PMCID: PMC9819095
2022 Kadari Cisse, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Sylvie Zida, Harouna Fomba, Boubacar Baldé, Ahmed Ag Biga, Seydou Maïga, Emmanuel Thera, Mamadou Sangaré & Seni Kouanda Prevalence and factors associated with HIV infection among people with disabilities in Mali AIDS Care
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2022 Dieudonné Tialla,1,2 Assana Cissé,1 Georges Anicet Ouédraogo,3 Judith M. Hübschen,4 Zékiba Tarnagda,1 Chantal J. Snoeck Prevalence of hepatitis E virus antibodies in cattle in Burkina Faso associated with swine mixed farming Journal of veterenary Science J Vet Sci doi: 10.4142/jvs.21235
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2022 Doreen J. Siria, Roger Sanou, Joshua Mitton, Emmanuel P. Mwanga, Abdoulaye Niang, Issiaka Sare, Paul C. D. Johnson, Geraldine M. Foster, Adrien M. G. Belem, Klaas Wynne, Roderick Murray-Smith, Heather M. Ferguson, Mario González-Jiménez, Simon A. Babayan, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Fredros O. Okumu & Francesco Baldini Rapid age-grading and species identification of natural mosquitoes for malaria surveillance Nature Communications volume. Nat Commun 13, 1501 (2022).
2022 Armel M Sanou, Achille S Nikièma, Seimbou Zalla, Mamadou Ouattara, Nina Pascaline S Dakouo, Alice Kiba-Koumare, Mariam Seynou, Delphine Napon-Zongo, Roger Sombié Residual risk of hepatitis B virus transmission through blood donations in Burkina Faso screened with rapid diagnostic tests Health Science Reports, PMID: 35949671 PMCID: PMC9358529 DOI: 10.1002/hsr2.748
2022 Andrew G. Letizia,1 Catherine B. Pratt,1 Michael R. Wiley, Anne T. Fox, Mba Mosore, BrightAgbodzi, Clara Yeboah, Selassie Kumordjie, Nicholas Di Paola, Kone Cisse Assana, David Coulidiaty, Casimir Ouedraogo, Joseph H. Kofi Bonney, William Ampofo, Zékiba Tarnagda, Lassana Sangaré Retrospective Genomic Characterization of a 2017 Dengue Virus Outbreak, Burkina Faso Emerging Infectious Diseases • • Vol. 28, No. 6, June 2022
2022 Yaro JB, Tiono AB, Ouedraogo A, Lambert B, Ouedraogo ZA, Diarra A, Traore A, Lankouande M, Soulama I, Sanou A, Worrall E, Agboraw E, Sagnon N, Ranson H, Churcher TS, Lindsay SW, Wilson AL. Risk of Plasmodium falciparum infection in south-west Burkina Faso: potential impact of expanding eligibility for seasonal malaria chemoprevention.  Sci Rep. 2022 Jan 26;12(1):1402. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-05056-7. PMID: 35082312; PMCID: PMC8791962.
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2022 Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Kinda Charlotte, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Sylvie Zida, Alidou Kagambega, Tani Sagna, Charlemagne Dabiré, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Nadiyah Lasisi, Alexia Kabore, Farida Milène Zida, Binta Fofana, Stéphane Somé, Abdoul Nikiema, Dinanibè Kambire, Dramane Zongo, Issiaka Soulama, Charles Sawadogo, Sandrine Gampini, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo SARS-CoV-2 Variants Screening in Burkina Faso J Med Microbiol Infect Dis,10 (3)
2022 Lalla Berthe/Sanou, Maïmonata Sanou, Abdramane Berthe, Fatoumata Badini/Kinda, Maxime Koiné Drabo Satisfaction des personnes âgées en consultation externe au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou au Burkina Faso Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé. Vol. 45 No. 1 (2022)
2022 Alice Nanelin Guingané, Rémi Kaboré, Yusuke Shimakawa, Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Dramane Kania, Amandine Pisoni, Nicolas Nagot, Rachel King, Roger Sombié, Nicolas Meda, Philippe Van de Perre & Edouard Tuaillon Screening for Hepatitis B in partners and children of women positive for surface antigen, Burkina Faso Bulletin of the World Health Organization. 100
2022 Isabelle Touwendpoulimdé KIENDREBEOGO, Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Fabienne Ingrid ZONGO, Serge Yannick OUEDRAOGO, Alexis Yobi SAWADOGO, Jospin AMEGNONA, Herman Karim SOMBIE, Jean Télésphore Valérie Elvira BAZIE, Pegdwendé Abel SORGHO, Albert Théophane YONLI, Marie N. Lamoussa OUEDRAOGO, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah, Nayi ZONGO, Aboubacar Hierrhum BAMBARA, Jacques SIMPORE. Screening of BRCA1 (c.5177_5180delGAAA rs80357867 and c.4986+6T>C rs80358086) and the BRCA2 (c.6445_6446delAT rs80359592) Genes for Breast Cancer Prevention in Burkina Faso. Ethiop J Health Sci. 2022;32(4):699. doi:
2022 Tinto, B., Kaboré, D.P.A., Kagoné, T.S., Constant, O., Barthelemy, J., Kiba-Koumaré, A., Van de Perre, P., Dabiré, K.R., Baldet, T., Gutierrez, S., Gil, P., Kania, D., Simonin, Y Screening of Circulation of Usutu and West Nile Viruses: A One Health Approach in Humans, Domestic Animals and Mosquitoes in Burkina Faso, West Africa Microorganisms
2022 Zongo Issaka, Some Eric Nagaonle, Haro Alassane and Ouedraogo Jean Bosco Seasonal malaria chemoprevention coverage in Burkina Faso in 2018: Descriptive analysis of mothers' knowledge and attitude during cross sectional survey Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology 14(4)
2022 Séni Nikiema, Issiaka Soulama, Salif Sombié, André-Marie Tchouatieu, Samuel Sindie Sermé, Noëlie Béré Henry, Nicolas Ouedraogo , Nathalie Ouaré, Raissa Ily, Oumarou Ouédraogo, Dramane Zongo, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Alfred B Tiono, Sodiomon B Sirima, Jacques Simporé Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Implementation: Effect on Malaria Incidence and Immunity in a Context of Expansion of P. falciparum Resistant Genotypes with Potential Reduction of the Effectiveness in Sub-Saharan Africa Infection and Drug Resistance,
2022 Thompson HA, Hogan AB, Walker PGT, Winskill P, Zongo I, Sagara I, Tinto H, Ouedraogo JB, Dicko A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B, Cairns M, Ghani AC. Seasonal use case for the RTS,S/AS01 malaria vaccine: a mathematical modelling study Lancet Glob Health
2022 Djibougou DA, Nikiema AS, Hien AS, Sanagré I, Yameogo KB, Koala L, Ouari A, Diagbouga SP, Diabaté A, Price H, Fournet F, Dabiré K.R Serological and molecular detection of Leishmania species in dog peripheral blood confirms a zoonotic circulation of canine leishmaniasis in Bobo-Dioulasso city, Burkina Faso Infection, Genetics and Evolution
2022 Arthur D. Djibougou, Achille S. Nikièma, Aristide S. Hien, Ibrahim Sangaré, Bienvenue K. Yameogo, Lassane Koala, Ali Ouari, Serge P. Diagbouga, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Helen Price, Florence Fournet, Roch K. Dabiré Serological and molecular detection of Leishmania species in dog peripheral blood from Bobo-Dioulasso city, a confirmation of canine leishmaniasis enzootic area for Burkina Faso Infection, Genetics and Evolution, Volume 103, September 2022
2022 Tinto, B., Kaboré, D.P.A., Kania, D., Kagoné, T.S., Kiba-Koumaré, A., Pinceloup, L., Thaurignac, G., Perre, P.V. de, Dabire, K.R., Baldet, T., Guitierrez, S., Gil, P., Ayouba, A., Salinas, S., Simonin, Y Serological Evidence of Zika Virus Circulation in Burkina Faso Pathogens
2022 Abibou SIMPORE, T.C. Alice Rosine KOUMARE, Pegdwendé Abel SORGHO, Abdou Azaque ZOURE, Valerie BAZIE, Prosper BADO, Arzouma Paul YOODA, Florencia DJIGMA, Salam SAWADOGO, Koumpingnin Yacouba NEBIE, Clarisse OUEDRAOGO, Cheick Ali LINGANI, Fiffou YOUGBARE , Jacques SIMPORE. Seroprevalence of human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and C and Treponema pallidum among blood donors and transfusion safety challenges in Burkina Faso. Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 16(1): 13-22, February 2022. DOI:
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2022 Djingri Labodi LOMPO, Nagaonlé Eric SOME, Adja Mariam OUEDRAOGO, Ousséni DIALLO, Christian NAPON. Short-Term Prognosis of Patients Hospitalized for Status Epilepticus in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. J. Neuroscience and Neurological Surgery 11(5)
2022 Abbeddou S, Yakes Jimenez E, Hess SY, Somé JW, Ouedraogo JB, Brown KH Small-quantity lipid-based nutrient supplements, with or without added zinc, do not cause excessive fat deposition in Burkinabe children: results from a cluster-randomized community trial European Journal of Nutrition
2022 Hien D, Kaboré JMT, Siribié M, Soulama I, Barry N, Baguiya A, et al. Stakeholder perceptions on the deployment of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria: a qualitative study in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso. Malar J. 2022;21(1):202. Available from:
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2022 Eric Nagaonlé Somé, Nanelin Alice Guingané, Hermann Ouedraogo, Grissoum Tarnagda, Seni Kouanda, Roger Sombie The hepatocellular carcinoma’s risk factors among in-hospital patients at the university-teaching hospital Yalgado Ouédraogo in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A case-control study Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 13
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2023 [Natama HM, Moncunill G, Vidal M, Rouamba T, Aguilar R, Santano R, Rovira-Vallbona E, Jiménez A, Somé MA, Sorgho H, Valéa I, Coulibaly-Traoré M, Coppel RL, Cavanagh D, Chitnis CE, Beeson JG, Angov E, Dutta S, Gamain B, Izquierdo L, Mens PF, Schallig HDFH, Tinto H, Rosanas-Urgell A, Dobaño C] [Associations between prenatal malaria exposure, maternal antibodies at birth, and malaria susceptibility during the first year of life in Burkina Faso] Infect Immun. 91(10) doi: 10.1128/iai.00268-23.
2023 [Boua PR, Rouamba T, Bambara E, Kaboré S, Compaore EWR, Ouedraogo B, Tinto H, Newell ML, Ward K, Sorgho H; INPreP Study Group] Undernutrition in children aged 0-59 months by region and over time: secondary analysis of the Burkina Faso 2012-2018 National Nutrition Surveys BMJ Open. 13(9) Doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-066509.
2023 [Neyer PJ, Kaboré B, Nakas CT, Hartmann B, Post A, Diallo S, Tinto H, Hammerer-Lercher A, Largiadèr CR, van der Ven AJ, Huber AR] [Exploring the host factors affecting asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection: insights from a rural Burkina Faso study] Malar J 22(1):252. doi: 10.1186/s12936-023-04686-0.
2023 [Dicko A, Ouedraogo JB, Zongo I, Sagara I, Cairns M, Yerbanga RS, Issiaka D, Zoungrana C, Sidibe Y, Tapily A, Nikièma F, Sompougdou F, Sanogo K, Kaya M, Yalcouye H, Dicko OM, Diarra M, Diarra K, Thera I, Haro A, Sienou AA, Traore S, Mahamar A, Dolo A, Kuepfer I, Snell P, Grant J, Webster J, Milligan P, Lee C, Ockenhouse C, Ofori-Anyinam O, Tinto H, Djimde A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B.] [Seasonal vaccination with RTS,S/AS01 vaccine with or without seasonal malaria chemoprevention in children up to the age of 5 years in Burkina Faso and Mali: a double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial] Lancet Infect Dis. 24(1):75-86. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00368-7.
2023 [Lompo P, Heroes AS, Agbobli E, Kazienga A, Peeters M, Tinto H, Lagrou K, Sangaré L, Affolabi D, Jacobs J.] [Growth of Gram-Negative Bacteria in Antiseptics, Disinfectants and Hand Hygiene Products in Two Tertiary Care Hospitals in West Africa-A Cross-Sectional Survey] Pathogens;12(7):917. doi: 10.3390/pathogens12070917.
2023 [Olliaro P, Nkeramahame J, Salami O, Moore CE, Horgan P, Baiden R, Kukula V, Adjei A, Kapisi J, Hopkins H, Kaawa-Mafigiri D, Ekusai-Sebatta D, Rutebemberwa E, Kitutu FE, Tinto H, Kiemde F, Compaoré A, Valia D, Dittrich S; ADIP study group] [Advancing Access to Diagnostic Tools Essential for Universal Health Coverage and Antimicrobial Resistance Prevention: An Overview of Trials in Sub-Saharan Africa] Clin Infect Dis. 77(Suppl 2):S125-S133. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad326. PMID: 37490744; PMCID: PMC10368407
2023 [Olliaro P, Nkeramahame J, Horgan P, Tinto H, Kiemde F, Baiden R, Adjei A, Kapisi J, Hopkins H, Salami O, Moore CE, Dittrich S, Weber S, Ongarello S; ADIP study group] [Synthesis and Meta-analysis of 3 Randomized Trials Conducted in Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Uganda Comparing the Effects of Point-of-Care Tests and Diagnostic Algorithms Versus Routine Care on Antibiotic Prescriptions and Clinical Outcomes in Ambulatory Patients <18 Years of Age With Acute Febrile Illness] Clin Infect Dis. 77(Suppl 2):S199-S205. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad324. PMID: 37490743; PMCID: PMC10368413
2023 [Kiemde F, Valia D, Kabore B, Rouamba T, Kone AN, Sawadogo S, Compaore A, Salami O, Horgan P, Moore CE, Dittrich S, Nkeramahame J, Olliaro P, Tinto H.] [A Randomized Trial to Assess the Impact of a Package of Diagnostic Tools and Diagnostic Algorithm on Antibiotic Prescriptions for the Management of Febrile Illnesses Among Children and Adolescents in Primary Health Facilities in Burkina Faso] Clin Infect Dis. 77(Suppl 2):S134-S144. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad331. PMID: 37490742; PMCID: PMC10368409
2023 [Compaoré A, Nikièma J, Kiemdé F, Tinto H, Salami O, Nkeramahame J, Olliaro P, Horgan P.] [What Influences Patients’ Adherence to Healthcare Worker Prescription in Primary Healthcare Facilities in Burkina Faso? A Qualitative Account of Barriers and Facilitators] Clin Infect Dis. 77(Suppl 2):S171-S181. Doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad347.
2023 [Compaoré A, Ekusai-Sebatta D, Kaawa-Mafigiri D, Kukula V, Odopey S, Kapisi J, Hopkins H, Kiemde F, Tinto H, Baiden R, Olliaro P, Nkeramahame J, Dittrich S, Horgan P; ADIP study group] [Viewpoint: Antimicrobial Resistance Diagnostics Use Accelerator: Qualitative Research on Adherence to Prescriptions] Clin Infect Dis. 77(Suppl 2):S206-S210. doi: 10.1093/cid/ciad323. PMID: 37490738; PMCID: PMC10368411
2023 [Roca A, Camara B, Tinto H; PregnAnZI-2 Working Group] [Intrapartum Azithromycin vs Placebo for Neonatal Sepsis-Reply] JAMA.330(2) :188. Doi : 10.1001/jama.2023.8331.
2023 [Agnandji ST, Recker M, Mordmüller B, Glöckner S, Adegnika AA, Lell B, Otieno L, Otieno W, Owusu-Agyei S, Asante KP, Agbenyega T, Ansong D, Macete E, Aide P, Sorgho H, Tinto H, Mturi N, Lusingu JPA, Gesase S, Hoffman I, Masoud NS, Newton CR, Bojang K, Krause G, Kremsner PG] [Prostration and the prognosis of death in African children with severe malaria] Int J Infect Dis. 2023 Sep;134:240-247. doi: 10.1016/j.ijid.2023.06.022.
2023 [Unger HW, Hadiprodjo AJ, Gutman JR, Briand V, Fievet N, Valea I, Tinto H, D'Alessandro U, Landis SH, Ter Kuile F, Ouma P, Oneko M, Mwapasa V, Slutsker L, Terlouw DJ, Kariuki S, Ayisi J, Nahlen B, Desai M, Madanitsa M, Kalilani-Phiri L, Ashorn P, Maleta K, Tshefu-Kitoto A, Mueller I, Stanisic D, Cates J, Van Eijk AM, Ome-Kaius M, Aitken EH, Rogerson SJ] [Fetal sex and risk of pregnancy-associated malaria in Plasmodium falciparum-endemic regions: a meta-analysis] Sci Rep. 13(1):10310. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-37431-3.
2023 [Sondo P, Rouamba T, Tahita MC, Derra K, Kabore B, Tibiri YNG, Kabore HALF, Hien SF, Ouedraogo F, Kazienga A, Ilboudo H, Rouamba E, Lefevre T, Tinto H.] [Baseline malarial and nutritional profile of children under seasonal malaria chemoprevention coverage in the health district of Nanoro, Burkina Faso] PLoS One. 18(6) : Doi : 10.1371/journal.pone.0287210.
2023 [Kaboré NF, Ouédraogo S, Mamguem AK, Traoré IT, Kania D, Badolo H, Sanou G, Koné A, Yara M, Kagoné T, Ouédraogo E, Konaté B, Médah R, de Rekeneire N, Poda A, Diendéré AE, Ouédraogo B, Billa O, Paradis G, Dabakuyo-Yonli TS, Tinto H.] [Incidence rate and predictors of COVID-19 in the two largest cities of Burkina Faso - prospective cohort study in 2021 (ANRS-COV13)] BMC Infect Dis. 23(1):394. doi: 10.1186/s12879-023-08361-2.
[Natama HM, Traoré TE, Rouamba T, Somé MA, Zango SH, Rovira-Vallbona E, Sorgho H, Guetens P, Coulibaly-Traoré M, Valéa I, Tinto H, Rosanas-Urgell A.] [Correction: Performance of PfHRP2‑RDT for malaria diagnosis during the first year of life in a high malaria transmission area in Burkina Faso] J Parasit Dis. 47(2):290. doi: 10.1007/s12639-023-01570-1.
2023 [Erzse A, Rwafa-Ponela T, Goldstein S, Motlhatlhedi M, Watson D, Hofman KJ, Danis M, Norris SA, Ward KA, Tugendhaft A; INPreP study group] [What values drive communities' nutrition priorities in a resource constrained urban area in South Africa?] BMC Public Health. 23(1):873. Doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-15761-1.
2023 [Ouoba S, Ko K, Lingani M, Nagashima S, Guingané AN, Bunthen E, Hussain MRA, Sugiyama A, Akita T, Ohisa M, Sanou MA, Traore O, Nassa JW, Sanou M, Takahashi K, Tinto H, Tanaka J.] [Intermediate hepatitis B virus infection prevalence among 1622 pregnant women in rural Burkina Faso and implications for mother-to-child transmission] Sci Rep. 13(1):6115. doi: 10.1038/s41598-023-32766-3.
2023 [Desmond C, Watt K, Boua PR, Moore C, Erzse A, Sorgho H, Hofman K, Roumba T, Tinto H, Ward KA; INPreP group] [Investing in human development and building state resilience in fragile contexts: A case study of early nutrition investments in Burkina Faso] PLOS Glob Public Health. 3(3):e0001737. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgph.0001737. PMID: 36989221; PMCID: PMC10058088
2023 [Lingani M, Zango SH, Valéa I, Samadoulougou S, Somé G, Sanou M, Kaboré B, Rouamba T, Sorgho H, Tahita MC, Derra K, Dramaix M, Tinto H, Donnen P, Robert A.] [Effects of maternal antenatal treatment with two doses of azithromycin added to monthly sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine for the prevention of low birth weight in Burkina Faso: an open-label randomized controlled trial] Malar J. 22(1):101. doi: 10.1186/s12936-023-04530-5.
2023 [Roca A, Camara B, Bognini JD, Nakakana UN, Somé AM, Beloum N, Rouamba T, Sillah F, Danso M, Jones JC, Graves S, Jagne I, Getanda P, Darboe S, Tahita MC, Ndure E, Franck HS, Edmond SY, Dondeh BL, Nassa WGJ, Garba Z, Bojang A, Njie Y, Bottomley C, Tinto H, D'Alessandro U; PregnAnZI-2 Working Group] [Effect of Intrapartum Azithromycin vs Placebo on Neonatal Sepsis and Death: A Randomized Clinical Trial] JAMA. 2023 Mar 7 ;329(9) :716-724. Doi : 10.1001/jama.2022.24388.
2023 [Valia D, Kouanda JS, Ingelbeen B, Derra K, Kaboré B, Kiemdé F, Rouamba T, Rouamba E, Hien FS, Campbell L, Meudec M, Robert A, Tinto H, van der Sande MAB, Villalobos HR] [Healthcare seeking outside healthcare facilities and antibiotic dispensing patterns in rural Burkina Faso: A mixed methods study] Trop Med Int Health. 28(5):391-400. doi: 10.1111/tmi.13868. Epub 2023 Mar 13. PMID: 36871194
2023 [Markkanen MA, Haukka K, Pärnänen KMM, Dougnon VT, Bonkoungou IJO, Garba Z, Tinto H, Sarekoski A, Karkman A, Kantele A, Virta MPJ] [Metagenomic Analysis of the Abundance and Composition of Antibiotic Resistance Genes in Hospital Wastewater in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Finland] mSphere. 8(1):e0053822. doi: 10.1128/msphere.00538-22.
2023 [Ingelbeen B, Valia D, Phanzu DM, van der Sande MAB, Tinto H] [Setting a realistic AWaRe target for primary care antibiotic use in LMICs] Lancet Infect Dis. 23(2):152-153. doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00002-6.
2023 [Gansane A, Lingani M, Yeka A, Nahum A, Bouyou-Akotet M, Mombo-Ngoma G, Kaguthi G, Barceló C, Laurijssens B, Cantalloube C, Macintyre F, Djeriou E, Jessel A, Bejuit R, Demarest H, Marrast AC, Debe S, Tinto H, Kibuuka A, Nahum D, Mawili-Mboumba DP, Zoleko-Manego R, Mugenya I, Olewe F, Duparc S, Ogutu B] [Randomized, open-label, phase 2a study to evaluate the contribution of artefenomel to the clinical and parasiticidal activity of artefenomel plus ferroquine in African patients with uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria] Malar J. 22(1):2. doi: 10.1186/s12936-022-04420-2.
2023 [Zakaria Garba, Bérenger Kaboré, Isidore J. O. Bonkoungou, Magloire H. Natama, Toussaint Rouamba, Kaisa Haukka, Juha P. Kirveskari, Halidou Tinto, Lassana Sangaré, Nicolas Barro, and Anu Kantele] [Phenotypic Detection of Carbapenemase and AmpC-β-Lactamase Production among Extended Spectrum β-Lactamase (ESBL)-Producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. Isolated from Clinical Specimens] antibiotics
2023 [Bernhards Ogutu, Adoke Yeka, Sylvia Kusemererwa, Ricardo Thompson, Halidou Tinto, Andre Offianan Toure, Chirapong Uthaisin, Amar Verma, Afizi Kibuuka, Moussa Lingani, Carlos Lourenço, Ghyslain Mombo-Ngoma, Videlis Nduba, Tiacoh Landry N’Guessan, Guétawendé Job Wilfried Nassa, Mary Nyantaro, Lucas Otieno Tina, Piyoosh K Singh, Myriam El Gaaloul, Anne Claire Marrast, Havana Chikoto, Katalin Csermak, Ivan Demin, Dheeraj Mehta, Rashidkhan Pathan, Celine Risterucci, Guoqin Su, Cornelis Winnips, Grace Kaguthi, Bakary Fofana, Martin Peter Grobusch] [Ganaplacide (KAF156) plus lumefantrine solid dispersion formulation combination for uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria: an open-label, multicentre, parallel- group, randomised, controlled, phase 2 trial] [Lancet Infect Dis]
2023 [Moussa Lingani, Assana Cissé, Dieudonné Tialla, Abdoul Kader Ilboudo, Madi Savadogo, Cathérine Sawadogo, Sandrine Gampini, Grissoum Tarnagda, Maria Tao, Serge diabouga, Sanata Bamba, Zekiba Tarnagda] [Coinfections with SARS‐CoV‐2 variants and influenza virus during the 2019 Coronavirus disease pandemic in Burkina Faso: A surveillance study] [Health Science Reports]
2023 [Lompo Palpouguini, Agbobli Esenam, Heroes Anne-Sophie, Van den Poel Bea, Kühne Vera, Kpossou Cyprien M. Gutemberg, Zida Adama, Tinto Halidou, Affolabi Dissou, Jacobs Jan] [Bacterial Contamination of Antiseptics, Disinfectants, and Hand Hygiene Products Used in Healthcare Settings in Low- and Middle-Income Countries—A Systematic Review] Hygiene, 3(2)
[Sidsel Nag, Gunhild Larse, Judit Szarvas, Laura elmlund Kohl Birkedah,Gábor Máté Gulyás, Wojchiech Jakub ciok, timmie Mikkel Lagermann, Silva tafaj, Susan Bradbury, peter collignon, Denise Daley, Victorien Dougnon, Kafayath Fabiyi, Boubacar Coulibaly, rené Dembélé, Georgette Nikiema, Natama Magloire, isidore Juste ouindgueta, Zenat Zebin Hossain, anowara Begum, Deyan Donchev, Mathew Diggle, Leeann turnbull, Simon Lévesque, Livia Berlinger, Kirstine Kobberoe Sogaard, paula Diaz Guevara, carolina Duarte Valderrama, panagiota Maikanti, Jana amlerova, pavel Drevinek, Jan tkadlec, Milica Dilas, achim Kaasch, Henrik torkil Westh, Mohamed azzedine Bachtarzi, Wahiba amhis, carolina elisabeth Satán Salazar, Joséeduardo Villacis, Mária angeles Dominguez Lúzon, Dámaris Berbel palau, Claire Duployez, Maxime paluche, Solomon asante-Sefa, Mie Moller, Margaret ip, Ivana Mareković, agnes pál-Sonneven,clementiza elvezia cocuzza, asta Dambrauskiene, alexandre Macanze, anelsio cossa, inácio Mandomando, philip Nwajiobi-princewill, Iruka N. Okeke, Aderemi O. Kehinde, Ini Adebiyi, Ifeoluwa Akintayo, oluwafemi popoola, Anthony Onipede, anita Blomfeldt, Nora Elisabeth Nyquist , Kiri Bocker, James Ussher, amjad ali, Nimat Ullah, Habibullah Khan, Natalie Weiler Gustafson, ikhlas Jarrar, arif al-Hamad, Viravarn Luvira, Wantana paveenkittiporn, irmak Baran, James C. L. Mwansa, Linda Sikakwa,Kaunda Yamba, rene Sjogren Hendriksen & Frank Moller Aarestrup] [Whole genomes from bacteria collected at diagnostic units around the world 2020] [Science Data 10, 628]
2023 [Fottsoh Fokam A, Rouamba T, Samadoulougou S, Ye Y, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F.] [A Bayesian spatio-temporal framework to assess the effect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention on children under 5 years in Cameroon from 2016 to 2021 using routine data] Malar J. 22(1):347. doi: 10.1186/s12936-023-04677-1
2023 [Namountougou, M Kientega, PDA Kaboré, DD Soma, L Pare Toe, JME Sawadogo, WJ Birba, O Gnankiné , KR Dabiré, F Okumu, A Diabaté] [Residual malaria transmission: Magnitude and drivers of persistent Plasmodium infections despite high coverage of control interventions in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [Acta Tropica, 242: 106913]
2023 [Nouhoun Traoré, Roberto Galizi, Mahamadi Kientega, Hamidou Maïga, Karim Nébié, Rémy A. Dabiré, Adrien M. G. Belem, Abdoulaye Diabaté] [Developing genetic tools to control the Oriental Fruit Fly Bactrocera dorsalis [Diptera: Tephritidae]: potential strategies and molecular tools] [Authorea]
2023 [Millogo Abdoul Azize, Yaméogo Lassane, Kassie Daouda, de Charles Ouédraogo François, Guissou Charles, Diabaté Abdoulaye] [Spatial modelling of malaria prevalence associated with geographical factors in Houet province of Burkina Faso, West Africa] [GeoJournal, 88 : pp. 1769-1783]
2023 [Issa H. Mshani, Doreen J. Siria, Emmanuel P. Mwanga, Bazoumana BD. Sow, Roger Sanou, Mercy Opiyo, Maggy T. Sikulu‑Lord, Heather M. Ferguson, Abdoulaye Diabate, Klaas Wynne, Mario González‑Jiménez, Francesco Baldini, Simon A. Babayan and Fredros Okumu] [Key considerations, target product profiles, and research gaps in the application of infrared spectroscopy and artificial intelligence for malaria surveillance and diagnosis] [Malaria Journal (2023) 22:346]
2023 [Issiaka Sare, Francesco Baldini, Mafalda Viana, Athanase Badolo, Florencia Djigma, Abdoulaye Diabate and Etienne Bilgo] [Adhesion and virulence properties of native Metarhizium fungal strains from Burkina Faso for the control of malaria vectors] Parasites & Vectors (2023) 16:406
2023 [Edounou Jacques Gnambani, Etienne Bilgo, Roch K. Dabiré, Adrien Marie Gaston Belem and Abdoulaye Diabaté] [Infection of the malaria vector Anopheles coluzzii with the entomopathogenic bacteria Chromobacterium anophelis sp. nov. IRSSSOUMB001 reduces larval survival and adult reproductive potential] Malaria Journal (2023) 22:122
2023 [Wade AN, Maposa I, Agongo G, Asiki G, Boua P, Choma SSR, Gómez-Olivé FX, Maimela E, Micklesfield LK, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Ramsay M, Crowther NJ; AWIGen and the H3Africa Consortium] [Diabetes care cascade and associated factors in 10 700 middle-aged adults in four sub-Saharan African countries: a cross-sectional study] BMJ Open. 2023 Apr 27;13(4):e069193. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-069193.
2023 [Rainatou Boly, Abdoul Gilchrist Laurent Boly, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Belem-Kabré, et al] [Anti-Inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties of the Aqueous Extracts of the Leaves of Opilia amentacea (Opiliaceae)] Pharmacology & Pharmacy, 14]
2023 [Ollo Youl, Belinda Ramata Hafouo Moné-Bassavé, Sibidou Yougbaré, Boubacar Yaro, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Rainatou Boly, Josias B. Gérard Yaméogo Moumouni Koala, Noufou Ouedraogo, Elie Kabré, Halidou Tinto, Maminata Traoré-Coulibaly and Adama Hilou …] [Phytochemical Screening, Polyphenol and Flavonoid Contents, and Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Opilia amentacea Roxb. (Opiliaceae) Extracts] [Appl. Biosci.,2, 10.3390/applbiosci203003]
2023 [Moussa Djimde, Japhet Kabalu Tshiongo, Hypolite Mavoko Muhindo, Halidou Tinto, Esperanca Sevene, Maminata Traore, Anifa Vala, Salesio Macuacua, Berenger Kabore, Edgard Diniba Dabira, Annette Erhart, Hamadoun Diakite, Mohamed Keita, Mireia Piqueras,Raquel González, Clara Menendez, Thomas PC Dorlo, Issaka Sagara, Petra Mens, Henk Schallig, Umberto D'Alessandro, Kassoum Kayentao] [Efficacy and safety of pyronaridine-artesunate (PYRAMAX) for the treatment of P. falciparum uncomplicated malaria in African pregnant women (PYRAPREG): study protocol for a phase 3, non-inferiority, randomised open-label clinical trial]
[Anna Maria van Eijk, Kasia Stepniewska, Jenny Hill, Steve M Taylor, Stephen J Rogerson, Gilles Cottrell, R Matthew Chico, Julie R Gutman, Halidou Tinto, Holger W Unger, Stephanie K Yanow, Steven R Meshnick, Feiko O ter Kuile, Alfredo Mayor, for the Subpatent Malaria in Pregnancy Group] [Prevalence of and risk factors for microscopic and submicroscopic malaria infections in pregnancy: a systematic review and meta-analysis] [Lancet Glob Health,11, S2214-109X(23)00194-8]
2023 [Hamtandi Magloire Natama, Tiampan Edwig Traoré, Toussaint Rouamba, M. Athanase Somé, Serge Henri Zango, Eduard Rovira-Vallbona, Hermann Sorgho, Pieter Guetens, Maminata Coulibaly-Traoré, Innocent Valéa, Halidou Tinto & Anna Rosanas-Urgell] [Performance of PfHRP2-RDT for malaria diagnosis during the first year of life in a high malaria transmission area in Burkina Faso] J Parasit Dis]
2023 [Amegee Quach J, Valea I, Bates I, Pulford J] [Factors affecting African postdoctoral researcher capacity development within 'learn-by-doing' international research partnerships: findings from the 'Partnership for Increasing the Impact of Vector Control (PIIVeC)'..] [BMJ Glob Health
2023 Shelly CE, Logan C, Skorochod B, Wiyeh A, Ndwandwe D, Choko A, Valea I, Titanji BK [Creating a best practice template for participant communication plans in global health clinical studies] [Trials]
2023 [Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Belem-Kabré, Vincent Ouédraogo,Bagora Bayala, Alimata Bancé, Estelle Ouédraogo,Boubacar Yaro, Lazare Belemnaba, Moussa Compaoré, Martin Kiendrébeogo, Noufou Ouédraogo] [Anti-Biofilm, Anti-Quorum Sensing, and Anti-Proliferative Activities of Methanolic and Aqueous Roots Extracts of Carica papaya L. and Cocos nucifera L] [Advances in Microbiology 13]
2023 [Ramde-Tiendrebeogo Alphonsine, Bado David, Yoda Jules, Compaore Moussa, Kini Felix, Kiendrebeogo Martin, Guissou I. Pierre and Guisse Aliou] [Phytonutrients content and biological activities of fruits of Diospyros mespiliformis Hoschst ex A.DC (Ebenaceae) used in the treatment of gastroenteritis and gastroduodenal ulcer in Burkina Faso] International Journal of Medicinal Plants Research
2023 [Alphonsine RAMDE-TIENDREBEOGO, David BADO , Jules YODA , Samson GUENNE , Martin KIENDREBEOGO , Innocent Pierre GUISSOU, Aliou GUISSE] [Comparative studies of phytonutrients content and therapeutic potential of fruits parts of Dialium guineense Willd (Fabaceae) and Ziziphus mauritiana Lam. (Rhamnaceae) used in traditional pediatric in Burkina Faso] Journal of Applied Biosciences
2023 [Gniènèfèrètien Nounaféri Awa Silue, Mohamed Bonewendé Belemlilga, Ayoman Thierry Lenoir Djadji, Kadiatou Tata Traore, Gilchrist Abdoul Laurent Boly, Moumouni Koala, Noufou Ouedraogo, Aristide Traore, Gisèle Kouakou-Siransy] [Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant activities assessment of an aqueous extract of Ceiba pentandra (L.) Gaertn (Malvaceae)] "[RPS Pharmacy and Pharmacology Reports]"
2023 [Ollo Da, Emmanuel Zongo, Fatou Gueye Tall, Bakari Traore, Sanata Bamba,Maminata Traore-Coulibaly, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo And Philomène Lopez Sall] [Biochemical exploration of pancreatic function in market gardeners exposed to pesticides in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] African Journal of Biochemistry Research; Vol. 17(2), , July-September 2023 DOI: 10.5897/AJBR2022.1160 Article Number: 312A9D671249 ISSN 1996-0778
2023 [Ollo Da, Souleymane Fofana, Emmanuel Zongo, Arnaud Kouraogo, Dieudonne Sanon, Adama Hermann Traore, Fatou Gueye Tall, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo.] [Homocysteinemia Level Determination Among Retired People in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] Advances in Biochemistry; 2023; 11(3): doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20231103.11 ISSN: 2329-0870 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0862 (Online)
2023 [Arnaud Kouraogo, Fabienne Soudre, Caroline Yonaba Okengo, Faouziatou Yagui, Angele Kalmogho, Ghislaine Yameogo, Alice Kiba, Raoul Karfo, Ollo Da, Emmanuel Zongo, Cherileila Thiombiano, Fatou Gueye Tall, Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo, Elie Kabré, Fla Koueta, Jean Sakande] [Ionic Disorders Observed in Infants with Severe Wasting at the Yalgado Ouedraogo Teaching Hospital and the Charles de Gaulle Pediatric Teaching Hospital in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] Advances in Biological Chemistry, 2023, 13,.
2023 [Ollo Da, Aoua Semde, Arnaud Kouraogo, Emmanuel Zongo, Amidou Sawadogo, Aristide Zongo, Fatou Gueye Tall, Souleymane Fofana, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo] [Lipoprotein (a) Cut-Off in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients with a History of Cardiovascular Disease in Center Hospital University Souro SANOU, Burkina Faso] Advances in Biological Chemistry , 13,.
2023 [Ollo Da, Constantin Dabiré, Arnaud Kouraogo, Adama Kabore, Emmanuel Zongo, Fatou Gueye Tall, Nelly Maurine Yaméogo, Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo, Bamba Sanata, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo] [Diagnostic Performance Evaluation of Cerebrospinal Fluid Procalcitonin in Patients with Bacterial Meningitis from Sourô Sanou University Hospital, Burkina Faso] Advances in Biochemistry 2023; 11(3): doi: 10.11648/j.ab.20231103.13 ISSN: 2329-0870 (Print); ISSN: 2329-0862 (Online)
2023 [Ollo Da, Tibaut Joseph Zoungrana, Fatou Gueye Tall, Cherileila Thiombiano, Dimitri Meda, Emmanuel Zongo, Yacine Saida Dougouri, Souleymane Fofana, Sanata Bamba, Sélouké Siranyan Et Georges Anicet Ouedraogo] [Dépistage biologique de la consommation récente de cannabis chez les patients schizophréniques du Centre Notre Dame de l’Espérance de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. 17(4), 2023 ISSN 1997-342X (Online), ISSN 1991-8631 (Print)
2023 [Roland Nâg-Tiéro M e,da, Sami Eric Kam, , Win1dm i Kagamhega, Eliasse Zongo Clarisse Ouedraogo , Abdoulaye Seg1da, Benjamin Kouliga Koama, , Fr,anck 'Té1ounviel Somda, Emmanuel Zongo, , Georges Anicet Ouedraogo] [A Review on Bioactive Compounds lsolated from Euphorbia .hirta :L.] American Journal of Plant Sciences
2023 [Ollo Da, Fatou Gueye/Tall, Cherileila Thiombiano, Emmanuel Zongo, Gérémie Djiri, Massadiami Soulama, Patrick Wendpouiré Hamed Dakoure, Sanata Bamba, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo, Philomène Lopez/Sall] [Détermination de l’alcoolémie chez les victimes d’accident de la voie publique admises aux urgences chirurgicales du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sourô Sanou, Burkina Faso] Int. J. Biol. Chem. Sci. DOI :
2023 [Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo,· Espérance Ouédraogo, Wendlasida Thomas Ouédraogo,· Salfo Ouédraogo,· Benoit Césaire Samadoulougou,· Mikaila Kaboré, Léon G. Blaise Savadogo] Setting Dengue Fever Epidemic Thresholds Between 2016 and 2021 in the Central Health Region, Burkina Faso: An Ecological Study. Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health Journal of Epidemiology and Global Health.
2023 [Boukaré Kaboré; Moumouni Koala; Christian Windingoudi Rimwagna Ouedraogo; Lazare Belemnaba; Mathieu Nitiema; Souleymane Compaoré; Salfo Ouedraogo; Noufou Ouedraogo; Constantin M. Dabiré; Félix B. Kini; Eloi Palé; Sylvin Ouedraogo] [High-Performance Thin-Layer Chromatography Phytochemical Profiling, Antioxidant Activities, and Acute Toxicity of Leaves Extracts of Lannea velutina A. Rich] "J. Med. Chem. Sci."
2023 [Daouda Ouédraogo, Grissoum Tarnagda, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Amed Héma, Simon Tiendrebéogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Noufou Ouédraogo, Félix Dit Bondo Kini, Zékiba Tarnagda, Martial Ouédraogo, Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Clinical Evaluation of the Safety and Efficacy of the Phytomedicine APIVIRINE Based on Aqueous Extracts of Dichrostachys glomerata (Forssk.). Chiov. (D. cinerea) in COVID-19 Patients without Signs of Severity] [International Journal of Clinical Medicine,]
2023 [Sombié, Ernest N.; Somda, Donzèo G.; Konaté, Soumaila; Youl, Ollo; Traoré, Tata K.; N'do, Jotham Y-P.; Belem-Kabré, Wendkouni L. M. E.; Ouédraogo, Geoffroy G.; Ouédraogo, Noufou; Hilou, Adama] [HPLC Analysis and Protective Effect of Fractions from Ethanolic Extract of Calotropis procera (Ait.) R. Br Root Bark Against Diethylnitrosamine Induced-Hepatic Damage in Wistar Rats] [Tropical Journal of Natural Product Research]
2023 [Jean Noël Dado Koussé, Sylvain Ilboudo, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Moritz Hunsmann, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Moussa Ouédraogo, Félix Bondo Kini, Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Self-reported health effects of pesticides among cotton farmers from the Central-West region in Burkina Faso] [Toxicology Reports]
2023 Ouédraogo Salfo., Traoré Kadiatou Tata., Boly Abdoul. Gilchrist Laurent., Taofick Ichola., Sombie Charle., Diawara Hermine & Semde Rasmané [Optimisation et standardisation du procédé d’extraction à partir des feuilles de Feratia apodanthera (Rubiaceae) pour la mise au point d’une formulation galénique de phytomédicament] [Journal Africain de Technologie Pharmaceutique et Biopharmacie (JATPB)]
2023 [Janvier Kini] [Households’ Agribusiness Status and Food Security in Burkina Faso] South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics; Article no.SAJSSE.94570 ISSN: 2581-821X
2023 [Patrice Kenfack Tsobnang, Eric Ziki, Soso Siaka, Jules Yoda, Seham Kamal,Adam Bouraima, Ayi Djifa Hounsi, Emmanuel Wenger, El-Eulmi Bendeifh and Claude Lecomte] [Synthesis, structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 2-oxo-2H-chromen-6-yl 4-tert-butylbenzoate: work carried out as part of the AFRAMED project] Acta Cryst.
2023 Boly R., Kindo A, Traore TK, Belem-Kabre WLME, Barro L, Compaoré S, Compaoré M, Carraz M and Ouedraogo N [Polyphenol content, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects of a plant mixture composed of four medicinal plants with hepatoprotective potential] African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
2023 [Wu YW, Lee DY, Lu YL, Delila L, Nebie O, Barro L, Changou CA, Lu LS, Goubran H, Burnouf T.] [Platelet extracellular vesicles are efficient delivery vehicles of doxorubicin, an anti-cancer drug: preparation and in vitro characterization] Platelets. 2023 Dec 31;34(1):2237134
2023 [Delila L, Nebie O, Le NT, Barro L, Chou ML, Wu YW, Watanabe N, Takahara M, Buée L, Blum D, Devos D.] [Neuroprotective activity of a virus‐safe nanofiltered human platelet lysate depleted of extracellular vesicles in Parkinson's disease and traumatic brain injury models] Bioengineering & Translational Medicine.
2023 [Arouna Ganamé, Constantin M Dabiré, Harouna Soré, Remy K Bationo, Abdoulaye Yougoubo, Moumouni Koala, Nebie CH Roger and Eloi Palé] [Phytochemical characterization and evaluation of antiplasmodial activity of extracts of Acanthospermum hispidum harvested in Burkina Faso] [Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry DOI:]
2023 [Rémy K. Bationo, Constantin M. Dabiré, Yougoubo Abdoulaye, Boukaré Kaboré, Ousséni Sawadogo, Moumouni Koala, Eloi Palé and Roger H. Ch. Nébié] [Major anthocyanin quantification, free radical scavenging properties and structural identification in Cymbopogon giganteus extracts] African Journal of Pure and Applied, Chemistry DOI: 10.5897/AJPAC2023.0902
2023 [Mahamadi Ouedraogo, Benjamin Bazie, Dominique Saga, Kabore, Salfo Ouedraogo, Bazoin Sylvain Raoul, Bazie, Elie Kabre, Wend-Pagnagde Félicien, Marie Serge Zida, Benoit Joseph T. Batieno, Moumouni Koala, Eloi Pale] [Major flavonoids identification by HPLC-MS/MS and evaluation of antiradical potential of mung bean (Vigna radiata) seed extracts in Burkina Faso] Eurasian Chemical Communications, DOI: 10.22034/ecc.2023.398139.1650
2023 [Nitiéma, M., Belemnaba, L., Kaboré, B., Ouédraogo, P. E., Ouédraogo, W. R. C., Noura, O. M., Bélem-Kabré , W. L. M. E., Traoré, T. K., Compaoré, S., Koala, M., Nébié , B., Ouédraogo, N. and Ouédraogo, S.] [Acute Oral Toxicity and Antispasmodic Effects of Two Extracts of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. Ex A. DC. (Ebenaceae) Immature Fruits on the Isolated Rat Duodenum] Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International. doi: 10.9734/jpri/2023/v35i347479.
2023 [Boly A. G. Laurent, Boly Rainatou, Atchadé C. Boladé, Belem-Kabré W. L. M. Esther, Traore K. Tata, Ouattara S. W. Norbert b, Ouedraogo Salfo, Youl E. H. Noëla and Ouedraogo Noufou a …] [Influence of Particle Size on the Phytochemical, Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Powder of Trunk Bark Parkia biglobosa (JACQ) (Fabaceae-Mimosadeae)] [ournal of Pharmaceutical Research International Volume 35, Issue 33, Page 15-27, 2023; Article no.JPRI.111019 ISSN: 2456-9119]
2023 [Boly Rainatou ,Belem-Kabré Wendkouni Leila M. Esther, Kaboré Boukaré, Compaoré Souleymane, Koala Moumouni and Ouédraogo Noufou] [Phytochemical Study and In Vitro Biological Activities of Hibiscus panduriformis Burm. f. (Malvaceae), Alternanthera pungens Kunth (Amaranthaceae), and Wissadula rostrata (Schumach.) Hook. f. (Malvaceae)] [BioMed Research International]
2023 [Traoré , K. T., Sombié , N. E., Nignan , N., Boly , G. A. L., Kabré , L. M. E. W., Coulibaly , A., Atchadé , C. B., Ouédraogo , S., Tibiri , A., Ouédraogo , S., & Ouédraogo , N.…] [Antioxidant Properties Evaluation of Trunk's Barks of 10 Plants used in Traditional Medicine against Hepatic Pathologies] [Asian Journal of Research in Biochemistry,]
2023 [Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Belem-Kabré1,2*orcid, Vincent Ouédraogo2, Bagora Bayala3, Alimata Bancé1,2, Estelle Ouédraogo3, Boubacar Yaro1, Lazare Belemnaba1, Moussa Compaoré2, Martin Kiendrébeogo2, Noufou Ouédraogo1,2,4, …] [Anti-Biofilm, Anti-Quorum Sensing, and Anti-Proliferative Activities of Methanolic and Aqueous Roots Extracts of Carica papaya L. and Cocos nucifera L.] [Advances in Microbiology DOI: 10.4236/aim.2023.134010]
2023 [Cliffer IR, Millogo O, Barry Y, Kouanda I, Compaore G, Wang D, et al. [School-based supplementation with iron-folic acid or multiple micronutrient tablets to address anemia among adolescents in Burkina Faso: a cluster-randomized trial] [American Journal of Clinical Nutrition [Internet]. 2023 Nov]
2023 [Shinde, S.; Harling, G.; Assefa, N.; Bärnighausen, T.; Bukenya, J.; Chukwu, A.; Darling, A. M.; Manu, A.; Millogo, O.; Mwanyika-Sando, M.; Ncayiyana, J.; Nurhussien, L.; Patil, R.; Tang, K.; Fawzi, W] [Counting Adolescents in: The Development of an Adolescent Health Indicator Framework for Population-Based Settings.] [eClinical Medicine]
2023 [Ilana Rachel Cliffer, Mashavu H. Yussuf, Ourohire Millogo, Mary Mwanyika-Sando, Yllassa Barry, Innocent S. Yusufu, Elena Cori Hemler, Ali Sie, Amani Tinkasimile, Guillaume Compaoré, Ali Salim Ali, Idrissa Kouanda, Dongqing Wang, Dominic Mosha, and Wafaie Fawzi [Scaling-up high-impact micronutrient supplementation interventions to improve adolescents’ nutrition and health in Burkina Faso and Tanzania: protocol for a cluster-randomised controlled trial’] [BMJ]
2023 [Nega Assefa, Yasir Y. Abdullahi, Elena C. Hemler, Bruno Lankoande, Isabel Madzorera, Dongqing Wang, Abbas Ismail, Angela Chukwu, Firehiwot Workneh, Frank Mapendo, Ourohiré Millogo, Sulemana Watara Abubakari, Lawrence Gyabaa Febir, Isaac Lyatuu, Kassoum Dianou, Till Baernighausen, Abdramane Soura, Kwaku Poku Asante, Emily Smith, Said Vuai, Alemayehu Worku, Japhet Killewo, Mary Mwanyika-Sando, Yemane Berhane, Ali Sie, Raji Tajudeen, Ayo Oduola, and Wafaie W. Fawz [COVID-19 Preventive Practices, Psychological Distress, and Reported Barriers to Healthcare Access during the Pandemic among Adult Community Members in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Phone Survey’] [Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene]
2023 [Magnini, René Dofini, François Pedinielli, Julia Vergalli, Noufou Ouedraogo, Simon Remy, Adama Hilou, Jean-Michel Brunel, Jean-Marie Pagès et Anne Davin-Regli] [Acacia senegal Budmunchiamines as a Potential Adjuvant for Rejuvenating Phenicol Activities towards Escherichia coli-Resistant Strains] [International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24, n° 10: 8790. ISSN: 1422-0067]
2023 [Guolin Zhou,Chong-Zhi Wang, Somayeh Mohammadi, Wamtinga R. Sawadogo, Qinge Ma and Chun-Su Yuan] [Pharmacological Effects of Ginseng: Multiple Constituents and Multiple Actions on Humans] [The American Journal of Chinese Medicine]
2023 [Abdoul Risgou Ouédraogo, Laurent Zagré, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo et al.] [Factors Associated with Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome Among Pregnant Women in Burkina Faso] [SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine]
2023 [AR Ouédraogo, K Boncoungou, JCRP Ouédraogo et al] [Knowledge, practices and beliefs of students regarding health effects of shisha use in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A cross‐sectional study.] [African Journal of Thoracic and Critical Care Medicine]
2023 [AR Ouédraogo, K Boncoungou, JCRP Ouédraogo et al] [Disponibilité et accessibilité financière aux moyens diagnostiques et thérapeutiques de l’asthme et de la bronchopneumopathie chronique obstructive dans la ville de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [Revue des Maladies Respiratoires]
2023 [Rodolphe P. F. Yaméogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Boubacar Yaro2, Abdoul Karim Sakira, Bavouma C. Sombié, Josias G. B. Yaméogo, Rasmané Semdé …] [Development of a chemical tracer and a chromatographic fingerprint for the quality control of finished products based on hydroethanol extract of fresh leaves of Cassia alata (L.) Roxb (Fabaceae.)] [Journal Africain de Technologie Pharmaceutique et Biopharmacie (JATPB, ISSN : 2756 - 7362)]
2023 [Gniènèfèrètien Nounaféri Awa Silué,  Kampadilemba Ouoba,  · Francis Ngolsu, Salfo Ouedraogo, Gisèle Kouakou‑Siransy,  · Rasmané Semdé] [Traditional uses, phytochemical and pharmacological properties of Feretia apodanthera Del. (Rubiaceae): a literature reviewarticle] [Advances in Traditional Medicine]
2023 [Ouédraogo Lassané, Compaoré Souleymane, Bazongo Patrice, and Kiendrebeogo Martin] [Pesticides and Biopesticides Use in Market Gardening in Ouagadouou, Burkina Faso] [Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology; ISSN: 2457-1024]
2023 [Mathieu Nitiéma, Bertrand Kafando, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouédraogo, Bibata Sawadogo, Boukaré Kaboré, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Bélem-Kabré, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Aristide Traoré, Moussa Ouédraogo, Noufou Ouédraogo, Bondo Félix Kini and Sylvin Ouédraogo [Acute Oral Toxicity and Vasorelaxant Effects of Hydroethanolic Extract from Lannea microcarpa Engl. & K. Krause (Anacardiaceae) Trunk Barks in Mice Aortas: Possible Involvement of Intracellular Ca2+ Mobilization] Pharmacology & Pharmacy
2023 [Mathieu Nitiéma, Pegdwendé Esther Ouédraogo, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Oumarou Maman Noura, Boukaré Kaboré, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Bélem-Kabré, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouédraogo, Moumouni Koala, Bruno Nébié, Abdel Magid Arsène Ouoba, Makumbu Joseph Makaya, Sylvain Ilboudo, Lazare Belemnaba, Noufou Ouédraogo, Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Phytochemical Profile, Antioxidant, and Anti-Inflammatory Activities, Safety of Use and Spasmolytic Effects of Aqueous Decoction Extract of Diospyros mespiliformis Leaves Hochst. ex A. DC. (Ebenaceae) on the Isolated Duodenum of Rat] Pharmacology & Pharmacy
2023 [Mathieu Nitiéma, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouédraogo, Rainatou Boly, Pegdwende Esther Ouédraogo, Oumarou Maman Noura, Boukaré Kaboré, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Bélem-Kabré, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Souleymane Compaoré, Moumouni Koala, Bruno Nébié, Abdel Magid Arsène Ouoba, Makumbu Joseph Makaya, Lazare Belemnaba, and Sylvin Ouédraogo] [Phytochemical profile, acute oral toxicity, antioxidant, and antispasmodic effects of ethyl acetate and aqueous residual fractions of Diospyros mespiliformis Hochst. ex A. DC (Ebenaceae) leaves on isolated duodenum of rat] Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
2023 [Mathieu NITIEMA, Elisabeth YABRE, Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther BELEM-KABRE, Souleymane COMPAORE, Tata Kadiatou TRAORE, Boladé Constantin ATCHADE, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian OUEDRAOGO, René Dofini MAGNINI, Salfo OUEDRAOGO, Lazare BELEMNABA, Estelle Noëla Hoho YOUL, Noufou OUEDRAOGO, and Sylvin OUEDRAOGO] [Comparative study of extracts of Parkia biglobosa (JACQ.) R.BR. EX G. Don (Fabaceae) trunk barks: A plant traditionally used against hemorrhoidal diseases in Burkina Faso] Science et technique, Sciences de la santé
2023 [Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouedraogo, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiéma, Boukaré Kaboré, Moumouni Koala, Salfo Ouedraogo, Rasmané Semde, Sylvin Ouedraogo] [Phytochemical study, antioxidant and vasodilatation activities of leafy stem extracts of Flemingia faginea Guill. & Perr. (Barker), a medicinal plant used for the traditional treatment of arterial hypertension] Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine 7: 100231
2023 [Ouedraogo Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiema, Boukaré Kabore, Noufou Ouedraogo, Moumouni Koala, Rasmané Semde, and Sylvin Ouedraogo] [Antioxidant and Vasorelaxant Properties of Phaseolus vulgaris Linn (Fabaceae) Immature Pods Extract on the Thoracic Aorta of NMRI Mice] Biomedical & Pharmacology Journal
2023 Ouedraogo Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiema, Boukaré Kaboré, Souleymane Compaoré, Moumouni Koala, Rasmané Semde, and Sylvin Ouedraogo. [Safety Use Of Phaseolus Vulgaris L. Immature Pods Decoction And Cardiovascular Effect In Rat Without Hypertension] International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research
2023 [Ouedraogo Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian, Lazare Belemnaba, Mathieu Nitiema, Boukaré Kabore, Souleymane Compaore, Moumouni Koala, Rasmané Semde, And Sylvin Ouedraogo] [Evaluation of acute, subacute toxicity and in vivo impact of aqueous decoction of Flemingia faginea Guill. & Perr. (Barker) leafy stems on NMRI mice and normotensive Wistar rats] Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics
2023 [Zakaline Yabre, Rainatou Boly, Mathieu Nitiema, Belemnaba Lazare, Youl Noëla Hoho Estelle, Innocent Pierre Guissou, and Sylvin Ouedraogo] [Effect of the Hydroalcoholic Extract from the Leafy Stems of Waltheria indica L. (Malvaceae) on Acetylcholine and Barium Chloride-Induced Contractions on Isolated Rat Tracheal Tissue] Traditional and Integrative Medicine
2023 [Noufou Ouédraogo, W. Leila Marie Esther Belem-Kabré, A.M. Emmanuel Thiombiano, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Lazare Belemnaba, Moussa Ouédraogo, and Innocent Pierre Guissou…] [Anti-inflammatory Potential of Glycoside Flavonoids from Pterocarpus erinaceus Poir. (Fabaceae) Leaves] [Pharmacognosy Journal 15(4):593-598 DOI: 10.5530/pj.2023.15.125]
2023 [Gnaoré Yoh Toussaint-Douhoré a, Yaya Soro b, Noufou Ouédraogo c, Carlos Vaca-Garcia d, Barthélemy Koffi-Attioua a, Maëlle Carraz, …] [Liver cancer antiproliferative activity of a new nor-cucurbitacin from Mareya micrantha Müll. Arg.] [Fitoterapia Volume 166, April 2023, 105471]
2023 [Belem-Kabré Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther, Nitiéma Mathieu, Odjo Blondine Saïdath, Maman Noura Oumarou, Yaro Boubacar, Kaboré Boukaré, Somda Gaëtan Donzéo, Traoré Tata Kadiatou, Koala Moumouni, Ilboudo Sylvain1, Ouédraogo Moussa2, Kabré Elie4, Ouédraogo Noufou, …] [Phytochemical Analysis and Contractile Effects of Aqueous and Hydroethanolic Extracts of Anastatica hierochuntica L. (Brassicaceae) on the Isolated Uterus of Mice] [Pharmacology & Pharmacy 14(08):252-270 DOI: 10.4236/pp.2023.148019]
2023 Diawara H, Bocoum FY, Dicko A, et al. [Cost of introducing and delivering malaria vaccine (RTS,S/AS01E) in areas of seasonal malaria transmission, Mali and Burkina Faso] BMJ Global Health 2023;8:e011316. doi:10.1136/bmjgh-2022-011316
2023 Fadima Yaya Bocoum, Charles Paulin Kabore, Saran Barro, Roger Zerbo, Simon Tiendrebeogo, Claudia Hanson, Alexandre Dumont, Ana Pilar Betran and Meghan A. Bohren [Women’s and health providers’ perceptions of companionship during labor and childbirth: a formative study for the implementation of WHO companionship model in Burkina Faso] Reprod Health.
2023 [W. Félicité Nana, Ambroise Ouedraogo, Eric Some, Bertrand Rouamba, Charlemagne Ouedraogo, Maxime K. Drabo] [État des lieux de la mise en œuvre de la stratégie multimodale de l’OMS pour la promotion de l’hygiène des mains au Centre hospitalier universitaire de Bogdogo] Science et technique Vol. 45, n° 2 — Juillet – Décembre 2022 — ISSN 1011- 6028
2023 Félicité W. Nana, Boldia Koidima, Eric Some, Idriss Traore, Maxime Drabo [Etat des lieux de l’utilisation de la liste de contrôle de la sécurité chirurgicale au Burkina Faso] Revue Africaine des Sciences Sociales et de la Santé Publique, Volume 5 (2) ISSN :1987-071X e-ISSN 1987-1023
2023 [A Ly, HB Lanou, L Moyenga, MK Drabo ] [Coverage of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in children aged 3 to 59 months in Burkina Faso: a nationwide cross-sectional study] [Journal of Public Health]
2023 [Yaya Bocoum, F., Kadio, K., Some, T., Ouedraogo, A., Drabo, M., & Kouanda, S] [Perceptions of COVID-19 among frontline health workers in Burkina Faso] [Frontiers in Sociology, 2023, vol. 7]
2023 [Oumar Traoré,Dissinviel Stéphane Kpoda, Adama Patrice Soubeiga, Rokiatou Henry-Sangaré, Abraham Ajayi, Casimir Ouédraogo, Maxime Koiné Drabo, Elie Kabré & Lassana Sangaré] [Evaluation of the SD Bioline Syphilis 3.0 rapid immunochromatographic test for syphilis screening in Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences, 17(5)]
2023 Grissoum Tarnagda, Moussa Ouedraogo, Bavouma Charles Sombié, Luc Kouka Delma, Eric Nagaonle Some, Jean Claude Romaric Pingwendé Ouédraogo, Olivier Sombié, Maxime K. Drabo And Rasmané Semdé. [Assessment of pharmacy professionals' knowledge and practice on the management and dispensing of investigational drugs in clinical trials] African Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Vol. 17(5),
2023 [Nana, L. R. W., Drabo, M. K., & Soura, A. B.] [Schistosomiasis Control in Burkina Faso: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices of Populations in Four Villages] Global Journal of Health Science, 15(5),
2023 [Diallo, Cheick Omar, Schiøler, Karin Linda, Drabo, Koine Maxime] [Stakeholder's perception of the health information system performance in Burkina Faso] Pan African Medical Journal, vol. 44, no 1.
2023 [Guingané, A. N., Wongo, D., Nana, F., Rouamba, A. M., Drabo, M., & Sombié, R Et Al.] [Hépatite b: effets de la sensibilisation dans deux lycées de la ville de Ouagadougou] Revue Africaine de Médecine et de Santé Publique, vol. 6, no 1,
2023 Boubacar Savadogo, Fabrice Bationo, Hermann Bienou Lanou, Laurencia Ouattara-Songre, Charles Parkouda Et Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba [Impact de la conservation sur la teneur en β-carotène de la spiruline produite au Burkina Faso] Revue burkinabè de la recherche, Science et technique, Série Sciences Naturelles et Appliquées. ISSN: 1011-6028
2023 [Boubacar Savadogo, Hermann Bienou Lanou, Diane Celestine Valea, Charles Parkouda, Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba] [Détermination de la teneur en α-tocophérol de la spiruline produite au Burkina Faso] International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Rersearch. Editeur : Innovative Space of Scientific Research Journals ISSN 2351-8014
2023 [Boubacar Savadogo, Fabrice Bationo, Eric Nagaonlé Some, Laurencia Ouattara-Songre, Charles Parkouda, and Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba] [Détermination de la teneur en β-carotènes de trois variétés de mangues consommées au Burkina Faso : Kent, Keitt et Springfield] International Journal of Innovation and Applied Studies Innovative Space of Scientific Research Journals
2023 [Sombié OO, Zeba AN, Somé JW, Kazienga A, Grahn M, Tanumihardjo S, De Henauw S, Abbeddou S] [A comparative study on indicators of vitamin A status and risk factors for sensitivity and specificity of the methods to detect vitamin A deficiency] Nutrition and Metabolism. 20:49.
2023 [Diendéré J, Somé JW, Kaboré J, Sawadogo A, Dabiré EE, Compaoré ERW, Millogo A, Zeba AN] [Geographical and sociodemographic disparities in fruit and vegetable consumption among adults in Burkina Faso: baseline results from the 2013 WHO STEPS Survey] BMC Public Health. 23:2245.
2023 [Hien A, Somé JW, Toe LC, Sombie O, Meda NTR, Ilboudo B, Kassie D, Fournet F, Ouedraogo AG, Zeba NA] [Factors associated with minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency and minimum acceptable diet practices among children 6-23 months of age in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development. 23(3):22831-22852.
2023 [Stephanie ZoungranaID, Jerome W. Somé, Yves Martin-Prevel, Hermann B. Lanou4, Seni Kouanda, Claire Mouquet-Rivier] [Estimation of food portion sizes in women of childbearing age and young children in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) using a food photography atlas and salted replicas: Comparison with weighed records] [PLOS ONE |]
2023 [Franck Garanet, Sékou Samadoulougou, Calypse Ngwasiri, Abou Coulibaly, Fatou B.Sissoko,Vincent N. Bagnoa, Adama Baguiya, Seni Kouanda and Fati Kirakoya‑Samadoulougou] [Perinatal outcomes in women with lower-range elevated blood pressure and stage 1 hypertension: insights from the Kaya health and demographic surveillance system, Burkina Faso] [BMC Public Health.]
2023 [Cliffer IR, Naumova EN, Masters WA, Perumal N, Garanet F, Rogers BL.] [Peak timing of slowest growth velocity among young children coincides with highest ambient temperatures in Burkina Faso: a longitudinal study..] [The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.]
2023 [Paul Sondo, Bérenger Kaboré, Toussaint Rouamba, Eulalie Compaoré, Yssimini Nadège Guillène Tibiri, Hyacinthe Abd‑El Latif Faïçal Kaboré, Karim Derra, Marc Christian Tahita, Hamidou Ilboudo, Gauthier Tougri, Ismaïla Bouda, Tikanou Dakyo, Hyacinthe Kafando, Florence Ouédraogo, Eli Rouamba, So‑vii Franck Hien, Adama Kazienga1, Cheick Saïd Compaoré, Estelle Bambara, Macaire Nana, Prabin Dahal, Franck Garanet, William Kaboré, Thierry Léfèvre, Philippe Guerin and Halidou Tinto] [Enhanced effect of seasonal malaria chemoprevention when coupled with nutrients supplementation for preventing malaria in children under 5 years old in Burkina Faso: a randomized open label trial] [Malaria Journal]
2023 Adams KP, Jarvis M, Vosti SA, Manger MS, Tarini A, Somé JW, Somda H, McDonald CM [Estimating the cost and cost-effectiveness of adding zinc to, and improving the performance of, Burkina Faso’s mandatory wheat flour fortification programme] Maternal and Child Nutrition. 2023;e13515. https ://
2023 [Diendéré Jeoffray, Sibraogo Kiemtoré, Abou Coulibaly, Gauthier Tougri, Noaga Irénée Ily, et Séni. Kouanda] [Low attendance in cervical cancer screening, geographical disparities and sociodemographic determinants of screening uptake among adult women in Burkina Faso: results from the first nationwide population-based survey] Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique ISSN : 0398-7620 DOI : 10.1016/j.respe.2023.101845
2023 [Diendere, Jeoffray, Cheick Oumar Yaro, Touwensida Eliezer Evans Kiemtore, Jean Baptiste Kiwallo, et Nawidimbasba Augustin Zeba [Metabolic Disorders and Metabolically Obese Normal-Weight in Burkinabe Adults: Increasing Prevalences Across Normal BMI Quartiles, Using the 2013 STEPS Database] Central African Journal of Public Health ISSN: 2575-5781 DOI : 10.11648/j.cajph.20230902.12.
2023 [Diendéré, Jeoffray, Jean Kaboré, Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba, William Kofi Bosu, Jerome Winbetourefa Somé, Franck Garanet, Pingdewende Victor Ouédraogo, Abdoul Aziz Savadogo, et Athanase Millogo] [Modifiable Lifestyle Factors and Their Relationships with Metabolic Disorders among Adults in Burkina Faso: Findings from the First National Survey] Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology ISSN: 2141-2316 DOI: 10.5897/JPHE2022.1429.
2023 [COVID-19 Host Genetics Initiative] [A second update on mapping the human genetic architecture of COVID-19] Nature. E7-E26. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-06355-3. Epub 2023 Sep 6.
2023 [Micklesfield LK, Munthali R, Agongo G, Asiki G, Boua P, Choma SS, Crowther NJ, Fabian J, Gómez-Olivé FX, Kabudula C, Maimela E, Mohamed SF, Nonterah EA, Raal FJ, Sorgho H, Tluway FD, Wade AN, Norris SA, Ramsay M; as members of AWI-Gen and the H3Africa Consortium] [Identifying the prevalence and correlates of multimorbidity in middle-aged men and women: a cross-sectional population-based study in four African countries] BMJ Open. e067788. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-067788.
2023 [Singh S, Choudhury A, Hazelhurst S, Crowther N, Boua P, Sorgho H, Agongo G, Nonterah E, Micklesfield L, Norris S, Kisiangani I, Mohamed S, Gomez-Olive F, Tollman S, Choma S, Brandenburg JT, Ramsay M] [Genome-wide Association Study Meta-analysis of Blood Pressure Traits and Hypertension in Sub-Saharan African Populations: An AWI-Gen Study] Nat Commun. doi: 10.1038/s41467-023-44079-0
2023 [Muti M, Ware LJ, Micklesfield LK, Ramsay M, Agongo G, Boua PR, Kisiangani I, Cook I, Gómez-Olivé FX, Crowther NJ, Kabudula C, Norris SA, Chikowore T.] [Physical Activity and Its Association With Body Mass Index: A Cross-Sectional Analysis in Middle-Aged Adults From 4 Sub-Saharan African Countries] J Phys Act Health. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0539. Print 2023 Mar 1.
2023 [Chikwati RP, Mahyoodeen NG, Jaff NG, Ramsay M, Micklesfield LK, Wade AN, Agongo G, Asiki G, Choma SSR, Boua PR, George JA, Crowther NJ.] Cardiometabolic disease risk factors in pre- and postmenopausal women from four sub-Saharan African countries: A cross-sectional study. Maturitas. doi: 10.1016/j.maturitas.2023.04.005. Epub 2023 Apr 20.
2023 [Watson D, Chatio S, Barker M, Boua PR, Compaoré A, Dalaba M, Erzse A, Godfrey K, Hofman K, Kehoe S, McGrath N, Mukoma G, Nonterah EA, Norris SA, Sorgho H, Ward KA, Hardy-Johnson P; INPreP study group.] Men's motivations, barriers to and aspirations for their families' health in the first 1000 days in sub-Saharan Africa: a secondary qualitative analysis. BMJ Nutr Prev Health. doi: 10.1136/bmjnph-2022-000423. Epub 2023 Jan 17.
2023 [Twesigomwe D, Drögemöller BI, Wright GEB, Adebamowo C, Agongo G, Boua PR, Matshaba M, Paximadis M, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza MC, Tiemessen CT, Lombard Z, Hazelhurst S.] Characterisation of CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 pharmacogenetic variation in sub-Saharan African populations][ Clin Pharmacol Ther. doi: 10.1002/cpt.3124. Online ahead of print.
2023 [Watson D, Barker M, Boua PR, Chatio S, Compaoré A, Danis M, Dalaba M, Erzse A, Hardy-Johnson P, Kehoe SH, Hofman KJ, Lawrence WT, Nonterah EA, Sorgho H, Rwafa-Ponela T, Ward KA; INPreP study group] [What works in engaging communities? Prioritising nutrition interventions in Burkina Faso, Ghana and South Africa.] PLoS One. :e0294410. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0294410. eCollection 2023.
2023 [Coulibaly Nadine Mireille Josepha Danielle, Ouedraogo Cesaire Tania, Zeba Augustin Nawidimbasba, Sorgho Hermann, Somda Manituo Aymard Serge, and Ouedraogo Jean-Bosco] [Assessment of Milk Intake and Breastfeeding Practice during the First Six Months after Birth Using the Deuterium Dilution Method among Mother-baby Pairs in Kou Valley, Burkina Faso] "American Journal of Food and Nutrition Published by Science and Education Publishing DOI:10.12691/ajfn-11-2-1"
2023 [Coulibaly Nadine Mireille Josepha Danielle, Somda Manutuo Aymard Serges, Sawadogo Amadé, Compaoré Yves Daniel, Sorgho Hermann, Yerbanga Rakiswendé Serges, Ouedraogo Césaire Tania, Zeba Augustin Nawidimbasba, Ouedraogo Jean-Bosco] [Revisiting How Exclusive is Exclusive Breastfeeding Practice as Determined by the Deuterium Dose-to-mother Technique: A Comparison of Methods of Assessment] "[Journal of Food and Nutrition Research DOI:10.12691/jfnr-11-11-1 "
2023 [Olivier O. Sombié,· Augustin N. Zeba, · Jérome W. Somé, Adama Kazienga,·Jeoffray Diendere, Jean F. Bationo,· Christopher Davis,· Michael Grahn,· Sherry Tanumihardjo, · Stefaan De Henauw,·Souheila Abbeddou] [Dietary intake of preformed vitamin A and provitamin A carotenoids are not associated with serum retinol and carotenoid concentrations among children 36–59 months of age in rural Burkina Faso: a cross-sectional study] [European Journal of Nutrition]
2023 [Bryan M. Gannon, Olivier O. Sombie, Augustin N. Zeba, Gabriel Medoua Nama, Tesfaye Hailu Bekele, Meseret Woldeyohannes, Martha E. van Stuijvenberg, Muhammad A. Dhansay, Elisaphinate M. Urio, Chisela Kaliwile, Justin Chileshe, Ng’Andwe Kalungwana, Christopher R. Davis, Michael Grahn , Sherry A. Tanumihardjo] [Comparison of Total Body Vitamin A Stores Using Individual versus Population 13C-Natural Abundance of Serum Retinol in Preschool Children and Women Residing in 6 Diverse African Countries] [The journal of Nutrition]
2023 [Hien A*, Some JW, Toe LC, Sombie O, Meda NTR, Ilboudo B, Kassie D, Fournet F, Ouedraogo AG and AN Zeba] [Factors associated with minimum dietary diversity, minimum meal frequency and minimum acceptable diet practices among children 6- 23 months of age in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] [African Journal of food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development]
2023 [Devika J. Suri, Olivier O. Sombie, Augustin N. Zeba, Gabriel Medoua Nama, Tesfaye Hailu Bekele, Meseret Woldeyohannes, Martha E. van Stuijvenberg ,Muhammad A. Dhansay, Elisaphinate M. Urio, Cornelia U. Loechl, Bryan M. Gannon, Christopher R. Davis, Michael Grahn, Parminder S. Suchdev, Sherry A. Tanumihardjo] [Association between Biomarkers of Inflammation and Total Liver Vitamin A Reserves Estimated by 13C-Retinol Isotope Dilution among preschool children in 5 African countries] [The journal of Nutrition]
2023 [Olivier Ouahamin Sombie, Alain Hien, Saran Traore, Hippolyte Kelle, Franck Garanet, Anselme Dinyiri Ky, Hervé Kpoda et Augustin Nawidimbasba Zeba] [Connaissances et utilisation des aliments fortifiés en vitamine A des femmes de la ville de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] [Science et technique du CNRST]
2023 [Garanet F, Coulibaly A, Baguiya A, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F, Kouanda S.] [Prevalence and Factors Associated with Cardiovascular Lifestyle Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in Burkina Faso: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Study..] [International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.]
2023 [Yaméogo CW, Garanet F..] [Assessment of Micronutrients of Solanum aethiopicum and Solanum melongena Fruits Consumed in Burkina Faso.] [AFSJ]
2023 [Yaméogo CW, Garanet F. [Minerals Composition of Solanum aethiopicum L. and Amaranthus hybridus L. Leaves from Burkina Faso.] [EJNFS]
2023 [Komboigo BE, Zamane H, Coulibaly A, Sib SR, Thiombiano M, Thieba B] [Factors associated with intrapartum stillbirth in a tertiary teaching hospital in Burkina Faso] [Frontiers in Global Women’s Health]
2023 [Diendéré J, Kiemtoré S, Coulibaly A, Tougri G, Ily NI, Kouanda S] [Low attendance in cervical cancer screening, geographical disparities and sociodemographic determinants of screening uptake among adult women in Burkina Faso : results from the first nationwide population-based survey] [Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique]
2023 [Coulibaly A, Kouanda S] [Effects of the Pregnancy and Newborn Diagnostic Assessment (PANDA) App on Antenatal Care Quality in Burkina Faso: Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial] [JMIR Res Protoc]
2023 [Garanet F, Coulibaly A, Baguiya A, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F, Kouanda S] [Prévalence des facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires comportementaux chez les femmes enceintes au Burkina Faso  : étude transversale] [Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique]
2023 [Garanet F, Samadoulougou S, Adama B, Coulibaly A, Bagnoa V, Kouanda S, et al] [Troubles hypertensifs et issues périnatales défavorables de la grossesse : données du système de surveillance démographique et de santé de Kaya, 2021] [Revue d’Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique]
2023 [Abou Coulibaly, Hyacinthe Zamane, Tieba Millogo, Adama Baguiya, Franck Garanet et Seni Kouanda] [Connaissances et satisfaction des femmes en matière de planification familiale du postpartum dans le district sanitaire de Yako : effets d’un nouvel outil de counseling] [Sciences et technique, Sciences de la santé]
2023 [Kambiré Dinanibè, Tondé Issa, Ouédraogo W. H. Gautier, Sanou Mahamoudou, Ouédraogo L. S. L. Wilfrid, Savadogo Mahamoudou, Tamboura Mamadou, Zongo Moumouni, Ouédraogo Oumarou, Zouré Abdou Azaque, Compaoré Rebeca, Sagna Tani, Zida Sylvie, Soubeiga R. S. Théophile, Aké Flavien, Sangaré Lassana, Méda Isaïe, Kouanda Séni, Ouédraogo-Traoré Rasmata] [Meningitis Outbreak Caused by Neisseria meningitidis Serogroup C ST 10217 in 2019 in Diapaga, Burkina Faso] [Advances in Infectious Diseases, 2023, 13, 66-76]
2023 [Kambiré Dinanibè, Tamboura Mamadou, Ouédraogo Oumarou, Tondé Issa, Ouédraogo W. H. Gautier, Sanou Mahamoudou, Zouré Abdou Azaque, Compaoré Rebeca, Sagna Tani, Soubeiga R. S. Théophile, Zida Sylvie, Aké Flavien, Abdoul-Salam Ouédraogo, Sangaré Lassana, Méda Isaïe, Kouanda Séni, Ouédraogo-Traoré Rasmata] [ST of Streptococcus pneumoniae Circulating in Burkina Faso before the Introduction of PCV-13, 2013] [Advances in Microbiology]
2023 [Issa Tondé, Juliette Tranchot-Diallo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Absatou Ky-Ba, Mahamoudou Sanou, Idrissa Sanou, Rasmata Ou´edraogo-Traoré ] [Genomic and phenotypic diagnosis of bacterial meningitis in 25 health districts in Burkina Faso between January 2016 and December 2019] [Infectious diseases 104805]
2023 [Sylvie Zida, Kadari Cissé, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Simon Tiendrebéogo, Fatou Sissoko, Issa Sory, Célestine Ki-Toé, 3Solange Dioma, Djeneba Zorom, Adama Ouédraogo, Koudpinga Gaston Kaboré, Ismael Diallo, Seni Kouanda and Henri Gautier Ouédraogo] [Sero-Epidemiology of HIV and Syphilis and Associated Factors among Drug Users in Burkina Faso, West Africa] International Journal of Virology
2023 [Hong-Mei Li, Diakourga Arthur Djibougou, Shen-Ning Lu, Lv Shan, Dramane Zongo, Duo-Quan Wang, Wei Ding, Ying-Jun Qian, Lu-Lu Huang, Ya-Yi Guan, Ning Xiao] [Strengthening capacity building in malaria and schistosomiasis control under China-Africa cooperation : Assessing a case study of Burkina Faso] [Science in One Health]
2023 [B Henry N, Soulama I, S Sermé S, Bolscher JM, T G Huijs T, S Coulibaly A, Sombié S, Ouédraogo N, Diarra A, Zongo S, Guelbéogo WM, Nébié I, Sirima SB, Tiono AB, Pietro A, Collins KA, Dechering KJ, Bousema T] [Assessment of the transmission blocking activity of antimalarial compounds by membrane feeding assays using natural Plasmodium falciparum gametocyte isolates from West-Africa] [PLoS One]
2023 [Almojil D, Diawara A, Soulama I, Dieng MM, Manikandan V, Sermé SS, Sombié S, Diarra A, Barry A, Coulibaly SA, Sirima SB and Idaghdour Y [Impact of Plasmodium falciparum infection on DNA methylation of circulating immune cells] [Front. Genet]
2023 [Issiaka Soulama] [The UK-PHRST and Partners Learning Review: Post Review Reflections & Actions Cape Town 2022] [UKgovGHS]
2023 Kaboré, J.M.T.; Siribié, M.; Hien, D.; Soulama, I.; Barry, N.; Baguiya, A.; Tiono, A.B.; Burri, C.; Tchouatieu, A.-M.; Sirima, S.B [Acceptability of a Strategy Deploying Multiple First-Line Artemisinin-Based Combination Therapies for Uncomplicated Malaria in the Health District of Kaya, Burkina Faso] [Trop. Med. Infect. Dis.]
2023 Zida, A., Sawadogo, P. M., Guiguemdé, K. T. , Soulama, I. , Chanolle, T., Traoré, S., Sangaré, I., and Bamba, S. [Cutaneous leishmaniasis in Burkina Faso: Epidemiological evolution of a vector-borne disease locally called “Ouaga 2000 disease”: a minireview ] [Nigerian Journal of Parasitology]
2023 Haffsatou Sawadogo , Issiaka Soulama, Adama Zida, Cheikna Zongo, Patindoilba Marcel Sawadogo, Kiswendsida Thierry Guiguemde, Seni Nikiema, Salimata Emilie Badoum, Salam Sawadogo, Aïcha Tou, Salif Sombié, Chanolle Tchekounou, Sindié Samuel Sermé 1,8, Rasmata Ouedraogo-Traoré 9, Tinga Robert Guiguemdé 10, Aly Savadogo [Plasmodium falciparum Genetic Diversity and Resistance Genotype Profile in Infected Placental Samples Collected After Delivery in Ouagadougou] [Infection and Drug Resistance]
2023 [Bernard Somé, Edwige Guissou, Dari F. Da, Quentin Richard, Marc Choisy, Koudraogo Bienvenue Yameogo, Domombabele FdS Hien, Rakiswende S Yerbanga, Kounbobr R Dabiré, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Anna Cohuet, Thierry Lefèvre] [Mosquito ageing modulates the development, virulence and transmission potential of pathogens] Proceedings of the Royal Society B
2023 [Edwige Guissou, Dari FredericDa, Domombabele Francois de Sales Hien, Koudraogo Bienvenue Yameogo, Serge Rakiswende Yerbanga, Georges Anicet Ouedraogo, Kounbobr Roch Dabire, Thierry Lefèvre, Anna Cohuet] [Intervention reducing malaria parasite load in vector mosquitoes: no impact on Plasmodium falciparum extrinsic incubation period and the survival of Anopheles gambiae] PLOS PATHOGENS
2023 [Anyirékun Fabrice Somé, Issaka Zongo, Issaka Sagara, Dicko Alassane, Lea Pare , Kabre Zachari , Nikiema Frederic , Bazie Thomas , Sylvin Ouédraogo, Ibrahim Alkassoum, Eric Adehossi, Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo and Roch K. Dabiré] [Factors influencing second and third dose observance during Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention (SMC): a quantitative study in Burkina Faso, Mali, and Niger] Tropical Medecine and INfectious Diseases]
2023 [Brian D. Foy, Tereza Magalhaes, Lyndsey Gray, Sangeeta Rao2, Conner L. Jackson, John Kittleson, Hannah C. Slater, Teun Bousema, Da Ollo, Gafar Coulidiaty, McKenzie Colt, Martina Wade, Kacey Richards, Anthony Somé, A. Fabrice Somé, Roch K. Dabiré, Sunil Parikh] [Repeat Ivermectin Mass Drug Administrations for Malaria Control II (RIMDAMAL II): a double-blind, cluster-randomized control trial for integrated control of malaria] [JMIR research Protocols]
2023 [Hanna Y. Ehrlich, Fabrice A. Somé, Thomas Bazie, Cathérine Neya Ebou, Estelle Lotio Dembele2, Richard Balma, Justin Goodwin, Martina Wade, Amy K. Bei, Roch K. Dabiré, Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo, Brian Foy, Sunil Parikh] [Tracking antimalarial drug resistance using mosquito blood meals: a cross-sectional study] [Lancet Microbe]
2023 [André B. Sagna, Lamidi Zela, Cheick O. Ouedraogo, Sié H. Pooda, Angélique Porciani, Joanna Furnival-Adams, Paula Lado, Anyirékun F. Some, Fabrice Chandre, Cédric Pennetier, Carlos J. Chaccour, Kounbobr K. Dabire and Karine Mouline] [Ivermectin as a Novel Malaria Control Tool: Getting Ahead of the Resistance Curse] Acta Tropica
2023 [Robert J. Zupko,Tran Dang Nguyen, Anyirekun Fabrice Some, Thu Nguyen-Anh Tran, Jaline Gerardin, Patrick Dudas ,Dang Duy Hoang Giang , Kien Trung Tran, Amy Wesolowski, Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo, Maciej F. Boni] [Long-term effects of increased adoption of artemisinin combination therapies in Burkina Faso] PLOS Global Public Health
2023 [Bamogo R, Nikièma SA, Belem M, …] [Cross-sectional ethnobotanical survey of plants used by traditional health practitioners for snakebite case management in two regions of Burkina Faso] [Phytomedicine Plus 3], 100471
2023 [Didier P. Alexandre Kaboré, Dieudonné Diloma Soma, Patricia Gil, Mahamadi Kientega, Simon P. Sawadogo, Georges Anicet Ouédraogo, Philippe Van de Perre, Thierry Baldet, Serafin Gutierrez & Roch K. Dabiré] [Mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) populations in contrasting areas of the western regions of Burkina Faso: species diversity, abundance and their implications for pathogen transmission] [Parasites & Vectors. 16: 438]
2023 [Sofia Vielma, Roxana Minuz, Alessandro Trusso, Simon Sawadogo, Antoine Cribellier, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Florian Muijres, Alekos Simoni, Ruth Müller] [The nocturnal swarming activity of the malaria mosquito Anopheles coluzzii: it’s not just the males] [Research Square. DOI:10.21203/]
2023 [Roh ME, Zongo I, Haro A, Huang L, Somé AF, Yerbanga RS, Conrad MD, Wallender E, Legac J, Aweeka F, Ouédraogo JB, Rosenthal PJ.] [Seasonal Malaria Chemoprevention Drug Levels and Drug Resistance Markers in Children With or Without Malaria in Burkina Faso: A Case-Control Study] [J Infect Dis. 2023 Oct 3;228(7):926-935.  doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiad172]
2023 [Dicko A, Ouedraogo JB, Zongo I, Sagara I, Cairns M, Yerbanga RS, Issiaka D, Zoungrana C, Sidibe Y, Tapily A, Nikièma F, Sompougdou F, Sanogo K, Kaya M, Yalcouye H, Dicko OM, Diarra M, Diarra K, Thera I, Haro A, Sienou AA, Traore S, Mahamar A, Dolo A, Kuepfer I, Snell P, Grant J, Webster J, Milligan P, Lee C, Ockenhouse C, Ofori-Anyinam O, Tinto H, Djimde A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B.] [Seasonal vaccination with RTS,S/AS01E vaccine with or without seasonal malaria chemoprevention in children up to the age of 5 years in Burkina Faso and Mali: a double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial] [Lancet Infect Dis. 2024 Jan;24(1):75-86.  doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00368-7]
2023 [Beshir KB, Muwanguzi J, Nader J, Mansukhani R, Traore A, Gamougam K, Ceesay S, Bazie T, Kolie F, Lamine MM, Cairns M, Snell P, Scott S, Diallo A, Merle CS, NDiaye JL, Razafindralambo L, Moroso D, Ouedraogo JB, Zongo I, Kessely H, Doumagoum D, Bojang K, Ceesay S, Loua K, Maiga H, Dicko A, Sagara I, Laminou IM, Ogboi SJ, Eloike T, Milligan P, Sutherland CJ.] [Prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum haplotypes associated with resistance to sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine and amodiaquine before and after upscaling of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in seven African countries: a genomic surveillance study.] [Lancet Infect Dis. 2023 Mar;23(3):361-370.  doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(22)00593-X. Epub 2022 Oct 31]
2023 [M., Djibougou, D.A., Lu, S.-N., Shan, L., Zongo, D., Wang, D.-Q., Ding, W., Qian, Y.-J., Huang, L.-L., Guan, Y.-Y., Xiao, N., Diagbouga, P.S., Engels, D., Zhou, X.-N.] Strengthening capacity building in malaria and schistosomiasis control under China-Africa cooperation: Assessing a case study of Burkina Faso . Science in One Health 100009.
2023 [Versiani AF, Kaboré A, Brossault L, Dromenq L, Dos Santos TMIL, Milhim BHGA, Estofolete CF, Cissé A, Sorgho PA, Senot F, Tessonneau M, Diagbouga S, Nogueira ML] [Performance of VIDAS® Diagnostic Tests for the Automated Detection of Dengue Virus NS1 Antigen and of Anti-Dengue Virus IgM and IgG Antibodies: A Multicentre, International Study] Diagnostics (Basel) 2023 Mar 16;13(6):1137. doi: 10.3390/diagnostics13061137. PMID: 36980445; PMCID: PMC10047366.
2023 [Dahourou LD, Akio S,Savadogo M, Yougbare B, Ouoba LB, Tapsoba ASR et al] [Serological evidence and factors associated with Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever] Vet Med Sci.
2023 [Savadogo M, Dahourou LD, Ilboudo AK, Ilboudo SG, Zangré H, Tarnagda G, et al] [The Rabies Free Burkina Faso initiative: an example of how one health-oriented civil society organizations can contribute towards the achievement of the rabies zero by 30 goal] One Health Outlook.
2023 [Cissé, A., Lingani, M., Tao, M., Nana, S., Kaboré, B., Eric D. A. S., Nassouri, A.,Diagbouga, S., Bamba, S., and Tarnagda, Z.] [Prevalence of COVID-19 at the Wahgnion-Gold mining site in Burkina Faso and use of RT-PCR initial cycle threshold to monitor the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 load] African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology. ISSN 1595-689X
2023 [Veronique Dermauw, Ellen Van De Vijver, Pierre Dorny, Emanuele Giorgi, Rasmane Ganaba, Athanase Millogo, Zekiba Tarnagda, Assana Kone Cisse, Helène Carabin] [Geostatistical analysis of active human cysticercosis: Results of a large-scale study in 60 villages in Burkina Faso] .PLoS Negl Trop Dis 17(7): e0011437.
2023 [Rosemonde M. Guissou, Chanaki Amaratunga, Freek de Haan, Fatoumata Tou, Phaik Yeong Cheah, R. Serge Yerbanga, Ellen H. M. Moors, Mehul Dhorda, Paulina Tindana, Wouter P. C. Boon, Arjen M. Dondorp and Jean Bosco Ouédraogo] [The impact of anti-malarial markets on artemisinin resistance: perspectives from Burkina Faso] Malaria Journal
2023 [Onadja Y., Compaoré R., Belemsaga Yugbaré, D., Thomas H., Guiella G. et al.] [Postabortion care service availability, readiness, and access in Burkina Faso: results from linked female-facility cross-sectional data] [BMC Health Serv Res 24, 84 (2024)]
2023 [Tougri, H., Compaoré, R., Ouédraogo, A. M., Bila, B., Temmerman, M., & Kouanda] [Community health workers' involvement in mother–child care during the 1st year after birth, in Kaya health district, Burkina Faso: A contribution analysis.] Frontiers in Public Health, 10, 938967
2023 [Essis EML, Yaméogo WME, Sossa OG, Doukouré D, Compaoré R, Kpebo DOD. ... & Kouanda S.] [Development of Monitoring and Evaluation Systems in Four National Programs Addressing Mother and Child Health in Cote d’Ivoire: Qualitative Analysis of the Emergence and Formulation Process.] Risk Management and Healthcare Policy
2023 Donessouné, F.M.G., Sossa,O.G., Compaoré, R., Yaméogo, E.W.M., Tougri,H.& Kouanda, S, [Assessing fidelity of community-tuberculosis programme in the central region of Burkina Faso] African Evaluation Journal 11(1), a613.
2023 [Tiero Elias Dah T, Lucien Dahourou D, Hama Diallo A, Yaya I, Sogli A, Helena Avangvounang E, Audrey Koubi L, Traoré I, Yaméogo I, Tiandogo Traoré I, Nambiema A, Koumavi Ekouevi D, Meda N] [High Late Presentation to HIV Care Among HIV-Infected Adults in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [Central African Journal of Public Health]
2023 [Traoré S, Dahourou DL, Paré BC, Lompo YD, Kaboré WJ, Ouédraogo WLSAEA, Kambou DT, Salou WRA, Kaboré D, Ouédraogo A, Sia S, Zorné M, Ouoba B, Guira O] [High stress related to COVID-19 among health workers in the Plateau Central healthcare region (BURKINA FASO): a cross-sectional study] [Front Public Health]
2023 [Ouédraogo S, Dahourou DL, Diallo I, Sarigda M, Romba I, Yonli BPC, Dah TE, Kaboré A, Méda N] [HIV viral load measurement: knowledge, attitudes and practices of health workers, Burkina Faso] [Sante Publique]
2023 [Ouédraogo S, Kabore A, Diallo I, Sarigda M, Dahourou DL, Kabre KB, Romba I, Yonli BPC, Dah TTE, Meda N] [Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare workers regarding human immunodeficiency virus index testing in 2021, Burkina Faso] [J Public Health Afr]
2023 [Ouédraogo S, Dah TTE, Diallo I, Sarigda M, Dahourou DL, Romba I, Sanon FB, Kabore PAL, Yonli BPC, Savadogo LGB] [Sub-optimal satisfaction of people living with HIV and AIDS regarding their care in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [J Public Health Afr]
2023 [Zaongo SD, Harypursat V, Rashid F, Dahourou DL, Ouedraogo AS, Chen Y] [Influence of HIV infection on cognition and overall intelligence in HIV-infected individuals: advances and perspectives] [Front Behav Neurosci]
2023 [Alidou S, Dahourou LD, Dah TTE, Sogo A, Kenao TS, Yehadji D, Meda N, Ekouevi DK] [Unmet needs for modern contraceptive methods among sexually active adolescents and young women in Togo: a nationwide cross-sectional study] [Front Public Health]
2023 [Sylvie Zida, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Tani Sagna, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Bienvenu Yalabola Banhoro1, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Dinanibè Kambiré, Amadou Dicko, Elsio A. Wunder Jr., Seni Kouanda] [Leptospirosis seroprevalence and risk factors among slaughterhouse workers in Burkina Faso] [International journal of infectious diseases regions NLM Catalog (Pubmed)]
2023 [Sylvie Zida, Kadari Cissé, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Simon Tiendrebéogo, Fatou Sissoko, Issa Sory, Célestine Ki-Toé, Solange Dioma, Djeneba Zorom, Adama Ouédraogo, Koudpinga Gaston Kaboré, Ismael Diallo, Seni Kouanda, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo [Sero-epidemiology of HIV and syphilis and associated factors among drug users in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [International journal of Virology DOI: CAS Source Index (CASSI)]
2023 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo , Sylvie Zida , Tani Sagna , Abdou Azaque Zoure, Rebeca T. Compaore, Serge T. Soubeiga, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Dinanibe Kambire, Danielle Belemsaga/Yugbare, Kadari Cisse, Yves Traore, Nicolas Barro, Seni Kouanda] [Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) and its association with HIV, HCV, HBV, HTLV-1&2 and syphilis among men who have sex with men in Burkina Faso] [Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology NLM Catalog (Pubmed)]
2023 [Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore , Yasmine Astrid Sana, Sylvie Zida , Nômawendé Ines Compaore, Lassina Traore, Oumarou Ouedraogo , Abdou Azaque Zoure , Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Dinanibe Kambire , Kalifou Traore, Tani Sagna, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma , Henri Gautier Ouedraogo and Jacques Simpore [Characterization of Helicobacter pylori Virulence Genes cagE, iceA and oipA in Stool Samples from Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, Volume 12 Number 7 (2023) DOI ou Site Web de l’article :]
2023 [Abdou Azaque Zouré, T. Rebeca Compaoré, Julie Alida Beré, Tani Sagna, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Charlemagne Dabiré, Abdoul Rahamani Nikiema, Nicolas Barro and Henri Gautier Ouedraogo.] [Evaluation of the automatic extraction method "KingFisher Flex Purification System 96 (ThermoFisher Scientific)" versus the manual "QIAamp Viral RNA Mini Kit (Qiagen)" in SARS-CoV-2 molecular diagnosis] [Afr. J. Clin. Exper. Microbiol. 2023; 24 (1): 16 – 23. Jan 2023; Vol.24 No.1,]
2023 [Fiffou Yougbare, Aziz Sidi Aristide Tapsoba, Pegdwendé Abel Sorgho, Bagora Bayala, Lassina Traore, Prosper Bado, Bapio Valérie Elvira Jean Télesphore Bazie, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Esther Mah Alima Traore, Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Sessi Frida Tovo, Albert Théophane Yonli, Alice Kiba, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Jacques Simpore. …] [DC-SIGN (CD209) Promoter −336 A/G Polymorphism Is Not Associated with Dengue Fever at Burkina Faso, West Africa.] "[Journal of Biosciences and Medicines]"
2023 [Abdou Azaque Zoure, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Sylvie Zida, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Dezemon Zingue, Charlemagne Dabiré, Alidou Kagambega, Charles Sawadogo, Zakaria Yabre, Tani Sagna, Lassana Sangare] [Performance assessment of Standard TM Q COVID-19 Ag Test in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso Performance assessment of Standard TM Q COVID-19 Ag Test in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] Microbes and infectious desease
2023 [Lassina Traoré, Jérôme Sanou, Bélélé Siméon Bakyono, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Hermann Karim Sombié, Albert Théophane Yonli, Guertrude Meda/Hien, Ezechiel Bionimian Tibiri, Florencia W. Djigma and Jacques SIMPORE] [Glaucoma: risk factors and molecular characterization of the Glu323Lys mutation of the TIGR/MYOC gene in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] Journal of Current Glaucoma Practice: 10.5005/jp-journals-10078-1403.
2023 [Soayebo Dabre, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Touwendpoulimdé Isabelle Kiendrebeogo, Nayi Zongo, Lanyo Jospin Amegnona, Herman Karim Sombié, Marc Donald Wilfried Adico, Bélélé Siméon Bakyono, Lassina Traoré, Teega-Wendé Clarisse Ouedraogo, Rogomenoma Alice Ouedraogo, Théodora M. Zohoncon, Albert Théophane Yonli, Alexis Yobi Sawadogo, Florencia W. Djigma, Jacques Simpore] [Involvement of p.R72P and PIN3 Ins16bp (TP53) polymorphisms and the I157T (CHEK2) mutation in breast cancer occurrence in Burkina Faso] "Asian Pac J Cancer Biol"
2023 [Théodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon; Abdou Azaque Zouré; Abdoul Karim Ouattara; Franck Bienvenu Zida; Marius Belemgnégré; Paul Ouédraogo; Jacques Simpore] [Prevalence and patterns of chromosomal abnormalities in patients suspected of genetic disorders: insights from a study in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] Mol Biol Rep,
2023 [Arnaud John Kombe Kombe, Samira Zoa Assoumou, Guy-Armel Bounda, Fleury-Augustin Nsole Biteghe, Tengchuan Jin, Abdou Azaque Zouré] [Advanced on etiopathological role and control of HPV in cervical cancer oncogenesis] Front. Biosci. (Landmark Ed), DOI:
2023 K. Dramane, I.T. Traore, A.S. Ouedraogo, T.S. Kagone, D. Nezien, T.A. Yonli, A.A. Zoure, C. Sawadogo, I. Bonkoungou, B.W. Bicaba, Z. Tarnagda, I. Sanou, B. Ouedraogo, S. Ouattara, N. Prada, N. Dubois, M. Altmann, Z. Yabre, E. D'Ortenzio, H. Hien…E. Seini.. [Surveillance des variants du SRAS-CoV-2 au Burkina Faso] Revue d'Épidémiologie et de Santé Publique. 101931.
2023 Bambara Hierrhum Aboubacar, Zoure Abdou Azaque, Zerbo Nina Assanatou Jumelle, Yameogo Prisca Emmanuelle Aida, Adico Marc Donald Wilfried, Odero-Marah Valérie (2023). [Epidemiological, Diagnostic, Therapeutic and Evolutionary Profile of Inflammatory Breast Cancer (IBC) in the Oncology-Hematology Service, Burkina Faso] "International Journal of Clinical Oncology and Cancer Research"
2023 [Zohoncon, T.M., Sawadogo, J., Zoure, A.A., Ouattara, A.K., Ouedraogo, M.N.L., Zongo, L., Ouedraogo, P., Djigma, F.W., Nadembèga, C.W.M., Kabore, R., Ouermi, D., Obiri-Yeboah, D. and Simpore, J.] [Gene therapy for Parkinson’s Disease and Ethical Challenges : A Systematic Review] Advances in Parkinson’s Disease, 12, 9-28.
2023 [Théodora M. Zohoncon, Joseph Sawadogo, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Marie N. L. Ouedraogo, Paul Ouedraogo, Florencia W. Djigma,Christelle W. M. Nadembèga, Raphael Kabore, Djénéba Ouermi, Dorcas Obiri-Yeboah,Jacques Simpore] [Presymptomatic Diagnosis and Gene Therapy for Alzheimer’s Disease: Genomic, Therapeutic, and Ethical Aspects—A Systematic Review] Advances in Alzheimer’s Disease, 2023, 12, 55-74.
2023 Zeye, Moutanou Modeste Judes; Millogo, Missa; Ouedraogo, Serge Yannick; Djigma, Florencia Wendkunni; Zoure, Abdou Azaque; Zeba, Moctar; Palenfo, Rachide; Dakio, Noe; Zaongo, Silvere D.; Zha, Lagabaiyila; Cai, Jifeng; SIMPORE, Jacques. [Forensic DNA database and criminal investigation in Burkina Faso: what does the public think?] Forensic Sciences Research, owad056,
2023 [Tialla D., Sondo I., Kiendrébéogo A., Sebou Dah J-B., Gobré A., Kaboré J., Sandwidi G.] [Toxoplasmose dans la zone périurbaine de Ouagadougou au Burkina Faso: séroprévalence chez les vaches laitières, connaissance et comportements à risque de transmission zoonotique de cette zoonose chez les bouviers.] [Epidémiologie et santé animale]
2023 [Tialla D., Ouedraogo L.D., Kiendrebeogo A., Sebou Dah J-B.] [Séroprévalence de la brucellose bovine dans la Commune de Ziniaré au Burkina Faso.] [Revue Africaine de Santé et de Productions Animales]
2023 [Tialla D., Darga K., Kiendrebeogo A., Sebou Dah J-B.] [Séroprévalence de la brucellose chez les petits ruminants de la Commune de Ziniaré au Burkina Faso.] [Revue Science et technique, Sciences de la Santé]
2023 [Tea M.A., Soromou L.W., Tialla D., Moussa F.M.] [Causes of Abortions Occurring in Red Goats from Maradi, Tessaoua and Madarounfa-Niger.] [Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development]
2023 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Herve Ky, Sylvie Zida, Dezemon Zingué, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Tani Sagna, Charlemagne Dabiré, Dinanibè Kambiré, Dramane Zongo, Albert Théophane Yonli, Abdoul Rahamani Nikiema, Désiré Nezien, Gnintassa Cyrille Bansé, Brice Wilfried Bicaba, Sophie Perier, Charles Sawadogo, Zakariya Yabre and Lassana Sangare] [Evaluation of ten (10) SARS-CoV-2 rapid serological tests in comparison with WANTAI SARS-CoV-2 ab ELISA in Burkina Faso, West Africa] [BMC Virology Journal
2023 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Pascal Nabia, Kadari Cisse, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Danielle Belemsaga Yugbare, Sylvie Zida, Eric Arnaud Diendere, Tani Sagna] [Correlation between clinical symptomatology and RT-PCR results in the diagnosis of COVID-19: An analysis using routine data in Burkina Faso] [IP International Journal of Medical Microbiology and Tropical Diseases, Print ISSN: 2581-4753, Online ISSN: 2581-4761]
2023 [Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Isidore Sawadogo, Lassina Traore, Tani Sagna, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, and Jacques Simpore [APOBEC3G Polymorphisms and Implications for a Population with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus in Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Microbiology Volume 2023, Article ID 8279500, 5 pages
2023 Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Kalifou Traore, Nômawendé Ines Compaore, Lassina Traore, Sylvie Zida, Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Dinanibe Kambire, Jean Claude R. P. Ouedraogo, Aminata Dickel Sidibe, Yasmine Astrid Sana, Tani Sagna, Wendkuuni Florencia Djigma, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Jacques Simpore [Helicobacter pylori Virulence Genes cagA, babA2, and vacA Detection in Dyspeptic Patients from Burkina Faso] American Journal of Molecular Biology.,
2023 [Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Gilles Ismael Tiendrebeogo, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Sylvie Zida, Tani Sagna, Charlemagne Dabire, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Abdoul Rahamani Nikiema, Charles Sawadogo, Sophie Perier, Zakariya Yabre, Lassana Sangare] [Assessment of two rapid antigen tests to detect SARS-CoV-2 in laboratory setting in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [International Journal of Virology, 2023, Vol: 19, Issue: 1 | Page: 6-12]
2023 [Abdou Azaque Zoure, Henri Ouedraogo, Serge Soubeiga, Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Zida Zida, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Dezemon Zingue, Charlemagne Dabiré, Alidou Kagambega, Charles Sawadogo, Zakaria Yabré, Tani Sagna, Lassana Sangaré] [Performance assessment of StandardTM Q COVID-19 Ag Test in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso] [Microbes and Infectious Diseases 2023; 4(3): 713-723]
2023 [Sylvie Zida, Dramane Kania, Karine Bollore, Ousseni Bandaogo, Amandine Pisoni, Amadou Dicko, Bachirou Tinto, Jacques Traore, Philippe Van de Perre, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, and Edouard Tuaillon [Leptospirosis Cases among Outpatients with Non-Malaria Fever Attending Primary Care Clinics during the Rainy Season in Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso] [American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.,
2023 Sylvie Zida , Kadari Cissé, Odette Ky-Zerbo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Simon Tiendrebéogo, Fatou Sissoko, Issa Sory, Célestine Ki-Toé, Solange Dioma, Djeneba Zorom, Adama Ouédraogo, Koudpinga Gaston Kaboré, Ismael Diallo, Seni Kouanda and Henri Gautier Ouédraogo [Sero-épidemiology of HIV and Syphilis and Associated Factors among Drug Users in Burkina Faso, West Africa] "International Journal of Virology, "
2023 Sylvie Zida, Henri Gautier Ouédraogo, Oumarou Ouédraogo, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Tegwindé Rebeca Compaoré, Tani Sagna, Dinanibè Kambiré , Sanhitouo Charlemagne Dabiré, Dramane Zongo, Amadou Dicko and Seni Kouanda [Seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies among Slaughterhouse workers in Burkina Faso] "International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, ISSN: 2319-7706"
2023 Salam Sawadogo, Koumpingnin Nebie, Catherine Traore, Abdoul-Guayini Sawadogo, Donatien Kima, Malick Nabaloum, Eric Arnaud Diendéré, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Eléonore Kafando, Yéri Esther Hien [Séroprévalence des anticorps anti-SARS-CoV2 chez les drépanocytaires du Burkina Faso] "Rev Tun Biol Clin, "
2023 Yolande A. K. TOE, Léa PARE Et Patrice TOE [Nuisance des moustiques et qualité de vie des populations dans la zone rizicole de Banzon et à Bana dans l’Ouest du Burkina Faso] Sciences et Techniques, Série Lettres, Sciences humaines et sociales ISSN 1011-6028
2023 Huguette D.Tjenou, Lea Pare/Toe Lea, Ky Anselme, Toe Patrice [Stratégies de résiliences des populations a l’épreuve de l’épidémie de la covid-19 dans le village de kimini (Burkina Faso)] Annales – nouvelle série, vol 35
2024 Dame Yenyetou, Emmanuel Zongo, Emilie Dama, Merci Muhigwa, Issouf Sanou, Charles Sawadogo, Soumaya Ouangraoua, Ibrahim Sangare, Abdoulaye Nikiema, Anicet G. Dahourou, Abdoul S. Ouedraogo Sentinel laboratory compliance with best practices in Burkina Faso’s antimicrobial resistance surveillance network "African Journal of Laboratory Medicine"
2024 Nitiema Mathieu, Belemnaba Lazare, Ouedraogo Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian, Belemlilga Bonewendé Mohamed, Ouedraogo Salfo, Koala Moumouni, Traore Aristide, Ahounou/Aïkpe Judith Fifamin, Ouedraogo Noufou, Kini Bondo Félix and Ouedraogo Sylvin. Phytochemical Profile, Acute Toxicity, Antioxidant and Anti-inflammatory Activity of Hydroethanolic Extracts from Odontonema strictum (Nees) Kuntze (Acanthaceae) Root and Stem "European Journal of Medicinal Plants DOI: 10.9734/ejmp/2024/v35i11175 "
2024 Abdoudramane Sanou, Kiessoun Konaté, Lazare Belemnaba, Hemayoro Sama, Kabakdé Kaboré, Roger Dakuyo, Mathieu Nitiéma and Mamoudou Hama Dicko. In Vivo Diuretic Activity and Anti-Hypertensive Potential of Hibiscus sabdariffa Extract by Inhibition of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme and Hypertension Precursor Enzymes. " Foods DOI: 10.3390/foods13040534"
2024 Soubeiga, S.T., Yonli, A.T., Nantchouang, A.M. and Simpore, J. "Seroprevalence of HBV and HCV among People Living with HIV in Burkina Faso and Diagnostic Performance of HIV/HCV/HBsAg Combined Rapid Test in Comparison with Architect Assays." "Open Journal of Medical Microbiology"
2024 "Serge Theophile Soubeiga, Theodora Mahoukèdè Zohoncon, Jean-Jacques Prince Yangalbe Jianserbe and Jacques Simpore" "Trends in HIV Prevalence Among Pregnant Women and Children Under 18 Months of Age from 2019 to 2022 at Hospital Saint Camille in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso" "International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences"
2024 Boubacar SAVADOGO, Hermann Biènou LANOU, Diane Célestine VALEA, Chaerles PARKOUDA Détermination de la teneur en α-tocophérol avant et après séchage de la spiruline produite au Burkibna Faso Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences
2024 "Charles W. Yaméogo, Marcel D. Bengaly, Boubacar Savadogo, Aly Savadogo, Phylippe A. Nikiéma, and Alfred S. Traoré" "Assessment of Moringa oleifera growth and biomass production in Burkina Faso " Journal of Chemical, Biological and Physical Sciences
2024 Charles W. Yaméogo, Boubacar Savadogo, Charles Parkouda DETERMINATION OF NUTRITIONAL VALUES OF TWO EDIBLES VEGETABLES LEAVES FROM BURKINA Journal of Bio Innovation
2024 "Bernard M. Somé, Edwige Guissou, Dari F. Da, Quentin Richard, Marc Choisy, Koudraogo B. Yameogo, Domombabele FdS. Hien, Rakiswende S. Yerbanga, Georges A. Ouedraogo, Kounbobr R. Dabiré, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Anna Cohuet and Thierry Lefèvre" "Mosquito ageing modulates the development, virulence and transmission potential of pathogens" "PROCEEDINGS B"
2024 "Koudraogo Bienvenue Yaméogo, Sassan Simplice Kambou, Domonbabélé François de Sales Hien, Logotio Rachel Angela Traore, Franck Adama Yao, Rakiswendé Serge Yerbanga" Case Study for Undetermined Mosquito Species by Polymerase Chain Reaction in Western Burkina Faso "American Journal of Molecular Biology / Scientific Rechearch Publishing DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2024.142004"
2024 Prisca S. L. Paré, Domonbabele F. D. S. Hien, Mariam Youba, Rakiswendé S. Yerbanga, Anna Cohuet, Louis-Clément Gouagna, Abdoulaye Diabaté, Rickard Ignell, Roch K. Dabiré, Olivier Gnankiné, Thierry Lefèvre The paradox of plant preference: The malaria vectors Anopheles gambiae and Anopheles coluzzii select suboptimal food sources for their survival and reproduction "Ecologie and Evolution DOI: 10.1002/ece3.11187 "
2024 Dongjing Zhang , Hamidou Maiga, Yongjun Li, Mame Thierno Bakhoum , Gang Wang1, Yan Sun, David Damiens, Wadaka Mamai, Nanwintoum Séverin Bimbilé Somda, Thomas Wallner, Odet Bueno-Masso, ClaudiaMartina, Simran Singh Kotla, Hanano Yamada, Deng Lu, Cheong Huat Tan, JiatianGuo, Qingdeng Feng, Junyan Zhang, Xufei Zhao, Dilinuer Paerhande, Wenjie Pan, YuWu, Xiaoying Zheng, ZhongdaoWu, Zhiyong Xi, Marc J. B. Vreysen & Jérémy Bouye "Mating harassment may boost the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique for Aedes mosquitoes" "Nature communications"
2024 Maria Vittoria Mancini1, Shivan M. Murdochy, Etienne Bilgo, Thomas H. Ant, Daniel Gingell, Edounou Jacques Gnambani, Anna-Bella Failloux, Abdoulaye Diabate, Steven P. Sinkins Wolbachia strain wAlbB shows favourable characteristics for dengue control use in Aedes aegypti from Burkina Faso "Environmental microbiology"
2024 Romaric Akoton,  Simon P. Sawadogo,  Eric Tossou,  Achille S Nikiema,  Genevieve Tchigossou,  Pierre M Sovegnon, Luc Djogbenou, Francis Zeukeng, Frances M Hawkes, Rock K Dabire, Rousseau Djouaka, Gabriella Gibson Using artificial odors to optimize attractiveness of host decoy traps to malaria vectors  "JOURNAL OF MEDICAL ENTOMOLOGY"
2024 Koudraogo Bienvenue Yaméogo, Domonbabélé François de SalesHien, Simplice Kambou , Logotio Rachel Angela Traore, Franck Adama Yao Rakiswendé Serge Yerbanga Case study for undetermined mosquito species by polymerase chain reaction in western "American Journal of Molecular Biology DOI: 10.4236/ajmb.2024.142004"
2024 "Koudraogo Bienvenue Y, Akoua E, Franck Adama Y, Rakiswendé SergeY " "Facteurs Influençant l’Utilisation des Tests de Diagnostic Rapides du Paludisme dans les Analyses Moléculaires au Burkina Faso" "Health Sciences and Disease "
2024 Nicaise D. C. Djègbè, Dari F. Da, Bernard M. Somé, Lawata Inès G. Paré Fatoumata Cissé, Wadaka Mamai, Karine Mouline, Simon P. Sawadogo, Joseph D. Challenger, Thomas S. Churcher and Roch K. Dabiré Anopheles aquatic development kinetic and adults’ longevity through different seasons in laboratory and semi-field conditions in Burkina Faso "Parasites and Vectors 10.1186/s13071-024-06260-2"
2024 Bernard M. Somé, Edwige Guissou, Dari F. Da, Quentin Richard, Marc Choisy, Koudraogo B. Yameogo, Domombabele FdS. Hien, Rakiswende S. Yerbanga, Georges A. Ouedraogo, Kounbobr R. Dabiré, Ramsès Djidjou-Demasse, Anna Cohuet and Thierry Lefèvre Mosquito ageing modulates the development, virulence and transmission potential of pathogens "Proceedings of the Royal Society B 10.1098/rspb.2023.2097"
2024 Koita K, Bognini JD, Agboraw E, Dembélé M, Yabré S, Bihoun B, Coulibaly O, Niangaly H, N'Takpé JB, Lesosky M, Scaramuzzi D, Worrall E, Hill J, Briand V, Tinto H, Kayentao K. (2024)  Increasing the uptake of intermittent preventive treatment of malaria in pregnancy using sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine (IPTp-SP) through seasonal malaria chemoprevention channel delivery: protocol of a multicenter cluster randomized implementation trial in Mali and Burkina Faso.  "BMC Public Health doi: 10.1186/s12889-023-17529-z    "
2024 Ouoba J, Lankoandé-Haro S, Fofana S, Nacoulma AP, Kaboré L, Sombié I, Rouamba T, Kirakoya-Samadoulougou F. (2024).  Surveillance des effets indésirables lors des campagnes de la chimioprévention du paludisme saisonnier chez les enfants de 3-59 mois au Burkina Faso.  "Santé Publique doi: 10.3917/spub.235.0121  "
2024 Dicko A, Ouedraogo JB, Zongo I, Sagara I, Cairns M, Yerbanga RS, Issiaka D, Zoungrana C, Sidibe Y, Tapily A, Nikièma F, Sompougdou F, Sanogo K, Kaya M, Yalcouye H, Dicko OM, Diarra M, Diarra K, Thera I, Haro A, Sienou AA, Traore S, Mahamar A, Dolo A, Kuepfer I, Snell P, Grant J, Webster J, Milligan P, Lee C, Ockenhouse C, Ofori-Anyinam O, Tinto H, Djimde A, Chandramohan D, Greenwood B. (2024).  Seasonal vaccination with RTS,S/AS01E vaccine with or without seasonal malaria chemoprevention in children up to the age of 5 years in Burkina Faso and Mali: a double-blind, randomised, controlled, phase 3 trial.  "Lancet Infectious Diseases doi: 10.1016/S1473-3099(23)00368-7   "
2024 Garba Z, Kaboré B, Bonkoungou IJO, Natama MH, Rouamba T, Haukka K, Kirveskari JP, Tinto H, Sangaré L, Barro N, Kantele A. (2024). Phenotypic detection of carbapenemase and AmpC-β-lactamase production among extended spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp. isolated from clinical specimens. "Antibiotics (Basel). doi: 10.3390/antibiotics13010031    "
2024 CABU-EICO consortium (2024).  Evaluating the effect of a behavioural intervention bundle on antibiotic use, quality of care, and household transmission of resistant Enterobacteriaceae in intervention versus control clusters in rural Burkina Faso and DR Congo (CABU-EICO).  "Trials doi: 10.1186/s13063-023-07856-2   "
2024 Lingani M, Zango SH, Valéa I, Samadoulougou S, Sanou MA, Sorgho H, Sawadogo E, Dramaix M, Donnen P, Annie R, Tinto H. (2024). Prevalence and determinants of anaemia among pregnant women in a high malaria transmission setting: a cross-sectional study in rural Burkina Faso.  "Pan African Medical Journal doi: 10.11604/pamj.2024.47.2.40612  "
2024 Datoo MS, Dicko A, Tinto H, Ouédraogo JB, Hamaluba M, Olotu A, Beaumont E, Ramos Lopez F, Natama HM, Weston S, Chemba M, Compaore YD, Issiaka D, Salou D, Some AM, Omenda S, Lawrie A, Bejon P, Rao H, Chandramohan D, Roberts R, Bharati S, Stockdale L, Gairola S, Greenwood BM, Ewer KJ, Bradley J, Kulkarni PS, Shaligram U, Hill AVS; R21/Matrix-M Phase 3 Trial Group. (2024). Safety and efficacy of malaria vaccine candidate R21/Matrix-M in African children: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial.  "Lancet  doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02511-4 "
2024 Twesigomwe D, Drögemöller BI, Wright GEB, Adebamowo C, Agongo G, Boua PR, Matshaba M, Paximadis M, Ramsay M, Simo G, Simuunza MC, Tiemessen CT, Lombard Z, Hazelhurst S. (2024).  Characterisation of CYP2B6 and CYP2A6 pharmacogenetic variation in sub-Saharan African populations.  "Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics doi: 10.1002/cpt.3124"
2024 Lingani M, Cissé A, Ilboudo AK, Yaméogo I, Tarnagada Z. (2024). Patterns of non-influenza respiratory viruses among severe acute respiratory infection cases in Burkina Faso: A Surveillance study.  "Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses doi: 10.1111/irv.13271  "
2024 Lompo P., Heroes A-S., Ouédraogo K., Okitale P., Wakpo A., Kalema J., Lunguya O., Tinto H., Affolabi D., Sangaré L., Jacobs J. Knowledge, awareness, and risk practices related to bacterial contamination of antiseptics, disinfectants, and hand hygiene products among healthcare workers in sub-saharan Africa: a cross-sectional survey in three tertiary care hospitals (Benin, Burkina Faso, and DR Congo). "Antimicrobial Resistance & Infection doi: 10.1186/s13756-024-01396-3"
2024 Nora Schmit, Hillary M Topazian, H Magloire Natama, Duncan Bellamy, Ousmane Traoré, M Athanase Somé, Toussaint Rouamba, Marc Christian Tahita, Massa dit Achille Bonko, Aboubakary Sourabié, Hermann Sorgho, Lisa Stockdale, Samuel Provstgaard-Morys, Jeremy Aboagye, Danielle Woods, Katerina Rapi, Mehreen S Datoo, Fernando Ramos Lopez, Giovanni D Charles, Kelly McCain, Jean-Bosco Ouedraogo, Mainga Hamaluba, Ally Olotu, Alassane Dicko, Halidou Tinto, Adrian V S Hill, Katie J Ewer, Azra C Ghani, Peter Winskill. The public health impact and cost-effectiveness of the R21/Matrix-M malaria vaccine: a mathematical modelling study. "The lancet infectious Diseases S1473-3099(23)00816-2 "
2024 Peter J. Neyer, Bérenger Kaboré, Christos T. Nakas, Salou Diallo, Halidou Tinto,Annelies Post, Andre J. van der Ven, Andreas R. Huber, Carlo R. Largiadèr,Angelika Hammerer-Lercher Increased erythroferrone levels in malarial anaemia "Br J Haematol."
2024 ADICO Marc Donald Wilfried, BAYALA Bagora, ZOURE Abdou Azaque, BAZIE Jean Telesphore Valerie, TRAORE Lassina, NOBOA Julio Buñay, YONLI Albert Theophane, DJIGMA Florencia, BAMBARA Hierrhum Aboubacar, SIMPORE Jacques et LOBACCARO Jean-Marc. In vitro activities and mechanisms of action of anti-cancer molecules from African medicinal plants: a systematic review. "American Journal of Cancer Research"
2024 Moutanou Modeste Judes ZEYE, Serge Yannick Ouedraogo, Prosper Bado, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Xiang Wu, Jacques Simpore. Forensic autosomal and gonosomal short tandem repeat marker database for populations in Burkina Faso", " Scientific Reports"
2024 Traoré N, Singhal T, Millogo O, Sié A, Utzinger J, Vounatsou P Relative effects of climate factors and malaria control interventions on changes of parasitaemia risk in Burkina Faso from 2014 to 2017/2018 "BMC Infectious Diseases"
2024 Joseph W. Jatta, Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwinde Ouedraogo Knowledge and attitudes of antenatalmothers towards intimate partner violence inthe Gambia: A cross-sectional study "PLOS Global Public Health/PLOS ONE"
2024 Jean Claude Romaric Pingdwindé Ouédraogo, Sylvain Ilboudo, Tegwindé Rebeca Compaoré, Prosper Bado, Mathieu Nitiéma, Wendlasida Thomas Ouédraogo, Salfo Ouédraogo, Mohamadi Zeba, Alix Tougma, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Noufou Ouédraogo, Sylvin Ouédraogo & Léon Gueswendé Blaise Savadogo Determinants and prevalence of symptomatic dengue fever among adults in the Central Region of Burkina Faso: a hospital-based cross-sectional study "BMC Infectious Diseases  10.1186/s12879-023-08932-3"
2024 "2. Datoo MS, Dicko A, Tinto H, Ouédraogo JB, Hamaluba M, Olotu A, Beaumont E, Lopez FR, Natama HM, Weston S, Chemba M, Compaore YD, Issiaka D, Salou D et al. " Safety and efficacy of malaria vaccine candidate R21/Matrix-M in African children: a multicentre, double-blind, randomised, phase 3 trial "The Lancet Journal"
2024 "Issaka Zongo & Yves Daniel Compaoré" Seasonal malaria chemoprevention: drug design and selection "The Lancet Global Health"
2024 Robert J. Zupko,Joseph L. Servadio , Tran Dang Nguyen , Thu Nguyen-Anh Tran , Kien Trung Tran , Anyirékun Fabrice Somé and Maciej F. Boni Role of seasonal importation and genetic drift on selection for drug-resistant genotypes of Plasmodium falciparum in high-transmission settings "Journal of the Royal Society Interface  doi: 10.1098/rsif.2023.0619"
2024 A. Fabrice Somé , Melissa D. Conrad , Zachari Kabré, Aminata Fofana, R. Serge Yerbanga, Thomas Bazié, Catherine Neya, Myreille Somé, Tegawinde Josue Kagambega, Jenny Legac, Shreeya Garg, Jeffrey A. Bailey, Jean-Bosco Ouédraogo, Philip J. Rosenthal ,Roland A. Cooper  Ex vivo drug susceptibility and resistance mediating genetic polymorphisms of Plasmodium falciparum in Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso "Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy doi: 10.1128/aac.01534-23"
2024 Mohamed Bonewendé Belemlilga, Félicité Moyenga, Abdoul Gilchrist Laurent Boly, Hippolyte Ouédraogo, Souleymane Compaoré, Jules Yoda, Estelle Noëla Hoho Youl, Félix Bondo Kini, Sylvin Ouédraogo, Aristide Traoré Phytochemical and in vitro anthelmintic properties of mesocarp of fruit extracts from Balanites aegyptiaca (L.) Delile (Zygophyllaceae) "Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology"
2024 Zhang D, Maiga H, Li Y, Bakhoum MT, Wang G, Sun Y, Damiens D, Mamai W, Bimbilé Somda NS, Wallner T, Bueno-Masso O, Martina C, Kotla SS, Yamada H, Lu D, Tan CH, Guo J, Feng Q, Zhang J, Zhao X, Paerhande D, Pan W, Wu Y, Zheng X, Wu Z, Xi Z, Vreysen MJB, Bouyer J.  Mating harassment may boost the effectiveness of the sterile insect technique for Aedes mosquitoes.  "Nature communication 10.1038/s41467-024-46268-x"
2024 Kadidiatou Kadio, Antarou Ly, Adidjata Ouédraogo, Mohamed Ali Ag Ahmed, Sanni Yaya & Marie-Pierre Gagnon (2024) Implementation of lockdown, quarantine, and isolation measures in the context of COVID-19 among internally displaced persons in Burkina Faso: a qualitative study " BMC Conflict and Health (nom de la revue). BioMed Central (BMC) "
2024 Kadidiatou Kadio, Veronique Filippi, Mariam Congo, Fiona Scorgie, Nathalie Roos , Adélaïde Lusambili, Britt Nakstad, Sari Kovats ,Seni Kouanda Extreme heat, pregnancy, and women's wellbeing in Burkina Faso: an ethnographic study "BMJ Global Health (nom de la revue). The British Medical Journal (BMJ) "
2024 Adelaide Lusambili, Sari Kovats, Britt Nakstad, Veronique Filippi, Peter Khaemba, Nathalie Roos, Cherie Part, Stanley Luchters, Matthew Chersich, Jeremy Hess, Kadidiatou Kadio & Fiona Scorgie Too Hot To Thrive: Community perspectives on the effect of high ambient temperature on postpartum women and neonates in Kilifi, Kenya "BMC Pediatrics (Nom de la revue) BioMed Central (BMC) "
2024 Marta Moreno, Aissata Barry, Markus Gmeiner, Jean Baptist Yaro, Samuel S Sermé, Isabel Byrne, Jordache Ramjith, Alphonse Ouedraogo, Issiaka Soulama, Lynn Grignard, Seyi Soremekun, Simon Koele, Rob ter Heine, Amidou Z Ouedraogo, Jean Sawadogo, Edith Sanogo, Issa N Ouedraogo, Denise Hien, Sodiomon Bienvenu Sirima, John Bradley, Teun Bousema, Chris Drakeley, Alfred B Tiono Understanding and maximising the community impact of seasonal malaria chemoprevention in Burkina Faso (INDIE-SMC): study protocol for a cluster randomised evaluation trial "BMJ Open/BMJ Group doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-081682"
2024 Zida A, Tchekounou C, Soulama I, Zongo C, Sombié S, Nikiema S, Yanogo NJ, Sawadogo S, Kaboré FCA, Zoure OAZD, Sawadogo H, Sawadogo PM, Tibiri YNG, Guiguemde KT, Ily RP, Ouedraogo-Traoré R, Ouedraogo Y, Savadogo A. Characterization of Plasmodium Falciparum Resistance Genes to Common Antimalarial Drugs in Semi-urban Areas of Burkina Faso "Acta Parasitologica/Springer doi: 10.1007/s11686-024-00826-x. "
2024 Boukaré Ouedraogo, Bagora Bayala, Boukaré Kaboré, Pengdwendé Fabienne Ingrid Zongo, Estelle Ouedraogo, Liz Laetitia Coulibaly, Marc Donald Wilfried Adico, Florencia Wendkuuni Djigma, Albert Yonli, Moumouni Koala, Jacques Simpore Antioxidant and cytotoxic properties of Combretum paniculatum and Fadogia agrestis extracts on prostate and cervical cancers cell lines "International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences/International Formulae Group 10.4314/ijbcs.v17i6.2"
2024 Yougoubo Abdoulaye,  Dabiré Constantin M.,  Sore Harouna,  Bationo K. Remy,  Ganame Arouna,  Sawadogo Assétou, Roamba Noëlle Edwige,  Bazié Benjamin,  Kabore S. Dominique,  Koala Moumouni,  Palé Eloi,  Nebie C. H. Roger,  Nacro Mouhoussine Total Alkaloid content and In vitro Antiplasmodial activity of Grangea maderaspatana collected from Burkina Faso "Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry/Asian Journal of Research in Chemistry 10.52711/0974-4150.2024.00006"
2024 Wendkouni Leila Marie Esther Belem-Kabré, Ollo Da, Ernest Nogma Sombié, Raïnatou Boly, Geoffroy Gueswindé Ouédraogo, Windingoudi Rimwagna Christian Ouédraogo, Zakaline Yabré, Jean Noel Dado Koussé, Lazare Belemnaba, Assita Lamien-Sanou, Noufou Ouédraogo Therapeutic effect of aqueous extract from Ampelocissus africana (Lour) Merr rhizomes on testosterone-induced benign prostatic hyperplasia in Wistar rats "Journal of Herbmed Pharmacology doi: 10.34172/jhp.2024.42388"
2024 Salfo Ouédraogo, Tata Kadiatou Traoré, Ishola Taofick, Benjamin Ouédraogo, Boly Abdoul Laurent Gilchrist, Belemenaba Lazare, Sylvin Ouédraogo, Rasmané Semdé Optimization of extraction and lyophilization conditions of Feretia apodanthera (Rubiaceae) leaf powders for galenic formulation "Journal of Drug Delivery and Therapeutics"
2024 "I. Tondé, D. Kambiré, A. Ky-Ba, D. C. Drabo, M. T. Gampiné. Tranchot-Diallo, H. Savadogo, M. Tamboura, M. Kam, M. Sanou, A. S. Ouédraogo, I. Sanou, L. Sangaré and R. Ouédraogo-Traoré" Circulating Serotypes of Group A Rotavirus Identified in the Faeces of Children Aged 0-56 Months with Gastroenteritis "Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases 10.9734/AJRID/2024/v15i1320"
2024 Merci Muhigwa, Dinanibé Kambriré, Herman Karim Sombié, Fernand Michodigni, Ruth Anagossi, Nina Gouba and Abdoul Salam Ouédraogo "Antibiotic resistance profile of Escherichia coli isolates among patients suspected of urinary tract infections at the Souro Sanou University Hospital Centre of Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso" "African Journal of Microbiology Research 10.5897/AJMR2023.9706"
2024 Kambiré Dinanibè, Ouédraogo Oumarou, Doho Ulrich1, Tondé Issa, Zouré Abdou-Azaque, Tamboura Mamadou, Kpoda Dissinviel Stéphane, Compaoré T. Rebeca, Zida Sylvie, Sagna Tani, Soubeiga Serges Théophile, Sangaré Lassana, Ouédraogo Henri Gautier, Ouédraogo/Traoré Rasmata, Sanou Mahamoudou Dengue Fever Seroprevalence among Children Aged 0-5 Years at Paediatric University Hospital, Ouagadougou "Annals of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases"
2024 AMADOU H.I., YODA H., TIALLA D., YANOGO P.K., BARRY D., IBRAHIM M.L., ABOUBACAR S., SOULEY A.S.Y., OUSMANE A., MEDA N., Factors associated with COVID-19 in children aged 0 to 15 in Niger, 2020 Pan African Medical Journal
2024 ILBOUDO A.K., CISSE A., MILUCKY J., TIALLA D., MIRZA S.A., DIALLO A.O., BICABA B.W., KONDOMBO J.C., DIAGBOUGA P.S., OWUSU D., WALLER J.L., TALLA-NZUSSOUO N., CHARLES M.D., WHITNEY C.G., TARNAGDA Z Predictors of severity and prolonged hospital stay of viral acute respiratory infections (ARI) among children under five years in Burkina Faso, 2016-2019 "BMC Infectious Diseases"
2024 Tegwinde Rebeca Compaoré, Regma Kaboré, Abdou Azaque Zouré, Lenli Lompo, Dinanibè Kambiré, Oumarou Ouedraogo, Tani Sagna, Sylvie Zida, Serge Théophile Soubeiga, Charlemagne Dabiré, Alidou Kagambeiga, Abdoul Rahamani Nikiema, San Ny Anou Stéphane Somé, Charles Sawadogo, Moussa Namountougou and Henri Gautier Ouedraogo Evaluation of the STANDARD™ M10 SARS-CoV-2 Test (SD Biosensor) as a Molecular Diagnostic Tool for COVID-19 in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso "American Journal of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / Academic Journals 10.3923/ajbmb.2024.1.9"
2024 Tegwinde Rebeca Compaore, Abdoul Karim Ouattara, Adama Baguiya, Lassina Traore, Abdou Azaque Zoure, Henri Gautier Ouedraogo, Seni Kouanda, Jacques Simpore APOBEC3G Role on HIV Infection in Africa: A Systematic Review "American Journal of Molecular Biology/ Scientific Research Publishing 10.4236/ajmb.2024.141003"


Plusieurs domaines prioritaires de recherche ont ainsi été identifiés :

* Maladies transmissibles, non transmissibles ;

* Environnement et la santé ;

* Pharmacie, le laboratoire et les produits biologiques ;

* Gestion du système des soins ;

* Santé de la reproduction

* Médecine Traditionnelle et ethnomédecine

L’IRSS a orienté ses activités sur ces priorités nationales

Département Biomédicale Santé publique (BIOMED/SP)

Département Médecine Traditionnelle, Pharmacopée/Pharmacie (MEPHATRA/PH)


Programmes de Recherche sur les priorités nationales

Programme 1 : Paludisme et vecteurs;

Programme 2 : Maladies bactériennes et virales à potentiel épidémique, maladies infectieuses émergentes et zoonoses ;

Programme 3 : Nutrition ;

Programme 4 : Maladies non transmissibles / héréditaires ;

Programme 5 : Santé de la reproduction, Santé de la mère et de l’enfant ;

Programme 6 : Systèmes de santé, offre de soins, accès aux soins ;

Programme 7 : Environnement, changements climatiques et santé ;

Programme 8 : Médecine Traditionnelle et Ethnomédecine ;

Programme 9 : Recherches en Toxicologie et Ecotoxicologie.


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L’IRSS développe un partenariat dynamique et mutuellement fructueux avec les organisations au niveau national, sous-régional et international.

Au niveau national

    L’IRSS entretient des rapports de collaboration avec :

    * le Ministère de la Santé (MS);

    * le Ministère des ressources animales et halieutiques (MRAH);

    * le Ministère de l'éducation nationale, de l'alphabétisation et de la promotion des langues nationales (MENAPLN);

    * le Ministère de l'économie, des finances et du développement (MINEFID)

    * le Fonds national de la recherche pour le développement (FONRID);

    * les Universités publiques et privées au Burkina Faso;

    * les Grandes Ecoles au Burkina Faso;

    * le Secteur privé.

Au niveau sous-régional et international

Les partenaires sont : IRD, CIRAD, CIRDES, 2IE, les pays de l’UEMOA et de l’OOAS, UEMOA, OMS, UNFPA, UNESCO, Banque Mondiale, USAID, CDC, MRC, AIEA, FAO, UNICEF, la France, la Belgique, les USA, le Luxembourg, le Danemark, les Pays-Bas, le Japon, la Chine, la Suède, le Brésil, UK



La « Revue Science et Technique, Série Sciences de la Santé » est une revue Burkinabè du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et Technologique (CNRST). Elle publie les résultats de recherche dans les disciplines cliniques (pédiatrie, traumatologie, hépato-entéro-gastrologie, cardiologie, gynécologie, etc.), santé publique, épidémiologie, nutrition, pharmacie, pharmacopée, biologie, biochimie, pharmacologie, toxicologie, microbiologie, parasitologie, médecine vétérinaire etc. Elle est semestrielle (02 numéro par an) et est ouverte à tous les scientifiques s'intéressant aux domaines ci-dessus cités. Elle est indexée sur African Index Medicus (AIM) (Revue Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé - African Index Medicus ( et dans le catalogue NLM (Science et technique. Sciences de la santé : revue burkinabè de la recherche. - NLM Catalog - NCBI ( ). Elle est membre de AJOL ( Science et Technique, Sciences de la Santé ( depuis 2016. Elle est en accès libre et une soumission en ligne est disponible. Pour plus d’information veuillez suivre le lien suivant: Sciences de la Santé (



Contact de l'IRSS

Scseries : Institut de Recherche en Sciences de la Sante (IRSS)


Ce personnel comprend les agents du service financier, le secretariat et d'autres agents de maintien


La direction a Ouagadougou comporte les départements de BIOMED et MEFATRA


Les chercheurs résidents à Bobo-Dioulasso sont tous du departement BIOMED



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James Matman Chief Sandwich Eater
The Tick Crimefighter Sorta
Jokey Smurf Giving Exploding Presents
Cindy Beyler Sales Representative
Captain Cool Tree Crusher